The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, January 28, 1920, Image 2

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sp ? ? MWIIIIHIIIMIIBM Farm Surveys WILLI/ ? rl- Member of the An H Farmers and ^ GREEN WO gj Landscape Surveys l!'V- " ~ Fordsc I | Part i If i We hav mpn tn insf X11V1JL 4-Vy I ing for the I the factory for a man (get the ser when you time and la 0_ J1 A..i I 1 OdUICI rtUI jl 8 D. EjS. I;;_ I ij || Royal p i II 11 p I ^ p. || I Frida $ 1 i . V I I hi I I tflll I s Comp II s I I A Lool J I | ' v? SwaaonQEiflEicU ;iJ UmummUIJUU Real Estate Surveys ,'y. lM L. HEMPHILL IVIL ENGINEER ; nerican Association of Engineers. Merchants Bank Building. >OD, SOUTH CAROLINA, \ ? Subdivisions t in Tractors 5 and Service e the parts and the :all them. No waitparts to come from I i-l 1.1 .v I , men aiiomer wan to put them in. You 1 vice on the Fordson need it. No lost I ite crops waiting. I to and Tractor Co. I ADLER, Manager || innnnnnn nmnprpr'nT uuijiju^03i!riijuuuuyiji Blue Tailor Representati kdr. Joe H. Ep Wfll Be With Us ' iy and Sa tiuary 6\i lete Line Spr ummer Samj k Will Be Apj M. Anderso Clothing Stoi r . -a S. K v LOWNDESVILLE ^ > > On Thursday Mrs. M. P. McCalla entertained at a lovely lunch eon in honor of her mother, Mrs. J. C. Nickles, of Greenwood. Mrs. Nickles, when visiting Lowndesvillo is treading again her native heath; as she was born, reared and married at Harpers Ferry, and on this happy occasion several of her girlhood friends were present. When looking at this stately matron, with her natural charm of manner and matured beauty, it required no flight of fancy to know why in olden days she was known as "The Belle of the Savannah." Mrs. McCalla is a most delightful hostess, her easy, cordial manner, combined with Jier lovely home and its handsome settings, is well fitted to dispense genial hospitality. At the noon hour the guests were invited into the pretty dining room, its tables exquisite with elaborate luncheon sets and festive with large bowls of sweet peas and narcissus, while over all hung the delicate fragrance of the sweet flowers, lovely harbinger of the coming spring:. An elegant salad course with all its accessories and a sweet course of Angel cake and Charlotte Russe were served. Those present at this beautiful luncheon were: Mrs. J. C. Nickles. Mrs. Hugh Schumpert, Mrs. W. W. Thompson, Mrs. H. C. Fennell, Mrs. Sara Huckabee, Mrs. J. B. Mosely, Mrs. Russell Garner, Miss i Annie Hutchison, Mrs. M. L. Bell, Mrs. T. D. Cooley, Mrs. I. B. Bell, Mrs. E. J. Huckabee, Mrs. G. White, Mrs. E. W. Harper, Mrs. C. M. Clinkscales, Mrs. Kittie Kay, Mrs. R. L. Smith and Mrs. Clarence Linder, Anderson. Deals of more than unusual importance have been consumated reently. Mr. C. L. Bowen has purchased a part of the Baker building used by Mr. M. P. McCalla as a warehouse, Mr. J. G. Huckabee ha? bought the Ellis store room. In a few days there will be a general change of base. Mr. Bowen will move his stock of goods into the ing Cosf | ve I sun | On , | turday | I 91 I 1-01 | ing And | lies 1 ^ ILfE predated | D 10. | re 1 s _ ? araninTiUiij?jteRBfafe. iljuckabee stand. Mr. Huckabee \vi' >jdo his business in the Ellis building . Mann and Nance will occupy th old Bowen stand. Mr. Bowen figure on fitting lip the rooms above hi store iui men a luumuig ijucii | Miss Clanyce Bonds, who is teac? jing in Florence, has been callcd 1 J the bedside of her mother, Mr. | Richard Bonds, who is critically il j Mioses Bessie and Alice Harpc lhave gone to Greenwood, whercj the will enter school. Friends of Mrs. N. G. Ballenge will be glad to know that she is rc i covering from her recent ilness. Mr. Wendall Latimer has rc turned from a short business trip t , Asheville, and is now busily engage in writing insurance. Miss Christine Kay has gone t visit Mrs. T. B. Holcombe, Lamai S. C., where she will remain seven* weeks before returning to her dutie at Winthrop College. - ! rroi. JL. u. uniiin nas oeen cai jed to his home at Ninety-Six, on ac i count of ilness of his father. Mr. Charles Ficquette has gone t Winter Garden, Fla., where he ha secured a good position. Mrs. Mosely Huckabee has re turned fro ma several weeks stay i ja Columbia infirmary, very muc ! improved. Recent visitors were, ^Messrs. E !l. Barnes, w. Frank McGee, w. a Power, R. T. Martin, all of Andei son, S. A. Verner, Lavonia, Ga., A M. Power and Jack Brownlee, bot jof Penny's Creek. \ Dr. Jas. S. Ellis was married Jar 8th, to Miss Bertie Willis at he I home in Bokersvile, N. C. They wi Imake their home in Atlanta wher jDr. Ellis is engaged in drug busines: I Cards have been received m: Inouncing the coming marriage o ? Mr. Robt. Lee Smith, Jackson, Mich jto Miss Lida Carpenter, Cadillac Mich, Feb. 11th, 1920. Mrs. Clarence Linder, Andersor lhas been the guest of her brothei ' Mr. M. P. McCalla. Mr. R. L. Speer after a shoi Tisit to his family has returned t lis familyneo taoin rdl fwy fw Augusta, where he is engaged i ailroading. Miss Louise Bell spent the vtrpe! :nd in Anderson with Mrs. Tho: ! Baskin. i Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Erne.; I Allen, who recently moved to Ccr i ) - M | Million Packets O ! Flower Seed Free ! We believe in flowers around tt | homes of the South. Flowers brightc j up the home surroundings and gn ! pleasure and satisfaction to those wt ! have them. We have set aside more than oe ! million packets of seed of beautifu yet easily grown flowers to be give to our customers this spring for tb beautifying of their homes. Hastings' 1920 Seed Catalogue now ready. Brilliant cover in naturi colors, 100 pages of garden and fan information, profusely illustrated. It the one worth while seed book fc southern gardeners and farmers. Th; catalogue is absolutely free to you o request. Your name and address o a postal card or in letter, will bring to you by return mail. This 1920 Catalogue will show yo just how you can *get fire packets t flower seedB (five different sorts) al solutely free of cost this spring. Sen for this catalogue today without fai No obligation to buy anything unles you want to. H. G. HA8TINGS CO Seedsmen, Atlanta, Gjl?(Advt) I A Con This coinpan; and fills a long fel * there have been o ? good securities bi 1 iti not having a br II f you have stoc want to buy, we i Lei us serve yoi 5 W. H. Whit A bbeville, ^rjsrgjc^ i II | tral, will be grieved to know that j Mrs. Allen has been taken to Ashee | ville where she will recuperate foi is.some ti me. si On Friday, Mi', and Mrs. T. D ' pAAlntf ~ i. _ .! ! i v/uuici ciilci uiiiieu at a uimnjf, a l-j delightful menu was served and 2 0 most pleasant day was spent in this j hospitable home. Those present 1. were: MrT and Mrs. Gordon Speer r'Rev. and Mrs. Clotfelter, Mr. anc y Mrs. W. L. Cunningham, Mrs. M. L 'Bell, Misses Lizzie and Louise Bell r Doris Clotfelter, Nelle and Eliza!-' beth Pressly, and Mr. and Mrs. R. L Smith. ?-} Born to Mr. and Mrs. Orr Clink0'scales, Jan. 22nd, a son. d i Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Ligor, nee?Miss Minnie Fennell, Green 1 oiville, Jan. 24th, a daughter?Heler r, 'Eugenia. tl s VERDICT OF GUILTY IN BARBOT'S CASE '"I r-| Columbia, Jan. 26.?Special: Dr, | Louis C. Barbot, a widely knowr, o physician of the City of Charleston, s was convicted by a jury in the Federal Court here tonight of violatior i- jof the Harrison anti-narcotic act or n I fourteen counts. y ! h The specific charge was that he had administered narcotics illegally >. to fourteen drug addicts not in the l. course of treatment for such cases, -|On the two counts that he had not l. kept a proper record of dispensing h narcotics to patients, the jury ac quitted him. 1. He was not sentenced by Judge r Henry A. M. Smith presiding, as 11 Mayor John P. Grace,of Charleston, c attorney for Dr. Barbot, will make ;. an argument for a new trial on Fril day. f The maximum penalty which can ., be given Dr. Barbot on each count :, is $2,006 fine or five years' imprisonment, but this can be reduced i,|by the trial judge in his discretion, r, (The maximum penalty under the j ury's verdict brought against the tj physician could be a fine of $28,o j 000 or seventy years' imprisonment The-principal witnesses today were n .those for the government, who gave expert testimony on the administra tion of drugs to addicts and Dr s.; Barbot, himself, who told of hi: i practice, particularly that of drup t jhabitues., if ' , FOR 5 re 10 i e J One six-room Cot ? 1 w \ Street, recently pair Is I b pair. Can give poss< *8 | lit lei bid W.L. PEEBL :| 3f3J3fSI3ISJSISI3?SMS?SI3JSJSJ2M3M3JSfSJ3f3IS iplete Stock an I Service f has been formed to buy or sel t need in Abbeville. During th ITered to the public a large num it. the Abbeville Investor has be oker's service. ks or Bonds to sell we will sell tl ivill get them for you. I. tock and Bond Compo e, Pres. Otto .. _ NOTICE ' w* TO CITY TAX PAYtRS. The Two Per Cent Penalty will be j added to all City Property Tax not 1 j paid before February 1st, 1920. The 1 j renalty will be beven per cent Aiarcn v 511st, 1920. >\ T. G. PERRIN, > j l-2t.?23-28. City Treasurer. l! - . I _? ! Engraved Cards and Invitations? "iThe Press and Banner Co. i ; ,j Look and Feel - 1 j Clean, Sweet and I Fresh Every Day j'4 ;! Drink a gists, of rest hot wster | before breakfaet to wash I out poison* H 1 , Life is not merely to lire, but to live well, eat well, digest well, work well, sleep well, look well. What a i glorious condition to attain, and yet t how very easy it is if one will only adopt the morning inside bath. Folks who are accustomed to feel . i dull and heavy when they arise, splltr ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach, ' J i can, Instead, feel as fresh as a daisy by opening the sluices of the system each morning and flashing out the : whole of the Internal poisonous stag; nant matter. Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well, should, each, morning, before breakfast, drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonfol of limestone phosphate in it to wast from the 1 stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's indigestible waste, v sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying , the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. The action of hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach is wonderfully invigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases, weste and acidity and gives one a I splendid appetite for breakfast. While you are enjoying your breakfast the | water and phosphate is quietly ex! tractlng a large volume of water from i the blood and getting ready for a thorough flushing of all the Inside organs.' The millions of people who* are > bothered with constipation, bilious ^ spells, stomach trouble, rheumatism; 5 j others who have sallow skins, blood -1 disorders and sickly complexions are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from tne drug store 3; which will cost very little, but is t j sufficient to make anyone a pro' i nounced crank on the subject of I internal sanitation. ?? SALE i, .i * ? ? im?ti. lagc Ull iiui in irtaiii ited and in good reession at on<;e. lit Him. ES, Manager. / n.naiiafiDiiuiniiiaiaEaiaefliHiifle3caiaH^BHHHiMii!iiffl ' d Bond 1 1 stocks and Bonds, Hi e past five months iber of exceptionally qn at a disadvantage liem for vou. If you i m I 1 my ' 1 Bristow, Secy. S. C. I i u