OFFICERS RECOVER MANYSIOLEN CARS ^ RICHLAND COUNTY AUTHORI- 1 TIES ROUND UP ORGANIZED GANG OF THIEVES AND ARREST FOUR WHITE MEN, WITH MORE SOON. Columbia, June 23.?Richland county officers delivered a hard blow ? against what they term a section of \ an organized gang of motor car 1 thieves when they arrested fovur r white men and located 15 stolen ma- a chines. A confession from one of the c alleged robbers shows that the sys- t +o nmpirnfinns over One 2 ' year ago at Spartanburg when a F Ford car was stolen from in front of the Gre9ham hotel. Emory R. " Rikard's place, two miles from Sum- t ^mitt, Lexington county was ;he V "fence" for stole cars, the officers C 6ay, a big barn being the nding e place for stolen gas wagons. y Behind the bars in the county jail t are Will Burns, formerly of Ashe- t< ville, N. C.; Emory Rikard, of L*x- s - - t n * A mgto couniy; j. ej. ?? uiuuus w u Asheville and Will Calhoun of 5 <5reensibc*ro, N. C., These men are being held for investigation pending s< vhe recovery of cars and the arrest li of eight other men. The machines re- ii covered to date include nine Ford n cars stolen from Columbia; two cars n /from Spavtawburg; one from Greens- o boro; -one from Hgh Point; one from Randleman, NT. C., and one from n Batesiburg. r Sheriff Heise, Chief Dunnaway of c the county police force and Deputy e Sheriff Thompson have worked un- o tiringly on the case sice May 19 and long trips and all night runs have v been made since the arrest of Will a Bums Saturday, June 4. Burns was n taken in Lexington county and in a h few days''three others were lodged in b jail. Machines' were located one af- a ter another until 15 were rounded I - up. ' ' . r J. E." Williams in a signed state- o ment said he joined the gan>* over a a years age while he was a clerk in a cigar store at Spartanburg and that lie ad his pal stole a Ford car, chang\ . ed the number and sold the machine ? in Columbia. While in the capital t city another Ford car belonging to j, tfoe Edison Phonograph company was g stolen, he said, and carried over to ^ > Emory Rikard's place near Summitt j where the body was take off and an- B otheir substituted in tis place. Wil- r * ^ . i liams says tnis was nis nrst trip iu Rikard's place/ Another Ford car t was stolen at Spartanburg and sold c in Columbia according to the confes. ' sion. The next move was made on the 1200 block of Hampton street t where a Ford touring car with a j nickel plated radiator was taken. c Williams says this machine was car- ^ iried to Charlotte where it was sold * / for $300. Another Ford was stolen j from the vicinity of Gfbbes court j and an Essex machine was taken | from some point in North Carolina j and cairried to Cow.pens, according to the confession. Williams names j his pals in each transaction. z Sheriff Heise said yesterday that eight white men are being sought and about 20 more machines are to be recovered. The sheriff said the arrest of Bums at Sbandon Annex on the morning of Saturday, June 4,. 1 smarted the weaving of a wef thn United States and Canada, an organization since brokn up, had urged its members who /ere out of employment, especially hose with a knowledge of the sea, o seek employment on American, , hips, overpower the other members ( f the crew and direct the vessels to < Lussia. The identity of these "confidential . ources" was not revealed by the po- , ,ce. All the information which came ito their possession, with the.enorious amount of literature and docu- , lents seized, they said, was turned . ver to thp Department of Justice. I , ^ m r^loric w0va I OU Xttl as niivnn Wiivav ever put into execution prior to the ! aids, but police said they formed the hief subject of 'discussion at sevral secret meetings of the Russian rganization. The,organization, police declared, ras composed largely of Russian anrchists who used the labor union lovement as a camouflage. Their eadquarters were repeatedly raided y the#police during 1919 and 1920 nd numerous arrests were made. Eventually the majority of those arested were deported to Russia, most f them aboard the United States rmy transport Buford. Many Radical Plans. TT Ttinn 95 Ho-norf W Cl?lJlllg I/I'll, *J Uiiv. MV??J lent of Justice officials said tonight! hey would communicate with their Jew York office and with Detective Sergeant J. J. Gegan, chief of the ?omb squad, to obtain all available nformation on the reported seizure nore than a year ago from United lussian Workers of the United Stats and Canada of documents conaining plans for capture of Amerian ships and their diversion tc> Rusian ports. Raids upon communistic organizaiorfe in November, 1919, and in May 920, officials said, had netted tons ?f documents revealing many radical ilans but there were no schemes so ar as they could recall. MAKE THE MOST OF IT -,ife. Wayne B. Wheeler, of Anti-Saoon League declares tha the organi:ation of wine and beer leagues in Ms country will lead to anarchy. "If that be treason?" EXPERT OPINION Jfe. "Did the man who sold that suit ell you it was all woo>J? "Yes. Why?" "I shuder to think what a boll j areevil would do to the sheep that j >ore that wool." Watch the label on your paper[landleman ad found a Ford coupe ivhich was stolen from the Adluh Milling company or coiumDia may 13. Another Ford touring car belong ng to G. C. Shealy of Batesburg was seized at Randelman. At Ellerbe the jfficers found a Ford machine with a nickel plated radiator which was =to!en from Paul Morgan of Columbia. Sheriff Heise said yesterday that in Essex car stolen at High Point lad been located at Cowpens. The :ars recovered so far are 12 Fords, sne Essex, one Cadillac and one Dodge touring car. It was said yesterday that one of the prisoners ini the county jail had stated that he! :ould locate at least 20 stolen ma-: :hines between Richmond and Jack-j - onville. SPEAKING FOR THE GIRLS Spartanburg Journal. Some days ago the letter whicl follows was received by the Editoi of The Journal. It was mailed a Spartanburg and was signed by th< name of the writer, we presume. W< print it without the signature for th( information of the public and th( careful consideration, let us hope of the young women who do nol think it necessary to wear anj clothes to speak of, and in whose behalf, apparently, the letter was written, to wit: Spartanburg, S. C., June 17, 1921. Dear Editor? ^ Speaking about Short Skirts I hope you dont class SparAnburg with New York let them lengthing theii dresses I wonder if the person that suggested that fool Idea ever went out of S. C. What's the Matter with Mother? the girls in the City of Success don't need any body to tell them what the style is? as you know we wont stand for that give me short skirts are give me death do you think we are going to dress old fashion to please one old chronic? . we appreciate his Insult but the more the men talk the higher they 2:0 all mothers encourage their :';zen 20c and 25 awberry Vanill; Chocolate leapple Maple Nu le Candy F Steve's Old Stand MifizyaRfflyyyaEEfi ygj5JSfSfSJSJ5j5I5?SJ5/5JBJ5fSISJ5JSI5/5/BJSJ5JSJE2IE n Railway! ....ANNOUNCES..:. r Excursior i ABBEVILLE, ? R-T. FARE TO . . . . $ 9.80 Biltmore, N. G. . . . 10.88 Breyard, N. G. . . . 26.79' Bryson, N. G. . . .. 11.02 Glyde, N. C. .. .... 8.21 Fletchers, N. I 8.79 HendersonviJle . . . 12.32 Isle of Palms, ! 11.45 Lake Toxawav, .... 17.43 Morehead City, .... 7.64 Skyland, N. C. 10.52 Tryon, N. G. .. . .. 8.00 Virginia-Beach .... 19.86 Waynesville. N / er cent war tax to be added) are now on sale and will contin October 31, 1921. Stopovers ai j and return trip. e points, summer excursion fare he United States, and special a Your Vacation In the GI ns Of Western North C LIVE OUTDOORS ...IN... "The Land Of the Sky' CK RIDING, MOTORING, FI8I MOUNTAIN CLIMBING. lies and through train ser It nearest ticket agent, i R. C. COTNER, District Passenger Agent, SPARTANBURG, S. G. 2J3f3I2J5I3f5J5f2?SMSJ2l32fSf3EJ33(5JSI5??SJE . C. Plans and specifications may be btained at the latter address upon equest accompanied by a chck for ive Dollars ($5.00), which sum ill be refunded if plans are reamed in good condition within thiry days after receipt of bids. , 20. |[ PHONE 265 s \ Calvert Building Vienna Street ,j 1 urner j {ANANAS I c 1 n ,1 Ice Cream j| I kitchen !; Phone 235 [jj 2J5J5IBJ5!EI5ISJ5J5JBJ5J5I5J5EI5l5i5JSJBJ5J5!HI2fS I System ? 1 Fares | i. c. I R-T. FARE R * $ 9.72 1 ... . . 9.80 1 14.04 if 11.24 I 3 8.93 r s , N. C. 8.43 I . 3. C 16.22 I N. C 11.09 | N. G. . 26.57 1 9.22 | 7.06 '? , Va 30.70 | . C 11.67 1 iinfil Slonfomlipp SO. H! UC lilllli vr ? y ,w. e permitted at any an