The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, April 08, 1921, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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AMERICA IS INVITED TO TAKE PART IN INTERNATIONAL COURT Washington, April 7.?The Uni tei States as one of the signatories ?f The Hague convention, has been iarited by the League of Nations to fe a representative to the Inter saaonal court of justice to be set up vader he peace treaty, but State De jMtment officers refused today to ay whether the invitation would be aeepted. Since the court is being set wj as a part of the league, however, the impression prevailed, that the A-1 a participant. MEAD THE .ADVERTISEMENTS STOCKHOLDERS MEETING The stockholders of the Peoples Savings Bank wfli meet in the office aff the Rank Tuesday, April 5th, 1921 at 12 o'clock. tk. W. F. Nickles, Cashier. CITY ELECTION The regular city election will be ImH at the City Council Chambers, Akbeville, South Carolina, April llti, 1?21 from 8 A. M. till 4 P. M. far ^four aldermen, one from " each Managers of election: T. C. Seal, ?, L. Clark and W C Sherard. J MOORE MARS, t. G. PERRIN, Mayor. City Clerk. 4, 6-8t - :? ; / TRESPASS NOTICE. Rotke is hereby ffiven that no per an are allowed to trespass" on my IihJs in this county, known as a part f Smith's quarter. Anyone tres thereon will be indicted. 4-*-3tc. Mrs. Ida D. Blount.' Painstaking ' Efficient Optical O ' service '?> - Our eyeglmi service it baaed on mg experience, modern equip* mat end progressive methods in us to your serious if your eyes need Tkis entitles ration, L. V. LI 8 EN BEE , OPTOMETRIST (Becoming Glasses Cost No More) CLOTH1 ' * ' For Men and Bo; And you'll see the found only in a from various malei We're not tied uy er~-the beSt is h? prices you cannot Men's Suits.;...::;.:..... Boys' Suits (all sizes Men's Odd Pants Boys' Knee Pants...:. Men's $2.00 Dress S Men's $2.50 and $3.C Men's $1.50 Union ? TT J (PD AA TT Z nay lies $?.vv uiuuu D. POL Abbevil, > > V LONG CANE NEWS K, % V Misses Eppie, Sallie and Louis Beauford spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Beauford. Mr. John Gaston, of North Caro lina, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cromer., Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Botts spent the week-end in Greenwood with relatives. . v Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Cromer and Mr*. W. D. Beauford and daughters, xA i ? L r .v Misses Clora, Linnie and Tone, went over to Greenwood Tuesday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Beauford. f W. T. King and Ben King were business visitors to the city Thurs day. - , Mr. W. S. Bosler and son, Bill, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Cromer. ;' ; Mr. and Mr&. J. M. McKeltar, of Abbeville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Beauford. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Brown spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Erwin. U J Miss Maud Botts, of Greenwood, spent the week-end with her home folks. Mrs. ' Billie Brown spent the week-end in the city with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McKellar. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Cromer and Mr. and Mrs. W. D Beauford spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs. John Beauford. < Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Drennan, of Anderson, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Beauford. ...Mr. Carl Gaston, of Greenwood. spent a few days of last weelc with Mr. W.ID. Botts. > Mr. and Mrs. J. H Cromer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Irwin. \ Mr. J. D. Miller and son, Eugene, were business visitors in Greenwood Tuesday. CAPTURE BIG STILL \ ii r i Sumter, April 6.?The largest still said ever to have been taken in this state was captured in a raid this week that netted four stills. 46 fer menters and 2,200 gallons of prepar ed mash. The big still was of 200 gal lon capacity, two of the others were of 80 gallon capacity and-the ^purth 30. All were made of good copper and were captured near the Claren don line in the Pinewood section of this country. They were located deep in swamps and from appearances had been in operation a long time. - No arrests have been made. The 200 gal lon still was exhibited in the lobby . 1*aIaI J . i 3 ?J ux a uv/vCm aim a- iwuwu uuc&eu to see it. This big raid was made by federal prohibition agents, P. G. Coleman; W D Pegues, W C Whit worth. J 0 Kelley, Chief State De tective W C Eichelberger and Police Mims of Pinewood. NG ys PfZ.0 _ 5 big variety to be' store mat buys ars. ?-:r to any one mak kvn in. rvfkmr* of 4V/ lu- A/iuumig ui equal...Xc . $10.00 to $25.00 ).$3.50 to $15.00 ....$2.00 to $7.00 ^ .75c to $2.50 hirts... .$ 1.00 i0 Dress Shirts $1.50 suits...:..,..:.. 75c i Suits.,.. $1.00 ? \ LOWNDES VILLE Born to Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Mc Calla, March 30th., a son, James Raymond. Married, April 4, at the home of Mrs. Luertia Patridge by Rev. J. A. Clotfelter, Mr. Adger Martin and Miss Bertha Patridge, both of Cal houn Falls, The election for councilmen wa3 held a few days ago. The result of the election is as follows: intenciant, ;Miv- T: S. ,;ButC?ff^n;r' mrd*n$ Messrs. D. K. Cooley, C. L. Bowen, T. C. Liddell and W. M. Speer. The teacher of the Diamond Spring School, Mrs. Henry Carlisle, ind her pupils held a memorial * at. the graves of the victims of the Har per's Ferry tragedy on last Sabbath afternoon the anniversary of their deaths. A short address relative to the occasion, was made toy Mr. J. H. Hall, t>f Iva, the school children sang the sangs "We Shall Meet at the River," and covered the graves with lovely fowers. Mrs. Waters, one of the victims, was teacher of the Dia mond Spring school when she met her death and all the children parti cipating'in the service were school mates of several of the victims. Mr. W. L. Latimer came over from Atlanta and spent the week end with his home folks. Mr. Walter Huckabee spent sev eral days recently with his friend, Marshall Latimer, of Anderson. Mrs. W. T. Cunningham, while on a visit to relatives in Anderson about two weeks ago, was taken quite ill and is unable to return home. Her condtiion is considerably better. 'Mr. Jas. M. Bell is desperately ill at his home in Monterey. He has been ill for several months and little hope is entertained for his recovery. Mr.' Bell was a frequent visitor to our town before his condition be came serious and has* many friends who sympathize with him in his af fliction. Dr. Kirkpatrick spent last > Sab bath with his mother, Mrs. *Wm. Kirkpatrick, near Donalds. He re ports her as being in good health, bright and cheerful. Mrs. Kirk patrick has been unable for the past two years to make her annual visits to our town; as she has regained her strength, her friends are antici pating in the pleasure of -seeing her at an early date. , Mrs. Derward Lipscomb and chil dren, of Ninety-Six, have been the recent guests of her father, ?)r. Moseley. Prof. J. F. Harper spent several days last week in Anderson with his sons, Messrs. Bruce and Henry Har [IC1* Dr. and Mrs. Curtis Fennell and Curtis, 3rd., of Abbeville spent Sabbath with/ his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Fennell. 'Mr. T. Jeff Bowman, one of Dia mond Spring's mo9t prosperous far mers, was a business, visitor on our streets a few days since. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Barnes and Master James, spent the week-enjl at Deans with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dean. Miss Eloise Mauldin, of Ander son, is nursing Mrs. M. P. McCalla. 'Mr. J. M. Huckabee has returned from Atlanta where he took' his daughter, Mrs. Schumpert for treat ment. He reports his wife's condi tion as somewhat improved. Mr. Geo. Bell and his sister, Miss Louise, will spend this week-end in Tuxedo, N. C., with their sister, Miss Annie. Mr. D. L. Barnes is In Anderson this week on business. Dr. and Mrs. Harper and two daughters of Greenwood, were re cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Harper, Sr. Mrs. Thos. Martin, of Midway is very low, also her daughter, Mrs. L. B. Speer is extremely ill. Both of these ladies have been great suffer ers of a lingering malady for several months, and their condition has be come very serious within the past few days. Much sympathy is felt for this afflicted family. miss uena unaimers, ot AODevme, was the pretty week-end visitor of Miss Ellen Tennant. Miss Tennant entertained at a delightful party in her honor last Friday evening. Miss Ruth Crowther will meet the Housekeeper's Club on next Fri day afternoon at 3 o'clock at ' The Lowndesville Hotel to demonstrate steam pressure cooking. It is hoped that all the ladies of the town and V. V DUE WEST NEWS. V Miss Lizzie Nance is visiting friends in Due West. Miss Mamie Devlin and Mrs. Mc Caslan of Greenwood came up last Thursday to encourage the Bailey boys in the base ball contest Miss Rosa Nickles, the efficient superintendent of the hospital at An derson was a guest for a few days lart week of Captain Nickles. She re turned the first af the week to An 'de'lSoh. ,r; ' * & o The Woman's College Orch<?tra and Glee Club and the Erskine Glee Club journey down to Abbeville next Monday night and give a concert. The Spring communion in the Pue West A. R. P. church will embrace the fourth Sabbath of April. Rev. fcrier Pressly of Hickory Grove" will do the preaching. Mrs Hattie H^ddon and Miss Geor gia Eaddon have returned from a trip of several months spent with friends in Florida, Georgia and Alabama. They report a most enjoyable trip, made so by the ministries of hospita ble friends. Mr. P. R Henry met up with an ac cident last Saturday night when he fell down the flight of'stairs leading from the second story of Pressly Brothers' store and broke his thigh bone. He was taken on Monday morn ing to the hospital at Anderson. ' Mrs. Corrie Cathcart and Mrs. Emma Cathcart are the guests of Mr and Mrs. Sloan Ellis. They have been having somewhat of a family reun ion, with three jiisters and the broth ers present. The brothers were, Messrs Sloan, Robert and Rev. M. T. Ellis. The pupils of the Abbeville High School will present Oscar Wild's Com edy "The Impoi'tance of Being Ear nest'" in the Woman's College Audi torium Friday evening, April 9bh at 8 oclock. This comedy is of superior merit and you mil miss a good enter- ? tainment if you dont attend. Admis sion 50c and 35c. It is an interesting sight to see the squad of meh under the supervision of Mr. Sanders of JLouisville, Ky., ,put up the big water tank just in front of the Presbyterian office on the lot ad joining the lot of Dr. Parkinson and of Mr. Camp's garage. This big tank , will hold 50,000 gallons of water. . The height of the tower and tank is 85 ft. These men know their busi- ' ness and with block andy tackle and . capstand easily hoist these big iron beams just to the spot. The complete reservoir will cost $10,000. community will be present on this occasion. Mrs. Dr. Mcll^sky of Pendleton, has been the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Ballenger. Mr. Bolin Allen had a hard fall a few days ago, 1;ht is keeping him in doors. GERMAN FARMERS PLAN TO BUY 50,000 TONS OF CHILEAN NITRATE isanuag-o, umie, Apm /.?An nouncement was made by the mini ster of finance yesterday that an association oil -German farmers was negotiating for the purchase of 50, 000 tons of Chilean nitrate. The minister stated the government would work for the success of the deal. WANTS FOR SALE?Genuine Porto Rico po tato plants. Government inspected. $1.75 per thousand; 5,000 or over $1.50 per thousand. H. D. SAL TER, Pitts, Ga. 4, 8.5t;pd. COTTON SEEI)?Ruckers Improved cotton seed, earliest and be3t to plant. Get ahead of the boll weevil. $1.00 per bushel. See or phone R. B. Cheathiim. 4, 4-3tpd. FOR SALE?Best quality cream at 60 cents a pint, also fresh eggs. Phone 1. Mrs. D. A. Rogers. 4-ltf REPAIRING?All makes of Phono graphs repaired by factory trained dvnorh. All work guaranteed. 4,1?tf. "THE ECHO." DRAY! DRAY!?If you have hauling to do phone 297. We haul anything anywhere. * M. J. BUTLER, Abbeville. 3, 23?6t_pd. / Juft Arrived; a Large Shipment of V Spring Dresses * ""THESE Dresses were sold to us at*j33J per cent, discount, and we are passing this saving on to our customers ? , , . ' ' . V /. i i s *: / yHE styles and materials and colors aire new. All the ladies cure invited to look them \ over . i v r o Ti 7f i>*n sMr\4r<\ i :\ /> Muted to ionr moon The Victrola is always suited to your mood, whether it be sad or gay. With a Victrola in your home, you can, at a moment's notice, have the world's greatest artists soothe you or cheer you with music and song. Your favorite singers and players will perform for you at your will. Stop in and let .us show you how perfectly the Victrola and Victor records reproduce their work. The Echo