The! vMBgWM Ame Just Received That can t plan cuts out wt other retail pric< ^ HB jc : :ivi v:jH I Stores (in | A , i IS Cities il 11 H. H. DuPre wamm all or MAN Th I rican W' NEXT DOOR ' by express a big si be Duplicated by lolesale selling cost, i 2s, and in no way I Ex H ^ Our V t To keep reasons it is out the year Hence We V I I The Best J\ | Produced. i| Direct to yo Extra Sj uncalled for mencan HBBHKflBBnBB UUH Every vnn n IUU V e New OF oolen M ro COUNTY S/ upment or Wool< measure any other Clothes middleman's profit benefit you. ACT n^nc pauo IBOR CONDITIONS EXPAND( Capacity h our large organiz 4-T-v ?-v 4 iic<^cadcuy uiai uui Vere Forced To M 4anTailored REA These Goods Are u, Mr. Consumer. I serial $19.71 Suits at les 117 1 Woolen Well Dre /rrrT FlLEi Store [ills Compi WINGS BANK sns which we can ma ; because our "Factor and expenses, cost w NOW ion Sa HAVE FORCED US TO OUR BUSINESS foe Roan Dnnk 1UO L/VU1I L/UUU :ation intact and for e< workmen be employee lanutacture $750,000 DY-TO-WEAR Cloth Now on Sale at Wholes 5 up=Extra Sj s than cost Millc f n ITllllO W. J. ssed i iny ?JL ke to your v To You" J hich add to M le led conomical 1 throughWorth Of ing Ever sale Prices fecials | "3 r From maker to \ wearer T. Evans