The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, October 28, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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wac? >i i xittuMMUMnmMmTwmamammti ' M IM Give the i the one IISTEN, fellows, to some i . straight talk. Many woj a man when he gets ^ %o be 40, misses something. He may have ^ lots of money, and a fine tha family but? ^ He never" "got out and m saw things". After he plaj Sets settled down; it's too Y<x Ate. . J" * Every man wants to see ^ the world. No man liket cots to stand still all his life. Y tfhebest time to TRAVEL wh St when you're young and phy ivdy?right NOW!' ?p" Right NOW your Uncle 8am 5t calling, "Shove off!" He wants men for his Navy. He's Inviting T you! It's the biggest chanct righ joaH ever get to give tbo world too tbcooce over! maa Shove off!' U.S..N i.-NM m .1 I I ill! I I I 'I" I I You Well I Young! knou) good style whet appreciate clothes of si (That is why We hi new, Fall I Clot! QVO L'inrI fhtif I/.'L V JWJV tliV iVliiVl tiiUl/ tastes and desires.- "i especially for you?al quality and looks that are in them. | THESE DISTINCTIV embrace many excli designs?very new all high waist-effects; v( hrpastevs. sh ravin cr ma ideas in lapels, plaits, e of new single-breasters as scrupulously correci I Many Smart Patterns, $20.00 to world e over Phe Navy goes all over the rid?sails the Seven Seu? ints at the six continents? if's its business. You stand tee more odd sights, wonder scenery and strange people n you ever dreamed of. rou11 work hard while you k. You'll play hard while you j, Youll earn tod learn. iH get, in addition to "shore* re", a 30-day straight vacai?which is more than the rage bank president can at on. 0 ou can join for two years.' en yon get through youll bo sically and mentally "tuned for the rest of your life, ill be ready through and >ugh for SUCCESS. here's a Recruiting Station it near you. If you don't' w where it is, your Post* ter will be glad to tell you. Join the avy 'llllllliilMlllllllliHIM III Ulllll HHIIII Dressed Allows n you see U. You lyle and refinement, ilieoe these stylish' ties will appeal to your rhey were designed 1 the goodness cf a suit could have, E NEW CLC ":V^ usive and original -round belt models: 2ry stylish double my new advanced itc.; a choice variety >, just as stylish and t. Rich Color-Tones $50.00. RKER 8 j STATE OF SOUTH CAROLH County of Abbeville. Probate Court. Citation for Loiter.", of A:lminii i _ tion. I By J. F. Mil. :R, Esq . juuV Probal.c: | WHEREAS, Mrs. Ella S. Wi j hath made suit to me, to grant i T.ptfprs nf A rlministrnf-inn nf frhp I - - ' tatc- and effects of Dr. J. D. Wil: late of Abbeville County, deceas< THESE ARE THERFORE, to and admonish all and singular > kindred and creditors of the said J. D. Wilson, deceased, that they and appear before me, in the Ct of Probate, to be held at Abbe\ Court House, on Monday the 2 day of Oct. 1919, after publical hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenc to show cause, if any they have, i the said Administration should be granted. GIVEN under my hand and sea the Court, this 7th day of Oct. in M$k ON I 4 - SxpvJss To /Ifh on <2 MMe Co. Alliw. 6A. v ? \ \ ~ s jjjjf ^ r styleplus H m Clothes mmm & R EI 4A, [year of our Lord one thousand n j hundred and nineteen, and in i ; 144th year of American Indejx stra-! dcnce. Publi:-hod on the 7th day of Q on t.'f- Cfiin- ^Taiico rlrtnr fni* fVii-v *! \J<- ? WW*. VWW. VU.- II, icquircJ law. lson | J. F. MILLER, her; 10-7-2t. Judge of Probate. Esson, NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS A! id CREDITORS > Of Abbeville County Fair As&ociati C^e ; TO Prove Claims, Etc. the' NOTICE is hereby given, pursua n i to an ordtr of Court made in the C2 * j of William P. Greene , Plaintiff, ' be; gainst Abbeville County Fair Asso >urt! ation, Defendant, dated Septemfc ... 18,, 1919. that all persons havi aI claims against the said Abbevi !0th County Fair Association are here tion required to prove their claims befc j me, at my ottice at Abbeville Cox >on? | House, South Carolina, on or befc tfhy! November 25th, 1919, or be thei nof. j after barred. Notice is further given that all p( sons claiming to be stockholders ' said corporation are hereby requir th? to file proof thereof before me on before said date, showing the nu: = ber of "shares of stock held by ea stockholder, and the amount then and failing, such stockholders will tarred from participating in a di sion of the funds of said corporatic THOS. P. THOMSON, Master A.. C., S. C. 9-19-to Nov. 25. > Will You Spend 50c. On Rat-Snap Save $100? One 50c. pkg. can kill 50 rats. T ~ average rat will rob you of $10 year in feed, chicks and proper detraction. RAT-SNAP is deadly rats. Cremates after killing. Leav ino smell. Comes in cakes. Rats w pass up meat, grain, cheese to fes on RAT-SNAP. Three sizes, 25 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed P. B. Speed and The Rosenberg M< cantile Co.?Adv. Where There's a Baby On Fai , Keep Rat-Snap. Rats are on most farm. Once thi get inside the house?lok out. Ra kill infants?biting them is not u usual. Nursing bottles attract ra Break a cake of RAT-SNAP ai throw it around. It will surely r you of rats and mice. Three siz< j 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guara teed by P. B. Speed and The Rose J I berg Mercantile C!o.?Adv. j . . J&>c t' -/^a'Wi ': : ' ' * . . * 1 iteftw USE ine Took Tanlac To Relieve Her Ills WAS IN BAD SHAPE WHEN SHE Ct" i ItOUGHT FIRST BOTTLE? r":' 3ENEFITTED GREATLY. I "I will tell you, I was in bad shape [when I began taking Tanlac, but it ^got me in good heajth and I only took j three bottles," declared M'r&. May oni Couch, of 206 Green St., Greenville, mt's. C., in a statement endorsing "The Lse j a-! Master Medicine." "I was suffering Gi" I from general weakness and my ier i ng J strength had all but left me and lie-nothing I could do, it seemed, would ky help me get my strength back," she ire irt 1 ire re| 3 Health C p y About K bei \ ? " H Gone || - Many thousands of ^ to women suffering from womanly trouble, have . ^1 been benefited by the use W of Cardui, the woman's tonic, according to letters ty By we receive, similar to this MA t? one from Mrs. Z.V.Spelf,. es ^1 of Hayne, N. C. "I could ^ in W not stand On my feet, and fV . ^ just suffered terribly,'" |sc ^1 she says. "As my suf>c? ^ fering was so great, and by he had tried other reme;r. M dies, Dr. had us ^ get Cardui. . ? 1 began M ^1 improving, and it cured me. 1 know, and my 1^ m k | doctor knows, what Car- K* dni did for me, foray ?y nerves and health were M its Shout gone." u. ^ take " CARD0I _j The Woman's Tone B'! 1 mmmi m*mHm #.w4kw. iif W ijcm WIUM iMiiiiw h.-M am in splendid health... M can do my work. I feel I M oweittoCardui,forIwas H 1^ fa dreadful donditioft." If you are nervous, ran- R M down and weak, or suffer IL Hi front headache, backache, ^1 etc., every month, try Cardui. Thousands of M women praise this medikl dne for the good It has ^ ^1 dose them, and many physicians who have Used ^ Cardui successfully with R their Women patients, for ^ years, endorse thi3 medidne. Think what it means ^ ^ 1 to be in splendid health, W like Mrs. Spell. Give M tTardul 9 trial. |N AD Druggists P I M 1% k\wxx4 I . ?& THE UN IV There's the sam the one-ton Ford 1 using the Ford ca carrying power ?g j ^ ? Jj the truck i; | that ? jjj trucks J lots of it; the r . worm drive make all that power; t pension gives flex um steel strength body, $550 f. o. b, m t? r A i Ijc-. r. aj continued. "I had been through a very severe illness and it left me in a completly ; broken down condition. I had kidney trouble badly, too. I was so weak my knee? would almost double up under me and my back hurt me ter j xi xjiy y 01/ uauijr uiiat x tuuiu naiui/ ^ ; endure the pain. My head ached awfuliy, too, ; -t as b .: i 1 I had ; neuralgia. I could not eat a thing, I and I seemed to be losing strength instead of gaining it. "We had heard so much about Tanlac that T finally decided I would try it, and soon after.I began taking I Tanlac I could tell I was picking up 'right along. It gave me a fine appelate and it seemed that I just could 1 not get enough- ta> eat, and my food j nourished me, so I gained health and . strength, and I could tell every day j that I was better than the day Wfore. I am in. good health now and I feel fine and strong. The Tanlac got me in good health and I have found it to- be a fine medicne for my troubles. Alt that backache has gone now and sa are the- headaches. Tan lac did so much for me and I am glad to recommend it to those who suffer as T dH.'*' j GERMAN OP,ERA ' ^ ]. > - IS' CALLEDOFF " - * .. f,y * New York, Oet. 21.?Production of German opera" at the Lexington Theater, which last night provokked rioting by service men, otnight was \ discontinued pending the outcome t of legal warfare begun by Max. D. Steuer, attnroey for the producers., j Mr. Steuer late today appeared before Supreme Court Justice Bijur to I seek an order restraing the police ' from Mayor Hylan to prevent presenjltation of ''Die Meistersinger" until ' pface had been signed. | Justice Bijur's opinion is expected I tomorrow. Three hundred or more soldiers I and aailnva ? 11 ? .vu (HHincu acw VOB U1 tJHter about 8 o'clock despite the fact that no performance was held. Patrolman dispersed the crowd, ( whicji confined its efforts to "booing" and jeering. About 500 policemen were held in reserve at the East Fifty-first street station in case of I need. While "Tsar and Zimmerman/' I the opera scheduled for seats was refunded and asign In the lobby read, I "Tickets will be honored tomorrow night." j \ National Bank Robbed. ' . ' St. Louis, Oct. 15.?The Potosi | National Bank, at Potosi, Mo., siac fv-spvpn miles smith of St. IjOiiis. was | robbed early today. ' Two bandits with a gas torch I tamed their way into the vanlt. Ihey escaped, early reports said, | with $25,000. I GIVE A PARTY! GO TO A I PARTY! | En?rr.v?fl CnrSs and Tnv!ts!or.3? g The Press and Banner Co, ERSAtCAR e economy in using 'tuck that there is in . t?only the larger of the truck comi i i*i nencis it particuiary to farmers, and ?ther business men. ?he famous Model 1 motor assures reiable power, and nanganese bronze s certain the use of he three-pomt susibility, and vanadii. Price, without , Detroit RNOLD