> , > V SANTUC v Miss Lucy Palmer entertained a few of her friends at a pound sup per Tuesday evening in honor of Hiss Leo Wilson, who is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilson. Mr. W. W. Westfield was a pleas ant visitor at the home of Mr. W. F. Kav Sunday. Miss Jane Wright, of Hodges, spent a few clays this week with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wright. Mr. W. E. Morrison was in town Tuesday on business. Mrs. M. D. Wright and Miss Jane Wright spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Joe Abies. . Mr. Edd Botts was the guest Sun day of Mr. W. E. Morrison. Relatives and friends here of Mrs. G. R. Richardson, of Greenwood, kut formerly of Abbeville, was sorry to receive the news of her illness in the Greenwood hospital. We hope ahe will soon be able to pay her neighbors ^and friends a visit. Johnnie Wright is spending a few days in Abbeville with his awit,' Mrs. S. L. Beasley. Messrs R. B. Haddon and M. D. Wright were business visitors in Donalds Tuesday. News has been received here that Richard Morrison, the littlde grand son, of Mr. W. E. Morrison, met with a painful accident last week, he Sad the misfortune to get the ma chine needle run through His finger terice and the needle broke off in his finger. He was resting as well as eoold be expected the last heard from him, however, we hope he will I *t along alright. The pretty weather continues toj stay and the farmers are going i ahead with their farm work Some of; them are pulling the bell cord oveTj Beck and the hums of the Ford, tractors can be heard near by. It is wonderful the work a farmer can do' wi5.il a iraciur. HARDING ENDORSES WOOD'S APPEAL Golumba, March 18.?President dent Harding has given his hearty enodrsement t? the appeal being nade by Majoj General Leonard Wood on behalf of the Near East Sdief for a nation-wide Lenter Sac rifice Offering to save the' starving Christians of the Near East. The President's letter, a copy of -which was received by the South Carolina Headquarters yesterday, reads: "There ougth to be no cessation ?r relaxation of our sympathetic i American efforts to be of service toil these stricken people. One can well | Relieve that they will not survive if ] we withdraw, the relief, which has 1 heretofore been so; generous from 1 the private American purse. It has < seemed to me that all we have done ias 'borne dividends tenfold in the ] consciousness that we have done an < humane thing for a people well de- i serving our generous sympathy. V i , "I wish you the very greatest sue- < ?ess in furthering the great relief i movement to which you are now giv- 1 tag your attention." South Carolinians wishing to con- < tribute to the fund may send their ( checks to 211 Liberty National Bank i Building, Columbia. ] - THE OLD 1 Willi; Ten-Pinn I have installed two building on North M occupied by Little & will be pleased toha^ and new one: On Wednesday afte 6:00 o'clock we invit in and make use < of chi J. H. WI COTTON IS INCLUDED IN LIST OF PROPOSED j j EMBARGO ON IMPORTS] 1 j \ ??? | President Halrding Hat Under Ad | visement Appeal of Western. I ers That It Be Placed i At Once. i Washington, March 19.?Presi 1 dent Harding has under advisement i today an appeal from Western Sen I ators and Represents Dives that he J place an immediate embargo on the | importation of a number of farm j commodities, including cotton, cot ! ton seed oil, lemons, wool, hide^s, meats and butter, represented as most keenly affected by foreign j competition. When the request was made in conference late yesterday, President Harding, after being told that many producers in those lines faced ruin unless relief was forth coming, indicated that he desired to confer with certain members of his cabnet before acting on the appeal. adhering to its program for rush i ing through at the special session of j congress an anti-dumping bill, toge [ ther with an added American valua tion measure, possibly to be combin ed in onp hill, the House wavs and means committee referred to Treas ury Department officials today its resolution adopted yesterday re questing them to frame a rough draft for its consideration. With the committee also still hold ing firmly to the view that a perma nent tariff bil should have priority over tax revision on the legislative program it was intimated 'by Chair man Fordney that the actual work of writing the tariff measure might J be begun when the committee .met today. Meanwhile, there had been no intimation as to whether Presi dent Harding, who expects to confer in a day or two with western mem bers' of the committee favoring tariff priority, had agreed to the program agreed upon at the recent confer ence between Republcans of the House committee and the Senate fi nance committee. At the Treasury Department, al though Secretary Mellon publicly I has expressed no views on the ques-! tion, officials already have begun the formulation of a tax Revision policy. Discusses Plight of Farmers Washington, March 19.?Presi dent Harding and his cabinet spent two hours today discussing foreign affairs, the plight of farmers and the transportation. No decisions were reached, so far as could be learned. The President was understood, however, to have expressed the opin ion that the time had not yet come to frame a definite program in re gard to European affairs. He ex pects to hold further conferences on the subject with Senators and Rep [ esenatives before coming to any lefinite decision. The agricultural situation occu pied most of the time of the Presi-| lent and his advisers and Mr. Hard-| ng is said to have expressed reluct-1 ince to emDargo oy rTeaiaenuai ur- | ier importations of farm products j is urged by some congressional j headers. The President made it clear, how ever, that something must be done either by embargo or emergency leg islation to rescue agricultural mar kets from their present stagnation RELIABLE . am's et Alleys j NEW alleys in the ain Street formerly Thomson, where I re my old customers n n li ri-r* mn 3 van un uiv rnoon from 3:30 to e the ladies to come >f our alleys free atrge. LLIAMS / RATES ON COTTON FROM NEW ORLEANS TO BE REDUCED Memphis, Tenn, March 19.?L. U. i Bouchard general agent here for the Southern Pacific Company, an- j j nounced, that effective March 21st, ; freight rates on cotton by water ! from New Orleans to New York, ! would be reduced from 66 to 46 cents a hundred pounds and, effec , tive April 21, rates on similar ship ments irom JNew uneans 10 me At lantic sea board would be cut 15 ! cents a hundred pounds. I \ | READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS , to have been decided in a general I way that anti-dumping legislation i must be considered first by the | special sesison of congress which be I gins April 11. The President is understood to J have suggested that not only must there be protection against imports, but that vigorous steps must be taken to make certain American products themselves are furnished with staple market conditions. Along with the other aspects of the problem transportation condi tions came in for discussion. The transportation situation was pic tured as very serious in some branches of the industry, and it is ' understood that the entire question of production and transportation will 'be considered as a whole in leg islative plans for the coming session. Aside from the question of agri cultural protecton the cabinet took up the legislative program of the session only in a general way. AI THE B Friday, A Better Conn Offered tl Algernon Worthing, Algernon Moncrief Rev. Canon Chasubl Merriman, butler . Lane, manservant . Lady Bracknell . . . Hon. Gwendolen Fa Cecily Cardew Miss Prism, governc THf Act I. Algernon Act II. The garde Act III. Drawing I Time:?P Place?Lc MIDTERM EXAMS ON AT CLEMSON Able Speakers to Be Heard Com mencement Week Next June Clemson College, March 16.?Ex aminations for the mid-term began j Friday, March 11, and will run ! tlirough Thursday, March 17, after whch there will be a two day holiday including Friday, March 18, which is Calhoun's birthday, and a reguiiar college holiday, and Saturday March j 19. The third term will begin Mon I day, March 21. Arrangements for commence [ ment exercises are being made by I the faculty, and two prominent ! speakers have been procured 'al ' ready for the occasion. The com | mer cement days this year will be i Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, I June 5, 6, and 7. The commence ment sermon will be delivered by J. E. White president of Anderson col; lege, Anderson: Dr. White's ability as a pulpit orator is known far and | wide. The address to the graduating | class will be delivered Tuesday, I June 7, by Dr. Edwin E. Sparks, I president emeritus of the Penn Slate college. The presence of these two I noted speakers on the Clemson commencement program is asrnxr | ance that the exercises will be of a high standard. Miss L. Exum Clement, whose de but as the first woman member of the North Carolina legislature re cently attracted attention, is a law yer of Asheville, with nearly 15 years olt experience in the practice of her profession. IB II l . is thy only term wi character of Oscc IMPOF EING E which the pupils c J . will present at t March 25 tedy Has Never Befor lie People of Abbevi] CHARACTERS. .J. P : I Jac e, D. D: Frai] . Pa Bruce Virgi irfax Ann Ada ?ss Mary Slia 2 SCENES OF THE PLAY Moncrief's flat in Half Moon Si in at the Manor House, Wooltoi loom of the Manor House, Wot resent. >ndon. The Association of Alma Redemp toris Mater is the name of a society for Catholic women physicians that r2fBISJ5f5j5ISI5JS15JBJ5ISM5I5J5JSJ5JSfEISJ5IBlSIBIi E A c EG Cam u T Flov E Leave R der He, McMurra1 ? 3 a a uiif5jgj5iH5ISI31SI5J5/S?9I5I5fSI5iBfSJ5i5I9EEJ5li Dial lich will express the u Wildes comedy fcTANCf ARNES % )f the High School he Opera House 1, at 8*15 C e Been He- Proceeds Betwee jilly Long Teacher k Bradley tion an icis Glenn Associati ul Graves Galloway The pri? nia Leslie , served ie Wilson 1 be the Faulkner Childi vv Gilliam A< Ireet. RpsprvpJ [1. >1 ton. All Othe Children has been organized In London for medical and missionary work in for eign lands. 2M5E/5J5JB?ai5iaf5fSiSfSJ51Biaf5iaaaBH03^J G DYES ? vers Your Or re Now.... W E{ y Drug Co. SI9J5J5J5ISJ5JBJ5JBf5J5IS15IBISIS/SJ5MSI51SISJ5J9jS L ma I OF T )'Clock i Divided n Parent Associa = d Athletic' ion ;e for Re Seats will Same for r^r? anrJ i Jults I Seats $1 rs . 75c . . 50c