The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, August 04, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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NQN-MAILABLE ARTICLES A new bulletin of the Post office pepartment amending previous regulations governing the admissibility of certain drugs, medicines and other materals to the mails, received here, is of special interest to physicians, druggists, dentists and manufacturers and wholesalers of medical preparations. Following is the bulletin: "1. All kinds of poison and all articles and compositions containing poison and all poisonous animals, insects and reptiles, and all explosives of all kinds, and inflammable materials, and infernal machines and mechanical, chemical or other devices or compositions which may ignite or explode and all disease germs or scabs, and all other natural materials of whatever kind, which may kill or in any wise hurt, barm or injure another, or damage, deface or otherwise injure the mails or other property, whether sealed as first class matter or not, are hereby declared to be non-mailable matter, and shall not be conveyed in the mails or delivered from any post office or station thereof, nor by any letter earner, but the postmaster general may permit the transmission in the mails from the manufacturer thereof or the dealer therein to licensed physicians, surgeons, dentists and veterinarians, under such rules and regulations as he shall prescribe, or any articles hereinbefore described which are not outwardly or of their / mm fnroD flarxrornnc rvr inilirinilS tn life, health of property provided, hat all spiritous, vinous, malted, fermented or other intoxicating liquors of any kind are hereby declared to be non-mailable and shall not be deposited in or carried through the mails. Whoever shall knowingly deposit or cause to be deposited for mailing or delivery, or shall knowingly cause to be deTHE COUPLE' HALL INVES II > ?== Pretty important uncertain steps?t think of is a KOI While it is all very i | the experts "in our p] are more than ready ~ C tUoir pvnpripnrp o U1 UIV/11 VAJ/Vl 1VMVV U picture-making all the Kodaks from $9.49 graphic?an invaluabl the youngsters where often half the interest THF M. DRI in C | 1?^ A V "w livered by mail, according to the direction thereon or at any place al which it is directed to be delivered by the person to whom it is addressed, anything declared by this section to be non-mailable, whethei transmitted in accordance with the rules and regulation authorize to be r prescribed by the postmaster general or not, with the design, intent or purpose to kill or in anywise hurt, harm or injure another 01 , damage deface or otherwise injure the mails or other property, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than twentj years, or both. | "4. Medicines which are not outwardly or of their own force dangerous or injurious to life, health or property and not in themselves unmailable (see sections 454 and 480) may be admitted to the mails for transmission in the domestic mails when inclosed in packages in conformity with the condition prescribed in section 474; provided that the term 'medicines' shall not be . construed to mean poisons; provided further ,that the article mailed bears the label or superscription of the manufacturer thereof, or the dealer therein, or of licensed physician. surgeon, dentist, pharmacist druggist or veternarian preparing or prescribing the same. "(b) Poisonous drugs and medicines and other anesthetic agents, which are not outwardly or of their own force dangerous or injurious to life, health, or property, and not otherwise unmailable (see section 454 and 480), when securely packed for transmission may be admitted to the .mails for transmission in the domestic mails when sent by the manufacurer, thereof or dealer therein to licensed physicians, surgeons, detnists, pharmacists, druggists and veternarians. when ad dressed by such provided that the container of the article mailed ' is THAT COMES HERE For Furniture show good judgement. For in our Furniture display there will not be found a single unworitiy article. And in addition there will he found an economy or prices that menus a saving on anything selected from an easy < hair to a complete outfit for the House. TMENT COMPANY event?those first :he first thing you DAK simple the Kodak way, hotographic department > to give you the feewefit * nd to help mak?e good j ; easier. up?they are all autoe featffre for jpi?t?res of : the date title are i i t i cMURRAY COMPANY i G plainly labeled to show its contents ; is marked 'poison' and bears the i I label or superscription of the manufacturer thereof." I "I _ | a! Homicide As A Joke ! ; , A fire truck was answering a fire alarm in Winston-Salem, when an / accident occurred and a fireman , was killed. The alarm was false. . Three young men alleged to have , turned in the false alarm will be , charged with murder. If they sent _ in the false alarm they are as guilty f of the death of that fireman as if they had killed him with their own hands. But the North Carolina way is to say they didn't mean to do it , and let it go at that. At the University a few years ago a bunch of brutes who found pleasure in the suffering of' others forced a fellow student to stand on a barrel and dance. The barrel tilted, the young man fell off and was killed. The wretches who forced the act that caused death were as guilty as if they had hit the victim with an axe. They were convicted of murder but the plea, 'They didn't intend to hurt him, it was all in fun," saved them from punishment. We make a hypocritical pretence of opposition- to mob law, but by precept and ex Jample we encourage mob . law and aid and abet lawlessness and crime. -r-Satesville, N. C., Landmark. 1 SEEING GHOSTS / . That the human body has a radiating atmosphere, emanation, or V'aura" has long been held. A simple 'experiment will enable the reader to 1 itest the reality of this aura for himself, says the Herald of Washington D. C. Hang a black cloth upon the jwall, or over the back of a chair, ^ave the room lighted from the onjly one source, fairly low down, on 1 .t.ViP nnnnsite side of the room, and ;jsit facing the black cloth, with your 'back to the light, in such position jhat your body throws your hands in,to shadow, when they are held in front of you against the cloth, j Now, slowly separate the fingers, of one hand against the tips of the fingers of the other hand (the thumbs need not touch) and keep jthem thus tightly pressed together for about fifteen seconds. Now, slowly separate the fingera, drawing them apart, when fine, misty, white vapor-like streams may be seen to extend from the tips of the fingers of one hand to the fingers of the other?becoming more and more asturated, or thinner, as the hands separate, until they finaly break and snap altogether. THE INSIDIOUS SHIMMY Tt ie Vii'rrVi fimo that CATY10 Cif OUT philosophical sociologists undertook a thorough survey of the shimmy Professor Thorstein Veblen, for ex ample, who is always wasting his time assembling sentences uoout la-1 bor and other luxuries, might far ? I better give up a year or so to this ieally vital process of contemporary existence. When the shimmy first reached these regions it seemed too preposterous to endure more than a night. It was familiar enough in general style?having long been known under the name of its medical patron St. Vitus. That grown men and women. would ever take up such jiggling, practice it \vpth absorption and develop it into a varied and difficult seemed inconceivable. Just about that much has happened, however. The music or tiie relatively ancient fox trot is now played so slowly that shimmying -oecomes almost compulsory to nil up the measures. The youngsters are, of course, the best and most graceful practitioners of the free-footed dancing which has grown up around the shimmy. But the germ is spreading. Dignified matrons who Tiave expert j merited with the new motions report I that they find themselves jiggling as j they walk the next day. It :s a new ! tempo for life, apparently, that fits ; into the mood of the recent reign of j speed?part of the post-war psychosis , we supjjose our learned inveslgators will in due course of time report? WHY, OF COURSE American Legiun: "What's the name of that big post down in Philadelphia?" Discharge Button; "Saturday Evening." Legal Blanks for Sale Here.? The Press and Banner Company. ? -J. EVERYB0D1 A_ J I OWENSBOR WH * I When a Man Buys I He Does Not Expect t I !f r^r Manv Ypaffi. Y< 4.1 & V/i. 1 T AMA M.J m. w- W.- . ? He Turns This Wagor ant That It Is Not Alv ceive The Best Of C< To Buy A Wagon T Take Care Of Itself. That's Why VI I Owensborc I They Take The Strc I And Give Everlas Another Cai ceived Y< I Better Get Y I W. A. Calvei { WANTS IJ 0 WAGON l | i JL v'lj \ Wagon This Year I o Have To Replace l| st He Knows When II >T^ f ! rp I lUver l o His 1 en- ? /ays Going To Re- I -j ire. So He Is Going, ? hat Will Practically I '">11 fise Men Buy 11 i wagons I I tin Off The Mules I II ting Satisfaction I J r Load Re- 1 | esterday I j ours Quick | | ft & Snns I 3 L t U UVIIU ^ : > 4