if ^ 1 Xocal i i flews I | : personals : j Ja fiV ~ A Fred Cason is in Columbia attend- j ing the fair. 1 Mrs. W. P. Kennedy and young! Pat are in the city for a few days. Glenn Baskin of Greenwood, was - in town Wednesday. Mrs. Harrison of . Greenwood, is visiting her son, Dr. F. E. Harrison. Alvin Nanec of Monterey, was in town Wednesday. Miss Ruth Woodhurst is in Columbia attend the State Fair. v P. Rosenbsrg is a visitor at the State Fair in Columbia. Miss Ruby Edmunds has returned from a visit to Blair, S. C. Mrs. A. O. Roach is visiting relatives in Alabama. Miss Mary* Lou Bowie went down to Columbia Wednesday to take in the fair. Mrs. Wade Cothran of Greenwood, spent Wednesday with Dr. And Mrs. v P. E. Harrison. Miss Mary Quarles Link is home after a pleasant trip to New York City. Merrs. Arthur and Mark Link left Wednesday morning for Columbia to attend the Fair. ? ' I Mrs. Van Noy Weir, Athens, Ga., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Morse. Mrs. D. E. Estes and two children, Chester, are visiting Mrs. Estes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Edmunds. | Miss Mary Lawson Link left Wed- ( nesday for Spartanburg for a short; visit with relatives. She will return j , with her grandfather, Dr. W. E. Link, j Mr. W. S. Cothran went over to I Greenwood this week and took in the j sights of the city and was glad to get i back home. ! The many friends of Walter Sher ard are glad to see him on the streets again after his serious accident several weeks ago. "fors. W. S. McAlIily returned Montlay night from Savannah, <5aM where j she has been visiting the family of Mrs. J. M. Harden. calculated to increase local interest 11 and enthusiasm, which means that c Lowndesville will probably lead in ^ membership this year. * s ' ii Mr*. Foster McLane Leads Women in u Red Cross Roll Call. a Mrs. Foster McLane, has been ap- * pointed Director of the Woman's Di-' c vision for the' Third Roll Call for a Red Cross members. Mrs. McLane e has appointed the following assist-^11 ants: Mrs. T. G. White, Miss Mary 8 Milford, Miss Bessie Lee Cheatham, t Miss Ruth Calvert, Mft. John T. E Cheatham, Miss Annie Barksdale, r Mrs. Truman Stephens, Mrs. Zimmer- * man, Mrs. Cliff King, Miss Dorotny Syfan, Mrs. Gulledge, Mrs. Charles Graves, Miss Sarah Perrin, Mrs. Alf Lyon. > ^ The Publicity Committee for the . Third Roll Call, composed of Mrs. M. T. Coleman, Chairman; Mrs. W. D. fi Barksdale, Mrs.'Herman Benton, Mrs. t T. A. Klugh, and Miss Nettie Rus- ( sell, have planned a novel method , of j demonstrating the' progress of the j drive. A mammoth bill-hoard has been erected on the public square and upon it will be blocked out the various townships in the county, showing the quota of each. As the * Roll is called and the membership is s reported to headquarters the cross c will be covered with red. At the end of the drive the district failing to v raise their quota will be easily dis- ^ tinguishable. The county aims for ^ a perfect Red Cross. , Will You Spend 50c. On Rat-Snap to I Save $100? One 50c. pkg. can kill 50 rats. The average rat will rob you\ of $10 a year in feed, chicks and property . destruction. RAT-SNAP is deadly to rats. Cremates after killing. Leaves no smell. Comes Jn cakes. Rats will pass up meat, grain, cheese to feast on RAT-SNAP, Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by P. d Comedy?Pretty umes -AND? i g & Dancing Chorus c, $1.00 and $1.50. Seats on Sale Now. _____ [ HERE ARE OTHER PLAYS BUT NONE SO POPULAR AS "MUTT AND JEFF This year that best of all roarin nusical farce spectacles, "Mutt an eft's Dream" comes to the Oper louse Thursday, Nov. 6th. with ev rything rearranged, sparkling an '-t i i\ir~ rr:n ejuvenaieu. ivir. xini naa lcpiaw verything heretofore used with er irely new up-to-date material an he consequence is a brand new an horoughly finished farce corned] pectacular review of the latest fad nd funny things of the day. "Mut nd Jeff" has long since earned th op-notch position among extravs ant farces, and the idea of remodel tig the scenic environment and rt onstructing the piece generally hn een an annual occurrence, but thi eason an extra effort has been mad n the way of renewing the lines, si1 lations and a decidedly refresh* u tmosphere permeates the entire pei ormance. A brilliant and prettil ostumed chorus of youthful maiden ssist in the attractively arrange nsembles and the modern populs nusic leaves nothing to be decided i !--i mi.. f.iu _ _ ; musical way. ine specialties ut he best that ever appeared in ai? nusical farce comedy. A wealth c noney has been expended this seaso 0 costume it beyond the ' fonde; Ireams of the indulgent public. Prices, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.5' >lus war tax. Seats on sale at Bo )ffice now. / A Barbecue Dinner. The ladies of the Civic Club wi lerve a barbecue dinner Monday o he plaza between the City Hall an 2ourt House. A first class dinner ( iash will be served and people ai nvited to take dinner with the ladie Card of Thanks. I thank my friends and neighboi 'or their kindness during the illnei ind death of my mother, Mrs. Amer a#Bringle. H. P. Bringle. Misses Ethel and Annie Colley c Calhoun Falls, were shopping in tow Tuesday. v 1 E. f Exclusi \ f * We are now pref than ever before, quired in repairing they do at the Fact | Mr. J. O. Duffie, i pairing, and remen and gives the prope When WE do yo Genuine Ford Parts I / E F / \ wmmmmmmmmm tifn ijupera d"| * 1 ~T~ TODAY? s [g|? e 1 " THE * RIC1 i- 1 ENTERTJ4 !" jjj Benefit t All Seats Reserved T iS gill * Box Ofl e I Tomorrow? " M - Douglas F I I "Reaching Fo j gs This U one of the n jgij ductions released by J II C IAIU MA ?~?aw?aw. j Italian city was reprc and gondolas,.and a gorgeous costumes ai I tings, combining comi I al dramatic incident* I terrific fights erer see place in the palace, I Fairbanks battle* a hi I Also A SUNSHI [ "Wild Waves J Worn MONI I William >f B I , In e B "The Lone St s. B I alsi A STAR C _ | "Missing ? | The Best of C \ . ARNO ive Dealer and Repairer The Universal Car 0 >ared to do your Ford Worl We have all the Modern A Fords. We burn your Beai Dry and GUARANTEE it in charge of our shop is an iber it is to our interest tha r service. ur work you can be sure th in your Car, which assures \ . A R NO - ' 1 uahoa i i IlUUdC | FRIDAY =!"~ 1 1 ? jJLj H- WERNO JNERS" lospital H . icket* on Sale at -Saturday - jj v airbanks , I r the Moon" g iost expensive pro- S Vrtcratt, toe scenes and Europe. An fig iducsd. with canals royal palaco, with gf id magnificent set- k tJy with sensation- M , one of, the most M n on a screen takes , in whiih Douglas v lit ilf dozen men seek- ^ NE ^COMEDY. , M and Angry ' 1 en." ^ I WLY ~ I Farnum I , ar Ranger" I OMEDY. M lusbands" I | -n I " | | \ood Pictures 11 I 1 I LD of Ford - r / ' ' i better and quicker I Machinery that is re- I rings in just like I to run like new. | expert inFerdre- j ,t your Ford runs - | iat you are getting | you better service? LD 1 , M r / . i