$1.00 V 11. Semi-/ Corner Public I MASTER'S SALE The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE Court of Common Pleas. W. L. HILL and others Plaintiffs aaginst MRS. B. L. MORRISON, and others Defendants. By authority of a Decree of Sale by the Court of Common Pleas for Aftbevifie County, in said State, made in the above state case I will offer for sale, at Public butcry, at - ^ Abbeville C. H., S. C., on Salesday in December, A. D., 1920, within the legal hours of sale the following described land, to wit: All that tract or farcel of land situate, lyin? and being ii school district 41 in Abbeville 1 County, in the State aforesaid, containing Sixty-Two ahd one half (62 ?-*) Acres more or less, and bounded by Mrs. Lila W. Mabry, W. N. Walker Samuel A. Fant, and G. W. Mattiaon, and known as tract no five (5) off the estate of the late B. L. Morrison, and now in the possession of the widow, Mrs. B. L. Morrison. This tract of land will* be sold on (he premises, and at the risk of the fanner purchaser, who failed to comply with the term of sale. TERMS OF SALE?Cash. Pur^ chaser to pay for stamps and papers. ' THOS. P. THOMSON, ^ 11-19 Master A. C., S. C. One hundred and ninety thousand men are being educated in the United States Army schools. WANTS HOTICE TO TRESPASSERS?No hunting, fishing or trespassing on lands of undersigned is allowed. Jno. T. Stores, Mrs. Jno. T. Stokes. lt-pd. TRESPASS NOTICE?No hunting or trespassing of any kind is allowed on my land known as the Alien Hagan place. Mrs. Lily M. Wilson. 11, 19-3tpd. FOR SALE?An organ suitable for home or church. Will go at a bargain. Apply to C. E. Williamson, eierk; or Abbeville Baptist Church. nfi9-c?i. LOST?An Army overcoat on the road between Greenwood and Abbeville, on Nov. 18th. Finder please notify Claude P. Cromer, Abbeville, S. C. Route 2. ll,19-2t-pd FOR SALE?Small bay mare, works, anywhere, so gentle children can irive her. Also milk cow for sale cheap. B. L. MaGILL, Due West, S. C. ll,17-2ic. FOR SALE?Phon'e R. C. WILSON for nice fat hens. 30 cents pound. Pho^e 3 on 375. * 11, 17-2tc CARPENTER?Building and Repair Work carefully and accurately done. JACOB ENLOW, 27 Branch St., Abbeville, S. C. 10-29-5-pd. JLGENTS WANTED? Exceptional opportunity for one man each state, wbe has $100 to invest; appoint one man each town wno win earn jos $500 month. Just say "show ase." Magric Metal Co. Atlanta, Ga. II, 5.?6t-pd. r /orth of De / Annual 20 1 Visit This Stoi P HI L Square and Trinity 5 \ > V DUE WEST LOCALS V \ \ . \ \ \\>\\>>\>>>> Prof. Rabb of Laurinburg, N. C., came down on Friday to see the P. C.-Erslcine foot ball game. Dr. Douglas, President of the Presbyterian College of Clinton, came over with his team for Friday afternoon's game. Anderson, Greenville, Abbeville and Greenwood had large delegations at the foot ball game on Friday afternoon. The doctorsjlast week took Misses Mary Walton and Lucile Kirkpatrick of the Woman's College to the hospital at Anderson. The latter was opj erated on for appendicitis and is doing quite nicely. Miss Walton will likely go home for a short time. Mr. Harris McDonald who has a position in the bank at Winnsboro, S. C., and Mr. Tom McDonald who is studying law at the University of I South Carolina came over Friday to j witness the struggle between^Ers-( kine and P. C. Both of these young men are graduates of Erskine. About five hundred bales of cotton is now stored in the farmers' warehouse at Due West. State re4-Vi A ef O f ft ' VJCipus aic iuiuiaiicu auu wiv oraro warehouse company makes the inJ surance and is responsible for the" cotton that is stored. The two buildings will so?n be filled. Only about One-fourth of the cotton in this section has been sold. Circles of the Due West A. R. P. church will give an entertainment next Tuesday night for the benefit of the new church building. Booths representing the seven different ages of woman-hood will be staged, where articles will be sold. The patronage of the public will be appreciated. Preaching preparatory to communion on the Sabbath begins in Due West on next Thursday night, Rev. Mr. Carmical of Lesslie will do the preaching. This will be the first time Mr. Carmical has conducted a series of preaching for us and our pepole are looking forward with in? terest to the meeting. > \ V COLD SPRINGS. M > V > Miss Macie Sharpe of Arborville, spent several days last week with J / her uncle, Mr. J. A. King. Mr. Arhtur Newell spent Saturday night, with Messrs. Fred and Frank Uldrick. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hagen spent Sunday with Mr. T. F. Uldrick. Mis.-^s Daisy and Vera McMahan spent Saturday night with Miss Bes| sie McCombs. Master Alvm and Neuffer Uldrick spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kay, Miss Addie Bowen spent Saturday night with Miss Dessie King. Miss Bessie McCombs pent Sun-i day with Misses Daisy and Vera McMahan. Misses Mattie and Amy Uldrick^ reutmed home Friday from Abbe-, ville, where they have been visiting Mrs. Mattie Bowen. 1 Mr. Fred and Miss Sara Uldrickj jnendable I 1 = at 5er Cent. ( e Every Day ai SON a t itreet spent Sunday with their uncle,, Mr. L. T. Uldrick. Miss Ruby and Mr. Claude Ulcfcick spent Saturday night and Sunday at Mr. W. B. Uldrick's. CLEMSON* COLLEnderful Values LNRY f Abbeville, CLOTHING PRICES ON STABLE BASIS nd / Chicago, Nov. 18.?Clothing price: are on' a stable basis, according to ? A statement issued tonight by th( PO? ' 0I board of directors of the Nationa' us Association of Retail Clothiers. "Re on adjustmeift of prices has well run it course," said the statement. "With vo) out~taking into consideration cost) of material values, the retail mer chant has passed to the consume! a3 price concessioss that would hav< ip" been delayed several months if th< ?' ordinary process of trade trem were followed. "With continued - public confi a*! dence and favorable weather condi tions clothing stocks will be wel ip" liquidated by the end of the season The future of the industry is mucl 'k? brighter than at any time durinj the readjustment period." ne ed , Give us your orders for Engravec cards and invitations. ? V "% X . COMMERCI A INTI ^OOR WDttEKNWV / vwt err ojr joa w \ ViWC5Vit\swtc / " a jppffl ; .1 and BANP Telephone No. 10 r ty Cents | Goods il: '( ;!| - . v 1!' \ . 1 ' t ]j; / . .j r:, South Carolina .1' \ ' ? k y .;: A ; n -:; Jf#>HI&^QN BAN \ :- %jON. JAMAICA GINGER '. Y ' ' \ .., ^JVashipgton, Nov. 18.?Jamaica t ginger^wwe under the prohibition ^ banitotttgm.; Orders issued by CommiifSioiieV "' Williams of the internal . 1 revenue bureau effective in 90 days, ' class tincture, whether sold as 9 jamaica ginger, extract of ginger or . by whatever other name known as , an alcoholic preparation fit for use for beverage purposes and subject to prohibition regulations. % to nr tmust we\/yji^^r . offop" SBK^^sealed TINS oroy 1 MYOURCQOCEAS Pmaxweul house , i coffee ngII . s?-^ r,-l TMkTO ' 1 j Livrnuawmt) . . ^ !?j V40WtwV>t 1 Kvijb^n^/ v . ? * ^ j .-' I ^ ' >-x li :S d?l I w S=>> la -V* 1 i \ v l