The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, April 16, 1920, Image 5

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maay, April iu, xouv. & ' 3jd ! Xocal j flews s i , ( : personals : j L. A. Ramey, of Lebanon, was in * town Thursday. H Mrs. Edd Roche, and children, are " visiting relatives in Fort Lawn. . . Ed Stevenson is visiting friends I in Greenville. J. W. McCaslan, of Gveenwood,j was a visitor; here Wednesday. J t T. Mi?r,nmhs. of Bethia. was in town Thursday. 5 C Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hanvey, of S Troy, were in town Thursday. I ' a Mrs. James Ferguson, Farmville. f was a shopper in Abbeville Thursday, t 1 ? T Mrs. T. M. McCard, Santuc, spent s Thursday in Abbeville. ) ~ r Dr. Rake straw, of Chester, was in town Thursday on business. James Hemphill, of Greenwood, a spent Thursday in the city. ? c Mrs. C. G. McAllister, of Latimer, c was shopping in town Thursday. ? ?. a Mrs. Leonard Mcllwain, of Cen- ^ tral was in town Thursday. Arthur Mundy spent Tuesday in|* Monroe. !? ? i1 Jndcp Josenh Hicks. Calhoun Falls.'e was a visitor in Abbeville Thursday. !g - t Emory Pijnny, and daughter, Miss ' Ethel, spent Thursday in Atlanta. v ( ,il R. L. Barmore, of this county, was'n a business visitor in Abbeville Thurs- 'n day. 0 tl Andrew Hrll, a student at Clemson r College, is visiting his parents, Mr. 1^ and Mrs. j. a. mil, ureenvine street, j Misses Hannah Roche and Ethel Perry left Thursday for a trip to At- ' lanta. j Mrs. Leila Todd, Mrs. John McDill ^ and Miss Edith Todd, Due West, were! \ visitors in Abbeville Wednesday. ! Mrs. W. S. Cothran, who has been n Pryor^s Hospital, Chester, for lome time taking treatment is ex>ected to return home tiday. W. S. Cothran, who recently went ;o a hospital in Chester, left this veek to visit relatives in Edegfield bounty. He was accompanied by his laughter, Miss Margaret Cothran. Miss Lallie Calhoun came down Torn Greenville this week and will emain until after the marriage of ler niece, Miss Sara Haskell and Mr. [. C. Fair next Tuesday. . . / SOUNDS THE CAVALRY HORN r ? V. . - v ^apt. Shaw Makes Some Remarks Concerning the Bond Issue. Thinks Taxpayers Should >i Stand logeiuc. Sditor Press .and Banner:? In your issue of April 5th, speakng of the election for bond issue, 'ou said that the cavalry horn of >apt. W. C. Shaw was not heard on Saturday April 3rd. If the people of Abbeville County will cut this out ,nd keep it for reference they will ind out by the time they pay their axeg for the year 1921 who was ight and who was wrong. Just as ure as the sun sets behind the Vestern hills some of the people, if lot all, will wish that they had listenid to Capt. Shaw's cavalry horn. It will be remembered that I was gainst the law for compelling chilIren to go to school. I blew my avalry horn then and told them they ould never make the law a success mless the legislature made a laig? ppropriation every year for the ?urpose. What kind of a shape is the chool system in today? I will answer hat question myself. Two-thirds of ' -? * ? iur country scnooi mmsea aic um.iv or any child to study in. They can't :et books to study, and they haven't :ot money enough to pay a compeent teacher, and it is an undeniable act that a majority of the teachers ?ho Ate t&clHftsg the public schools n the country cannot hold down i lore thai!'tKe'third'fcrade, and have ! o certificate fnorn the County Board f Education, and a majority of he sch^ls in?.t>hjs district are being un contrary to the law of South Jarolina: . iV, t iThe common people are responsile for the bonds being voted on the epole. It is strange to me that all REDPATH other classes of people will stick together and protect their interests except the common people. To these people, who are laboring people of the land, the question of wages and I low taxes is the most important 'thing for him next to preparing to jmeet God. And these people should | stand together to keep from being | burdened with taxation. Every man in Abbeville County should get a registration certificate and be prepared to vote in every election iwhich comes off, and as a good jcitizen every man should go to the polls and vote.. The people who pay I taxes should present a solid front [whenever any fight* comes Up to levy more taxes. I had some exjperience along this line,, wheri I icharged a heavy line of yankees with ! bayonets and not a shell in ' the division. It is the same thing with voters. A word to the wise is sufficient. W. C. SHAW. Opera House Today-Friday TAYLOR HOLMES ' in "NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH" and A MUTT AND JEFF CARTOON " SOUR VIOLIN" 10c ,20c. SATURDAY . HARRY CAREY in ' OVERLAND RED" AND A FOX SUNSHINE COMEDY . "THE LIGHTWEIGHT LOVER" 10c .20c. MONDAY TOM MIX IN "THE SPEED MANIAC" AND' A STAR COMEDY , "OFFICERS CALL A COP" j 10c. 20c. ??? m | WANTS | STRAYED?One sorrel mule about 6 years old weighing about 1000 tiounds. Reward if returned to G. W. Calvert, Antreville, S. C. 4-16-3pd. FOR SALE?-Nice 6 room house at Southern Depot. All city conveniences. In first class shape. For quick sale ?.':,750. Dixie Land Co. 4-16-lt. f?: FOR SALE?60 acres of land, good house, plenty of out buildings, one two horse farm in cultivation, land lies well, just three miles from town on Calhoun Falls road. For quick sale, $110 per acre. Terms easy. Dixie Land Co. 4-16-lt. ^WANTED?To frame your pictures, frames of all styles, and frames made to order. ' | Hays Studio Run 1 month. T PAJS TO BUY THE BEST?I Have tqr sale 506 ' bushels of Wannanxake?c3eve!and' Big Boll Cotton Seed. !Rm! planting'-' seech; first year's growing from Wannamaker's Aeolian Farm, heavy fruiter, matures early, ginned on private gin. Price $2.50 per 1 bushel f. o. b. Newberry, S. C. 4-7-6t. I CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candilate for Sheriff of Abbeville Cour.ty n the Democratic Primary, and I ledge myself to be governed by the ules and to abide the resub of the ?rimary. J. N. BLUM. i from $5 bb y I SIX ? I W. A. C STAND, { % LOAN OF AE I His paj money rea SI Today the res $5( I More than 20( More than 1,1 The Fiftee " I o The Directors are: W. A. Calvert W. H. White C. C. Gambrell "Tv TT TT.M1 IU. XI. XXI11 i Otto Bristow . t 1 .Albert Henry ;, , . 1 W. M. Barnwell;. ; C: H. McMurray <? v, T. V. Howie I Office at F / TO $50,0 YEARS AC alvert paid t $5 to the A T%I VVV AKL) tSUlL AND ASS0CIA1 IBEVILLE, i rment was t iived by the ANDARD sources of the STJ are over ),OOO.i -VI 1 J people are stock 00 shares are outs inth Series is now Oft The Office W. H.Whi ' C. C Gam] " rv: ' Otto Brist< ; * ; : : Secret " T) TT TTil] 'LANTERS 00 001 10 I :he first DING I JjfM f riAM I L 1V-JM I S.C. I he first I WDARD I 00 \ ??l holders. I standing I open. I J" I I irs are: ^ W i4*n L)impit /"3 /-vv\ Itc, JT L CMUCI1U 5S[ brell, Vice-Pres M ;ary & Treas. M,.. Attorney. fi BANK |