The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, November 15, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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* SANTUC V' V > w*\ . X X \ V X X > > X X >> Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kay had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Strawhorn, Mrs. J. W. Strawhorn, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Newell. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Haddon, and zhildren spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Richey near Ware Shoals. Master James Richardson spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. M' D. Wright. r, Mrs. Jim Sharp and children, of ' ' Due West, spent the week-end with Mrs. W. F. Kay. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Syfan of Abbeville spent Monday afternoon with Mr. W. E. Morrison and family. Mr. and Mrs. EyJ. Botts spent the week-end in. Abbeville with Mr. and ' Mrs. Sam Beasley. \ i Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kay and chil- < ?lren spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wright. Mrs, J.\N. Blum and daughters .. spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Joe Able. Several from this vicinity attended the party at M^r. W. D. Beauford's - * Wednesday night. All reported a pleasant time. Mrs. Ermie Haddon and Miss Lila * ) ; \ ^ ^ I WANTS I * ' FOR SALE?One Dodge Touring car, good as new, property of Rev. Fred Harris. For information see W. M. Lan^ley. 11, 12-2t_pd FOR SALE?-To the highest bidder, house and 1 3-8 acre lot on Thursday, Nov. 18. Also farming tools ^ and feed stuffs'. Terms of sale, cash. Sale to take place at Darraughs Station. D. M. Wright. ll-12-2tpd. CARPENTER?Building and Repair v Work carefully and accurately done. JACOB ENLOW, 27 Branch' St, Abbeville, S? C. 10-29-5-pd. \ , AGENTS WANTED? Exceptional pportunity for one man each-state, \ who has $100 to invest; appoint V, ?ne joan each town who will earn you $500 month. Just say "show axe."! Magic Metal Co. Atlanta, Ga. i lit 5.?6t-pd. The Cash ???? ruetAmov V/UOW JI1IV1 Good will was never s a customer feels that goods, service and rig A i easily won away., in department of this st ble?with present co prepared to take car Extra I ; | > Men's \ Men's alUwool serge Men's heavy all-woo Men's fine all-wool si Suits (all sizes We are also offering wear, Dry Goods, Sh< /N TT7 Suit uases. we guai See Us Before You 1 i - MOONLIGHT PICKING Col. 6eorge S. Wilson, of the enterprising community of Warrenton, I was in the city today and apologized to the editor for failing to invite him to the cotton picking which he recently staged. The picking was by moonlight and with the yhelp of all his near neighWs Col. Wilson managed to get out a bale of cotton by 10 o'clock that night. At that hour he served a course of fine eat ing consisting for the most part of good goat dumplings, one of the dishes vrhich has made Warrenton famous. / Col. Wilson assured us that he did nfct intend to slight us, and that he looked for us all evening, and he has since learned that Col. T. G. White, with whom he left our invitation, farted deliver it being busy at the time with the skinning of ?he goat recently; taken in by Kinney Cann on a mule debt. ?< v r\ Morrison spent Sunday afternoOr with Misses Lizzie ind^Villie Able. Mr. and Mrs.; J. R. Richardson spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. M. B Kay's. '?7; Mrs. E. Jr Botts spent a few dayt this week with Mrs. Mason Wright a1 Darraughs. VICTIMS HOW FORTY New York, Nov. l\.?The 40tl death, resulting from the Wal street explosion on September 16 occurred today when Francis G iStoba) 34,"-'of Bergen ^ield, N. died^n tl\e, Broad street hospital Mr.'Stoba, kn employee of a bank ir the^.f^ne^l district, was passing the United States assay building when the explosion occurred. He wag .thtflwn to the pavement and hi: skull fractured. HOTEL GUEST BURNS Body of Farmer Identified By Dental Work , Lexington, Miss., Nov. 14.?Monroe Smith, 25, a farmer of Thornton, Miss., was burned to dea^h this morning when, the Pruitt hotel was destroyed by fire. The other guests escaped from the building v in then night clothing. The body of Smith tais so badly charred that it was only identified by means of -some dental work that he recently had done here. . , ' ' V > Value of "V Good V V . ? jo valuable in business j B merchant needs his < rht prices, their tfade is i view of this fact you w ore reduced in, accorda nditions. The cold wa^ of the entire family. Special Reducti and Boys' Clot i Suits, formerly sold fo: 1 suits, formerly sold foi aits, formerly sold for ?4 \ - ? ' _ A. ) now going <xi > great-reductions on Ur oes, Hats, Blankets, Coi rantee satisfaction or yi Vlake Your Purchases. D. Abbe l * v NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT * / i State of South Carolina, County of Abbeville. | Take Notice, that on the 9th day of i rw 1 Q9rt wp will render a final ac I ?-? j count of our actions and doing as I executors of the estate of B. L. ^lorj^rison, deceased, in the office of judge | of probate for Abbeville County, and j on. the same day will apply for a final discharge from our trust as such. | All persons having demands against said estate will present them for paynygnt on or before that day, proven and authenticated or be forever barred. . DAVIS & MORRISON, 11.-15 3toa\v. Executors. ; i NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT ' State of South Carolina, >. County of Abbeville. . Take Notice, that on the 10th dayj of Dec. 1920, I will render a final account of ray actions and diongs as ' 1 executor of the estate of Mrs. Louisa J. Leslie, deceased, in the office of ' judge of probate for Abbeville County, and on the same day will apply tot a final discharge from my trust as such. ? V All persons having demands against said estate will present for payment on or before that day, proven -and authenticated or be forever "barred. t GtENN E; LESLIE, i 11-15 3t.oaw. > Executor 1 , / > * i / ~N ~ r r J I o.tti.nT.W. I I si rM-ftmn s |{ CHILDREN j * \ ROWTAmt ilCQMOl U ' ^ 1 Far DMai W tU STOMACH uJ tOWZLS | I ! . Lj1 mc?m n j jjlj Pyqotoyy. j| i iflKtoflKjatoKt i a j r*"l ^ (Ll "??mmt i IX ? | i ?" reu tmoiaB nor | ^ U| ANTI.rCRMCNT I ^ \ loriHiAuSiaiMj XX3C HU.IC I ' \ I 1 I . :J -i a is it is today. When 3r her demand" with 10 longer withheld or ill find prices in every * nee as much as possiv / T re is here and we are - , \ nnc /^n vtio yn . f hing..... r $.25.00 at'.- $18.50 rv $35.00,rat.... $29.00 15.00 at..., $35.00 $4.50 to $15.00 < i iderwear, "Ready-to I nforts, Trunks, and ior money back. , Poliakoff I :ville, So. Carolina i I I l D APAnkn I liUdGUUG DEPAl Four Stores -ABi / \ \ \ v ; ' I l < " * ) i \ ( I I , . , i , i * I I. /'t \ J COjiynffRt iy<!0 Hi ^ 1 \ Lower ] For ^ \ There are only twc i clothes?either low less than a normal vWe won't sell chi prices on Hart Sc overcoats. Remar tQQ I / / \ ; i . V. , ' . 1,1 Copyrig / Jig I The Rosenl = THE re Mercanti COMPANY RTMENT STORES SEVILLE, S. C. Many D ? ? in ociiMUnct oc uuarx r ; i Priced Clothe: Everybody > ways to make lo~^V prio er the quality stepwj^rdst^oi profit on fine goodsi.J \ \ " y ; "y , eap quality?so we ve lov haffner & Marx ime suits kable values at..,.. y .50 to $55.00 ?y M * ht 1920 Hart Schaffner Sc Marx t j ?erff Mercantile I ? o / 0 m & f' ? V ep'ts L j / ' / pV . / '/ \ < * * ' 1 \i I S m es on I fake a I vered ? ; and S flj ? H I ' 9 I; H I' - It | X BP ? - . n3 l' i * slf i |Q nfl ' - Co - I M