The new Vic . | for Octobei ! Which of these n< you like to hear? Co we will gladly play t. I will also give you an describing these new mail it upon request. Rigoletto?Paraphrase de Concert Pit En Calesa (The Carriage is Waiting. My Dainty Mai Faust?Die possente (Even the Bravest Heart) Att Printemps (To Spring) Allegro Moderato a la Polka (From Quartet in ? When You're Away (From "The Only Wrr'J y>e (Frc ; Serenade for String Orchr?tabat Mr ..r?Quis eat Homo C jnall Blami Mine. H< Honour a ' Lore (From "Monsic^ Jeaucaire") Largo from 'New World" Symphony | ^kfrtcana?Aaumastor, re dell' onde profonde 5 (Adamastor, Ruler of m Gypsy Lore Song iVuffinian Judge?First Session IPgrt l) Virginian Judge?First Session {Part 2) The Three Little Pigs 'Recitation The Duel Rectafon I'm in Heaves When I'm irfMy Mother's Aran Down the Trail to Home, Syeet Home | Tell Me, Little Gypsy The Girl* of My Dreams | Dardanelles Blue* Swanee Beautiful Hawaii?Waltz Fran Hawaiian Twilight?Fox Trot Ziegfeld Follies of 1920?Medley^ ox Trot I ' Cuban Moon?Fox Trot MURRAY DRI f I Abbeville Cai I SANITARY IN EVEF | The Same Courte a Located at the S< ffi [ 5 The Only Thing New I j We take this met! II the patrons of the , I ] dy Kitchen to cont 13 the liberal suppoi J j the past; also we j! ronage of the bu j [ this community. 1 s! that your business | j dated and nothing 5n ^r?r?f^ri"innc will In WlAlVVtlVilU f f AAA ^ I I DELICIOUS ICE CREj 1 i j We manufacture < ii and candies ri ght \ i | from home-raised II guarantee every pa I j solutely pure and s 1 tii *ii n i ADDeviiie tar 1 i tor Records I r are here I ew numbers would ^ t r 4>?*v% A O IYA '1HC ill any mi it anu ir^a herrij for you. We illustrated booklet records?or we'll Number Size ?*> Alfred Cortot 74636 12 rquice) Emilio De Gogorza 64898 10 Giuseppe De Luca 74633 12 Geraldine Farrar 87313 10 ? ' Minor) Flonzaley Quartet 74634 12 2 Mabel Garrison 64899 10 V Violin Jascha Heifetz 74635 12 I sless Stand Before Thee?) >mer and Miu Louise Homer 89158 12 Kho McCormack 64901 10 rjj fhiladctphia Orchestra 74631 12 M Ocesn) THtaRuffo 88622 12 Rainakl Werrenrath 64897 10 Walter C. Kelly) Walter C. Kelly J45180 10 I c-ii- | Sally Hamlin j18685 10 M i William Robyn) William Robyn}18686 10 I John Steel) I ; John Steel}18687 10 U Billy Murray-Ed Smalle) j Peerless Quartet) 8688 111 k- Ferera-Anthony Franchini) _ Iffl Hawaiian Trior18689 J? j Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra) j Joseph CS^SutS'i Orchestra j ^ || \RRRRS8IRRRBRRRBRRRm idy Kitchen i IY DEPARTMENT .oils Treatment ime Old Stand is the Management lod of inviting J j Abbeville Can- [! inue ro give us 51 t they have in . {! solicit the pat- j j tying public of [! vVe assure you {j will be appre- [ but first class [ j e offered you. i! MADE DAILY S our ice cream y; lere at4 home? jjj products?and y; irticle to be abanitary. y; idy Kitchen | s ? W nrinnninnririnnrinnpiwwwF JIJIJ LI IJIJIJ Ui IJ131JIJIJ LJ UIJ LJIJIJI V V V LOWNDES VILLE V > ? Married at the Baptist Parsonage by Rev. H. G. White, October 6, 1920, Mr. Leo Loftis and Miss May Parnell, both of Calhoun Falls. Born October 3, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Shaw, a daughter. The Radcliffe Chautauqua will put on their series of entertainments j November 1-2-3. Rev. J. A. Clotfelter will act as business manager this season as Dr. Kirkpatrick was | forced to resign that position because of illness in his family. Messrs. Barnes with a large force j of hands began the ere'ction of the ; Methodist Parsonage a few days | ago. Mr. Jep Wilson, Moffettsville, ; is doing the brick work and Warren j Jones, colored, is digging the well. Rev. N. G. Ballenger built the garage several weeks ago. The work is progressing very rapidly. | Miss Leila Mae Bonds has gone to j I Milledgeville, Ga., where she will i j enter the Nurses' Training School j jat the State Sanitarium. Prof. J. F. Harper spent last Sab-! I bath in Elberton with his sister, Mrs.! I Martin. ' . . ! Rev. and Mrs. "N. G. Ballenger| ' were guests of their daughter, Mrs. i Strom, in Mcfcormick last week. ' Mr. Jno. McMahan of the Nation I | !has rented the old Methodist Parson-' :age from Mr. W. E. Ellis and will l'move his family here next January.! 'Our town extends a most hearty 'welcome to this good citizen and his ' excellent family. j Dr. Harper of Greenwood has ' been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. !P. McCalla. j Messrs. Arthur Barnes, Bingley Speer and Jno. McMahan have re1 turned from the reunion at Houston, Texas. Mrs. B. B. Allen is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. Dr. WalI | son, who is a patient at the Anderson County Hospital. Friends of Mrs. Watson will be sorry to know that she sustained a fall at her home several weeks ago and is not im- ^ proving very rapidly. | D. J. B. Moseley has been quite indisposed fo some time. I Mrs. Mary Miller Bell has reutrned from Abbeville, where she went to attend the funeral of Mrs. L. T. Miller of Hartsville. Mrs. Miller had visited in our town and left many friends who are saddened to know of her death, Mr. Miller has the deepest sympathy of this town where he is quite favorably known. J Mr. John Henry Wilson has returned from a visit to Parksville, where he has decided to make his home next yeap. j I Mr. Adra Pressley, Jacksonville, I Fla., has been called to the bedside i - ? 1 *4-4-1 a /lony^Kfor Viae Kaon I UJL IJiia lltuc uaugu^ij TT uv itwu mw? extremely ill at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Clinkscales. Miss Lucile Kirkpatrick of the Due West W. C., spent the weekend with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Kirkpatrick. Miss Veva Hall of Iva, spent a few days recently with Mrs. T. C. Liddell. She was investigating the pros-1 pect of organizing a class in music. | i Miss Mamie Dendv has returned j to her home in Ridgeway, after a j visit to her grandparents, Rev. and j Mrs. Ballenger. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Barnes and Master James Barnes were recent visitors in Abbeville. ! , Mrs. M. P. McCalla and Mrs. Dr. Walter have been on the sick list, but are improving. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Harper, Jr., and Mrs. N. B. Sutherland spent Sabbath in Anderson visiting sick relatives. Mr. Geo. Bell went to Abbeville i/> fVm fnnoral Vnc mint.. bV/ UVVbllU 1/11^ lUltVlUi V* ??? Mrs. L. T. Miller. Mr. Will Barnes of the Nation has purchased the' Epps farm, near town and will move there next year. Mr. E. W. Harper, Sr., has returned from a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Theron Allen of Anderson. Mr. Dudley Mann, who lives near town, has entered Erskine College. Miss Ruth Crowther, County Demonstrator, will meet with the cooking class Thursday p. m., at the home of the class president, Miss "Lizzell Tucker. Mrs. T. D. Cooley with her two sons, Wallace and Jack, and little grandson, Lawrence Barksdale, were visitors in Abbeville last week. I WAR ROMANCE ENDS IN DOMESTIC TRAGEDY Salina, Kans., Oct. 12.?A war ro-' rrance that had its beginning in France culminated here in a domesi tic tragedy that leaves a French bride and her month-old baby facing the world alone in a land of strands.' Deserted by her husband, Mrs. Chester Cooper is being cared for by members of the local post of the American Leerion and the Salina chapter of the Red Cross, i The Coopers made their home at' Sharon Springs after their return from overseas but shortly after ar-' living there Cooper disappeared and is now being sought to face a charge of desertion. Mrs. Cooper, who is un-J able to speak a word of English, in suing for divorce thru a lawyer, who as a member of the Legion, offered |his services free of charge. She plans to return to her aged mother in' France. Salina Post of the Legion has of-' fered a reward of $50 for the appre-1 hension of Cooper. KIRKMAN F1NLAY ELECTED BISHOP i! Columbia, Oct. 12.?The Rev. K. G. Finlay, was elected on the third ballot as Bishop Coadjutor of South Carolina diocese of the Episcopal church. ' About twenty-five names were presented for the office. The council voted that the salary of the bishop coad --J.? ?:n 1? fi? i.1 J TJ~ ?;i1' JUlur will ue live uiuuaanu. nc mu have charge of the upper half of the State, when the State is divided into two dioceses at a later date. The new,' bishop coadjutor will be bishop of the ' new diocese. I The Rev. Kirkman G. Finlay is a native of Greenville and is well known here. The new bishop was educated at. Furman university and the University of the South at Sewanee. j < He has for sometime been rector of Trinity church, Columbia. ________ Have you renewed your subscription? NpTICE OF ELECTION STATE IF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Abbeville. Notice is hereby given that the I General Election for Presidential j and Vice Presidential Electors, Uni-i ted States Senator and Representa-! tives in Congress will be held at the voting precincts fixed by law in the County of Abbeville on Tuesday November 2, 1920, said day being Tuesday following the first Monday as prescribed by the State Constitution. The qualifications for suffrage are as follows: Residence in State for two years, in the County one year, in the polling precinct in which the election offers to vote, four months, and the payment six months before any election of any poll tax then due and payable: Provided, That ministers in charge of an organized church and teachers of public schools shall be entitled to vote after six months' residence in the state, otnerwise quauiiea. Registration?Payment of all taxes, including poll tax, assessed and collectibe during the previous year. The production of a certificate or the receipt of the of the officer auSOUTHERN RAI ANNOU Reduced Roun< ?T( r.RFFNwnnn sr ACCO PIEDMONT FAIR OCTOBER 20 Southern Railway will tickets from Seneca, Greer Anderson, and inlermcdiat ;i11cI return October 10th to trains scheduled to arrive ( o'clock noon October 22nd ing so as to reach original fore midnight of October S R. G. C District Passi Spartai - -? thorized to collect such taxes shall be conclusive- proof of the payment thereof. Si Before the hour fixed for opening the polls Managers and Clerks mnst i -.S>3 take and subscribe to the Constitn- , tional oath. The Chairman of the | Board of Managers can administer the oath to the other Managers and to the Clerk; a Notary Public most administer the oath to Chairman. The Managers elect their Chairman and Clerk. Polls at each voting place must be opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and closed at 4 o'clock p. m., except in the City of Charleston, where they shall be opened at 7 a. m. and closed at 6 p. ! Ji The Managers have the power tp > fill a vacancy; and if none of the Managers attend, the citizens ca? appoint, from among the qualified voters, the Managers, who, after being sworn, can conduct the election. At the close of the election the Managers and Clerk must proceed publicly to open the ballot box and count the ballots therein, and continue without adjournment until the same is completed, and make m , H statement of the result for each of- ,/ fice, and sign the same. Within three days thereafter the Chairman , . i of the Board, or some pne designated by the Board, must' deliver to the Commissioners of Election the roil list, tne box containing tne Ballots and written statements of the result of the election. MANAGERS OF ELECTION. Mangera of Election?The followlowing Managers of Election hare been appointed to hold the election at the various precincts in the said County: Abbeville?T. C. Seal, J. Allem Long, Bayard Swetenburg. Cotton Mill?R. W. Smith, J. FBarnwell, B. H. Williams. Gilliams Gin House?G. E. PutM*.? or T Qot.^k T R Wilann ; )UTH CAROLINA UNT ASSOCIATION -21-22, 1920. sell reduced round trip . (Ireenville, Newberry, e stations to Greenwood ) 21st inclusive, and for ireenwood before twelw . with final limit return starting: point on or be ?4th, 1920. ! IOTNER, snger Agent. lburg, S. G. TV* Jk WUUUWAtf) V* (f aaMWM* "*91 Magnolia?R. 0. Bell, Fred CL . - ^ Nance, J. F. Gibert. Lowndesville?E. W. Harper, Jr., D. K. Cooley, Otto Nelson. Due West?R. H. McAdams, J. BL Dawson, A. R. Fowler. Donalds?B. W. Tribble, 0. J. Dunn, J. R. Winn. 1 * ; Central?John McKee, Leonard Mcllwain, D. E. Nickles. Rock Springs?Clifton Burts, W. M. Jameson, J. P. Smith. Hampton?J. A. Murdock, J. C. Burton, C. C. McDonald. Bryant's Cross Roads?J. C. MoAdams, J. W. Fisher, J. H. McLane. Keowee?J. Claude Ashley, C. ?. J Eranyon, Benjamin Shirley. Antreville?J. P. Anderson, Freid Crowther, J. M. Patterson. The Managers at each precinct named above are requested to delegate one of their number to secure th box and blanks for the election ^ ili at Ulerk oi uourt s omce, ADuevuie, S. C., on and after October 25th* 1920. We, the Commissioners of Election for Federal Officers hereby certify that the foregoing list is a true list of names of Managers of Elec3 tion appointed for the various voting precincts. ? D. H. HILL, Chairman, ' % WILL F. JONES, . . W. E. MORRISON, K Commissioners of Federal Election for Abbeville County, S.'C. >/ October 15, 1920.' * LWAY SYSTEM NGES d Trip Fares