MORE i f3 jj I I have ? load of 3 ? Mules are I had bett< I before yoi I L 1 MILITARY BILL sid IN HOUSE TODAY a 1 th< im Washington, Feb. 25.?Meeting the ^ demand of Republican leaders, the ses house military committee by a bipartisan vote today refused to in- UR elude universal military training in , the army reorganization bill which ^ will be formally reported tomorrow Tr"1*" nnnneifinri Dy unairman lutun. uuam vri>v?...?.. an( to the reorganization program is assured when the bill reaches the house re( floor, and it may be attacked earlier acj by a minority report. wo In rejecting immediate considera- 01 tion of the training plan the commit- jjj tee voted that it should become the )r( subject of separate legislation to be )rj framed by a "friendly" subcommittee of seven named by Mr. Kahn, with an agreement of the leaders that its con ] ma j Glass of Hot Water ccue; 1 Before Breakfast 1= 3 a Splendid Habit Open slu. .cS of the system each rr.crring and wash away the poisonous, stagnant matter. Those of us who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when we arise; splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach, lame back, can, instead, both look and feel as fresh as a daisy always by washing the poisons and toxins from the body with phosphated hot wa'vr each morning. We should Orink, before breakfast, a gir.s> 01 real not water wun a teasiv.onfui oi limestone phosphate in it to flush from the stomach, liver, kidneys . ud tea yards of bowels the p7Cvirus day's indigestible waste, sour bite and poisonous toxins; thus cleansing* sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary tract before putting r.'ore food into the stomach. The action of limestone phosphate and hot water on an empty stomach is wonderfully invigorating. It cleans cut all the sour fermentations, gases, waste and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast and it is said to be but a little while until the roses begin to appear in the _^^^ \ rtsMin/3 r\f HmoefAna U J I rj I\ 3. -A tjiUkl iwi (ivuuvi v/fc liiuvwbvuv 1'boFv.bftta will cost very little at the drug store, but is sufficient to make aisvor:?lipation. stomach trouble or ntmr.tism a real ei/i'iiKi.! . i U.o t of internal sanitation. Try -n are assured that you will ".rtrt feel better In every 3MSM3M2M3M32M3B?3IBflS/3Jol?5?3E?SJSJ9Mi MULES TO! just received ai Tennessee IV getting scarce sr look these u buy. 1 WHIT !J5J5f5/g2fgS5fBI5f5fSJBf5/3EIS/Sf5l03SiB?B@5JB/BIBIS leration would not be blocked after Efi thorough inquiry had been made of ??Tjme i cost and economic effects. This ame al, restigation is expected to delay ac- parlance n on the question until the next *slePllon n phone w iSion. Armbrns With this temporary disposal of Jj^ran iversal training the committee ust step ted 10 to 6 to report the reorgani- *or a ;ion bill, providing.for a maximum ^aveTh! ice time army of 17,700 officers f the b; d 290,000 enlisted men, including n niy llc s Philippine scouts and unassigned ea(j an(j :ruits. Unlike the national defense mail for ; of 1916, which the new bill uld amend, no definite tactical Statist mation of the army is prescribed, ty per ? s being left discretionary with the Ajr> u ;sident. This feature is among the temperat nicpal causes of the sharp oppo- or ( ion by the minority. will conl __tlement" help wil Because of a premium of uproxi- ment in tely 15 percent on American m:>n- der the t in Pannrta silver minprs *?* ? tfi. ving $1.55 an ounce in Canadian Shark rency. poses in ts. dies. Constipation Jjg Causes organ C? 111 Reme bClflOllS lilS laxatr t?7 r n, i Vi\ I vuuy ? nit jl/< One of the world's rrentest scien- pans?pt t isls says that more than 90% of all the bodj human ills can be traced directly or all tho f 5 r: directly to constipation. How many hearty a sati'erers realize this? overcom r>Tost o? them continually close them- ney rr'vos with so-called laxative pills,^tfSSSfe>v ^ ? il n.icl. oil, purses and cathar- ?,u>' lies nnd force bowel action. To/B pi n do ihat is a mistake. It weak-KB x dr M81 c:ip the bowels and liver and KS| k /?? r> !:cs constant dosing neccs- Kg & R VS/Ji Why don't you Tieprin ricrht toto overcome your constipation strenrth ! j,et your syrtcin in saxh slnpo , ;n,i ' lmt constant dru'srino will r ; - bowels'"i necessary? You can do so if you p>*t Trv ViJ :i u:,v box of Nature's Remedy (XII fir;i 1 - r i and ial.o cue C? .*i l.t f- " riwlW"*" v. week or so. 1.. XI* Tablets do mr.c'i morn than to iusc merely cause pleasant, easy bowel a<- Remedy i!r>n. This medicine acts upon the anteed uib'c;itivc i..; wdi aj clkuiuutivo or- diub'?ist THE McMURRAY DRU( t 5MnU5J5J6/SJBJfi[5I5J515J5j5J5J5f8I5^5 Mai 1] freigh jjjment [a: with t jfj'an Ali DAY |;*r a Pacifi a Gor S defeni ? marke |] many (3 beatei S - Eli j5 other . r, the ta - other [_ you d L knew. | notner I S fees : g Passe /f 1 |j There i| Rhein \ 7" 1 year< P , I^HIIIIMIIIIII over {I ill1 ill!c< liil t( 8|ll 0: If E Ik 1 li b] i II y( e n a | 3 ficiencv Kuined Thines. ! was, before the experts jf Dug and, in vulgar business 1^? sold efficiency' to tue e companies when the teleas a real convenience," John ter relates in Everybody's. storic instance of the lady * g up central and said: 'I am ping over to Mrs. Brewster's v minutes to get her doughje?she's Main 227?and I'll ; receiver off so you can hear iby cries and let me know ' me town we used to ask cenre the fire was and who was i did she think there wa3 any us." ics show that more than for:ent of the clergy live to be neraians. nder pressure at a very low ;ure, can be turned into a li- . iven a solid. :ain a provision for land set- ' Mr. Smith said. "Very little 1 be expected of the governthe way of financial help un>ill I have introduced." oil is used for lighting purmany parts of the West Inou are its victim, try [thening your die and elimir.ative s with Nature's dy ? it's better than ves. octor Away omotes pood digestion, causes p to got the nourishment from oo!e body a thorough cleaning id NR clnoi this without a ffil Of r.'.'i'.r- i"'*". 0/ IT- : works gently. ut prosn;i :i=l thorough!.,*. ! a few c!.i>s >ou notice tho il result. Vuu begin to feel you are !iv::.g again, with new . new < :t? ray. vim and pep J iT-r. -~n fln'1 your iK'iiitt; 11,. ..iiiiuui help, j turo's Rsmj.1y (Nit Tablets) I Vc Tt ' J'' ( i il.^t you can use and costs j ; jn r box, containing enough | twenty-live days. Nature's ! (Nil Tablets) is ?oM. "'inr- I and rcCviazadidcU yuiii m S 1 from Alaska goes as common 'not to , t now ,the post office depart- war(jt having failed to come to terms ;he steamship companies. When iskan is in a hurry he sends his Texa! by some acquaintance coming ^ounc^ a : states and has it mailed at a Pr?duce c port. bore thl gress ol 1. Sir Charles Townshend, the besides der of Kut, has resigned. Ho vo^d that he "found almost as It is enemies at home as he had H. Hay i in the field.'1 can nat extrenv Perkins once said: "Let the to mak fellow do the talking; if you do time m Iking and tell all you know, the pointed fellow will know as much as views t o including wnat ne aireaay passed >> s state of Michigan licensed w 13 automobiles in 1919, the tban a from which totaled $3 719,24(5. Marsha nger cars numbered 283,703. were also 7,875 motorcycles. hi says W > composer of "Die Watch1> on *^or nc " received a pension of $700 a can George Cohan's "Over There" conscie ht $25,000 as soon as the coi IIIIIMlUltlllllllllllllHIHMItlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIItMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIItlUII FARME Wake Morel Never before, in the history of the coui rought such high prices. And the succ le benefit in bigger profits! Naturally t reater will your profits be; hence it is ach acre of land produce its utmost. F< ->rn t.rnek-?use Planters Fertilizer. 90 ) 2 bales of cotton per acre are records f this reputable Fertilizer 011 Southern iz 1ANTERSFEK DOUBLES YOMI For many years Planters Fertilizer has le South's most successful farmers, beca e to oroduce bigger, better crops. Mai *ar?GET RESULTS THAT WILL PLE gent for Free Advice, Information and ?ct?TODAY. It means dollars to you. 'lanters Fertilizer &P MANUFACTURE! CHARLESTON, - - SOU! mwwwuHmpniuMniiiimiiiiniinnmiimiiiiiinrii)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniinnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiii!iiii ??wwumwi?minimi?ii?iiiHiiuniiniiiiiHiiiimiiiiiiiinnii' nun i ?c ' ' T" ir^?? Jusi A Cs THD ? T of a car 1 ?the wagon hardwood regi and hickory. These are th< many patentee old standard ti Not the lowest p the end the cheaf R C RROWtNIJ FF 1 . L/ i. X *?* *? nention big royalties afte: 3 census enumerators ha\ i Mexican aged 132 years. H id a birth parchment whic e date Sept. 18, 1788. A n> f 120 years was also foun many centenarians. a sign of the times that W: es, chairman of the Repub ;ional committee, thought ely inadvisable to undertal e the party platform by ol ethods. He has therefore a 150 Republicans of diverge o suggest the platform, to 1 on by an old-time committc ould rather follow a princir plug hat," says Vice Preside 11. jpe he will keen on talking . J. Bryan of Gov.j Edwarc ) champion of the liquor traf Ik long without insulting t nee and sense of decency tntry." imuiniimiiiHiiiniHmiijuiiiiHinnmuiuiiiMniiHiiiiiiiimiHimiHiiiimimii mMMiMmnraiimNMiMnmMMiitfmiMimmmMiMMttaMiMtiMM :rs VI oney itry, have farm products essful farmer will reap he larger the Crop, the essential that you make or prize crops of cotton, to 95 bushels of corn?1 established through use irms. mUZER R YIELD been the preference of use it has made it possiie every acre count this ASE YOU. Consult our Prices?or write us dihpsphate Co. IS rH CAROLINA. iiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMfttHiHiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiuiiiriimm t Receiv ir Loa< iPMIl E just received oad of Thornt made in the h ion of tough h 2 long wear v 1 features. M; ack. iru;cu uul i >est , & CO. D P_ Says Governor Coolidge: "As capital went down when it undertook to be law, so will organized labor fare re if it goes to the same point." Criminals forfeited $2,500,000 worth of bonds in Chicago last year. e_ But only $25,000 of it was collected, d, Auctions of royal and ducal jewelry are now of weekly occurrence in \ [11 Switzerland. Noble refugees are runli_ ning short of funds. it ke "So far as England was concerned, Ireland wanted Germany to win the p. war," said Eamon de Valera in New nt York- - l 1 be ,e-1 Sir Ian Hamilton, thet British general who commanded during the Dardanelles campaign, has made a plea |]g ^ that the German general Liman von Sanders be not tried before an allied I L i.:-i <1TT- _ cuun-marum. xxe was u ciuaii xignt? er, played fair, and never shelled our , ' hospitals," says Sir Ian. is, fie =============== 5 IF KIDNEYS ACT 1 BAD TAKE ? j Bays Backache is a sign yon have been eating too much meat, which forms uric acid. I { When you vvake up with backache and if! dull misery in the kidney region it genii erally means you have been eating too {I much meat, says a well-known authority. If Meat forms uric acid which overworks If the kidneys in their effort to filter it || from the blood and they become sort of |i paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneya II get sluggish and clog you must relieve |l them, like you relieve your bowels; |i| moving all the body's urinous waste, || else you have backache, sick headache, ||! dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue ||i is coated, and when the weather is bad III you have rheumatic twinges. The urine |1 j is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often 11 j get sore, water scalda and you are obliged 11 i to seek relief two or three times during 11 j the night. ||| Either consult a good, reliable phyai}{j cian at once or get from your pharmacist ||j about four ounces of Jad Salts; take 11 a tablespoonful in a glass of water 11 before breakfast for a few days and your if kidneys will then act fine. This famous li salts is made from the acid of grapes || and lemon juice, combined with lithia, || and has been used for generations to I clean and stimulate sluggish kidneyB, | also to neutralize acids in the urine so it || no longer irritates, thus ending bladder 11 weakness. If Jad Salts is a life saver for regular 11 meat eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot || I injure and makes a delightful, efferI vesccnt lithia-wtter drink. * ed | d of I | i a shipment j lill Wagons j leart of the ! ighland oak /agons with ade with the :he best and in t [611-N] 1 j ' r Tr-'.-iivrrnT n r> uh;:wtoi, w i 9