t ? I jfc- ====*fif Xocal flews | NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS ! Ob the first Saturday of each |; month our subscription list* are cor-' rected. All parties in arrears are! dropped. A good many subscribers1 whose subscriptions are expiring this; . month hare not yet renewed. They; are urged to mail checks or to call1 f and renew their subscriptions before next Saturday. ' i Ool. Longshore is home again afy ter a trip to Winnsbopo. J Dr. J. S. Moffatt, of Due ~ West, is a visitor in the city today. ;, i Mr. J. F. Gibert was in from; Calhoun Palls Tuesday on business. '1 i ?? j Misses Maud and Kate Pettigrew were in town from Bethia Tuesday i shopping. i * Mrs. F. E. Hogan, of Watts, braved the hot weather and came < to town Tuesday. ;< Dr. Power is quit* well again and ] is out on his usual rounds getting other people well. i< Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carwile and^ Miss Lora Temple were visitors in'. town Tuesday. 17 i v Miss Cleo Bailey and Mr. James] Dusenfoerry were Anderson visitors , in the city Sunday. ! j I Mrs. James Shelly has returned , to Abbeville after a visit to her par-j ents in Frahklin, N. C. | | ( ? - M t-I % I m Allen Edwards is nere irom tage- j . field making his annual visit to his' ( N cousin, Claude Garner ell. U I1 Rayford McMillan is in Campo-i bello this week spending the time I with his friend, John Jackson. Mts. James Darraeott spent the j' week-end in Calhoun Falls with her i parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Man- ] ning. 1 H Mrs. John Dees has returned to her home at Pikesville, N. C., after a pleasant visit in the Warrenton section. , I, Mrs. Jules J. Huguelet is here , from Hamlet, N. C., and will spend several days with her daughter, Mrs. Joe Hughes, -a Preston Speed is a traveling j young man. He b just home from . Spartanburg" and Greenville which Itook him around by Fort Mill. Mrs. W. R. Hilton and children iwho have spent the past week in! McCormick with her father, Mr. C. C. Puller, returned home today. Mrs. D. E. Estes and children and; Mrs. R. N. Edmonds, of Parksville,!? * "returned home today after a pleas-, ant visit to Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Ed-J monds. Miss Caroline Reese has arrived! in Abbeville for the summerva<:a-' tion and will spend the time with! Mrs. Fuller Reese and Mrs. Bradley j Reese. , \ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gilmer and Miss Addie Gilmer are here from! Xsoxville, Tenn., and will spend! some time with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. I Mundy. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Townsend went J down to Bennettsville Friday and! spent oveT Sunday with Mr. Town- j ?end's parents. They returned to Ab- j beyille Monday morning. i Miss Gladys Edwards, one of. the j enthusiastic young workers in the. Methodist church, is in McCormick, j > where she is representing the Young' People's Missionanry Society at thel meeting which is being held there. : ? Miss Annie Bell, of Antreville, was in the city shopping today. Mrs. Broom and children are in Waxhaw, N. C.f visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hammond are here from Ware Shoals and arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilson. Dick Edwards of Aug-usta has been in the city making things lively around the home of his grandmother Mrs. Agnes Pennel. Mrs. B. F. Swetenburg and little Minnie Ella and Eugenia Swetenburg are in Newberry where they will visit :mong their friends. Miss Annie Belle Little left yesterday for Black Mountain where she will spend some time with her aunt, Mrs. J. D. Winn. Mrs. J. L. McMillan ,Miss Lula Power and Miss Mary Graydon spent Tuesday in Dysons. Miss Lula Power caugkt the big fish of the day. I Mr. and Mrs, tlohn Jackson and Mis? Margaret Jackson were here for the week-end the guests of Mrs. Leslie McMilan. They came from Campobello through the country. Miss Mary Grace Wilson is leaving this week for Georgetown where she has accepted a positoin as a stenographer and will take up her work at once. Miss Frances Rose and Joe Rose .vent to Monroe- this week for a day yr two. Mr. itose has most of his 'lay over" in Monroe and the young J folks were spending the time with irm "v / v Mrs. Cornelia Fant was in the :ity shopping Tuesday. Mrs. Fant is ?eventy-five years old and she takes i lively interest in things in Abfee/ille and in our stores. Mr. W. A. Lee is pushing work on ;he house at the Country Club and n a few weeks all the gaieties which jo with a country club will be in :ty!e in Abbeville. _r , ~T- i. !..* I * Little Miss Julia Knox Pennal, o.f 3reat Falls, arrived in Abbeville ruesday and will spend the balance )f the summer with her grandmoth >r, Mrs. Agnes 'Pennal on Washing ;on street. TO NEW YORK Miss Edna Bradley will leave rhursday for New York where she will take a special course at a B?ble Training school preparatory to taking up Y. W. C. A. work in the Fall. Her friends wish her success. CAMPING Torn Howie, Harold Tate and George Wood left town Monday for Rapley Shoals where they will try their hand at fishing, bathing and eating their own cooking. MAJOR *FULP.. Major J. D. Fulp was here from Columbia this week. He came in Monday to be on hand for the school bond election on Tuesday. The Major was pleased at the vote cast and the success of the bond issue. AN ABBEVILLE GIRL Mrs. J. E. Bailey passed through Abbeville Tuesday on her way to Athens where she will visit Mrs. W. E. Shehee for a day or two. Miss Lillian Shee has just graduated at G. N. and I. C.. at Milledgeville, taking high stand ana reflecting great credit ,on our town as la usual with people "born and raised" in Abbeville. A LIVELY DAY Tuesday was a lively day ampng the society folks of Abbeville and the down-trodden housekeepers barely had time to give their husbands dinner between card parties. There were five different parties in town during the day a dance for the young folks at night and a set back game, which was a shirt sleeve affair, at Corp. Kerr's at night. A cat is so foolish that when ahe is ued foT a foot warmer she purrs with joy. Garden crops worth $73,600 were raised on New York's vacant lot garccr.s this year. f Soc JN HONOR OF THE BRIDES Miss Caroline Reese has issued invitations to a party in honor of Miss Sarah Haigler, who is to be married in July, and of Mrs. Hubert Cox. The party is to be on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fuller Reese on North Main street. IN HENDERSONVILLE Mrs. L. W. White and Miss Mary Milford will leave Friday for Hendersonvile, N. C., where they will * ' ? i? J spena xne remainuet ?x uic summer. ! _ ; . TAKING HIGH HONORS Miss Mary Graydon leaves Thursday for her home in Columbia after a pleasant visit to Mrs. Willie Speed. After returning home, Miss Graydon who was an honor graduate at the University this year, will hold a position with the Associated Charities in Columbia. IN SPARTANBURG Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Link, Miss Suzanne and' Bob and Jack Link went to Spartan/burg . Saturday and 9pent a day or two pleasantly with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Everett. WEEK-END VISITORS Mrs. J. S. Coohran and Miss Hannah Cochran went to Monroe, Ga.,! last Saturday and were the Sunday j guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cochran. They bring the good news that Mr. Oochran is prospering in his Georgia home having plenty of "frying-size" chickens and country hams of his own raising. DANCING Mrs. W. A. juee will give a uauie tonight to the young people who enjoyed the camp life at Rapley Shoals last week. . *.+ *>? Mrs. Frank B. Gary complimented her visitor, Miss Ethelind Pope, with a delightful dance Tuesday night at night at her home on Greenville street. All the younger set were present and enjoyed "toddling" and "trotting" in spite of the weather. THE SUMMER IN FLORIDA Douglas Mahon was in town Tuesday seeing his customers and seeking the consolation of his friends. He will travel for * the next two months in Florida. MIQC MIIJrnRn ENTERTAINS Miss Mary Milford was hostess on Tuesday afternoon at a party in honor of Miss Sarah Haigler. Twenty-four young ladies were present, there being two tables of rook and four of bridge. I A color scheme of yellow and white was worked out in the decorations of daisies which were profusely used. Refreshments of yellow and white block cream, cake and mints were served, and punch was also served during the afternoon. At the close of the games Miss Haigler was presented with a lovely gift of lingerie. This entertainment was one of the most enjoyable that has been given in Abbeville this season. x MISS JESSIE HILL ENTERTAINS " Miss Jessie Hill gave a most delightful party Monday afteronon at her hojne, this being a compJimfiit to Miss Edna Cox, who marries tomorrow and will make her home in Inman in the future. Miss Hill had invited a large party of friends, there being eight tables of players who enjoyed the games of rook. The bride's table was decorated in sweet peas and many vases of /InwniNi a m m /\tvi r* nva+ltr A ivwci.0 mauc ivviuo y*ter the games Miss Hill presented Miss Cox with a set of guests towels and dresser scarfs, the presentation being made lively by the reading of a parody on the "Psalm of Life," which pictured the school teacher as an expert husband hunter. Tea and sandwices and cake and cream were served at the close of this pleasant afternoon. Letu y y GETTING MARRIED. Mr. H. L. Johnson, who has been in the city with The Press and Banner for the past month, left this morning for Columbia where he will be married this evening to Miss Francis Cooper of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will return to Abbeville on Friday and will make i'j ' ' their home at the Eureka. Mr. Johnson has made friends during his short stay in Abbeville and our people congratulate him on his good fortune and extend their: hucd* wicilitic fA KMC HTMP ) i : HERE FOR THE WEDDING j The marriage of Miss Edna Cox and PTof. 0. B. Haynes will be a happy event of Thursday afternoon. The ceremony is to take place at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. R. E. Cox, on North Main street at four o'clock and will be performed by i Dr. J. L. Martin. Miss Ethel Brock, i of Honea Path, Mrs. Jaimes Cox of j Troy, Mrs. Hubert Cox, of Columbia, little Miss Sarah Ellis, of New Orleans, and Miss Margaret Cox will be in the wedding party. Those who will be in Abbeville," for the wedding are Mr. and Mrs. j ? James Cox, of Troy, Mr. and Mrs: | a Hubert Cox, of Columbia, Miss J Ethel Brock, of Honea Path, Missjsl Sarah Cook, of College Park, Ga., Jf, and Mrs. H. L. Haynes of Austell, jj Georgia. \ t] " i a PLEASANT PARTIES j I ! n Miss May Robertson gave a de- [ e lightful party Tuesday afternoon at S( her home on North Main street in! honor of Mrs. R. L. Dargan, ofj s] Spartanburg. There were five talbles e of players. The games were played' on the porch which was made lovely wixh vases of mountain laurel,' dahlias and nasturiums. A salad, course with tea was served as re-1 ^T?^cVtrvmTi+e " . ' ' ' . ! x* vo? j.I .1 | *' * * # ? j" ' V* Mrs. J. D. Kerr entertained Mon-! o day afternoon- for Mrs. Dargan,] I c eight friends being Invited to meet1 her. * * * + | Mrs. J. Foster Barnwell was host-! ess to sixteen friends Tuesday j morning the occasion being a charm-1 * ing comnliment to Mrs. R. L. Dargan { ^ of Spartanburg and Miss Kittie |a Perrin, of Greenville. The games J * were played on the porch and at one' o'clock a lovely luncheon was served. | FOR THE BRIDE ' a Miss Edna Cox, a bride of this ? week, was honor guest at a party I given on Tuesday afternoon by Miss t Margaret Klugh at her home on Park * Circle. The Klugh home was artisti- * cally decorated with palms and vases 1 of shasta daisies and made a beauti- * ful background for the eight tables of players who were present. Place cards of bride's slippers i jwere presented to the guests, while the bride's chair was adorned with i a silver horse shoe from which hung ^ Opera House One Day Only A ROBERTSON CO "GOOD 1 I wit ROSEMARY THEB1 CARLENTON and < GOOD WOMEN is who despises GOOD ' to live out her unconv< with a result that is si; Gorgeous in its setting travels from the picl Village of New York France to Monte Carl< following the roads o who believed that th< tn 'ntVipr nprmle's or>in vw ^ ir ~ ? x - J. I Also Century Comedy I HEIR" with HARRY I ADMISSION i shower of shasta daisies tied with f< rhite maline. On the bride's cable s< tood a miniature bride. 'The prizes g or playing were won by Mrs. I). H. tl [ill and Miss Margaret Cox, and iie honoree was also presented with lovely gift. Refreshments of fruit salad, and lint water-ice were serve J at the tl - J ~e 4.1. ?v:i? ?.n/>v ... iiu ui tJic gaujica, wmic punwi vra-3 w erved throughout the afternoon. di Miss Marie Garner, of Union, flared the honors of this delightful ntertaiment with Miss Cox. IN THE MOUNTAINS F S] Mrs. C-. D. Brown and Misses s< lOuise and Charlotte Brown will cl *ave Thursday for Brevard, N. C., rhere they will spend the remainder f the summer. They have taken a ottage for the season. si A CHANGE IN THE HOUR A a The Bridge Club, which will meet T Yiday afternoon with Mrs. W. D. g Jarksdale, will be at 5:30 o'clock G nd not at 5 as stated in Monday's 'ress and Banner. A PICNICKING t Mt. and Mrs. W. H. White,- Mr. a ind Mrs. Eugene Johson, and Mr. t in4 Mrs. M. B. Reese went out to g lapley Shoals this morning to give he children a good time at a genune picnic. This will be like seeing he animals at the circus, father and nother are algb prepared for a good i ime. t . < COMING BACK 1 Miss Myrtle Wright left Tuesday 'or her home in Maryland. Miss t iVright has 'been the popular milliner i !J(3?3J5M3?o,JS?SJ2MSiSM5M5IS!EI5J5fSJSfSIi THERE'LL COME A WHEN YOU'LL B n 4 V O/v V tLU Have you planned a tri yeu are unable to go or . thai, you have no mone - Don't let next vacation prepared. Join our $1 the money on hand wh Deposit $2 now and $? months. Then we will ....START Planter; "The rriend The Home of Over IOC fRIDAV ?LE PRODUCTION ' WOMEN" h f: WM. P. 1 Jtners. a story of a woman ' WOMEN and dared., sntional ideas of life irprising in its truth. ?s, GOOD WOMEN j ;urespue Greenwich \ City to the South of ) and to Sunny Italy, f the young woman e world is enslaved ions.' , "THE COUNTRY SWEET. .... 15c and 35c. >r Philsoh and Henry, for the put jason and her cukomers will lie lad to know that she will return in ie Fall. THE MERRIE MATRONS Miss Sarah Perrin is entertaining ie Merrie Matrons and the gnentB ho are in town for the various wed trigs this afternoon. OFF FOR THE SUMMER Mrs. Ellen Norwood is Jeavin? riday for Hendersonville, N. CL, to pend the summer. During her ab~ ;nce Miss Mary Dupre will ha-** harge of the Library. I HOME AGAIN . \ Misses Rachel and Susan BBbhall and Fred Minshall arrived ia Jbbeville Wednesday morning after two week's visit to Richmond, 'hey say that Richmond is even hger than Greenwood people say Ireenwood is. VISITORS FOR A DAT Mrs. Emma Little, and her daijgfeers, Mrs. J. R. Copeland, of Clinton nd Mrs. Harvey urannon, 01 staxes oro, Ga., spent today in the city the nests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Little. A BRIDESMAID Miss Elizabeth Jones ~has gone t? Anderson where she will act as >ridesmaid for her friend, Mis Clarice Townsend, who marrie* Fhursday afternoon. A grain of theoretical wisdom may -urn out to be a pound of practical tolly. * 3li3f3f?3l3ff3fr3E3l3frdfflfHWrafSlpIfpfi3ff3fj3fj3fj3fpipplg! TIME I IE GLAD YOU ? YOUR MONEY 1 p and now find that 1 t account of the fact , 1 :y? v.: , - I i time-catch you un- "? .00 Club and have ;| en you need it J t each month for 12 1 pay you $100. | NOW.... I s Bank I ly Bank" 1 X) Bank Account*. | fSf^EB/33aiSJ5EJE/^,EJaiBiafSJ5@EEim