BIRTH NOTICE Born in Abbeville, S. C., Septembe 4, 1920 to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Paschc a daughter. THE LATEST NEWS Oh, here's a \vondei*ful story There dwells in many a house ai able bodied voter who does not fac a mouse.?Louisville Courier Jour nal. JUDGE GARY SICK. Judge Frank B. Gary is sick and i confined to his room. Judge Prince : holding the court in Anderson ove which Judge Gary was to preside. GOING TO UNION. Mis? Louise McDill leaves Thur: , day for Union where she will resum her work as teacher in the Grade schools. She goes by way of Coluir bia and will spend a night with he grandfather, Judge J. F. Lyon who i imorovinc his friends will be glad t hear. POULTRY DEMONSTRATION Mr. Wilkins from Winthi-op Col lego State Poultry Specialist, wil give a demonstration on cuHuTJ poultry, Friday morning at 9 o'clocl in E. A. Patterson's poultry yard All members of Home Demonstra tion Club are urged to attend. LISTEN FOR THE WHISTLE Son Bill, our carrier, has discard ?d the use of his whistle during th( summer months because the paper: were generally delivered in the daj time. The short days are coming anc the little boy finds himself out aftei dark. Here after you will hear hi; whistle so come out and get you) paper. MATRON AT WYLIE HOME Mrs. R. D. Purdy left Tuesday fo: Due West where she goes to assum< the position of Matron at the Colleg* Home, the boys' dormitory of Erskin* College. Mrs. Purdy is a fine woman, full ol energy, pleasant always and wil make an ideal'head for the position Her many friends in Abbeville while regretting to see her leave us are glad to know that she has secur ed such pleasant employment. DUE WEST VOTERS Several good women were down from Due West today and applied to the registration commissioners in order to qualify themselves to rote in the general election. Among those who registered were: Mrs. Dr. F. Y. Pressly, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Henry Bonner, Mrs. Dr. Lowry Pressly, Mrs. Robert Brownlee and Mrs. R. C. Brownlee. They are all good citizens. ATTENTION FARMERS! Germany,oar largest consumer of low grade cotton has been out of the market for the past six years on account of the war and reconstruction. In consequence an enormous stock of this character of cotton has accumulated and is practically unsalable. I would advise the farmers to take advantage of the open weather and pick cotton and leave all other farm work alone. If bad weather comes in upon us the farmers will lose thousands of dollars by reason of additional low grades. L. W. Tutt, Cotton Grader. ;[ VOTE FOR ! ' f Who ought to be re^ i|| term because of efficie :; He won last year 87 c; ijj cases for the state. H | duct the business of th if time and the taxpayei iCokesbury township, ] Township?A Real A VOTE FOR I Advertisement. VISITOR FROM FLORIDA r Rev. David J. Blackwell of Quincy, ' il Florida, is in the city visiting- friends.'pai He has just returned from a stay of sit several weeks at Montreat, N. C. and wi will visit relatives in Due West and ma Laurens before returning1 to his work (.h : in Florida. Th n }.u e TO RANDOLPH-MACON. Abbeville will lose four of her q3 bright young students Monday when'jg Miss Florence Neuffer, Miss Helen caj Milford, Miss Elizabeth Gambrell, stc is Miss Lena Belle Johnson and Miss is Janie Vance Bowie leave us for Vir- m ;r ginia where they will enter Randolph-j Macon College. i These young ladies have always Co taken a high stand in the High School rac and they will reflect hnoor on their do 5" I parents and their home town in their de e college careers. 4 !th< |! WILL GET MUCH MONEY ! T :Of Sj Petersburg, Va., Sept. 7.?W. B.1 ce jDavis of Hopewell has received a SU( [letter from a law firm in San Diego ,en j Calif., requesting him to report i ithcre to claim $250,000 left him by- ' a lady whom he assisted two years j*r? ago when she fell on the street. I 'ia l' Wi '' SEVEN BODIES FOUND I?* jsel ' i Warsaw, Sept. 7.?Mutilated gai ".bodies of seven Russian women en-1 VnspH in a hemnen ba? were recent-! , ly found in Vladivostok harbor, ac-'we cording to special dispatches re-IMii ceived here. !da: |dol . PAPER CLOTHING IS tot J ? SHOWN AT CAPITAL thc [ x :*n . Other Articles Made of Paper Also '"^i j Exhibited?Suit of Clothes Costs About 15 Cents in U. S. Money. jcor agi Washington, Sept. 7.?Paper cloth-J sul ing and other articles made from pa- fro r per in Austrian factories were placed j | on exhibition today by the depart-( \ jjment of commerce. JLater tne exniDn tio; * I will be offered to clothing and other Flo interested manufacturers for exami- ck now to one handred and fifty M >usand dollars and has moved to [j >re desirable quarters. W. A. McSwain, State Insurance g mmissioner reports tnat tnere is m >re than one hundred thousand |g liars increase in revenues in his H partment collected from fees for jg i year 1920. The American Chemical Society jg Chicago has passed resolutions gjj nsuring Congress for not passing jji :h laws as would protect the Am- jff can Dye Industry. Clothing and other articles, made g >m paper in Austrian factories jff! ve been placed on exhibition in j = ishintgon. In the exhibit is a suit, ?| forty per cent paper, which will gj 1 for $2.65 American money. The flj rments are said to be washable.. |p ? feS: Jack Dempsey, world's heavy I !fi ight champion, who knocked out j 11 ske in a three round fight Tues-jBj y received fifty-five thousand IB lars as his part of the purse. The |j| al attendance was over eleven g[ tusand and the gate receipts were ?|| round numbers oneh undred and ?g| rty-four thousand dollars. rhe Spartanburg street railway MM npany wants a release from their jjj eement to extend their line into jS| >urbs and are asking an increase |? m seven to ten cents fare. H rhe farmers of the Pee Dee sec- fH a are meeting this week at m irence to form a Truckers Asso- ||g n the Labor Day parade in Char- HI ton Monday the Cooks Union and s aundresses were represented B ong the negro marchers. Drangeburg As the noly County so a to report the enrollment of col- I ; d women. Only fifteen women |9 all had registered up until Tues- ?g WANTS 11 INTED?Thee adult pupils; pri- |g| rate French lessons. Three days |gg veekly. 7?8 p. m. Episcopal igj itectory, Church St. 9-6-3tpd. fijf R SALE?One brand new 6-room g| Jungalow with all modern conven jjj ences, on Magazine Street. I?he Home Buuilding Corporation, jH >ee T. G. White, Pres. 9- -tf.c jg lNTED?A position as clerk, ex- |g| i n.r i. s leriencea. iveiereiice as tu uuneai-y, ntegrity and painstaking to duties jg an be furnished. Married. Have ?j| 11 family and could not make ?1 hange before Dec or Jan. 1st ow- p| ng to present employment. Ad- pj Ircss Box 42, Abbeville S C. 9-13t ?B MSTITCHING and Picoting atachments, works on all sewing ^ nachines. Price $2.00. Personal; lf| hecks 10c extra. Light's Mail Or-1 Big ler House, Box 127, Birmingham, |j| Lla. 8-27.-9tc. Jj NEY TO LOAN at 6 per cent Simple Interest on Abbeville City ||| mproved residential property on U i 50 per cent, appraised valuation >asis, for 10 years or less time. I. L. DARGAN, 703 Allen-Law ildg., Spartanburg, S. C 8-27-4tc jgg vNTED?Young women, ages 18 jg o 30, to take nurses' training, si ^ ??, ??V1 1 flliftATI JUcli'U, lUUllly iauiiuijr, luiuivn unu = >10.00 per month. Graduates eligi- ?J| )le for State Board Examinations. U Address: Superintendent, St. ?1| Gary's Hospital, Athens, Ga. ?2wks.c GALVANIZED ROOFING [ have car load of GalvanizedI ofiing in transit that I am offering :1jg sale, delivery to be made on aral. __ -2tc. J. ALLEN SMITH, JR. gj , Hi I The Rosenberg DEPARTMENT ABBEVILLE, FOUR STORES \ Drv rinnr ! Dresses are com I | ' ! I We have already rec< ments of Serges and Ti 16 to 44. ) The styles are very attra I are all wool; the tailoring i: Prices are considei i than last a ' j I . ' We have the exclusn Dresses in Abbeville, anc twenty five different styles pie, at prices from $29.50 Coats and Suits to arrive this The Ladies are inviU often as they like --1 to buy. The Rosenberg ? ? Merc. Co IJ finer ' "it STORES II s.c. ;p MANY I I DEPARTMENTS Bp 1 Store J ? J.!l..I , ing in aaiiy | j jived several ship- I fj eHI -1 ricotines in sizes | J v - ' -j_J 8 ictive; the materials #1|;s of the best. , 1 rably lower I ^'; ;ason | /e sale of Co-Ed I | 1 have on display S ; from these peor I to $37.50. I j will begin p i week I iSl to look as | Vo obligation j ? II ' I