The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, May 27, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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& # Xocal personals : i ft " n ^ f ? lii i^. Harper Hagen is spending several '* days in Wilmington, N. C. 'IE. V. Snipes, of Atlanta, wag in town Wednesday on business. \ , x v Rev. Louis J, Bristow spent Thurs day pi Greenville on business. j * Eoy. Cufcningh^pi and Robert Daw en spent Thursday in Greenwood. V- r , j Miss Marguerite Dawson, of Due West, is visiting friends in the city, Mrs. J. V. Tate, of Calhoun Falls, IMS in the city Thursday shopping in our stores. j- mm^mmmrn? * Mr. and Mrs. Jas. C. Hemphill, of Greenwood were visitors here Thurs day afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hanvey, of Troy, spent Wednefj'Hy in the city with relatives. ' ' *; V Miss Sarah Harkness, of Sharon, is'visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Gil liam on Church street ^ Mr. George Clark, of Augusta, Bpent Wednesday here with his mo-,j tber, Mrs. A. W. Clark. /Misses Lessie and Ida Kay were among the Abbeville visitors in Greenwood Wednesday. ? 17--A .. JOKiOO AAbC XiAOACil iiOO MtVii in Greenville for the }Mtet week the goest of her sister, Mrs. J. C. Fair. j _ Mrs. Frank, Liner, and little daugh ter, Dorothy Frances, of Greenwood, are visiting Mrs. Fred Cason this week. v * . Miss Ethel Cheatham, of - Edge field, is the pretty and attractive vis- j itor of Miss Howard Hill on 1 South Main street. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Sally, Mrs. J. E. Brownlee and Mrs Clyde Sharpe of Brownlee, were in town Thursday j shopping. Mrs. L. A. Ramey, of Sharon, is spending today with her sisters, Mis ses Jennie and Lula Cason on North Main street. Mrs. W. 0. Cromer, of Clover Hill, was here today to attend the commencement exercises of the high school. . ; . J. M. Gambrell, Rev. Louis J.' Bristow and . D. Brown have re turned from the Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Ray Gallman has returned from Spencer, N. C. where he went toj attend the commencement exercises of the ?pencer High school. Miss Mary Haigler will return to ihe city tomorrow to spend the sum mer vacation. Miss Haigler has taught very successfully in the McCormick High school the past session and has been re-elected for another year. .' Mr. J. A. Grahjfcn who has* been iiaiting his daughter, Mrs. John A.; Harris, Jr. reeturned to .his hom^irt -Columbia Thursday morning. Mr. Graham attended the Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias, in session at Greenwood. Rev. and Mrs. Henry Pressly are here from Tampa, Fla. and will visit t i: uv u. ior Burnt? uiu? wig. i icosijf ? mother, Mrs. J. F. Bradley. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pressly has been quite sick recently and it is hoped her grandmother will be able to restore her to health. Messrs Prue E. Bell, John Reid, Wyatt Knox, Jim Mars, James W. Ladd and Corley Barnes "motored" to Greenwood Wednesday night. Mr. Bell reported a very delightful trip after eating a dozen chicken sand wiches and riding over the city. J. M. Gambrell spent Wednesday morning in Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hill were in Greenwood Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Stoke?, of Monterey, were visitors in the city today. Mrs. Marie Eason is hew from Charleston and is. the guest of Judge and Mrs. Frank B. Gary. . Mrs, J. C. ElKs is at hosne again after a " visit to Mrs. Harper in Charleston. . Mrs. J. ?J. uocnran ana mr. ana Mrs. Wra. McNeill, of Watte, were visitors in th^city today. Miss Myra JfVilliams, of Winthrop college, is expected home today to spend the rammer'vacation. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cheaham, of Watts, were among those who were in Abbeville today to hear Judge "Senet's address. Thompkiijs Ramey is a visitor in the city today. He cones to attend commencement and to bear the speech of lludge Benet . Mrs. W. J. McKee, Mrs. J. R. Sharp, and William McKee of Due West were here today to attend the commencement exercises of the high school..* Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Loyal passed through Abbeville this morning en route to Columbia from Greenville where they had been to attend the Shriners meeting. The many friends of Miss Marion Wilson will be glad to know, that she is able to be brought out on the porch in a rolling chair after an ill ness of two months. Miss Samuella Waldrop, of Spar tanburg, who has been on a visit to * r? n n jier inena jurs. e*. reeie, is leav ing today for Charleston where she will visit for sometime before re turning to her home. A PARTY TO PRETTY GIRL. Mrs. G. E. Peele entertained her Sunday School clas"S at an afternoon party Wednesday in honor of little Miss Stella Seitz, who is leaving Ab beville to make her home in Texas. The afternoon was made enjoyable by games, music and play. Refresh ments were served to the eight mem bers of the class present. As a mark of their love ^ind good wishes" the eacher and the members preesnt gave to her A Friendship Circle Pin, which she will wear as a token of the love of her Abbeville friends. t -4 PICNIC AND DANCE. The young people of the high school went on a picnic Thursday night to Martin's Mill and had a good time dancing and partaking of a picnic supper. DUE WEST WOMAN'S COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT (Following is tihe program of the closing exercises of Due West. Wo man's College, 'beginning June 3rd. Friday, June 3, 8.30 P. M. Annual Concert. Sabbath, June 5, 11:15 A. M. Bac calaurate Sermon?Rev. J. L. Oates, York, S. C. Monday, June 6, 10:00 A. M., Class Day Exercises. 4:00 P. M. to 5 P. M., Art Exhibit in Alumnae .Memorial Hall; Homp Economic Ex hibit' in 'Sliain^ Built&ng:6o to 6:00 P. M., Faculty Reception to Parents and Friends., r . > - Tuesday, June 7, 8:30 P. M., Sen oir Class Play in Alumnae Memorial Han. . Wednesday, June 8, 10 ^O A. M., Commencement Address, Rev. Cart er Helms J<opes D. D.f Philadelphia, Pa., 11:30 A. M., Graduating Exer cises. Speeches by members of the class; Awarding of Diplomas; Awarding of Medals by Mrs. I. H. Hurat, 1893, President of the Alum nae Association, Newberry, S. C. Announcements by Board of Trus tees; r. m., ?*icmc Lomcneon College Campus; 3:00 P. M., Afcm nae Business Meeting. Stained glass windows in English cathedrals are being attacked by a mysterious disease that causes the glass to flake. V L0WNDESV1LLE \ V Presiding elder, Holler, of Ander son, will hold quarterly conference at the Ridge church on Next Satur day &nd Sabbath, May 28-29. Rev. I. E. Wallace, ?f Seneca, w'tll preach in the Presbyterian church on next Sabbath," May 29th at 11:30 o'clock. Capt and Mrs. D. L. Barnes wid Mrs. J. F. Harper spent several clays last week in Anderson with rela tives. 1 * v Miss Blanche Cooley has returned from "Fountain Inn, where she has been teaching the past scholastic year. Sup.t-elect Paul Mann, of Abbe ville was on our streets a few days ago. He will enter upon the duties of his office July 1st. and his friends are expecting to have him -make one of the best Superintendents of Edu cation the County has ever had. He is a fine young man, splendidly edu cated and was regarded as one of the best young educators in the state when he was called from the school room to enter the "World war. Messrs. E. J. Huckabee B. A. Wil son and Miss Maude Wilson were business visitors to Abbeville this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. McCalla and their two handsome little sons, Mac and Raymond, have been spending this week in Grenewood with rela tives. Dr. and Mrs. Kiifopatricfc with Ht tle "Toddy" visted his mother, Mrs. i TTi-rVTva+TtaHk 0.+ Hatim I Path last week. Misses Alpha Barnes and Georgia Harper reached home Friday from Winthrop College where they are in school. I Mr. D. T. Outzs, of Gastonia, N. C., was in town this week buying long staple cotton, 17 1-2 cents was the price paid for about 25 bales bought from different fanners in the community. Mrs. Emma Carwile Maxwell of- Amsterdam, Ga., who is visiting relatives in^tfcis county was the guest of her niece, Mrs. Claude Nance, a few days ago. Miss Veva Bonds nas closed her' school at Greenwood and is at home for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. . Bernau, of I Greensboro, N. C., and Mrs. Boyce ^ of Due West, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Kirkpatrick Tuesday, i Mrs. Sara Huckabee spent the I week-end in Williamston with Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Anderson. ! Mr. Ed Morehead, of Atlanta, (while on his way to New York, stopped over for a few day's with ' relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Latimer and son, Marshall, of Anderson, were pleastn visitors in town last week | guests of Mrs. W. M. Speer. Mr. THANK THEIR FRIENDS. Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Wilson * 1- 1. i.1 1- i.L _ / ' 1 _ J 1.1 wisn to inarm me:r inenas ior me I many acts of kindness shown them during the illness of their daughter, Marion. > PROGRAM v OPERA HOUSE v FRIDAY |V "SO LONG LETTY" V WITH V Walter Hiers, Colleen Moore, \ t. Roy Barnes, Grace Dar V mond,.*, also c\l : r ; century comedy v ,15\&u. * 35c v SATURDAY IV wallace re ID ,V IN 'V "THE CHARM SCHOOL" |v The Best Picture Wallace V Reid ever made. ALSO , V A SUNSHINE COMEDY V 15c 25c ^ v MONDAY V .ELAINE HAMMERSTEEN V k\ ! v IN IV "PLEASURE SEEKERS" V. IV ALSO , V V 'THE KING OF THE CIRCUS" V < 10c 20c v v v GOVERNOR GRANTS PAROLES TO FOUR Governor Cooper yesterday pant ed four paroles. ~ < Z. C. Morris, convicted in Aiken county in September, 1919, before Judge John S. Wilson, of breach of trust with fraudulent intent, was granted a parole during gooi behav Ioj. He was sentenced to ???rve two years. Pierce Sims, convicted before Jud;?e Greene in Spartanburg in April, 1921, of involuntary man slaughter, and sentenced to serve two yoai-s, was paroled if or _&ne week An order that the federal board for \o catio.nai educaticn can mane an ex amination of him,. a former soldier. Harrison E. Sutton, cjnvieted in Darlington before Judg? Mclver for grand larceny in June, 1920 and sen tenced to serve 18 months, was pa roled during good behavior. E?ri T. Riggs, convicted in Charleston in February, 1921 before Juiye Ernest Moore for grand lar ceny, and sentenced to serve three mo.i *:s, was paroled during good be havior. Riggs is the man who told Charleston attorneys and detectives that he saw the Creech murder on board a vessel ir. the harbor months ago, Riggs being on a pier nearby. So you graduated from a barber college? What is your college yell?" "Cut his Hp, cut <his jaw, leave his face raw, rav>, raw!"?Florida Times-Union, j - / I I Water Huckabee entertained Master March.,ill during his visit Friends of Mr. Guy Mann will be sorry bo learn of his illness at th^ home ocf Mr. and Mra. Claude Nance. Mr. and Mrs. 1 heron Allen <xf An derson, came do\m on last Sabhath for thair little folks, who have been visiting their jrrandparents, Capt, and Mrs. Hafpei. Mrs. B'arper re turned with them and is spending this week at Anderson. Rev. Ballenger attended the meet ing of the Anderson District Confer ence, Wednesday. <Mr, DeWtte Harper, is at home for a jjhort Test. (Be will return in a few days to Wofl'ord. College, where he will receive hks diploma at the closing exercises. . Mr. W. Mark Speer has returned from a Macon hospital where he has been taking treatment for several weeks. It is hoped that his condition is improved. Mr. Jno. T. Riskln has been in town visiting relatives and friends for a few days. He is now with his daughter, Mrs. Eugene Clinkscales. Mr. Baskin has laid aside the cares and burdens of life and is spending his days in pleasant visits witli friends and relatives. Mrs. Kirkpatrok, Mrs. D. K, Cooley and Mrs. Moseley Huckabee have been-quite unwell for the pas1 week hut are now improving. Rev. J. A. Cloizfelter, Miss Dorii Clotfelter Misses Ellen Tennant an< Annie Hutchison were businesi visitors in Anderson this week. Mayor Hutchison has put ou] streets in good shape and has im proved the looks of things rn gener al. He has the thanks of the entire town. U. S. AMMUNITION FOUND IN BERLIN London, .May 26.?American am munition totalling 16,338 rounds has been captured in the Dublin dis trict since March 26 last, Sir Hamar -Grenewood, chief secretary for . Ire land, stated in the House otf ; (Com mons today. The chief secretary made his statement in reply tiO,<Gol. Martin Archer-Shee, Unionist-, naem ber of Finsbury who asked hira Whe ther ammunition of American-^manu facture had recently been captured in raids on Sinn Fein premises, in Dublin, and, amount and the nature of the, cap tures.- / : Col. Archer-Sliee, in a suppteineh tary question, asked whetlie? 5ii ViVftr of the fact'that arge sum^ <rf"money had been raised in the Un(t*dr&t&t4& "for rapport of the campaign dt 'as sassination and anarchjHrt ^Itefend," strong representations ""wotlkl be made to the United States^ govern ment -with reference to tfcis'fact, : To the Sweet i A Kodal ; ]| * f *' ? Nothing wil , ij < > / If Vacation Pleasure. Large Stock to Select It from $2.50 to $25.06 j The McMur I OPERA HOi A1 Christie's "So Loi From 01iv< Famous S1 Walter Heirs, Coll Barnes, Gr How two fellows s what the wives had A super come< laughs out of underl clusively that the on out of water is to pu it, also CENTUR 7 * ADMISSION .. . WHY THE FARME A BANK A ,\V. Because the Farmer < ; the soil' andi^e guards wealth and rr ,. Because the bank ne the farmer needs the Because the best anc is that which exists b and his banker. A friendly call w Plantei "The Frier The Home of Over 1' and the finding of thlj ammunition. Another member wanted to know how it was that this large amount could come to Ireland and whether Sir Hamar would ask the United States to assist in preventing its so doing. The chief secretary said he noted the importance of these sup plementary questions and would confer with the foreign secretary regarding them. .: -., ROTARIAN3 TO SAIL "? New York, May 25.?Two steam hvwvr* Va?*a kaam ?vn/l +a * t>ijjjl/o iwvc ucttjz uiiai tci cu fcv waujr port 2,00Q Amerjcan and'Canadian'* Rotarians to Edinburgh Scotland1 for the annual convention of the International: Assoc iaton of Ro'taTy Clubs to be held June 13 to 161 tariane from^Cuba, the Orient and South America also will Ibe in the party, the Rotary club of New York said today. They will sail June 1... Cameroania and Carona... -Witch the label on y*nr |W|if mmS renew your Mibfcriptioa promptly. from, ranging in price I ray Drug. Co. USE FRIDAY r-: -W .*S S wSS ' H .... 6 Reel Special ./>; *3 t; ' 'rS . -YS ' ,-rt \ V v. ";'I }*v Vtf r-ag er Morosco's :age Success iTith.... * een Moore, TV Roy ace DarmoncL Vl -Q 3 swapped wives, and to say and do about it. iy-drama that gets takers and proves con ly way to get a kick t some bathing girls in Y COMEDY. 15c and 35c. [jDJSMEM R SHOULD HAVE CCOUNT. creates wealth from conserves and safe- . mltiplies its use. eds the farmer and ! bank. 1 safest partnership etween the farmer rill be welcome. n I rs oank idly Bank" 000 Bank Accounts. !fSfS/2JS/S?SMSMSfSMS/2?SfS/5fSISJ5Ef9l30fc.