OHHBBHBBIHBBHHBEBn COMIf From the tim< lii7?>e npyt Dor Ill VW ? - Him, after M; "THE PE vvvvvvuvuvvvvs V V V DUE WEST. \ >>\>>\>^>>?\\\> Due West, S. C., May 9.?The past w^ek has been a busy one in re'al estate circles in and and around Due West, more land traders having been made than at any time in the history nf the town. The most important transaction was the lands of Mr. A Seldon Kennedy to the Davis Realty Company. This deal invoked between $80,000 and $90,000. This big tract of land lies east of Cowan's Creek and extends down the Brick House road as far as George Dusenberxy's, or the Billy Cowan place. The Davis Realty Company plans to develop this property for sale to white farmers. At present the farm is worked by Mr. Kennedy through negro tenants. The bowlers erf this big tract of land are not more than a mile from Due West. The l?cal agent for the Davis peopJe is Mr. A. R. Fowler, a new citizen of Due West. Mr. Fowler has also sold recently for Frof. Paul Grier his farm on the Donalds road two miles out of Dv *? West. Part of the Grier farm went to Mr. Leonard, who lives at the J. JE. Todd place, and part went to Pressly Brothers. The McDavid place, on the Donalds road, has been sold by Mr. Fowler for J. R. Putman to James R. Todd for a consideration of $10,000. Still another deal was the purchase by Brice and Mabry from, 0. Y. Brownlee of a farm opposite Joe Haddon's, the price paid being about $125 per acre. * Mr. J. H. Wren has sold his store building and lumber warehouses to John R. Winn. This joins the sidings and the depot grounds of the Due West Railway. Mr. Wren reserves his stock of goods. Our correspondent understands that Mr. Winn paid Dixie L We have Vakiat Wardlaw Street. 1 \ desirable. \ On Magazine Si Lots that are splend purposes. Can furnish LOr on South Main, Ms streets at very atti EASY TERMS. Dixie Lane MG OPERi * e When She First Wond( DnnciAC* Ptr fV?o Onpst n1 'X JL dOOt/D UJ J Vllv \^v%wvv Van yYears of Fruitless S< RFECT LOVER" IS A 1 $7,500 for the Wren property, but , these figures are not confirmed. The Due West Oil Mill has ordered from A. C. Tuxbury Lumber Company, Charleston, a ready-built house for the use of the superintendent of the oil mill. The house will be built in the western part of the town joining the home of Mr. Charlie Ware The Redpath Chautauqua is in full swing in Due West this week and will give programs through next Tuesday, .the 11th. Large crowds are in attendance. A significant feature of the attendance is that our neighbors i from Level Land, Donalds, Bethlehem, Arborville and other places are coming in for the shows. More automobiles were in town the" first night of the Chautauqua than kave ever been on the streets before. The twelve guarantor, whr> Jfest spring had faith enough to believe that Due WW pftnld Kunnort a $1375 show have had their confidence justified. The season tickets were sold out before noon of the first day and there is a surplus in the bpnk for next year. The sale of tickets was pushed by the Due West post of the American Legion, W. L. Brownlee commander, but the ladies sold tickets right and left too. Nearly all of the Due West ministers and theologs are in Gastonia this week attending the meeting of Synod. The modenator is Rev. R. F. Bradley, of Troy, S. C. Among the important- items up for discussion disposition of the mission work in Mexico or not will be settled. Then, the church court will determine what shall be done with the surplus of money gathered in last fall in the Forward Movement campaign Church union with the U. P. church, i the Interchurch World Movement, and Christian education will be subjects of conferences. A plan for five-years mission work in India will r i and Co. )le Lots For Sale on 'his property is very i m treet we nave i wo lid for residential rS of most any size igazine or Wardlaw -active prices and 1 Company i V HOUSE EUGENE " THF PF.RF1 srs Whether Her Nose i f Every Woman is For marching, Come to the C( PICTURE YOU CAN I ! be presented and no doubt will t ! adopted. This plan calls for an ou lay of about $50,000 a year for fiv years. Dr. and Mrs. James S. Moffatt n turned last week from North Car< lina where they attended the ir auguration of President H. W. Chasi of the University of North Carolins and where they visited their soi Dr. J. S. Moffatt, Jr. The personal property of the lat R. S. Gordon is being sold at 10 o clock today at the home of J. Gordon. A number of Due West pe< pie are in attendance. Due West people are looking foi ward to he commencement seasoi The Woman's College Commenc< ment begins on May 28; the Sem nary commencement on May 29; an Erskine College commencement o Tuesday, Juiie 2nd. Gov. R. A. Cooj er will deliver the annual address s Erskine. Dr. John Robertson, c Glasgow, Scotland will be the preacl er for the Semintwy. President R. I Robinson is expecting large crowd of alumnae here for the home-con ing and the celebration of the 60tl anniversary of the Woman's Collegi Edgar Long. Members of the cabinet returned i a highly cheerfiul frame of mim 'from their first meeting with th president since his illness. IWcj and we Chan < cloth( Kirscl mer i ? ? light; how heat how 1 fortal ^' E you b . ^ \ * I 11 f ALL SI I W WEDNES O'BRIEN IN ECT LOVER ? s Shiny As the Boy with i THE PERFECT LOVER inclusion That "There ai MOT AFFORD TO MIS< )0 CONVENTION NEAR, t- RIVAL CAMPS HUA e New York, May 7.?With the firs of the big political convention j. scheduled to open in Chicago just i month from Saturday, things begai to boom politically around the var ious camps in the East Friday. ^ The oustanding developments wen these: ^ Democrats?.Governor "Teddy" Ed ?. wards of New Jersey, who frankl; ; ' vvrnts to make the United States "a v ). I wet as the Altantic Ocean," came in {o the open and announced himself j f. sure 'nough full fledged candidal v at San Franciaeo. 4 2-. A fight in the New York delegatioi i- j over the "unit-rule" is threatened d And it will be carried right to thi n floor at San Francisco, according ti )- opponents of Charles Murphy, Tam it many boss. Friends of William G ?f McAdoo are behind the fight. 1- Hitchcock in Charge ^ In Republican ranks Frank Hitch ts cock, reputed the most asute politica 1- mentor of either party, assume< _.c 4.1.-. Ale j uaaix^ ui tut: uuu uaiupai^ii, vi?c ? placing, for all practical purposes a ! least, Col. William Proctor, Cincin I nati soap manufacturer and chie n | financial angel of the Wood drive. ^ j The spector of another 1912 arise e i before the Republican leaders as a re I suit of Hiram Johnson's ultimatun RAMEY& ABBE1 Here Is The Se During Summ IT Goc HAVE THEM ?FRO ge those wook ;s for one of the: tibaum midsut mild tuuij ctij as a feather. S< much less th worries you* nuch more con ole and efficiei lecome. 15 to $30 ZES ?ALL FABRIC ( DAY, MA\ the Pink Tie, and Vaseline Some are Fortunate; n't No Such Animals." I. (Opera House, Wedn i that he can't be compromised with a I \ vice presidential nomination. It will; be either presidential nomination or 11 * nothing with Johnson. ' 1 s( Herbert Hoover headquarters an- 1 1 nounced that despite California, and < 1 despite everything else, he is a can-, 1 - didate and will remain so until it iej 1 all over at Chicago. ; j e Governor Edwards' campaign head- \ < quarters are in charge of W. W. Vick 1 * who was active in the candidacy of't y President Wilson in 1912, and who ? s was later assistant sec^tary of the t - Democratic National Committee. j t a ; t - i e ESCAPED FROM PRISON i1 WITH AID 0F NEEDLE 11 ' V .? ?- V i 1 Rawlins., Wyo., May 7.?With a ( 2 needl? obtained in the prison shirt 3 factory as his tool, Bert Loiten has escaped from the state pi'ison here. * * William Smith, hia companion was ' captured while trying to scale the ' ?iChero jjUE^ZESi i . SSSSSS" i GILLIAM ^ILLB cret Of Comfort er JVeather? >1 Clot M THE KIRSCHBAUl :s . ' JT1% ????????? r 12th 1 ?! d Hair who ? i-li LT*1 ia rJ Hi uiey r liiu k iesday) | prison wall. Loften and Smith were confined to he death house cell because of their tnown desperate characte* Loften found that a soft piec? of steel.covered a drain. With his great pei:ience and skill, he slowly cut a ho3e through the steel with the needle. After removing a pipe and plate they :rawled through the hole, nicked the ock of a steel door c^inecting wilk ;he main corridor of*the prison, scaled the tier of ells, cut hole* ;hrough the slate roof and dipped ,o the open and announced himself a ;hey found a steel baj, which the srlsoners bent into a ffbok, to fasten in improvised *pe to the prison vail. Lofton escaped but Si?ith 'was saughi by a guard, J The collegl girls ai Welledfey are filing op the school's domestic end abor shortage, doing the housework md keep the farm for a wage of SO cents an hour. UUIUJ :hes M SHOPS I ^jjj ^ Copyright, 1930. JW J