LOCAL NEWS C. W. Troupe, of Dublin, was in town yesterday. Ga., E. F. Wilson spent yesterday Greenwood on business. Mr. John R. Blake, of Greenwood, was a business visitor in the city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Tolbert and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones spent Monday in Anderson. I?r Big Lot Men's a tra heavy cottor and just look at For Boys For Men Formerly The home o and see f< coats ai LADIES' AND COATS AT HAI $11.95 Ladies' Coa $9.98 Ladies, Coa $27.95 Ladies' Coa $14.95 Ladies' fcoa $16.99 Ladies' Coa $18.95 Ladies' Coa $19.50 Ladies, Coa $23.50 Ladies' Coa $24.50 Ladies' Coa a>on crn t $?dV.U\J UclLLlC? $32.50 Ladies' Coa Girls Middy Suits a reduced prices. SALE J Best grade Apron G per yard Extra heavy Chevk yard Curtain Scrim in wh 25c value Yard wide, good qu per yard Ladies all wool Sw in va Q8 w vw Ladies Silk Camiso ues up to $2.00 ... Crepe de Chine Ha to 40c, extra spec Ladies' Knit Under $1.25 Big lot Fancy Turk Xmas presents, $ value Best Silk Messaline One lot Apron Ging Wft Don: Mrs. Claude Nance, of Lowndes ville, was a visitor in town Tuesday. William McNeill, of Sharon, was in town on business Tuesday. Miss Eleanor Gambrell has re turned from a vist to herr parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gambrell, of Greenville. Miss Helen Eakin, of Greenwood, spent the week-end in the city with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T Ciilnn ?l. juaniiii i nd Boys' ex \ Sweaters, the price: ? 98c. $1.25 y 1 ursJ Hot Hustler Racket f low prices. E >r yourself. Mc id suits, ready-t< AL MISSES' BLANK JF PRICE AT ts,.. $5.98 ,ts, $4.99 ts, $13.98 ,ts, $7.48 ,ts,_ $8.48 its, $9.49 ,ts, $9.75 ts, $11.75 ts, $12.25 ,ts, $14.75 ts, $16.25 t greatly $3.98 Bl $4.98 Bl; $6.50 Bl; $8.95 Bl; $3.98 Cc $4.98 Cc $7.45 Cc Arm & f 6 for.. Searchlij Palm 01 10 qt. ga SPECIALS ringhams, 30c value, ... 15c. )ts, big value at per 15c. ite and fancy patterns. . ... 10c. ality white Homespun, 12 1-2 eaters sold for $3.98 $2.98 les, several styles, val 98c. ndkerchiefs, values up - ~ i " o ? oe. :mi at 6 ior ?iuu. skirts, values up to - 69c. ish Towels, fine for 1.48 value 98c; $1.25 ....' 75c. , all colors, yd. $1.49 hams and Calico, at 12 l-2c. 't Meet Pri Miss Allena Mabry, of Gaffney, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Rebecca Mabry. Miss Mary Lawson Link returned yesterday from Spartanburg, where she visited her sister, Mrs. Joe Everette. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Barnes, and daughters, who have been at the Eu reka since coming to Abbeville, now have rooms at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Williamson. Men's blue chg $1.50 value Men's wool mi uesto $3.50 of Special for tw< Depa Everything in th< ;n's clothing; bo o-wear of all kir DOLLS ai .WAYS O ETS & COMFORTS HALF PRICE ankets, sale $1.99 ankets, sale$2.49 ankets, sale .... $3.55 ankets, sale.... $4.48 imforts, sale .. $1.99 >mforts, sale .. $2.49 >mforts, sale .. $3.73 lammer brand soda 25c. y\it Matches.. 5c box ive'Soap.... 3 for 25c lvanized bucket 48c. Santa Claus \ for every one ir Adai'rs Depa TROLLS, 1 Art Squ /-Vases, and C basement is < Let the kidni our siore an< Santa has in s ces Major and Mrs. R. B. Cheatham and daughters spent the week-end in Bellevue with Miss Eloise Britt. Wesley Ramey, Esq., of Atlanta, j is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. j L. A. Ramey, near the city. j Misses Ruby Anderson and Eva West, who have been boarding with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welsh are now with Dr. and Mrs." A. R. Guyton. Mesdames S. G. Thomson, L. T. tmbray shirts, for 98c. xed shirts, val - at special price $2.75 t> $5.00 rtme ; store going at ys' clothing; shoi ids; dry goods, n nd TOYS N THE JC CHILDREN'S COA AT HALF PRIC $3.98 Children's Coats $4.98 Children's Coats $5.98 Children's Coats $7.98 Children's Coats $9.98 Children's Coats 12.50 Children's Coats One lot dress serge and values up to 75c, extra s value at 2 One lot serges and ; priced up to 98c, going $1.25, $1.48 and $1.95, going at per yd las Presents i the family at rtment Store oys, Rugs, ares, China, Wishes., Our ?( ; t \J complete es come to 1 see what store for m, Hill and Joe Little, of Abbeville, spent yesterday in the city.?Index Journal, 7th. Hiram W. Lawson, of Cattioun Falls, was in town today shaking hands with his old friends, who are glad to know he is imjfroved in health. The following accompanied the' body of Mr. A. L. Garrison to Peachland, N. C., where the inter ment took place yesterday: Messrs. 5 Big Lot of Belgrade ar makes, extra made. We w they last at.. Boys' Overa ^ _1 Ci 11 0 \ Abbeville, South a low cut pric< es for everyboc otions; crockery )B iTS E $1.99 $2.49 $2.99 $3.99 $4.99 $6.25 plaids special !5c yd. plaids, at 48c. Serges .. 98c. Special Tal < Hat values i Cap values Small lot I\ $3.50 value We have at dren's Stocl per pr. 10c, Big line kni ladies, pric< See our 1 reduced p] real values. Underv Men's Boys' Girls and ^ wear At Remarka Men's heavy ribbed, fle< wear, $1.25 value Men's heavy brown fle( $1.50 value Men's extra heavy white wear, $2.00 valine Men's wool mixed Undei ue, 3oys' Unions, values of $1.50 at ,;7! jirls Vests or Unions,''^a and $1.48, at .... Women's ribbed Und( weight, 75c values .... Vomen's heavy ribbed ve values of 98c and $1.2 Vomen's extra heavy flee WPflV 7CC > t vwi y iuiuvu vi yli i 1/ ; =We Mak< John Garrison, C. A. Haigler, T. V, Howie, John Yates, Henry Brooks, W. R. Broom, Dr. J. R. Nickles, Lewis Perrin and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lucas. BRIDGE CLUB i There will be a called meeting of the Bridge club Saturday afternoon at Mrs. W. D. Barksdale's to discuss having ;a Christmas entertainment, j All interested please be present at J four o'clock. Men's Overalls id Crown special* heavy and well ill sell as long as $1.75 lis 75c. ore Carolina Come in ly; ladies' r, china ?le of Hats and Caps up to $2.98 $1.49 up to 75c 25c. len's Work Pants s $1.75 >ig line of Chil kings at prices of 15c, 20c, 25c, 48c t Caps for girls or. 9 .... 25c, 48c, 75c. :able of Shoes at* rices. These are vear iVomfeft's Under ble Values. seed lined Uft&er 85c. iced Underwear, 89c. fleeced Under $1.35 wear, $2.25 val $1.75 98 c, $1.25 and 5c, 98c and $1.25 lues or Y 5c, $1.25 48c and 98c. srwear, medium 48c. - ists, fleece lined, 5 at 75c. ;ced lined Under at $1.29 ; Them