STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, b; E Coujaty of Abbeville. p Probate Court. tl Citation for Letters of Administra- tl tion. . -i By J. F. MILLER, Esq., Judge of Probate: j tl whmas. j. ft. filuc-h. hath y " ' -- - ? jmade suit to me, to grant him Let- j h ters of Administration of the Estate! 1 and effects of W. A. Klugh, late of i d Abbeville County, deceased. These are therefore, to cite andi 1 admonish all and singular the kind-: tl red and creditors of the said W. A.jr< Klugh, deceased, that they be and ap-, pear before me, in the Court of Pro-' 1 r? a n n fUKL TRAC THE TRACTOR same consistent servic gives. THE FORDSON 1 dependability ,adapta easy repairs. ***"* 11 all rm ?Y t VV 111 VU11J wi* service when you nee have to wait for the p the factory or for a m the parts in. We carry a full line ( I iows, Harrows, Rak< AFORDSON TR^ thing that any ordina will do. Miliar Trarh UUIUV1 Jl 1 uvu D. E. SADLER TH OVERl CA The new LIGHT F( point spring suspensioi ease and freedom fror 1 nco or> nno flnmiQQnr i/iic* 11 viiv viivuouia^j would expect in a five 1 Come in and Let Us Ta There are many poii LAND CAR which ^ selves on the public?c reasonable price, chea We are in a position -fl-i r\ Kncf rv-P o/uvhti tilt Wtct Ui OVi V1W, i Sadler Auto k Abbeville, j ate, to be held at Abbeville Court louse, on 20th of Oct. 1919, after ublication hereof, at 11 o'clock in le forenoon, to show cause, if any ley have, why the said Administraon should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal of le Court, this 8th day of Oct. in thej ear of our Lord one thousand ninej undred and nineteen and in thej 44th year of American Indepen-. ence. Published on the 10th day of Oct. 919 in the Press and Banner and on le Court House door for Hie time, jquired by law. j J. F. MILLER, 0-10-3t. Judge of Probate, j I SON TfllK I A V It U i that gives you the le that a Ford Car rRACTOR means bility, long life and rts and will give you d it and you wont arts to be sent from an to come and put i )f Accessories, also } iS. lCTOR will do anyry gasoline engine >r Company j , Manager. 1 i IE LAND ! R i i )UR with the three i i gives you the same n jolts and jars for I dollars that you :housand dollar car. ilk it Over With You I its about an OVER will impress themiomfort, durability, pness of operation. : to give our patrons 1 Supply Co. South Carolina. < Supply Ordinance To Raise Supplies for the City of Abbeville, S. C.# for the Fiscal Year, 1920. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Abbeville, S. C., in Council assembled, and by authority of the same, that a tax for the sums and in a manner hereinafter named shall be raised and paid into tbe treasury of the City Council for the uses and purposes for the fiscal year, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that the office of the City Treasurer of Abbeville, S. C., will open for collection of taxes for the said fiscal year as follows: P 111 city taxes o rams Waterworks tax (interest on bonds and sinking funds 2 mills 1920, from Saturday, November 1st, 1919, until Wednesday, Dec. 31, 1919 without penalty. Rates per centum of taxation are Electric Light l"ax, (int. on bond and sinking fund) 2 mills Sewerage Tax (int. on Bond and sinking fund) 2 mills For Street Paving (int. on Bonds and sinking fund) 5 mills That when the taxes and assess ments or any portion thereof charged against the property or party on the tax books of the city for the fiscal year 1920, shall not be paid on or before the first day of January, 1920, the City Treasurer shall proceed to add a penalty of one per cent, on the tax books and the City Treasurer shall collect the same, and if the said taxes, assessments and penalties are not paid on or before the first day of February next, thereafter an additional penalty of one per centum shall be added by the City Treasurer, and if said taxes assessments and penalties are not paid on or before the first day of March next, thereafter, an additional penalty of five per centum thereon, shall be aflded by the City Treasurer, and be collected by him; and if the said taxes, assessments and penalties are not paid on or before the fifteenth day of March next thereafter, the said City Treasurer shall issue his Tax execution for said taxes, assesments and penalties against the property of the defaulting tax payers according to law. A Commutation Road Tax will be collected the same time as other taxes from all male citizens between the ages of 18 and 35 years, except those exempted by law. The Commutation Tax is as fol-i jlows: The sum of Two ($2.00) Dollars, payable before March 31st, j 1920, the sum of Two and 50-100 ! ($2.50) Dollars, if not paid until and during the month of April, 1920, the sum of Three ($3.00) Dollars if not paid until and during the month of May, 1920. In lieu of this tax-, six days work upon the highways and streets Qf the City will be required under the street, overseer. All persons failiner or refusing to pay the Commutation Tax or to work the six full days shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than thirty dollars or imprisoned more than thirty days. , Done and ' ratified in the City Council, this 23rd day of September, 1919. J. MOORE MARS, Mayor. T. G. PERRIN, Clerk of the City Court. Sept. 23, 1919. Master's Sale. The State of South Carolina, County of Abbeville. Court of Common Pleas. MARY F. GILMER by her Guardian ad litem J. F. Miller, Plaintiff agaiusu ROY C. GILMER, committee of the person and estate of Mary F. Gilmer, ' Defendant. By authority of a Decree of Sale by the Court of Common Pleas for Abbeville County, in said State, made in the above stated case, I will offer for sale, at Public Outcry, at Abbe- j ville C. H., S. C.,- on Salesday in November, A. D. 1919, within the legal hours of sale the following described-land, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Abbeville County, in the State aforesaid, containing One Hundred and Five (105) Acres, more or less, bounded by lands of J. S. Gil tner, Mrs. A. M. Reid, J. Allen Smith, A. E. Williams and Lowndesville Public Road. TERMS OF SALE?CASH. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. THOS. P. THOMSON, Master A. C., S. C. L0-17-3t. 3w. Dont Put Off I i t JKl ci ge ttii & in S patte ways B3 ' ING HH snap] PARKE] ' ... . .... ? I Keeping is a matter of tai] superficial. And monev?that's \ (would rather "iro High are tailored bette where. | J. M. ANDE! toying Boys othing of every kin ig higher in price e\ rns and the better the first to be sole by putting off your jht now our stock o is unusually stron ay styles and the v< naterials to show ; / 8. ime in today and lo< R & R ' , f % I the Style ir oring; any other \ I good tailoring vhy so many m n" it in. A vf PlnfKcc ni L VyIV/lllVO r than most clothes RSONG M r . T Hi ,i = -, *? #r m A . ,y ' *"' n.iL: uuuwig ? d is scarce and is eryday. The best qualities are ally so you stand to buying. : " ' f BOYS' CLOTH- I r.lH g. Lots of new, 1 try latest patterns 1 you at moderate I ' I 1H -. ? -I [>k them over. H - i I I '-I I EESE I vav is H costs iH akers flH J any Clothing Store H