PROHIBITIONIST FROM / BALTIMORE HERE j Col. Marston, once risnown as the Bad Man irom Baltimore, but now a leadir.g prohibitionuist from that absorbent city, lit Friday evening, just a* the covers were being laid for the Hillbilly party given by Uncle Jim. He was not long in "slicking up a-little," powdering his nose, perfuming his hair and eettinjr there to take a' hand in the game as it is played on Greenville Street. Saturday morning, putting pleasure aside, for business for a season at least, he made his appearance at the Emporium and supplied it with enough of the new, and always best, rugs which are offered on the market to go round. He displeased his customer somewhat, however, and came near losing one, when he announced that he had joined the prohibition . forces of the city where he works for Boss Stone. His order would have been smaller had this been known in advance, and perhaps larger V* AAMAVMAMAAil moff AVO fllA IlttU lie VUiuiiiciivcu uiaibciQ nibu vuc> proper aggravation. In the afternoon the Colonel took time to circulate among his friends, and to tell them a little of himself, and a good deal of the trip to the ; Old Dominion taken by the Furniture (ing of North Main during the past summer. We had heard a good deal before but not all of it. And as Jenner Link, Will Calvert and a few others may get invited off to. buy furniture, and be given a trip up the , river in T a boat, Colonel Marston thinks it well to let people know just how it effects a green youth from the country to the end that they may bring along some of Candler's Spe, cial. As told, by Colonel Marston, Furniture Kerr was very nervous on the , morning the trip was to be made. He ? was found around behind the ?store while Marston's boss was givfcig the latter instructions about going outside without permission, earnestly talking to the janitor. It leaked out afterwards that he was trying to get a line on "How to Mount a Ship,',' telling the janitor that he was abou' to take a trip on the muddy water.? He said he did not like to try to gei ' , in by climbing up a rope, but that if there were any old apron stringtied together he hoped to be able tc make it, as he was used to swinging on to them, he said. He was not - to eat much dinner but yrank a goo.-, deal of water during the day, ar.c'J had a. bad cough. At length the time to board the ship came, and after a good deal of , jollying while keeping his back to the rear he was gotten to the; water'* edge and. started up the gang plank.) when a sudden movement of the wa-1 ters beneath caused him to run back ! He could not b? persuaded to go on I again, because he said that he had seen the same whale which swallowed Jonah, ant it had winked its left eye at him. He said he knew it was the same one from the picture he had seen in Sergeant Kerr's story bible. The captain of the boat only persuaded him to get aboard by swearing on Marston's prayer-book that he [ had seen .the whale leave for a'tvipi down the river. i As soon as he was well aboard and' the boat had about-faced, he de^i cided to make a personal inspection! 1 of the boat and get acquainted with every person on it. He first called on the lookout-man, inquiring whether the lookout-man knew who hej was. Being deal and dumb, the lookout-man merely took a glance at him and kept on looking-out. Somewhat-' angered by this Furniture informed j him that the speaker was a cousin of; Percy Miller of New York, adding; also, "I am a nephew of Uncle Jim: -Q+orlr r*-f AKKovillfi T T\lOCQ VA11 hflVP ! . ?" . *?* heard of him." The boat officer not! seeming to be scared by this declar-j ation Furniture said that either he, was crazy or it was evident that he was not read up on prominent mtrn^i and that he would send-him a six! month's subscription to the Press and ; Banner, hoping that when he nextj planted his majestic eating apparatus on boarcf that boat there would be somebody who had heard somethinr of the world. / From there, leaving in disgust, he i went down into the engine-roonv of I the boat, and offered the head sto'rerj fifteen cents to see the boat's car-1 bureter. He said that the! car owned by his uncle Jim had' tho biggest one he. had even seen an-1 he believed that the boat on which he was riding had one just like Uncle Jim's Haynes. While trying to make the stoker, who spoke nautical lan i Opera ABBEVIL ONE DA^ I-- V-* ; , V I Wondi II t guage understand just what he wanted to know, he was overtaken bj Colonel Marston, who had lqst him for something like a half hour. Being informed that he, was not expected in these quarters, and that it was against all boat laws for passengers to talk to emplpyees, Furniture insisted on going up to the playground on the boat. He contended in spite of Col. Marston's assurances to the contrary, that there was a playground on the boat because he said he had seen the see-saw working and he thought he would about balance Col. Marston, if he sat in a little, and stated that he wanted to 'ride Ihe see-saw and take in all the rudiments of boat-riding, as he expected to explain matters to all the othc* deacons at the next meeting held in the Presbyterian church in Abbeville He thought it would be a good thing, he said, if a few joggling were put in the playground, and he feaw no reason why there "should noi be good rope jumping around anions the other amusements. Having landed him in a proper place and admonished him to stay there, Colonel Marston went off to find the hosts of the occasion, * Mr. and Mrs. Ward Marston, and upon his return a few minutes later he iouna rurmture naa again wanuercu off. This time he found him walkin;: about the deck looking; toward the stars, and wfien invited to join the." at lunch he said he 'was very eicl: with belly-ache, and did not want any thing but a Coco-cola and he x just must have a bottle of that at once. Coco-cola being an unknown quantiI ty in that country, the sick man was finally persuaded to take a gin cocktail, prepared by ^ HMM children who lived in the home with > sixteen bath-rooms. 1 About the home and everything ' concerning" it, we have already heard, except that we had not been inform' ed that, after seeing how Virginia 1 people live, he expressed a determination to go home and treat his wife ' better. It only remains to be stated that at the next Thursday afternoon's bridge club, Mrs. Marston was the center of an interested group where the subject was, The Greenest Man I Ever Saw. / 1 ,( ? i. . . .. . _ . (UVUVVVVUNVUV s > V LONG CANE. V ' / : t' * vvvwvvwuvvus / ' r ' ' r . ? A r . , Miss Mary Kay gave a party at her J-.ome on Thursday ni^ht, Oct. 30, for he benefit of ^he Memorial Ho?nital. After many interesting games of Rook and music, a salad course followed by cake, was served by Misses Mary Kay and Nina Beauford. The 1 guests present were: Miss Lila Morrison, Misses Nina, AUie, Clara and Viola Beauford and Miss Lucy Palmer, Messrs'. J. C. Nickles, Jog Beaui lord, George Morrison, Luther Er; win. and Allen Palmer, each person j present paid 25c. and the amount j that was raised was $4.75. Misses Linnie and Nina Beauford gave a party at their home on Wednesday night, Oct.. 29, 1919, for the benefit of the Memorial Hospital. After many interesting games of Rook ice cream arid cake was served. The guests that were present were: Misses Mary, Annie, Louise Kay, Miss Lila %r ' T? ill T iviorrrison, miss uessie jjee urwiu, Missses Eva and Estelle P5nley, Messrs. George Morrrison, Clarence and Roy Kay, J. C. Nicldes, Willlie and Charles. Kellar, Luther Erwin.1 : Each person present paid 25c. and j the amount raised was $5.75. I MOTHER GAVE I1IIS DELICATE I CHILD m And He Got WeU and Strong. That's True i Monaca, Pa.?'.'Ivly little boy, vr!ic ! is the youngest. of three, " ea!:, j nervous and tired ui! the he (i was most unm scnooi, r.r. i noi;iring seemed to !..!; ? hixn. 1 learned ; of Vinol and him. It has ; restored his health and strength and he has gained i/: """?Mrs*. Frederick Sommers, TJonaca, Pa. Vinol is t cod livc-r and ir?:i t u:ecy f r delicate, wcaL, ailing cliii^.cn. Formula on every bottle, so ycu v hat you are giv! ing the:;:. .Children live it. i j P. B. SPEED?Druggists Everywhere 'I rl Engraved cards and wedding invi11 cations at Press and Banner Co. I onday PknfA-Plnv Rvav jl AAV^v A iv*j ju f yi jgjgj irold Bell Wright's FacH< :ture Qf His Fa: NIC GRANDEUR u and BINS INTERE8T YCU 35 and 55c. (War Tax I ' . r ' MB I J It: jB|M l Hlfcli Ml? Sk mtiillmm ON hint |III/bJ[! &x?ress I" ' TO I dihetis, , JMe Cc \ mum. ch, ! I ? 11 Vov. 17 it Of The Sew I s Pen Lives in the tnous Novel . IF YOU DO NOT t THE SHEPHERD OF 1 WILL MI8* THE OREATEdT AC : : : . v, ? ENTIRE HISTORY Of MOTIOi ncluded.) ?&*\ .;7T.; * y ,.-r L ';'' ' ^ J| ;:;S: s Many Convent r - J- * . ' ' r r0r shaving?for bathing?foi arly-morning use?the Per )il Heater is the reliable sti - t- A, The Perfection brings necu nomenfs notice?wherever c ind in the quantity desired [t is clean, safe, pdrtable, o< ?burns ten hours on a ga kerosene?is easily filled a wricked7 Aladdin Security Oil gives the 1 suits. At your dealer's. STANDARD OIL COM] (New Jersey) - ./ Washington. ?>. C. BALTIMORE, MD. CI Norfolk, V?. , , Ch*rl? Richmond, Va. Cb H^ymnnwiu M^ECTIC ? a?BWH?xmmnmm. ? ' . . . Delpai AM/ Briquc will do the WP ran Drove Douthart, of thi NO SMOKE I v Abbeville Ic Phohe c.vag.'g.'/or'3r?yi M MATINEE M 3:00P.M. H , NIGHT H 7:00P.M. M UH 9:00 P.M. f ^ ^ m' I B -1'&-% :yi HE HILLS" ^V'BS MH. . HIEVEMENT IN THlM ? ?? ' I fl ' :v| I I tnces J fection ; andby. I at a ' I leeded, 1 lion of I nd rebest re- ' | PANY I S?^S& - 1 w I arleston, S. C. U H i rrn a iCITE | I I : it by Col. l e Seaboard I NO SOOT I