The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, October 13, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Hocal flcwe I || : personals ; n; : x=z? jf; J. H. Sherard, of Calhoun Falls was here Tuesday on business. _______ ! < Mrs. C. D. Cowan and children, of!1 vC.' Lethe, were in town Monday. < " * 1 :\f Mrs. Jas. A. Hill and Mjs?/Lillian Richey spent Tuesday in Atlanta. . ] Miss Eva Reames spent Saturday ^ \ in Anderson with her cousin, Miss i Blanche Smith. j ' i1 Misses Elizabeth and Ruby Ed- j munds spent Sunday in Augusta with . their aunt. , J Mrs. Garry Hall ,a former resident' ( of Abbeville but now of Atlanta, was i y ? a visitor here Tuesday. t t Mrs. John Whajey and son, Wilson, 1 spent Sunday in Laurlns with rela-.J tives. \ I . :-v 0. M. Lanier, one of 1;he good far-j mers of the Monterey section was in' " ' town Tuesday on business. I Mrs. A. W. Clark is visiting her ' daughter, Mrs. Fairley Tiddy in Monroe, N. C. I I i Dr. G. A. Neuffer is in Columbia today to attend the Cheatham? I < Lynch wedding. j I Miss Mary Quarles Link and Mrs. | Paul Kennedy leave Thursday to visit relatives in Spartanburg. I c 13 Dr. J. W. Keller of Darraughs, } has been in the city visiting relatives j for the past few days. j j Mrs. J. C. Sutherland and daugh-'^ ter, from Monterey, are in town to- || day shopping. E t .... . e Prof. McTyiere Daniels of Abbe- [| ville spent the week-end with his [| parents here.?Newberry Observer. | ? Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Hill, Jr., of | Darlington are visaing her parents, | Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clinkscales, of e Monterey. ' ? I Miss Hettie McCullum leaves in a | few days for an extended visit to [| relatives in Sumter, Summerton and | Bamburg. , E i| Mias Gladys Norris will teach at |? the Mill School, succeeding Mrs. Ar- | thur Ellis, who took the position | temporarily. jig 1 Miss Agnes Edwards spent the g week-end in Chester yrith her sister, ? Miss Carolyn Edwards whc> is in }? i training at Pryor's hospital. j j| l| Mrs. R. E. Hill is spending some P time with Miss Howard Hill \ while E Mrs. Henry Hill is visiting in Balti- E more. j e Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howard have j| returned to their home in Centerville,:[| Tenn., after a pleasant visit to Mj.'b and Mr?. R. P. Nicks. j? M*. and Mrs. Gus Lee of Abbe- g ville are the guests of Mrs. Lee's |j parents, Mr. and* Mrs. Frank Smith, i ?Elberton Star. E r E E ** T T V ?J?. lMVo r";il ral iUl'S. <JI1U. U. ACliUCU^) ITXIO, \Jlll Cade and Mrs. Edwin Parker of [I Bellevue were shopping in town to- 1 day. x @ 1 Capt. Bill Bryson returned yester- E 1 day from Cashier's" Valley, N. C., B where he sent the past month with g ja his mother. ra i Miss Catherine Faulkner and [| Miss Mildred Miller, who have been [f spending a few days in the city with [| relatives, returned to Columbia this p morning. 1 Dr. C. M. Rakestraw of Chester ? came over Monday and remained af- @ ^ ter the stockholders meeting of the ja Memorial Hospital last night. Mrs. S Rakestraw is with him and they are ? the guests at the hospital. . Mr. Fred Herndon spent Friday in \bbeville with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lee.?Elberton Star. Mrs. Sam Shiver and Sam, Jr., of Abbeville, returned home Sunday ifter several days visit to her nother, Mrs. J. J. Burch.?Elberton Star. Mr. L. T. Miller returned to his lome in Hartsville this morning after i spending a few days with his relates. Mrs. John Evans and Mrs. Joe Svans. ( * Mr. W. E. Johnson, who has been >ut of town for several days; on "his innual inspection 01 watcnes -ior xne Seaboard Air Line R. R., returned lome today. y. r, . ; Mr.' Harold Nance of Pittsburg, Pa., who has been spending his vacation with his home folks, was in town yesterday, shaking hands with friends. He leaves today for Texas ind other points west taking orders; for steel. Congressman Fred Dominick left yesterday for Washington to be pres-1 ;nt at the conference on Tuesday j md Wednesday of the delegation of! he Southern Cotton association with1 he secretary of agriculture and-rep-j esentatives of the Federal Reserve Sank.?Newberry Observer.THE MERRIE MATRONS ? Mrs. Fuller Reese entertained i ;he Merrie Matrons very pleasantly' it her home on North Main street yesterday afternoon. Mrs. 1 Frank I Welsh, Mrs. C. D. Brown, Jr., andj Misses Charlotte Brown and Eugenia Robertson were visitors. After several interesting games of i jridge, a delicious salad and sweet j :ourse, was served. PARTY FOR BRIDE.' Misses Louise and Charlotte Brown irvtertained at their home on North (Iain Street this afternoon in lonor of the new bride in the family, j drs. Charles D. Brown, Jr. All of the, 'oung people in town were invited j [opera TODAY?W EUGENE ?II "A FOOL AND " \ The Castle was haui ried the ghost. also west: "TWO FRO 10 Cents. XHUR GLADYS B1 ?II "SISTER TO An astounding Dranr existence and "DAREDEVIL 10 Cents. FRIE WALLAC ' ' ' ?II "SICK To keep out of Corn scandal, he took to hi sick. Then a beautifi during a test she k: g'uns! What a heart" liveliest patient you that's all smiles. 15 Cents. 3I5iaja/3JSI3iaiSISJSI3I3J2ISISJ5I5MSJ3ISM3IS15Ii \ to. be present and all who were able! to do so accepted the invitation. Mrs. Brown is known to many of the younger people of the city, hav- 1 ing visited here before her marriage, "i She is welcomed to Abbeville by all i these and by those who met her to- : day. She will be quite an addition i to the younger set ift the city. < BEATTIE?PERRIN Invitations have been received in Abbeville to the marriage of Miss 1 Emily Hamlin Beattie to Wm. Bratton Perrin, both of Greneville, S. C.f the marriage to occur Wednesday, October 27th., at Christ Church, in that city. The people of Abbeville are greatly interested in the coming event, i Miss Beattie is' known to many of our people ? and is justly popular with all her friends. She is a daughter of Mrs. John Edgeworth Beattie. of Greenville, and a young wo man of many accomplishments. Mr. Perrin, while of late years a resident of Greenville, is in fact an Abbeville man. He is a son of Mrs. L. W. Perrin of Abbeville. His father, the late L. W. Perrin, was for many years a lawyer at the Abbeville bar. He is a brother of Mrs. T. G. White. The young groom-to-be grew to manhood here and was al* ways popular with his friends and many relatives. These friends and relatives have watched with interest his success in life and now they congratulate him on the happy event which is soon to take place. Numbers of friends from Abbeville are planning to attend the wedding. DAUGHTERS MEET. / A meeting of the/Daughters of the Confederacy was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank W. Wilson at Watts. A number of the members of this organization living in town went out to attend the meet ir.g and enjoy Mrs. Wilson's hospitality. Mrs.. Wilson is the new president of the organization, and with her accustomed zeal and good judgment, she is putting new life into it. !?SI3J3M3J3ISfSfSJ3?5J3J3J5MSI3JSJS?5I2J5fsj ia HOUSE EDNESDAY O'BRIEN , I HIS MONEY" I i+a/1 on^ Vin yviov. ha^vi aau iic mc*x- [hj; ERN PICTURE | M TEXAS" |i 20 Cents. SDAY I ROCKWELL I ' SALOME" I la of a Woman dual JACK No. 14" I 20 Cents. )AY '1 E REID j ABED" / 1 in a biff divorce is bed and played ? il nurse came, and issed him. "Great | cried Doc. The ever saw, in a story 25 Cents. 3fnii^J2fSISJSJSfSJSI3JSI5f3JS?^EJS^I3?3^!JSlS I ? ELECTION COMMISSIONERS | J. D. Nickles and H. M. Mundy have been appointed election commissions in the general election, for state and county officers by Governor Cooper vice W. D. Wilkinson and Otto Bristow, respectively, who declined to serve. JUNIOR ORDER MEETS The members of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics met l^st night at the lodge hall, South Main Street, for the regular business meeting. A large number of the members attended the meeting and a renewed interest in the affairs of the order was manifested by those present. In order to stimulate this interest still further it was decided to give a! big oyster supper at an early date.] A committee of arrangements was appointed for this purpose^ and the members are looking fofward now to an evening of great enjoyment. The committee will announce the time and place of the supper at an early date. The earliest completed clock of| which there is authentic record was made by a Saracen mechanic in the 13th century. COMEDY DOCTORS IN 9 WALLACE REID, FILM I "Sick Abed" i> New Kind Of Bed- I room Farce. I Doctors as a rule are pretty seri- ous folks. Especially when you tl meet them professionally. Nevertheless, a lai^ge part of the laughs in t "Sick Abed," Wallace Reid's picture a at the Opera House Friday, are y furnished by two medicos. As a matter of fact, they are quack doctors and know little more about doctoring than they do about plumbing. Lucien Littlefield and Bobbie Bold- S er, both well liked screen comedians E make the roles hilariously success- C ful. According to the story, Wallie tl is shamming illness in order to ex- E tricate a friend from a matrimonial scrape in which he has become en- o meshed. c "Sick Abed" was adapted from a Boys i Suits V. Yes, we waited until season to buy these boj we got them at a big price, we are passing long to our customers. , i We'll show y< consider the best \ clothing we've had 0 New snap tractive pattei wear well- and and their parei Parker I c o n f i d 1 bush Every transaction betw and its customers is held in Many people have an idea thj on deposit that anyone can ; have. ; No information will be less, at the request of the dej the Jaw. ; You cap depend upon o do any banking business wi one else can know yc INTERE8T PAID 0 ? Plant The Bank That 8ay . The Home of Over 90 i. * -j : le stage, iarce ui me same uwjic. i lebe- Daniels is the pretty nurse, s he picture, which ig a Paramount t .rtcraft, was directed by Sam t Pood. "A FOOL AND HIS MONEY" "A Fool and His Money,' a new elznick picture, starring Eugene 0'Irien, which will be shown at the tpera House tonight is adapted from ie novel of the same name by George !arr McCutcheon. The story deals with the mysterius happenings in an European astle, which has been purchased toy m American "best-selling" author. It 9 I ' . , I * . ' O very late this rs' suits, and as j reduction in this saving a \ ou, now, what we values in Boys' I for years. 9 py models, bright at ns, in suits that will please both the boys its i St Reese . , / I N T I A L I I E S S >' -4 % een the Planters Bank i the strictest confidence. at when they have money \ Qnd ont how much thev ------ given any individual un-^ I jositor or in obedience to I : ' si ne thing, that when you v th the PLANTERS Bank % >ur business deals. N SAVINQ8. 9 A, O a M!T ids Dcumt t I -* B s: "Thank You." 1 H s full of mirth and mystery, and iction takes place amid the most pie- ? ;uresque setting. Don't fail to see his picture tonight. - V iSlWWrf wKaaSr SCALED TMS OftY B Wr AT youo GoocEtts piAXWCLL HOUSE | I COFFEE 4 ' ' x t ' ?! v I t 'fKlliifml $10.00 410 Cft X Li?UU $15.00 I I / ... , - -i -