I Si 1 d P rev slii mc Th 1 S m sMmmmmwmaMMmaMm TRAILS TIPSY CAT TO HIDDEN LIC New York Tribune. Confounding those who saj cats will not drink hard li Harold B. Dobbs, internal re1 agent, avers that a tipsy "Tom" ing along the street led him brother officers to a catch of galons of alcohol and other int< ting beverages in the cellar Bnlnrm at. Sixth Avenue and F fourth Street, last Saturday. In the place, according to E were several more cats, and all 1 ous. Moreorer, there was a dete ed effort made by each cat to o a share of dark brown liquid tha leaked from an overturned dem on the floor. After the discovery, Thomas gerald, proprietor of the saloon, his bartender, Hugh Leckey, of Eighth Avenue, were arrestee Dobbs and charged with violatin orohibition amendment. Before missioner Hitchcock yesterday men were held in $1,000 and bail respectively for a hearing morrow. The revenue agents say that gereald was blending whiskey i cellar, as they found ray alcoho coloring matter in large quanl The seized liquor was taken to Federal Building on a truck y< day and a crowd gathered to wa wistfully. It will be used as evid In Fitzgerald's home, at 1072 Le ton Avenue, it is alleged the re\ agents found a one-gallon still i & bed. SUSAN LISBY New York Tribune. A never settled great questi brought to public attention i Susan Lisby is presented as ( r> l piuu ui ircxiiia^ivcinia, wiiri a l of 62,000 pies. Surely a formi number from one fabricator, pr that virtue is not dea l and that women still exist. The position and extent of Pie Belt have been variously mated. It begins as far Ea* Quoddy Bay and, expanding la ly as it sweeps westward, c practically all New England, a siderable portion of New York k affords us ilecting of our iarm, at price SPRING sum For fashion, for garments vest alterations, for quality p, variety in design, in< le, consider one of our ne1 3 have your size. Price fro SPORT COATS All during this coming miner you will long for soi ; light. We have on displa idels to please the most e: e colors are Tan, Browr ices from $25.0.0 up. pedal attentic Pennsylvania, and finall iUOR somewhere in the Middle one asserts, that the rest try is bereft; there are that high hills, outside of th ltiucr' ranges. The Belt proper ienut scribed as the residence 1CC* of persons who cannot 1( fnc' coction alone, who will fift> stratagem to get it. The 3XK" ample is, of course, Em ^ a reproached with eating ; 'orty" fast, asked, "What is pie j None the less, pie is j attacked for impairing c rilari- s^un^ng physical growth 1 nim lunch counter has been c '^tain quite as deleterious a t had a{jandoned bar. Facts to *JO ,n assertions never have be I TV,n.. I uruy ^Mciunsiicu. a uvzy Fitz- assumption. Susan Lisby ancT those who are envious 285J fame. She has been a bei ' by a poisoner, of the specie ? the confidently confront her Com- an(j asfc Olivarian the certificate of character. $5001 : to- OLD TONG HEADQUA ON MOTT STREE Fitz-: n his ^ew Tribune. 1 and' headquarters tities. Leong Tonff' at 18 J tlu> caught fire about 9 o'clo ster- anc* furnished excitemen tch it town- Two alarms were t fore the fire was overcon lencc. i xi * from the basement to th< renue foM?wing the airshaft all inrlori Patrolman Philip Burr the fire. Aided by Del laney, Collins, and Carve ried several Chinese who overcome by smoke fron ture. About seventy-five on is all escaped or were help igain. building. iham- j Damage is estimated i ecord 000. dable i . oving DEATH OF TREATY jjront' SEEN IN VOT MONROE the esti-1 Washington, March >t as. eaders hoped to make n teral-,today on the Lodge res< overs the peace treaty. The S con- ervation is before the se and yesterday adopted the dc II1IIM the greatest of plea buyer, we have sei s of unusual appeal. i V that fit with ^aiSlS, thatu?n and beauty as beai y in workman- inspires them, dividuality ni Georgettes of tl w spring suits. Prices from $5.50 m $27.50 up. SMART SI The season's fa: modest styles of t ,p spring and are the vogue! but mething warm look at our Geor y now some colors and plain. C (acting taste. ^ng sPrin*' as v i and Blues. \ iai.ge assorti Price from $25.0( m given to mail orde y loses itself tions and Monroe doctrine res* : West. ^?|tiosn. Senator Lodge's original of the coun- ervations on both questions pre hills, even'e(|( after many amendments and le mountain s?jtutes been rejected, may be de-J fhe vote on the Monroe doci s of addicts, re?.ervatjon> which seventeen D< ;t the con ,craj.s SUpp0rted, was held by Re employ any senators to prove conclus: classical ex- that the treaty cannot be rati lerson, who';it showed, they said, that tw( Plt bre ' two Democrats, at the very least for?" hold out aprainst the Lodge pro* 'till fiercely to the jast \yith the fourteen Re ligestion and ]jcan "bitter-enders" this would r 1. The quick a total of thirty-six votes ag; lenounced as ratification. Thirty-three will ts the now vent ratification. prove these en satisfac-l . FORTUNE SPENT rest upon BY C. O. P. IN Y,gn?r! DAKOTA, CL of her just! nefactor, not| Mitchell, S. D., March 3.?Sen s. She may Hiram Johnson, of California, ouija boaid njgbt opened fire upon his lea world for a|0pp0nents f0r Republican nomins !for the presidency, charging the rTers ;penditure of money in the South :T ON FIRE j^ota primary in such as has sel |been seen in any campaign in 'state. of the On! "It is obvious," said the sen, dott Street, | "that this state has become a ck last night jUiendous battleground for the wc t for China-1 and power and financial resou ;urned in be-, of my two leading opponents." ip Tt. hnrnod I Major General Leonard Wood j sixth floor, |Governor Lowden, of Illinois, are the way up. conceded leaders in the Republ is discovered jfight in South Dakota. :ectives De-j "Seldom in any state has sucl tta, he car-|extravagent expenditure of mone ? had been |a primary campaign been seer i the struc-.cannot complete with them in persons in .kind of contest. It may be 1 ied from the Rood fortune and niy misfortune I they can expend in all direct it about $5,-jenormous sums of money and tl j cannot. I have back of me no g I corporation, no trust, no powc i "f inn ri/no 1 inforocfc Tn fV*ic? E ON wealth T am pitting whatever DOCTRINE ability, of courage, of energy an character God has given me ag< 3.?Senate ithe wealth, the influence and I tpid progress power of organized politics jrvations to organized big business in politics hantung res nate, which Engraved Cards and Invitatioi ,mestic ques- The Press and Banner Co. iiliBIlHllililljlllllS'JIilIJlfBI .irci\ >1 JLj I1 sure of announc :ured our sprim /AISTS tains the secret of youth itiful as the season that le very newest patterns. i up. >RING DRESSES shionable fabrics in the he hour. Taffeta dresses , when buying one take a gette combinations in lolors for the lively de /ell as otners more sement of many models. ) up. rs Postage pre\ md jwa. DANIELS ORDERS res-1 INVESTIGATION C vail-! FLETCHEF sub-! ' Washington, March 3.?In' tion by a court of inquiry of tnnt cumstances of Rear Admiral eir.o- g Fletcher's removal from cc pu - American naval forces at 've^ by Admiral Sims, in October, has been ordered by Se >ntV- ' ' f Daniels. The court will con I Washington Monday, the day frani the opening of the invostigati the senate naval committee nakc'mirai Sims' criticism of naval linst'. , j! j 4-u^ just preceding anu uunng uic Pre"i Hear Admiral Fletcher wj 'emptorily detached from comn I Brest following the torpedoi the transport Antilles on a 'trip to Tunisistas. Represer AIM by Admiral Sims at the tini j Admiral Fletcher was "so 1 ator |factory in the initiative and last nient that he should no longer ding trusted with the Brest com ttion ^11 form the subject of the ex" as ordered by Mr. Daniels. Admiral Fletcher ,it was ^cm today, requested at the time ari^ removal that the circumstan* reviewed by a naval couil, bul 1^or,!tothe impracticability of tre";such a court during hostilitie ;alth reqUest was denied, it was ex IVC0S at the department. The admin now is serving as commandant and naval station in Hawaii, an i the. Washington today. ican j rpj.{i 'prect.pt" of the court i sued by Secretary Daniels foil h an j "Whether the forces unci ^ in command of Rear Admiral F ' } I were organized and operated ^'siso inefficiently. narticularh '^e'r!reference to safety in escortin ^at | transports, as to warrant the 'i?ns imander of the United States ia^ forces operating in European ^ i (Admiral Sims) in arriving "^conclusion that Admiral Fletcl ,lon"'so unsatisfactory in initiativ ?^! judgment that he should no H of<. .. ? . 1 be entrusted with the tirst me: "nst command." the and court w'" he composed ( ? Admirals W. L. Rogers, J. H. and J. A. Hoogerwerff, with < ns K. M. Bennett acting as judj vocate. AEm ing, through the car % apparel of indivu SKIRTS You'll surely want a sport sk spring and the new models are p captivating. The color range is almost ui with both high and the dull effect; are plaids and plain. Price from $li Also all kinds of novelty silk from $5.00 per yard up. MILLINERY We have made a special effort t son to procure hats at moderate which are equal in appearance higher priced imported models. A have seen our line you will say succeeded. baid. Henr IliM >F L: ? [ CASE | i j vestiga-; | the cir-j| William if imnu;n.l j| Bre.tij /sjjp 1911,\ tST' cretary M ^ vene in ^ before on by of AdI paliey war. is preland at ing of return itationsi e that jnsatisjudg A MAN1 be eni mand," j|v "(Jetting there'' inouirvlll undertaking canrn I ril ling task. learned |] But (lie C0Ul'a? of his || flinch before this ki -es be if he derive a peculiai t owing |j which is difficult, holding || This Institution 1 !S; ^ ? { ings depositors mar plainet || je jntenj on reac al, who 11 ' , * x, II goals. ; of the II r ived in I! Newcomers fine rriendlessness and e r S is as is-1H ' is lows: si is pv thp ; is "letcher 11| by him |{| / with j i| g army II i com- If naval Jj PLANTE waters || at the If 1 1 ler was If Abbevi e and f j longer iff The Progi ntioneil ill if! 3f Rear |f| Oliver ;|| Captain ?e ad- |p ?? we have ? U itiii'iiiiiiHMHiiiiiiiiiiininiiifraifiiiMiiimiiitiitiiiiiniiiiiiiifiaiiurtiittitiiiimujiUHiiijMUMtiMMfioHiJUiP iiHiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiYMiiiiiiititiiiriniMiiiuiNouiiiiiiiiuiwNUiiiiitiiiiiiiiuniiuiiiijHittiiimniu?a?| si : : 1 | i !l l?^ !i = = = E f| -SIZED JOB in any vocation ?r Dl be construed as a -I || jeous man does not io\v]edge? rather does [ relish in tackling that lumbers among its savly serious-minded peoliing their individual H p 1 always a spirit of ncouragement. r | :rs bank lie, S. C. | essive Bank. jj it t