f Don't I Ifc When you fe List yourp] I market. 8 We Feel that X Our Aim is t< I We have Sev m Also Some d< I 1 PIEDM INiru it, VALUi F One nic next to Prt price is rig Have fo near Cotto 1 nice lot, gc five room age and st Nice sb shape wit} Southern house can We hav property fo LIST Y0\ I riiYi . I T f I Forg want to buy or se roperty now and le we can give you ti > satify our Custon eral Farms Ready asirable Homes in ONT U H. PENNELL, Mm mm OR SAL e six room hou ^ss and Banner ht. r sale in south n Mill, one six )od store buildir house, nice lot, I nre. c room house 1 all city conveni Depot. For or be built for tod e some very < r your consider; JR REAL ES' IS FOR RfcSU e Lan L. M, TOLBEI et us: | 11 Real Estate. 1 \ it us get it on the he best service. J s tiers. m t For Sale now. B1 the City. jj * ^nd co. |: Mgr. 11 . ~ jfrl - - ^ _ ( I OPERTY I ! w m I t! se and big lot office. The l end of town room house, is, Also one Dam and garin first class ^ ences, right at le-third than air * I ittractive farm j ition. rATE WITH I LTS. I d Co. ! RT HI I i j i i i I > > k LONG CANE. V > * Heavy rain fell in this community Vednesday and Thursday night, ut the farmers futher behind with 5 heir work. c Miss. Nannie Beauford spent i* Vednesday night and Thursday in he city with Mr. and Mrs J. M. IcKeller. ^ Miss. Pannie May Stevenson who! r s teaching near Anderson, spent the | yeek end with her home folks. Mr. W. D. Botts was a visitor to j he city Thursday. The Misses Beauford entertained^ t few of their friends at a rook party! i s ruesday night Mrs. Arthur Ervin spent Monday! light and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs j. F. Finley. Miss Maud Botts, Lander College, I J ipent 1>he week end with he h6mej 'oiks. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Finley's infant j son, Paul Andrew, has been sick fori ;he past few days But we are glad x> report that he is getting along fine at this writing. Misses Linnie and Clora Beauford , >pent Friday evening with Miss Mary Cay. Mr. Hubert Botts is visting his t lome folks this week being unable to I. vork. Mr. W. H. Beauford and family | >f Greenwood', spent from Saturday zntil Monday with his parents, Mr. md Mrs. W. D. Beauford. Mrs W. T. King spent Thursday in i ;he ctiy with her daughter, Mrs. J. A i iVoodhurse. 1 Mr. George Morrison and Sister, Hiss. Lila, were shopping in the city 1 iViday evening. Miss. Linnie and Clara Beauford ^ ipent Monday -with Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Bosler. Mr. Ben King was a business 'isitor. to the city Thursday. j J Engraved Cards and Invitations? Phe Press and Banner Co. , , i . I ***"BEE" ] U About k N Gone fcj ^ Many thousudi ol women suffering from j womanly trouble, have ( LI been benefited by the use i VI of Cardui, the woman's > k 1 (Wit, iSkWIUUl^ M iwuwia AJ we receive, similar to this IV i one from Mrs. Z.V. Spell* , ^ of Hayne, N. C. "I could VI not stand on my feet, and! IV,j ^ just suffered terribly,'* j ^1 she says. "As my suf- I fering was so great, and be had tried other reme- j M dies, Dr. had us IV! get Cardui. . ? I began M ] ^1 improving, and it cured ( me. I know, and my |^i doctor knows, what Car- i dui did for me, for my nerves and health r?re About gone." " v TAKE ^ CARDIII Hie Woman's Tonic !, She writes further: 4rl r^| L - ? * -* t tit. & I k am in spiencua ncaiui.,. " i can do my work. I feel I Mb' oweittoCardul.forlwas In dreadful condition." V If you are nervous, run^ 1 down and weak, or suffer Al from headache, backache, M! etc., every month, try ^1 Cardui. Thousands of |^l women praise this medi^ cine for the good it has W done thern, and many 1^ j physicians who have used fck 1 r"lrr1 ii! cnrmccfllllv VL'itll Kft , their women patients, for , years, endorse this medi- ! Cine. Think what it means ^1 to be in splendid health, j1 like Mrs. Spell. Give ,{ Cardui a trial N ?All Druggists P, M II kVVVVVVVVVVVVVVse: i, SANTUC NEWS. V pu t ^ o> >> as Mr. Sam Gordon died at his home ? ? - - rtr _ i 1 tiser, Mrs. J. B. Winn, of Donalds, . ;o whom the sympathy .of the comnunity is extended. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Richey spent ;he week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. | . R. Haddon. jP ai Messrs. John Perry and Robert 01 Edwards, of Ninety-Six, are visitng Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Botts. c< Mr. D. E. Haddon is spending ai^( 1 1 !XL ?1-A: ew aays nere wiwi relatives Miss Willie Butler, of Johnson, | pent last week with Mrs. Mason!. jit Wright. j. Mr. M. B. Kay and Miss Mary Kay I I pent Monday at Mr. C. C. ;Kay's. I^( We are sorry to note that Mrs. J. R. Richardson is still sick. Mr. and Mrs. James Haddon are visiiting relatives near Ware Shoals. m Mrs. Ermie Haddon and Miss m Lia Morrison were shoppers in the ^ lity Saturday. w Miss Mattie Cochran is spending a a while with Mrs. J. B. Culbreth. 'jn Mrs. E. J. Botts spent Wednesday r with Mrs. J. R. Richardson. ' Mrs. R. B. Haddon, and little Ruby, are visiting her parents, MrJei .nd Mrs. John Petfcigrew. 'sc There are several on the sick list n (this community at this writing. J Mr. Roy Kay and Misses Mary and \nnie Kay visited the Miss Beaufords Tuesday evening. Quiet a large crowd attended the ^ Easter egg hunt at Central school1^ louse Friday afternoon. I , ?_ NOTICE OF ELECTION l*[ T( Notice is hereby given that , pur- ^ uant to the resolution of the Board of ^ rrustees of the School District of the , al rown of Abbeville, and under ^ uthority of the Act of the General Assembly approved February 19, 1920, an election is hereby ordered to in be held at Abbeville Court House !g< in said District, April 20th., 1920 within the usual hours, for the w jurpose of allowing the qualified cj ilppfn-ria of sjn'd Hisfcrirvt to vote OTl the luestion of levying an annual tax of jgj four mills in addition to the special 'ei axes now levied in said school dis:rict for school purposes, to be used hi for current expenses for the support sc ind maintenance of the schools of aid district. Those desiring to vote for said evy and additional tax will vote a K Dallot of the following form (printed )r written): ^ SPECIAL ELECTION SCHOOL " DISTRICT TOWN OF ABBEVILLE April 20th., 1920. Shall an annual tax of four m.Us in r addition to other special taxes be looted in this district: Yes. S Those opposed to eaid levy and | additional tax will vote a ballot similar in form except that the word 'No" shall be substituted for the word "Yes." The following will act as mana- ] jers of said election: T. C. Seal, C. Botts, and J. L. Clark. Wai. M. Barnwell, Chairman Board of Trustees, J. S. Morse, Secretary. * March 20, 1920. < -22-l-ti.-4 weeks. 1 rAX ON LUXURIES |J TO RAISE BONUS e t Wahsington, April 2.-Soldier relief ? legislature with probable nrovi?:o'i for a cash bonus fund for wich 'vo J1 je raised by a sales or luxuries * ivas approved today by the house jtvays andmeansicommittee by a vote ^ )f 15 o 6. Details of bill to be s vorked out by subcommittees to be a ?L ippointed Monday . fl Memhprs nf t.hp PAmmittHO hnnn tn ^ ?!a )btain final action by the house be- ti ?ore the contemplated rccess for the lational political conventions, but ^ .hey expres doubt whether action by w he senate could be had at this ^ ssion. Senator Lodge Massachusetts Reblican leader after a conference day with other senate Republicans I to future legislation in the senate, id he thought this would include a II to give a money bonus to former rvice men, with provisions for a ecial tax to raise the neccesary inds. The program approved by e house committee declares against ly bond issue. It is understood to tve been submitted by Representee Longworth, Republican, Ohio, id was discussed at great length in :ecusive sessions. While the exact form of legisla:>n was noit decided upon, commite discussion was said to have indiited approval of a plan of extendg vocational education as an alterative to the cash bonus. These two ans are a part of the American egion's program. Its other selected an of government aid to soldiers id sailors for building some homes r obtaining ownership of farms ere said by some members of the )mmittee to involve too many difjrences to be worked out by legislaon before the recess. c.?i *? j opUACaineil AVI i/iic tuiniuitvcc ort-night. As no decision was made } to the amount of the bonus or the >st of other plans that might be iopted, it was said that no estitate of the funds needed could be ade at this time. It also was said lat there has been no decision as to hether the bonus would be paid in lump sum or be graduated accordg to the length of service of each [dividual. The program is understood to have le approval of the Republican lead's of the house assuring early con lieration for it. JEST MEDICINE HE EVER SAW "I want to recommend Meritone as te best medicine I ever saw," said r. H. Prather, a well-known emloyee of the N. C. & St. L. Ry., of o. 4 Bessie Street, Chattanooga, ena. i** tJ. "My son's health was all run down iter he got up from an attack of le influenza. He had no energy at 1 and could hardly drag around, is appetite was so poor that be dn't care for anything to eat. "He kept going down and fell off i weight and nothing did him any )od. "Finally I heard of Meritone and hat it was doing for others, and deded to let him try it." "Since taking two bottles he has lined five pounds and just cant get lough to eat." "That tired, draggy feeling has left im and he delights in doing his :hool work now." "He has a better color and sleeps ne. In fact, Meritone has made a sw boy out of him and he is as iiapy as can be." Meritone is sold exclusively in bbeville by The McMurray Drug Co. Engraved Cards and Invitations? he Press and Banner Co. 5HT LESS MEAT ' F UK HURTS HIM ? ?ake a glass of Salts to lush Sidneys if Bladder botheri you?Drink i?i_ ./ i. teia 01 wubvt. Eating meat regularly eventually proluces kidney trouble in some form or >ther, says a well-known authority, beause the uric acid in meat excites th? cidneyB, they become overworked; get iluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of listrees, particularly backache and misry in the kidney region; rheumatic twinres, severe headaches, acid stomach, constipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, linger and urinary irritation. r> moment your back hurts or kidv< - aiui't noting right, or if bladder Ik-i ysi-u, get about four ounces of uii Salta from anv cood Dharmacv; ake a tablespoonful in a glass of water efore breakfast for a few days and your idneys will then act fine. This famous alts is made from the acid of grapes nd lemon juice, combined with lithia, nd has been use*" for generations to ush clogged kidneys and stimulate them j normal activity; also to neutralize the cids in the urine so it no longer irri t ICC, wuuo CUUlii^ k/iauuci uigviugio. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; lakes a delightful effervescent lithiaater drink which millions of men and omen take now and then to keep the idneys and urinary organs clean, thus raiding serious kidney disease.