The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, December 12, 1919, Image 5

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Isl ' aB ! lg| iBIeS wBB* kSh -I gig gra H nUK* |e BSh| as nR ^1 Rsf^i * Pi a ^HHHIh gE*g mH HraHH^HflMBKM I mM B^BBBBBSHlP : =33 SBK ^ ^^Kt't l . w B These are things tl I them over. PARK] I 5 I PAWN I VIIU VI1 \ mas Gifts F< When Gifts f0 to get WmmKm BbBBWWM "" mYIMWW > ' n Shoes, lat Men like. We'll be gl ER & 1 112" Value LOTHE Mac I Michael JS Y ou know you are ^ you have never worn ) you begin now. i EVERYTHING FOI | We carry a compl || goods for men and Ix II SHIRTS, silk and t IliUMEittI, S11K HANDKERCHIEFS, CRAtATS oft and in fact everythin generation will be f< SHOES! In the Shoe line w< recommending the " tig* not believe there is a gg market. A III II & IUCAL I :>r Men it copies to Christmas r men this is the place \ iem. s an exceptionally fine ent of Silk Neckwear. 1.00, $1.25, $1.50, 2.00 and $2.50. lirts make very ac} gifts, $10.00. ?cks, plain and fancy il, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 . for dress, driving, / oring, $1.00 to $6.00, erchiefs, in cotton, i, and all linen, from fSc each. :rs, Belts, Pajamas, ags, Hats, Caps and lad to have you look i i % IEESE I . . i first" JS Ja Rv s-Sterns \ getting the best If these clothes suppose I MEN AND BOYS. ete line of furnishing oys and our stock of he cheaper kind, ; and cotton ' silk and linen , ill styles. ? I*m (Vio mnip 5 IlUCU^U M/ U1V AMWV >und complete. SHOES! 5 take special pride in Bostonian" as we do i better make on the I IOTP jLiIU 1 till nniiainannw Bv C0LD SPR,NGS# Rl Messrs. Frank Uldricfc and Horace iKing spent Saturday night with Mr. Arthur Newell. , . Miss Francis Hagen had a spend the day party Saturday and those who attended the party were, Misses Marie and Marguerite Gordon, Mattie and Dessie Strawhorn, Alma Uldrick, Francis Blum,. Sarah Mundy and Dessie Simpson. A very enjoyable day was spent by all. Master Alvin and Neuffer Uldrick spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kay. Miss Epheginia Uldrick spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hagen. Mrs. B. A. Uldrick spent last TuesJ !iL If Jri % . |u?y vviiu mrs. 9. A. mctomos. Quite a crowd attended the quilting at Mr. D. E. Newell's last Thursday those present were Mrs. N. P. ^filford, Mrs. Calvin Coleman, ] Mrs. J. R. McCombs, Mrs. Eugenia Newell and Mrs. T. F. and B. A. Uldrick. TVIrs. Christy Cothran spent he week end with- her fathet, Mr. W. B. Ulsgg drick. . y' ' ' 'f v , * 'j THE BEAUTY of SIMPLICITY This excellence was illustrated on fsi the 29th* at the home of Mr. and Mrs. if J. F. Clinkscales in the marriage of J their daughter, Sara, to Mr. Charles, B 6 Henerey, of Bamburg, S. C. S ' The beauty of this occasion did not "j consist in the well ordained house so V1 richly furnished and decorated with B beautiful flowers and (other esthetic pi features so pleasing to the eye; alm though all these things were in eviajj dence there to satisfy the marked fas I odious taste. The beauty did not consist even in the bright and smiling laces, and fine appearance of this splendid looking couple, although it would be a difficult matter to duplicate them in this regard. It did not consist in the bride, although she was strikingly attractive in her deep brown coat suit with hat and costly furs to match. It did not consist in the manly groom, although he bravely looked jthe officiating minister in the eye, and stood as erect as any returned 6oldier who had faced the shells and fire of the German on the battle fields of France. But the beauty of simplicity is seen in all the details of this occasion, and i aontt mama i ?uc coojr uwuiici in wiutu tney were |carried through. g j No rigid formalities, no ruBh and ||| ihurry, no nervous excitement, no sadB ness. The lacrimal glands had all gone pi [dry and all tears were ruled out. Even Farm Surreys I I WILLIAM L. P Member of the American fg CIVIL El f 4 Farmers and Mercl ^ GREENWOOD, 84 ^ Landscape Surrey* ! I ! I |jj! | DON'T TAKE ] I If you want to dose on JV L. S. will strengthen the E to normal healthful coi j dosing on it.) I Buy a bottle. If you i H sands to praise it your n Read the Follow I Mr. J. G. Chalmers says: troubled with sluggish liver vere headaohe along with try Bolt's A. L. S. I did so that I now recommend it to splendid liver medicine, nei lieving constipation longer tried. (Signed) For sale and guarant jU j McMurray Drug Comp; i > the Father and Mother ' whose > privilege it is to cry wore "their every day smile, and their accustomed easy going manner added much to the enjoyment of the occasion j S*ra made all the planr; for a simple marriage without red tape and useless formality, and she had her way. She interdicted a big wedding feast which she could have had. She refused to invite a house full of guests and denied herself the pleasure of looking upon a- table ladened with costly presents. , She loves her friends and kindred; but it was her pleasure to have no witnesses beyond her own immediate arid be married without extra labor and worry and expense that she might go away on her bridal trip without being fatigued, and leave p tired mother and family behind. In all this she was wise, and sets, a wise example for other young peo pie to follow. The climax of the beauty of simplicity came when the brief ceremony was ended. t Then came the jolly congratulations and laughing kisses without formality, and a quick exit from the house to the waiting automobile and they rapidly irliirled away to meet the train at Calhoun Falls headed for the so called hub of the Universe. From Atlanta to Florida points of ' interest and back home when it suits them to come. 1 Their future home tfill be in Bam- , burg county at Ehrhardt where Mr. Henerey is the cashier of the Bank. Abbeville has lost a genial and lovely daughter but she is happy and we ' are reconciled. ' H. C. F. 1 KNOX?BELLOWS \ 1 . ' , V: ! i Mrs. E. J. Knox of Danburg, Go. j announces the engagement of her j daughter, Margaret, to Mr. James S j Bellows. The marriage to take plac ^ at half past one o'clock in the after ( noon of Dec. 17 at home. iNo eaxtb Miss Knox was born and reared in j Mt Carmel, S. C., bttt has been a j resident of Danburg, Ga., since the ( death of her father, the late Mr. T. M ] TT Jf All fll. j . n.nux, 01 ADDevuie county. ^ Miss Knox lives with her sistter^t Mrs. James G. Thurmond, and has ] made many friends in Danbozg who i are glad to know she will remain here.! Quite a number of parties and * showers are planned for her pre-j j ceding the wedding. Mrs. C. W.'d Huguley will honor her with a mia-' cellaneous shower on Thursday Dec. i 11 and Mrs. R. L. Thurmond and 1 Miss Nelle Walton will be joint hos- < tess at a handkerchief shower on ! Friday Dec. 12. Misses Sutton will entertain with a j RmI Estate Snrrtri HEMPHILL Association of Engineers v- ' NQINEER \ tants B*nk Building I1 DUTH CAROLINA. SuUiriiioBi ?1 ' BOLT'S A. L. S. ledicine every day. (A. bowels, tone up the liver idition without forever! i / i ire not one of the thouloney will be refunded. ' ing Testimonial. i '"For many years I have been and constipation often a se- | it. A friend advised me to wit-h" such gratifying results my friends, as being a ve tonic and appetizer, rethan anything I have ever J. G. CHALMERS, Ware Shoals. S. C." :eed in Abbeville by The any. 4 1 11 ' g linen shower on Saturday Dec. 18. Monday evening Dee. 15, the Mines : ' Bellows will gire a tea in honor of the bride-elect, ' Tuesday afternoon Dec. 16 Mrs. B. L. McNeill will give a lingerie shower 4 and Tuesday evening following the rehearsal the Missesa Andersons will entertain the bridal party and some friends at tea. The wedding will be quietly per- ; formed at the home of the brides sister, Mrs. Thurmond, and the couple will leave on an extended trip. 'MISS BLUE EYES" PLAYS \ AT WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Theatergoers in Winston-Salem were indeed afforded a treat last night when they had the pleasure of seeing one of the season'sbest musical comedy shows, "Hiss Blue Eyes" in three acts was the name of the fine comedy and those who were in attendance voiced their approval as being 4 one of 'the best shows presented at U the Auditorium this season. The cast is well selected', showing tnat each character has had the very ' ': best of training. The show.' opened ' A with a scene i a law officei^ New York. Here are met two actors who are passing as lawyers, aijd who keep the audience fall of laughter through* v out the performance. They axe enjoying a fine law practice among those who desire to secure divorces; their betteT halves, suspicious that they anrnot true to their marriage rows seek to find out wbf they tse such popular divorce . lawyers. The fun strata and throughout the entire performance you have tot bold your sides to keep from bursting with augfattt. There were va number of good voices in the show. Special mention should be made of the fine singipg of:/'"-'- ; ;he three young ladies in the second ict, "Still an Old, Sweetheart of Kine" being one of their, most popu- i . ar numbers called for many encores. rhe "Whirlwind Dancers," Lamb and Goodrich, called for their share of ' . 1 tpplause, for their dancing was the jest seen here this season. But the J eal attraction of the show was Miss . ; \ Rentes Jensen, who as "Miss Blue Syes" captivated the audience. Her roice shows that it has been carefully ? rained., Sheis a blonde and with the )right spot lights thrown on her, she nade a charming picture; The show would not be complete without its bevy of pretty Chorus prls. Their singing and dancing was fine. It was "some show" and those who failed to attend, missed one of the ' \ aest that the management of the An- . '' ; iitorium has presented. ?WinstonSalem Journal. BEST MEDICINE HE EVER SAW "I want to recommend Meritone as the best medicine I ever saw/' said W. H. Prather, a well-known em- , ployee of the N. C. A St. L. Ry., of Mo. 4 Bessie . Street, Chattanooga, fenn. "My son's health was all run down after he got up from an attack of the influenza. He had no energy at all and could hardly drag around. His appetite was so poor that he didn't care for anything to eat. "He kept going down and fell off in weight and nothing did hiift any good. "Finally I heard of Meritone and what it was doing for others, and decided to let him try it." , "Since taking two bottles he has gained five pounds and just cant get enough to eat." "That tired, draggy feeling has left him and he delights in doing his school work how." "He has a better color and sleeps . fine. In fact, Meritone has made a new boy out of him and he is as happy as can be." Meritone is sold exclusively in Abbeville by The McMurray Drug Co. Nearly 70,000,000 wild ammals are killed yearly for the sake of their fur. ! SEALED TINS ONLY ATYOUBGOOCEttS Maxwell house COFFEE ? !r 0