The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, March 31, 1920, Image 5

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\> tuntsu<;j, iuaivu w*, Xocal |f 1tof?ws I I FT jj : iPersonals : I ? i u $*jj Pete Dugan is visiting his mother jj in Honea Path. g ^Herbert F'erguson, of Saluka, was 3 in town Tuesday. j 1 , * Bill Reid, of Cold Springs, was in j r town Monday. C ! Tom Sherard spent Monday after- ; noon in Anderson. ci City Clerk T. G. Perrin spent I { Tuesday in Anderson. jr ! :W Miss Parry Hughes spent Tuesday J in Hodges with relatives. !e' Reed Ashley, of Antreville, spent L the week-end in Abbeville. f{ Lucien Lomax, Atlanta, was a visitor in Abbeville Wednesday. IP Misses Annie Bell and Hattie Lou C Haddon, of Antreville, were in town Tuesday. it! Mfsses Lily and Bessie Link, of d Lebanon, were in the city shopping} Tuesday. a * i*1 Mrs. Gerald Martin and -Mrs. J. L. iP Schroeder spent a few days this 1^ week in Atlanta. c j Mrs. Otis McMillan, of Greenwood, I spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,J. M. Gambrell. n Mrs. Joe Everett, and little Joe' Everett, Jr., left Wednesday for A - - . . I their home in Spartan our?-. Miss Annie Grier, Spartanburg, is expected here tomorrow to be the ^ guest of Miss Mary Quarles Link. c< Mrs. Mary McCarter, of Antreville, ^ is visiting her grandson, Henry Bell, who is sick at the home of Mrs. J. G. ^ Edwards. x 'y ]t Miss Howard Hill, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry Hill, ^ has returned to the Woman's College ^ Due West. | Dr. Walter McFall, a student at1 I the Atlanta Dental College, was the guest of his uncle, Mr. Joe Hughes, j this week. The family of Mr. Albert Power, | which has been down with influenza j . for the $ast few days, is greatly im-j proved. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pennell have i returned after a wedding trip in the : mountains of North Carolina and are / at the home of the bride's father, i Mr. Henry Power, Brownlee. i Mrs. Eugene Power, and little sor, who have been ill with influenza of ir ! *% V?r\rv?o rvf " TWonvv Pawov Brownlee, are reported to be greatly imp.ovcJ. I * Mrs. E. C. Horion went up to Wil-! liamston Monday and will remain un til Saturday with rome people. Miss Magill to Return The friends of Miss Sadie Magill.: as well as those nersons interested if. il. . _ 1 1 _ _ '11 1 ?1 1 i- . tne city scnoois, win uu learn that Miss Magill has recovered her good health and that she plans', to take up her work in the Abbeville, schools again this fall. Miss Magill, has proved to be one of the best eachers ever employed in our, schools. Her return to Abbeville will! contribute to the continued *:oo<l I work of the schools in the future. Death of Mrs. Clark News has been received in Abbe-j beville of the death last week of Mrs. Shuford Clark after a Ion": and i weary illness, in a hospital at Pinehurst. Mrs. Clark was buried at herj home in Raleigh. Mr. Clark is well remembered in Abbeville and his1 friends sympathize with him. jj Special Value ! jj 1,6 Room House< fi just one half blocl< R Street. Recently pa S ern conveniences, g light running wat* jj A good value for qi fj Abbeville Insurar 5 W. L. PEEB jj J. S. STARK, PRE iwptririririririririru-ir IJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJ131 IRCULAT1NG PETITION I TO GET CHANGE OF VENUE; Friends of the two Gossetts are J rculating a petition in this county > be presented to Judge Sease asklg for a change of venue. Two men ere in Due West Tuesday with the etition and are said to have obtaind a number of signers. The case of the Gossetts, charged ith criminal assault, will be called or trial here Monday. Sheriff Burts has requested Govrnor Cooper to send a military comany here for the trial. Governor looper, it was learned, is in New 'ork and it is not known whether he ill return in time to take action on tie request so that a company can be ispatched to reach here Monday. Solicitor H. S. Blackwell, Laurens, nd George Bell Timmerman, Lexigton, arrived here Wednesday to repare for the case. Mr. Timmerlan has been engaged to help prose ute. 4 * Procter A. Bonham and James H. 'rice, Greenville, attorneys for the efense, were also in Abbeville Wedesday getting ready for the trial. lBBEVILLE will not debate After having been assigned three, ifferent opponents, the high school i ebating team finally decided that ley would not enter the debating jntest slated for Friday evening, pril 2. The first opponent was Due West. ?ue West notified the locals that ley had never entered the contest, hen about a week ago Fountain Tnt 'as assigned in place of Due West. l telegram from Fountain Inn stated hey had withdi-awm from the deDOUBLE CABLE E if ? BKRV fiffiawffiffisfiffisfiifiififfiffi! In Real Estate jj on Nickles Avenue [ : from N. Main j inted, has all mod- [ including electric i jr and sewerage. [ lick sale. [ s ice and Trust Co I ;les, manager i sident i I bate. The local team notified the D< bating Council of the University c South Carolina, which is in charg of the assignments that Fountain In had withdrawn and what actio must be taken? This message sent b jwire Friday afternoon was not ar swered until Monday afternoo late, which stated that Abbevil] ' ' ? V T n_:? A_ would cieDate iva. rnur lu mc ai rival of this message the local tea! wired the Council that, in the al sence of further instructions, it we assumed that they would have no 0] ponents for Friday evening. Aft* this message was sent to Columb: the notice came to debate Iva. It is not convenient for Abb< loss of a day or more, no time wj loss of a day or more, n time w? j permitted sufficient to secure out-< i town judges, arrangements woul jhave to be made for chaperones \ accompany the team, for places 1 stay at Iva, and the fact that the I I .cal team felt they had stood enou? | assigning, the whole affair was cal ^ed off and the authorities prompt notified of the action. It is unfortunate for the debato that this action was necessary i they have spent considerable time i preparation, having entered the coi test in all good faith and were worl ing to win. Unless better arrangi ments are made for assignmeni next year, the high school team wi not enter the contest at all. Visitors from North Carolina Mrs. J. A. Spence, of Ashbor and Miss Chase Boren, of Greenbor N. C., ai-e in the city for a visit 1 I Mrs. W. L. Peebles. Both have visitc in Abbeville before and their r< jtirn gives pleasure to a wide circ' friends. 5ra? (ASE Tires They Give I More Miles 1 FEDERALS are not only better I equipped to stand punishment S3 from the road but also from the rim. The exclusive Double-Cable- P Base feature frees Federal Tires m trom internal rim troubles. Ki Four twisted steel cables hold R Federal Tires firmly on the rim; ^ keep them from shifting, rocking, H blowing off or the toe bead pinch- %, ing the tube. M This prevents rim cuts and blow * outs just above the rim. & Thousands of Federal users are K proving this every day. t? Federals could be economizing V for you, but not unless you have B them on your car. Let us tell you Rj more about Federal Tires and why E they save money, r EL US-LESLIE CO | ? Eureka Bldg. ^ u ??Tb A PFR II ZU CEN1 ill ^ 51 On our stoc J | Store wt yl Goods, | Millmei :j Chi :| $1.00 ;; J Merch; is ig? Ask to seetl 11 Dresses. Ne\ ?h|l prettier dresses :| J. M. A [ dry i iMMM?i iREC 13 | A carloa | White H is . ,n 'S I Tney /ire ;|j Before They Iff ? ill " A- 1 | | Abbeville, !!ii!!!l!lii!il!l!i!ii!lil!l(IH r Discoun )R CASH k at our Dry Go uch includes Dr Ready-to-Wear r I orlmo OKI/"] yy, L^auico anvj Idren Shoes w5rth ?f 80c mdiseror wv/v ie beautiful Virginia I rer before have we sh i than these. NDERSON ( GOODS STORE liiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiaiiiiieDiaiiiiiiH JUST 'CIVET /lJl T ?Jli d of the fame ? [ickory Wago (Vide Gauge" Scarce. Better Get Yours Are Gone. Calvsrf & Snr t - - - South Carolina I Ill iilill]lillllffillllllj|{ililljtf1!lllljiyilllllllltllll!lll9l $ E J t ! ods | Dare gj own | B 0 I )1 IUS | ns. | =i IS I