The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, February 09, 1920, Image 2

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w* * '?"J" w *** '? ' ???*r?^?*-* --?" WCT r>. ifiVii V fi!'. 1 I MR. FARMER, I Collars || p | Collar Pads /K | Hames I I i SPECIAL PRICI H We have a full s eh I Dress Gingham jP Apron Ginghan ? Pprrales. W B 1 " I I II 1 Sugar. 19c pel I I We also carry a fDOTE IN TROUBLE. stoai an tl Gets His Account* Mixed With Tho?e smj^ of Corp. Kerr? Other Calamities ^ j Happen to Him. ' wan< jp1: i hej Abvul, s c feb 7, 20 thou deer edditoral: i promist to rite you i is i ' offen this yeer an i tended to doo it the < but i has had ernuther matter on my mit hans whitch has bin moar important that to mee whitch had to be tended too. been i was standin up in philson Henry's me t p ( store tuther sattidty and i seed a bin 1 butiful fine lookin ladie cum in the goes fc . , grarcrefr? ? ii I T Congoleum Art-Rugs make ish; # any room brighter and cheer- resi ier. Their soft, harmonious prin colors are pleasing to the eye. scri They are really beautiful in spite of their low cost. a Gc No fastening needed because you, the felt base has no tendency to curl or "kick up" Tkoo?rfn/.o cat W1V? CUgCO, A 11^OUi A ^ ']lp Hall Investmen J * iHfhif Sftf ?* EMBaa IE B. T. ( ! a WE KNOW THAT W Trac Leatl Bridl ON OVERALLS FC tock of Men's, Boys an< 8, IS, *. pound all you wa i .r ci i? complete line or ji<hhu > H iry, S( Isaws, L< triers, W r and buy sumthin an start out sa le obligin klerk says to her Mrs. ' ini ' I li do you wisht that chaigd an( dc lady says i~"is mrs. Kerr but i g0 ;s it chargd. an as she goes out' irs the clerk say as how he ght it was mrs. R. W. Smith. noW| not complainin bout the favor of j tel :oo ladies and i is willing to ad- an that they doo look - alike but js is not the pint, my bills had, so big all yeer that it seam to | hat maybe this here\mistook has, W1 taiking plase all roun toun, so i(ac round to all the stoars and i he wl 1 f' mm, l J I V/GUARANTEE!) j j j ( ft ftinmCTKW COA1AKTCCD I f \ 1 OKTOVtNOimvlU / I : 1 \ % MX UTDVOO M l 1 i "m wff th< an ard and smooth and wear- 1 * sting. "The most durable to] ted floor-covering" fitly de- sai bes Congoleum. zjt Congoleum Product# now bear >ld-Seal Guarantee that insures bu r money back if the service is j u not satisfactory. Look for the Gold Seal before you buy g0( any printed floor-coverings? I no especially printed rugs. I 10 kil 'w^r ? i l?? :^W" ?.el h A . /- > c-^i >_ o.ry>. a-^g-.cTo-o-vC U ., J W1 at? t Compaw E 4 \ tLLi>:? ?2f?. *. iXtt&A&Sf&ifc ; . . jaiicji A^i - COCHRAN Dealer in Generc IE CAN SAVE YOU M( e Chains her Lines tes i )R 10 DAYS: J Youths. 15 percent. Di Dry G Groce nt 5 and Fancy Groceries. Hardv Ratchets, quares, svels, Frenches, \ ... | is that i wants this thing looked foj too, and see that Mr. R. W. Smith' not pay the bills of moar than one co' od-lookin woman in this toun. But'pi? I am nner link, which runs the Furni-|See ar Domane on Prest Banner block up Us me that it is true that Mrs. Kerr, pit d lizzie do favor, but he say that ' ^ not why they charge it all to. me.!to | sta say the clerk wanted to stand in , i to th the book-keeper by chargin the!pjtl count to a responsibal partie and cor maik out he maik this mistaikj be ten he didn't, so i then goes round nei all the clerks and i gives orders as at no moar are to be charged to pit* ". R. W. Smith atall, as i tells them' bus i will pay cash; then i goes hoam i y d tells lizzie bout it, cept i tole herj be .-nnr>o chp was the hesfc loo kin. and oha landed her $150 and tole her when! . it was gone moar was not to hunt^ ^ d to call on the ole reliable, then;, ?oes back up to sea frend Kerr and j le him, i advises him to do the tj im as i tole him they had took liz-! wg i for his boss, and that sumthin' i goi zie bought had got charged to him4' t i found it out and pade it up Da t it might happing agane, so he j anC ?s round and tells all the klerksj ?0( t to charge nuthin to him this yeer ^ r no other time and he goes hoam j ^ d gives his wife a dollar and eighty e cents and tells her that munny is . t to hunt but she better not lose lat she got. , he i is afrade that my ole frend Al- re(] ig Merkanty will soon be indited nlj, r a profiteer, i seed him in toun wa ttiday sellin a b'ig turkic. it seam ()aj at Ailing has bought the turkie or am sumboddie else and has brought to toun and sole it at a proffit and u soe that is speckalatin on food ups, and i wood not be surprised j?x spp Allino- iprked nn at annv time. he doo i want you to doo all you i) to git him out. i kno that Ailing ^ 11 swear that he dont know no bet- era r. besides a grate menny men are was aking biger profits than Ailing. Wil ev works it this way, they lets their stal ves raise the turkies then they cee ils them and the whoal thing is wh< offit, then they go round and talk I ut hard times, when a man kin Fra ik- monr munnv now than ever he- mei I . 'v .. ? _ . > . . . i I & COMPA i il Merchandise 3NEY ON THE FOLLOWIN Breeching Cotton Rope Back Bands \ \ Iscount for Cash. oods ries rare Axes, Ma Locks, - Till Hinges?all sizes. r n: 1 Cj. \ N/ ^ni W1I JIUVCd) ran ? | 'llillltlllUIIUIIUMNIMilUUIUI tr. I Mttunrntmitmuuiinfiimi [ is thinkin of startin a setback f) lege down on South mane, i has I I ked out most of my professers, i i only needs a president now. i : that Col. Dale 'barksdale is loomin' as a player and as i has soon to ch a leen if i goes back to farmin' as been thinkin of offerin this job him as this wood put me in gibod I 1 ifndin with Dale and if I askt him f ketch the leen for me when i { ched it you see he wood be in no11 i i idition to deny me. if he kennot I iii got what do you think of Col. Jen-J|| Link. I is a little afeard of him 11 ?:_i x. j- - i. _r ne wisnes iu uuu niuasi ui liic ? = :hin and ketchen too in the leen || siness, but if i kennot land Dale || rill see J^nner as i thinks i will jj able to eat as fast as he kin j | f irge. Bruther waiter comes down to myjf v is last Sunday and i seed he was JII p igry. I seed him coming down the > || so I sais to lizzie, less walk up H b ralerode and go to church whitch!j| did missin bruther Walter and 11 ? is y n on to the Babtust where i seed n w i i| :le Jim talk up the kollection and ]| le was there too, both lookin pious |i 1 peaceable, and after heerin a || >d sermont lizzie and I walks on II ?i II " vn and i was laffing in my sleeve || c: ; when i got hoam i found that || " iltei* done found the cole ham |l itch lizzie had hid in the frigerater If ! eet bout half of it up, and said || had taken a little snack but wus II 11- 11 ly for dinner. I tole him i didnt If ^ id feedin a gentreman but if he If nted to eet up a whole leen in one |j r he better see one of the bank? If rite to a packin hous. Yourn as usule, Dote. -GOVERNOR STUART NOMINATED TO I. C. C. TO SUCCEED HARLAN If Vashingtofi, Feb.6.?Former Gov-J| or Henry C. Stuart, of Virginia, ill ; nominated todav bv President'II son as a member of the inter- |f te commerce commission to suc-'jj (1 James S. Harlan, of Indiana,'|f >se term has expired. ,:|1 .ouis Titus, an attorney wf Sa,;!}{ ncisco. was nomin^t"'' to be r.|M Tiber of the shipping bonr-l. j. I NY | I G GOODS: | 1 Heel Bolts 1 Clevises * | Guano Distributors Blacksmith Forges. 1 * ? m o Bleaching, I White Homespun, 1 Chambray. i i til Boxes, - ! bs, Buckets, amelware. L 'Co. | |j i - K "'""";,: ? ? , , ss rr.f V ' ' i Better Homes Better homes are coming to the South. I Where poverty has stalked hartd in hand with illiteracy, nth poor churches, poor roads,.poor farm conditions, liserable huts, women working in the fields?there proserity is coming with its magic wand of betterment. \\ The American Cotton. Association is the wizard to ring these better days. r = 5 Working alone, the cotton growers have been for fifty ears in a state of agricultural slavery. Banded together 'ith bankers and merchants in the American cotton Asociation, they will emancipate themselves and will enrich he South and the Nation. By growing a.smaller acreage of better staple; by bet?r baling; by holding the crop in warehouses for profitble prices; by marketing slowly instead of dumping the rop on the market suddenly; by dirert selling to spiners?by these means the cotton growers will come into hir deserved prosperity. n / I; t The bank welcomes the day when cotton shall be free nd every cotton farmer shall be prosperous. The South has found the truth. Its prosperity for the uture is assui-ed. You will profit. The Nation will prot. And this bank hopes to share that prosperity. PLANTERS BANK The Progressive Bank. ' ?1 Abbeville, S. C. II ' iimiimiiMiugHHiMiiwuirinit mmiiiimurr- -in < iNu:v?f?in ? -t-im *>. r i iiiifimtuMmnunumHttmntmiim V '/