The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, December 16, 1919, Image 5

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)?= ?=3id Xocal s te *iM AiVIA F, mcwr ' / . en i - Co : personals : * , ? -*? Mrs. W.' P. ' Wham is visiting pU relatives in Columbia. J ^ ; >rv ' . 1 t y -J> wrnrn^mmm^m, j Wallace Cheatham spent Sunday in Greenwood. Frank Benton, Sumter, spent the 811 week-end with relatives in Abbeville. . , no , Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Boyd, Mt Car-jpl< mo) wprp visitors here Saturday. j^e ; ;s r J. M. Anderson wafc a business vis)- ?p tor in Greenville Monday. Mfs.: Reames and daughter, Miss j"" Eva^ .fpe^it Saturday in Greenwood. I Miss*'Lillian Swetenburg spent the L . . ' week-epd with friejnds at Peaks. , V . W Mri Vance Ashley spent Sunday with friends in Greenwood. . inf J. A. Verchot went over to Atlanta Monday on business. MM- ; ? Mr. Ralph Syfan went over to ? ; ... Greenwood Friday on business. pr Mr, W N. Gravdon. Col TV" v;' - umbia, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. end Mrs. J. L. McMillan. &S ;y . ______ 'i~ ...... Mrs. R. B. Mills, Dublin, Ga., ar 1. , . rived Saturday to spend the holidays; ~~ ; v with her mother, Mrs. J. G. Edwards. jW. I Champion Chick Galloway went over to Clinton Sunday afternoon to visit friends. / - \ Miss Sarah Haskell went over to Greenwood Friday and spent the day 12 with Miss Lucia Featherstone. Q?T Mr. Arthur Link spent Saturday 0 1 and Sunday in Greenville with j 1 friends. ' ^Miss Carolyn Edwards spent the week-end in Greenwood with Miss Agnes Edwards. - ^ * / Mioc V^Itid TWocrill rtf flTPonwnnH- Ff spent the week-end with Miss Annie Belle Little. 12. ^ James Cothran, a student at the University of South Carolina, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents Mr.* and Mrs. Wade S. Cothran. j John Gilmer, of Knoxville, Tenn., !s visiting his brothre, Roy C. Gilmer, the city. The Rev. J. L. Daniel, Newberry, former pastor of the Methodist Church here, was a visitor in Abbe[ . . . viHe Monday. 12 ' jfrs. R. C. Wilkes, Miss Maggie ? Reid, Miss Sadie Hammo&d and Mrs. W< Myrtle Harris spent Sunday in Hodges with Mrs. Will Nickle.*. Iw- *! >Mn. C. L. Sanfe went to Atlanta ? Sunday, where she met her friend, LC Miss Grace D<*Berry, of Colombia, Tenn., who returned with her Tuesday to Abbeville to spend a few days. Miss Annie Rodgers Chicago, is j _ expected to arrive here this week tolpc spend the holidays with Miss Fannie' gfe. 31mA. . k "l " ___ "Black Jack" Horn came over from 12 Atlanta and iqMnt^Sanday seeing his snjfetethearts and hpw the old town had been getting on without him. Ifpiss Mary HiH Harris is expected J to arrive here Friday from Converse' ? j 12 College, Spartaoburg, to spend the _ holidays with her mother, Mrs. John'ui Harris. | r Mrs. Fred S. Hill and two children, Fifed, Jr., and Harry, leave tomorrow 12 for Thomasville, N. C., to spend the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Hill's a ?-4. W?^BU;A4f >UA1Di nwwuvvvi Christmas is coming and the old town is beginning to brighten up as 1! Major Davis if bone for the holidays, pi He comes fhMft$ftinp Pike and is m ready to eflijoyliw in the quiet of Si Abbeville^--. v : - bBbmSWI? I^K .'-* .?*Zp227l^ ENTERTAINING MISS DOTY. Miss Annie Doty, who was here st week in the interest of the Red ross received many pleasant atntions while here. She was pleasantentertained at dinner by Mrs. ank Henry, was the over night est of Mrs. J. D. Fulp and was tertained at tea by Mrs. M. T.J ileraan. * Miss Doty made an interesting and jtructive address before the execue committee of the Home Service ition. Her visit was successful and >asant Acting General Manager. ill News. George M. Wright, who recently cceeded J. Adger Smythe as presint of the Watts mills, Laurens, is w acting as general manager of the int. Since his retirement, as presi-j nt of the mills, Mr. Smythe has en engaged in extensive farming! erations near Greenville. i 1 \iT 4 TWTT'C? I! n A x >3 < V.i"' ' -lV ? ?ANTED?To make your Christmas fruit cake. Any size frerti two pounds up. Why worry about the jredients? Phone me early. Mrs. Grace Hemphill Rogers Phone No. 1. South Main St. j -5-tf. >RD OWNERS?Enjoy comforts of a closed car. We can make your touring car a Sedan for $46.00; your roadster a Coupe for $30.00. For particulars write B. & M. Motor Co., Rock Hill, S. C. 12-9-8t. ANTED?One experienced Lady Stenographer and Bookkeeper combined, who understands double entry, and who uses short hand. Do not want one who uses Stenotype. Gallant-Belk Company, Anderson, S. C. -12-2t RAYED?From my home Saturday night. One dark bay mule. Reward for return of same or any information. Thos. Wilson, Box 369, Abbeville, S. C. -12-31: pd.' >R RENT? Three unfurnished j rooms. See Miss Julia McAllister! at J. M. Anderson's store. -9-tf >R SALE?Thursday, December,] 19th. Farm implements, harrows, rakes, mowing machines, etc. Hogs, and cattle. Richard Sondley. -12-2t. x ANTED?Three or four loads of wood cut ready for the stove. E. F. Arnold. The Ford man. -12-3L \NTED TO BUY?Seed Cotton at the highest market price. JOHN F. SUTHERLAND, 11-6-3tPd. 56 Church St i >ST?Two pigs^ black male, 8 weeks old. Reward if returned to Frances Rapley, Route2, Abbeville. -9-3pd >R SALE?Milburn two horse wacnns. 2 1-2 Thimhl#> Sk^in 11 IK. 00, 2 3-4 Thimble Skein $120.00. C. D. AULD, Elberton, Ga. -16-2t. ANTED?A good milk cow, fresh in milk, giving 3 or 4 gallons per day. Write or phone Mrs. Paul Link -16-3t. *AY SERVICE?For best and quick service call George Thomas, The Drayman, Phone No. 388 !-16-3t pd. . Ellis. F. H. Leslie ELLIS-LESLIE COMPANY. Announces that after January 1, ?20, they will handle for your aproval the Chalmers and Elcar Autoobiles. Display room 12 E. Pickcnn treet, Abbeville, 8. C. Watch for Advertfeeaioat. MAKING MONEY Mrs. Frank Welsh has been selling | sandwiches, hot chocolate and cream, to the school children and has there-[ by added much to there pleasure in I life. Mrs. Welsh has the interest of school at heart and has given twenty- j five per cent of her profits to the play grounds. This, so far, has amounted to six dollars and fifty cents. FRANK WARDLAW'S VOICE ??? I Have you heard the Rev. Dr. Ward-1 law sing? What a wonderful voice he has, a clear splendid tenor of wonderful compass and splendid timbre, we believe that is the word. In its upper register it has very much the quality of Caruso's unapproachable voice.? Spartanburg Journal. "PRETTY BABY" "Pretty Baby" Jimmie Hodges new 1919 syncopated musical show, * which comes to the Opera House is a mad, merry affair splendidly pro- j duced?full of bright catchy music will be whistled up and down the Istreet, am! plenty of fun. ; i\? LAWS-M?CORD. 1 - < i The following invitations have 1 been received in Abbeville:. 1 Mrs. Ida Mary Jane Laws ] announces the approaching marriage 1 of her daughter Ada Geneva to 1 Mr. Ernest Franklin McCord on Wednesday, December the twenty fourth, nineteen hundred:and nine- : ' f <\ \ teen. ' 1 Raleigh, North Carolina. ' 1 Mi? Blue Eyes. 1 Miss Blue Eyes, which appeared ( % r n i * . 1.1. _ A. iV _ /"* ? flere Saturday mgnt at me v/per?j House, was a musical comedy thatj ranks with the best and certainly de- J served a larger audience than saw it.'1 The caste was strong, the songs ! I were catchy and well rendered, the ' scenery and costumes were beautiful 1 and the dancing was excellent. The ! plot was an old one, but bore re- > modeling and as presented here as 1 Miss Blue Eyes was well worth see- < ing. 1 J NOT A FOND RECOLLECTION j i Mr. Tom Seals says he doesn't like | ^ such weather as we had Monday } morning. He says it brings to mind too forcibly the fourteen months he spent as a prisoner of war at Fort Delaware and where breakfast con-i sisted of a "cold irish potato as "big , as a walnut and a slice of wasp-nest bread." This diet brought Mr. Seals so near to the starvation point that the Yankees started him home thinking that he would die before reaching Richmond and could be tossed over board and disposed of, but according to Mr. Seals which is good authority he "lived all the way to Richmond . and is living yet." Entertainment At Antreville. ' i There will be an entertainment at 1 the Antreville High School Friday 1 night at 7:30 o'clock for the benefit 1 of the school. Admission 16 and 3 25 cents. 12-16-2t. 1 During the Sale 1 n .? r f Both or uur store SIX c 1$ j OCTAGO (large FOR Limit 6 cakes t J. M. ANDI SETBACK PARTIES Mr. Wm. M. Barnwell, of Chestnut Street, entertained all the, best setback players in the city at dinner Thursday evening last. After enjoying the dinner the game was played according to Greenville street rules and regulations. Jim McMillan did not axactlv draw the Droohet. but he was finally attached to him, and as usual ind as everybody expected, Jim found ;hat he had millstone around his neck, which carried him down to defeat. Dick Sondley, the unbeat and unbeatible champion of Magazine Street landled the game against Jim and ;he prophet, and came near scoring i shutout. If it hadn't been for the :arelessness of his partner in the jarly innings of the game, he would nave done so. Uncle Pat McCaslan was up from "the sticks" and announced at the game that he was soon to leave for Florida, where he will spend the winter among the arange blossoms and pretty girls, and that if anybody else wanted him at a party he hoped they would pull it off before the Christmas holidays were over. ... Daley to the Bat. : CoL W: D. Barksdale has asked for i clear - trade -over wmciv ne : may operate his vestibule on n^xl Friday evening. He proposes, ta give-a dinner at his -home on North Main,, immediately adjoining Greenville Street, ivhich will remind Jenner Link and a few others of the days when he bought out some or the small fry in the lien business every other day. He says that he expects to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that a first class Baptist cannot only build i church and pay for it, carry the Seventy-five Million campaign over for a touch-down, but that he too can spread a spread which is good enough to make a Presbyterian elder smile, )r a Methodist deacon backslide. Rumors Afloat. It has come to us, too, but through 10 official channels, that Col. C. E. Williamson, of Wardlaw Street, had some of the small fry in the setback iffairs of the city, at a turkey din tier last Friday evening, it being stated that he was practicing on thom. in order to cultivate'ai:*'/, and that he now feels able, with the experience he has had, to entertain the full faculty of the Greenville Street school, which he may do at inytime he feels disposed. Col. Kerr informs us that he is ready and prepared and that Uncle Jim is also ready. HOW OLD WAS METHUSELAH? The Ladies Home Journal says: VIen who love to dig into what ordilary mortals accept as facts and wonlef at them now and say that the indents of Biblical days reckoned ;ime, not by the sun or the movement Knf Vitr +V10 mnnn TVinc i year with them was a lunar year, or ;very time the moon came around ;hey called it a year. E.oughly speakng, there are a little more than 12 1-2 lunar months of approximately 29 days each in a year. This makes t easier to understand how Adam ived 930 years; according to our >resent reckoning he really lived to je 74. Noah's 950 years become 76 fears; and the daddy of them all, Hethuselah, with his 969 lunar years, Now Going On At ?, We Will Sell r. " . t . . . ; v N SOAP size) 49cts. o a customer. iRSON CO. turns out really to have been 77 years according to our way of figuring. ' Later, of course, the eqinox was cen | sidered, and six moons, or approxi- ^ mately six months, became a "year." Henee Abraham's 175 years becomes c about 87 years of our time. All of ^ which sounds more plausible about these supposed long-lived patriarchs. llOpera | I fSSi I TUT _. . I today? A PARA MOW "The Rose of "Smashing 4. ^ * '* ^ ^ Wedne IMITCHEL! "The Faith of "Elmo the I Thurs jj VIOLA 1 " The M A slice of Kfe?one and appealing sto Alao a STRAN 10c : In | The Best of ( I ~ LIBERT* The Planters Bank will re Bonds, or other Government receives cash or checks on d receipt for them just as we cash or checks yon deposit collect the interest on them send yoa receipt for that just as we handle our own k with us, in this way giving y, security for your bends and When you wish to witbdri for any other purpose, you . .. you can withdraw cash depos We w?H be glad to talk the i i ? * ' ?v -i"'"' ' r ther and get your-business. J-i. PLANTER THF PRnnRR ABBEVILLE, I SALE OF SOAP It During the sale now going on at ? >oth of our stores, we will sell 6 akes (large size) Oetagon Soap for ,9 cents. Limit 6 cakes to a customer. J. M. Anderson Co. EH Hiesday | IT PICTURE the Rancho' , I Barriers" 8 jsday | L LEWIS [ | | the Strong" '% ? Mighty" 1 M iday < J DANA | Aerobe" I .-J of the most human ries ever screened. ID COMEDY jj 20c ri I: i * ? 1 , jcod Pictures | | BBWBWjlWjjWgggg ^ I - -i \ M i?S / ' r BONDS. ceive Liberty Bonds, Victory : Bonds on deposit just as it eposits. We will give you a give you a receipt for. the We will clip the coupon and , place to your credit and ? We will handle these bonds <5 >!*? naoti |< ou abundant and unlimited s other deposits. I rw the bonds to sell them or l| can withdraw them just ?.s ? itec. g ! matter over with you fur- g A-"'. t " M }y' ?, JR s. ' \ - S BANK, $SIVE BANK. SOUTH CAROLINA j ...,** tfetec