The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, September 08, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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M'ADOO SPEAKS ' i OF LEAGUE PLAN Deermined That Vitality and Force Shall Not Be Destroyed By j Subterfuge t Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 7.?Wil- j liam G. JIcAdoo, former secretary j of the treasury, discussed labor, the league of nations, and prohibition in a Labor day address here today. ;] Referring to the league of na-', tions, the former secretary suid:j "Those who contend for the leagus ; I do not insist as to its form. They do;, insist tbtat he great principle which ' gives it vitalty and force shall v. at be emasculated by suberfuges putj forward by a cabal in the senate,! M^hich was more interested in pro-j moting war because the men who! control the ? Republican party ai*e? more interested in promoting wars: than in promoting peace. We can' destroy war if we can forget polities', and have the courage and confi dence to do it." Mr. McAdoo said that his convictions regarding labor were con- i firmed by his experiences as rail road administrator. Some of them v.cre: Ji That the eight hour day is a basic i principle of our social and econo- ! mic system; that labor organizations 1 have a right of existence; that their I suppression or oppression does vio-,' ler.ce to modern thought and pro-,' gress; that the right of collective,; bagaining must be conceded to labor ,: organizations; that they, have as : much right to be entitled as their employers to be represented by agents of their ? own choice; that! agreements made by labor organizations impose upon them just as J sacred obligations as they impose i 1 Addn (Senator E.J). People of So I il wish to express to tl heartfelt appreciation of 1 me in the election last r! than 20,000 votes over my M within a very few votes c The issues before the p Three powerful interest: i about my defeat. FIRST, The cotton ex< legislation I had passed f no longer deal in fictitious cotton of our real farmers. SECOND, the whiskey i] ; as to advertise to the wo repudiating her stand 011 THIRD, the great finan \ Street oppose me. The re having adopted the proT Federal Reserve Act, the became a basis of credit, power, the manipulators, biers on the New York Co for my defeat. They, knowing that I i rv i i farmer in tlie United Mai been working for the past from using our cotton for and knowing that by my 1 of the Agricultural Comr power will be greater tlia sparing no effort or means \ Unlike my opponent I li I can to wipe out faction? j we can all cooperate and p price for our main money I development of all the in< of the State. I We have the,se selfish but we are going to win. lina do not move back war ceived by "camouflaged' ports. The best years of the service of the people are not only doubled, but i enemy of the best interest || enemy 01 rue oesi inreress Thanking you a^ain f'o expressed, and with a,ssur Yours j upon the employer; that wag hould be sufficient to provide iving for each worker and his fan y and enable him to lay aside und for old age and emergency ai hat women should be paid at tl ame rate as men for similar ei ployement. Prohibition, he said, would be big factor in raising the standard living of the working man to higher level and also increase > earning capacity. '"To permit the sale of light win and beers," he said, "is to open t door of prohibition a crack and on the door is opened that far it wou soon be opened wide." ' PLANS FAST MAIL SERVICE Airplanes From New York To Fr co in 56 1-2 Hours Washington, Sept. 7.?Air Mi service between New York and S; Francisco will be inaugurated by t Postoffice Department Wednesda the first planes leaving each termi us at 5:30 a. m., local time. Complete plans and schedule f the coast-to-coast service, annou ccd by the department, show th the mail planes from New York San Francisco are expected to ma the trip in fifty-six and one-hs hours, elapsed time. Mail sent 1 train from New York to San Fra :isco reaches the latter city shout 100 hours and San Francis mail arrives by train in New Yo in about ninety-six hours. In 1917, there were 161,996 pi sons in the United States, or 1< than two-tenths of one per cent, the population, who reported i comes of over $10,000. sss of Smith to the >uth Carolina iie voters of my State my Jio ?wiprftiis sui)i)ort given fuesday. I received more nearest opponent, and eam-a ?f a majority. eople are clear cut. s are endeavoring to briii? ilmnges 011 account of tlie ixing it so that they could cotton, and exploit the real nterests desire my defeat so rid that South Carolina is prohibition. i^inl institutions of Wall ason is that by my work in I ;iso to Section 13, of the Southerns farmers' cotton Because of this the money the speculators and gamtton Exchange are working am the only Simon Pure' ;es Senate, and that I have twelve years to keep them their own selfish interests, :>eing advanced to the head nittee of the Senate my m ever before, they are to defeat me. lave done and am doing all ilism in South Carolina, so ull together for a profitable ' crop?cotton, and for the lustrial and other interests nnnnsprl tn lis. The people of South Carod, and they ^rill not be de' arguments and false remy life have been given to of mjl State, and my fists L am ?Oin,to striKe even s of South Carolina, i of South Carol in. r your confidence already ances for the future, 1 am 'a i th fully, E. I). SMITH. ?f| pe . j. ^ j j ELSIE FERGUSON j he 1 ' or ' Dainty "movie" actress, who is now n" taking a vacation in Japan. She is considered by many ?.s the most beauto tiful woman on the speaking stage as ke well as on the screen. She will return tfr the "movies" upon her return from ^ i abroad. i pi)Si"1 ?j jranwuoiiLifflb iS i (Copyright.) " ! 0 / > w; ' n-l THE CURSE OF GOOD CREDIT. I learned to hate, 1 And hate him yet, The man who coaxed Me into debt. i? ? * NOTHING SCARY. "My, wasn't that an appall* i ing flock of bills introduced ! into congress at the beginning of the session?" "Why appalling? Don't pyou I ever have any first of the month i at your house?" * Candid Observation. The stranger in New York stood ! looking for the hotel that advertises j "only a golf stroke from the Pennsylj vania station." At last he murmured to' himself: "Well, that feller who waote that advertisement sure didn't top 'er." . . | SELECTING AN AUDIENCE. "Why do you talk to your| " self?" "Because I'm the only person I who understands everything I I ?# ay. * * Their Long Suit. About the only Bible text some financially successful men know is the fifteenth verse of the eleventh chapter of Proverbs: "He thpft Is surety for a stranger shall smart for it And he that hateth suretyship is sure." * * Such a Covering 1 "But I thought you said these wagons you had for sale were covered wagons. I "They are. Covered with mortgages." * Modernity. "Mother," asked the five-year-old girl anxiously, "do yen suppose that, since we have our six, I'd better go right on playing with the children of those fou^-cylinder Joneses?" * FINNIG1N FILOSOFY. \There ain't much diff'rence betwane our bi?t wurrk an' our worr?t wurrk excipt in our own ^ imagination. * Try This on Your Edison. "I notice that Greece is still firm." said the Idiot, as he tried in vain to spread the frozen butterine on hlS: cold pancake. ?0? I CROSBY'S KIDS j l: Jir' i ~AL~|i p i j i >aaiami<a>>MiMaanaa I j Rann-dom Reels j > ! By HOWARD L. RANN \ > imifmw?mwmwi THE FALL SKIRT THE fall skirt is a neat garment which looks a good deal like the spring skirt, but costs more, owing to the European war, which has caused a great scarcity of everything except campaign bunk. The fall skirt was gotten up last February in the heart of Paris, France, and sent over here to be sold to women who do not care to look like <iny of their neighbors. To the dull and unpracticed eye of man it is hard to tell a new fall skirt of the 1917 model from the one his wife wore twice in the early spring and discarded aft'"nl'tnor hnrvif 1'irwr flicnnVPrf Ci lllillWll^ tuc inn i 11 j 111^ that it was three-quarters of an inch too long to he strictly au fait. There you'ft-E welcome lb TmcV SucM A Long ?ICI#?J MEAN* J ANYIV;M6 Y>ih? use Discarded After Making the Horrifying Discovery That It Was ThreeQuarters of an Inch ToO Long to Be Strictly au Fatft. Is nothing more depressing than a new skirt which is only 75 per cent an fait and folds carelessly about both ankles, instead o( tilting back rakishly and blinding the innocent bystander in both eyes. Great care has bFeu taken, according to the fashion periodicals, to make the fall skirt so long that It can bt* worn to^hurch with perfect propriety. By actual measurement it will reach to the top of a 12:inchr boot, which will prevent anybody from tripping on it. In fact, it is estimated that it is going to be harder to: trip over one of the new fall skirts than it is to escape the strident voice of the cafe piano player. \ The fall skirt will be made of anything that costs more than it did- last winter, but will not be guaranteed against defects of workmanship or material. Stripes will be worn a great deal by women who would look better In some solid, neutral tint like black taffeta. The nervous, high-voiced Scotch plaid will* also be favored by wives whose husbands have learned to suffer in silence. Owing to the increasing hardiliood of the American woman, the fall skirt will have the same kind of lining as the silk stocking, but the latter will contain n trifle more material. (Copyright.) 0 -MILITANT-MARYJust-when-you're figrQt gloating over j T\ wtootosportyouM-4irn% ore, all'TOLD Ml Some-Auntie visits-you-cwd % /1 rDaHes?you*"fee/ / 1 JUST-EIGHT. / \ YEAR5-OLD! / \ E-FffaMuq>)- /I V\ PAID VISIT TO POPE Father Murphy Returns To Spartanburg Spartanburg, Sept. 7.?After ac:ompanying Bishop Russell on his )fficial visit to the pope and makng a visit to his old home in Ireland vhere he got a taste of curfew laws mder military occupation, Father A. Murphy, pastor of St. Paul's Datholic church, has returned to Spartanburg. A welcome home re:eption was given in his honor at ;he rectory on North Dean street. Father Murphy accompanied Sishop Russell on the occasion of ;he bishop's offiical visit to the pope, vhich all Catholic bishops must ;ake evei*y five years. The party sailed from New York on the steamship Patria early in June, anding at Naples. From there the jarty went to Rome and had several visits to the Vatican. They found Pope Benedict XV in e::cc'!:r.t lealth and much interested in Amjrican affairs. All over Italy, Father Vlurphy stated, they found indus;rial strikes, especially on street :ar lines. They found a great shortage of coal existed in Ita'y, necessitating the railroads running . on about one-third their regular schedule. | In London, Father Murphy was present at the unveiling cf a monument to Abraham : inccln and heard the speech or' Premier Lloyd 'George who presented it in behalf I FINE FARM 70 ACRES Fine ] this land is inside houn Falls, S. C. that is rented this balance of land i: Iceptionally good ,e 125,00 ! ABBEVILLE IF TRUST C W. L. PEEBLE _ WhyBrun 117!.. IV. win rr There are two main re; which certifies superfine tells the same story. Thus reputation and { you all you expect?an . . Yet Brunswicks cost n Many motorists would Brunswick idea is to GV to GET the utmost. And 1 iYou can appreciate what by trying ONE Brunswi lation". ' You'll agree that regardless of price. And, like other motoi ALL Brunswicks. Then faction , from your tire trouble, lower cost THE BRUNSWICK-Bi Atlanta Headqut I h, Sold On An U | Guarat ! BOWIE BROS. A COM i I - i THE IV I i ^ | HALL INVES < J of the British nation, and the speech ^ (of Elihu Root who accepted it for America. i - M Houses are so short in Germany that. rationing is being enforced. Empty rooms are used without consulting the occupant. N ^ ] fl Farm Land, part of I ^ of the Town of Cal- g Has fine pasture ? year for over $200, v I. a cultivation. Ex- n value. PER ACRE. I DURANCE AND 1 COMPANY, fl S,' Manager! y 55SSmmSSSSMSS5SSSSS5SS5S5SSSS5SSB* L iswickTires . ? "J^Vr ' -. -*'. - ' * eference / isons?one, the name itself, value?the other, that time " V I >erformance unite in giving d more. lo more tHan like-type tires, pay more readily, but the the utmost, rather than this has been true since 1845. Brunswick Standards mean ck Tire. It will be a reve- * you could not buy a better, > ? rists, you'll decide lo liave ' you'll know supreme satis- ,; * s ? longer life, minimum J * . v\ \LKE-COLLENDER CQ. irters: 38 Luckie St . 4 M nlimited Mileage ^ i tee Basis UTO & TR ACTOR PANY ^ IORE YOU LOOK The more you must admire the beauty and good taste that fairly permeate our Rug exhibit. Each one you see would be chosen by you if there were no others. But there are plenty of others. No matter what your taste and requirements you'll find what you seek in our col lection. Come and try any way. TMENT COMPANY ' ft