, I & | I We do not b( i j We seek no 1 I I to have vour < II I not only, throu 11 vice, personal Ar>ts as trustees. receiv Idian, etc. We cooperate ^ |i tions are referred to us 1 |/1 Wishing you all !;K t. L,. Harrison, President Smmmmmmmmmm I.,.-"- :' a; I Given una* rS. BUICK CARS of the State, {anth day of It does not pay to wait and Our Lord on< let all your chances go by, but and twenty place your order now before and forty fo they are all gone. pendence of E. H. Longshore, 1-_9.1t. Anent. II jRUUS R, STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ! % Executive Department. i Columbily, we ought to pro- mind. Don't advise him to The world is dependent which will benefit other ir for clothing. And the his expense. He has been er adapted to the pro- of these interests long ton than any other sec-i has been the slave of t'hes< orld." | long enough. He has been is a no moral or legal jcat's Paw to Pul1 thc ch( the South should grow J other interests out c ass, either from the|^n^ enou?h, and he shall sect pest or on account!used an^ longer if I can ] ! prices. The man who j * have spent four m if past experiences andj^a^ 'n weevil se ivasion of the boll wee- i Florida, Alabama, Louk ase his cotton acreage. xas' * investigated the b ;ct for the lunatic asy- Planters in these states an ed the best method of c ., .. the boll weevil. My views serious situation, one , ' . , . , . . upon the best informatio] financial interest of , . , . get from the best farmei ; not one to get panicy , rx .x states mentioned. reserve our wits. Don't tangent. Let's look the "First: Plant not over te , . - , . , cotton to the plow. Don't ily in the face and wr?h , bottoms in cotton. Bottom ion based upon the best home of th<_ we(Jvil and hat we can get con- greater damage by them. I ituation, met it square- cotton on uplands. i w ,' "Second: Prepare yc ^ thoroughly by a thorough P. [up early. Harrow the fielc least once before bedding ERITQNE0 I XIII ill. X Lib JfUUl XUVVS LI J half to four feet apart. JSBAND?SAYS ONE jApnl L :R INTO A NEW "Fourth: Put from GO pounds of a high grade fc the acre, a 10-1-4 prefer; can do her work again. must bc distributed as yo ne when I came to townj an('" home without another' "Fifth: If you have an; ritone. juse, apply >t on top of tlx makes me feel like I "fter the cotton comes up. wife." J "Sixth: Before plantinj s a system medicine of .vour beds so as to pet tl id is excellent for such ^'rst class condition for tin ,'stem as ailing condi- Jtion of the seed. 2 stomach, liver or kid-j "Seventh: Don't plant ), rheumatism and the Take no chances of having mds of peopje in many killed by frost, but plant a Meritone highly for its you can to be safe. A cr( | over will be late and mo s sold exclusively in Ab- to loss from weevil, e McMurray Drug Co.? ( "Eight: Commence < 'early. Leave the mils ; 1 i !H -the favor, if any, q reciprocity. W ' pay you for it through real ba n p as well. DRAW YOUR WILL company your executor. s may die or make mistakes, pecially trained officers handling luring Nineteen-Twe /. Calvert Miss Fannie /. DuPre, Bookk Lion. The [inches apart, two stalks to the hill * been met if possible. ts of the | "Ninth: Plow your cotton every ,s been in week if possible. Don't neglect this. ! " Light and rapid cultivation is an imrs how t0|P0rtant factor in the fight. nterest in "Tenth: When your cotton be-j1 do things gjns to put on squares the boll wee-l1 iterests at vil will commence his ravages. Then,1 the slave js the time to do your most ef- 1 enough, fective work. Set aside every Mon-! e interests day to gather fallen squares and made the burn them. If you value your crop, :st-nuts of don't fail to do this. For every )f'the fire square gathered and burned will not be so save you from gathering a thouprevent it. sand 30 days later." onths this ctions of siana and Engraved Cards and Invitaions? est posted ? , I he Press and Banner Co A discussombatting i 1 J a "IMMIUIIIIimilillllllllllltlllllHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIUIMllUlllltllUIIUtflMlliUillintttllllllltUHHIIIIItlJI i I could || rs in the ff !|| n acres in j| plant T II MILLIONS OF A is are the^y subject to . f | OBSERVE NAT] 'lant your =i (I D iur lands || breaking j| Is over at If In every village, town, cit for cot- " mighty nation, men, women ? HI iree and a j 11 Bed by |j Januar; 0 to 800'11 set 'n motion new thrift pr utilizer to . || caving and investing. red. This fl iU bed tile ill A visit to the bank to oper discuss matters of investmen ance of the day. : bed j u^t j 11 May we count on a call frc .r harrow 11 le soil in if {tormina- jj THE PLAN! too early. 11 The Progre lh" fmt II Abbevill s early as || >p planted j| re subject || cultivating II 111 abOUt 1 5 ! I ?.im SlIrtllUIWIiromtWIIMIIIBMWroMIIWimiMWIHIWIIflWIIIWiWMIHinilHWWWtUlliilMIIMIiiWnilltWI' ' . I wmmmmmmmm f , is mutual. | " e are glad | 3 in return, | ; nkmg ser- | I .jil m ':'i r this department gj ^ nty and the j ^ I Thomson, Cashier jj \eeper .9 IHlllillllllJillllllM GERMAN ARMY WILL BE REDUCED MONTHLY Berlin (Via London). Jan. 7.? The German army, which numbered 280,000 men on January 1, will be reduced monthly so that by ApriL the strength laid down by the peace treaty will be attained, it was announced today. ?f NOTICE I wish to staate that I stall represent Owen Brothers Marble & Granite Co., of Greenwood, the largest and best equipped plant in the Carolinas. Anyone wanting anything in the shape of memorial work, please call or write me. l-7-4t. Joe F. Edmonds. ^ II . . -I II Is ii MERICANS TO [ONAL THRIFT AY | y and state throughout this ind children are planning on II y 17th actises in earning, spending, jf is il i or add to an account or to it will be a popular observ>m you? fERS BANK I) sssive Bank. e, S. C. iniMIUIlllMIUMaiflilHUlirmiUltfllhllMliiillillllllllUiHi. \ : i*-' z- ^