The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, October 17, 1919, Image 1

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, ' r v-.~; \ . "NnO Abbeville Press and Banner Established 1844. $2.00 the Year. Abbeville, S. C., Friday, October 17,1919. Single Copie*, Five Cento. ' 75th Year ??? BIG BOND ISSUE FOR STATE ROAD Representative Belter Would Have . i._j T ^n.vpar $iav,uw,vw ?- ? Installments?Governor Cooper I? Reticent?Figures To Prove That Expenditure Would * Save Millions for State. / Columbia, Oct. 15.?That the State of South Carolina would save many millions of dollars annually by the flotation of a bond issue of $150,000,000 for the construction of a system of permanent highways and bridges, of which $15,000,000 would be expended each year, is the opinion expressed by R. B. Belser, a member of the House of Representatives, in a letter to Governor Cooper. In his reply Governor Cooper does not express an opinion as to the feasibility of the bond issue proposed by Mr. Belser, but discusses the proposed highway bill drafted as the result of conferences between him, the members of the State highway commission and department, and Thomas P. Cothran, of Greenville, speaker of the House of Representatives. The Governor stated that a comnaninn monsnro Kp HrnftoH for presentation to the General Assembly by which the various counties would be allowed to vote on bond issues for road improvement without the necessity of a special enabling act being passed. o Would Prepare Program. "As you know," said Mr. Belser's letter, "I am very much interested in securing road legislation which -will get us somewhere on a roadbuilding program for the State. If we are to secure any legislation along that line the coming session of the Legislature, it is necessary now to prepare a program and to get it before the people of the State so that the legislators may have an opportunity to get the views of their constituents on the plan proposed. It will then be necessary in order to carry through any comprehensive plan, to conduct a systematic campaign of education to show the people of the State the desirability of systematic, permanent road construction. In other words, we will need to create a popular demand, which I know through ten years of legislative experience is the only thing that will get legislation through where a heavy expenditure of money is involved. VOTE ON SHANTUNG 1KLA1T AMtlNUMtN 1 POSTPONED IN SENATE Washington, Oct. 15.?The plan %f senate leaders for a vo' i todr.y on the Shantui.g amendment to the peace treaty were abandoned late this afternoon because of the num ber of senators desiring to speak. A vote may be taken tomorrow. / Rock Hill Fire Costly. Rock Hill. Oct. 15.?Fire in onp section of the big warehouse of the John B. Roddey Cotton Company late Sunday night partially destroyed 650 bales of cotton. The total loss is estimated at approximately $100,000, Several hundred bales of cotton were stored in other sections of'the building, but the fire was prevented from f spreading to these. vvvvvvvvvvwwv V V COTTON MARKET. V h V October 16. Iv spot uouon 3&.Z& \ V s V New York Cotton Market S V January 34.22 S V February 33.77 V V May 33.54 > v uccoDer ^ V December 34.57 ^ V * uvvvvvvv vvvvvw RADICALS BRING DECIDED DANGER i j Washington, Oct. 15.?Warning 'that there is "real danger that the government will fail' if it continues 'its attitude of "supine inaction" to| ward the radical elements over the country was given today in the senate by Senator' Poindexter, Republican, Washington Referring to propaganda circulated at Gary, Ind., urging steel workers to revolt and establish a dictatorship, Senator Poindexter said there was | "ample proof of the revolutionary ! movement, not only at Gary, but I throughout the country." Many of i the strikes now in effect, he added, jwere called "in pursuance of the re! volutionists" plan to strici down ali i government." I The Washington senate- offeml a j resolution asking why the department of justice had not proceeded against the circulators of revolutionary propaganda. Senator Thomas, ! Democrat, Colorado, questioned the j need for the resolution. He said the j steel strikers in his state had no , j grievance; that they were fighting for nationalization of the steel industry. ' Senator Pomerene, Democrat, Ohio remarked that. Tiis inf/vrmo+i/vn moo ' that the strike leaders were holding out the inducement that the plants soon would be in the employees' , hands as a means of getting the men to remain in the unions. While the senate was discussing - radicalism, the house foreign affairs committee favorably reported a resolution extending for one year wartime passport restrictions so as to exclude radicals and undesirable aliens, thousands of whom are waiting to Come to this country, according to consular reports from abroad. Before the house immigration committee, Representative Weity. Democrat, Ohio, urged that all aliens now in the country be required to register immediately and that undesirable ones be deported without delay. He declared that recent events at Gary land Pittsburgh indicated that the government should know the character and whereabouts of all aliens in the United States. The house committee voted favorably on the passport restriction legislation after hearing testimony by Secretary Lansing and other state departmerrt officials who presented to the committee reports of American diplomatic and consular agents and military and naval attaches in Eu: rope all of whom joined in urging continuance of the control. TRADING IN OCTOBER DELIVERY OF COTTON SEED OIL HELD UP j New York, Oct. 15.?Trading in | the October delivery of cotton t>ctd I oil on the New York produce exjche.ige was ordered suspended today |b<- i!:c Board of Managers. Inaoiii y j?M:;e deliveries on October cj.i , tracts due to the port strikes was . given as the reason for the order. The closing price of October 11 remains in force for margin p irposes, pending the suspension. GERMANY INVI1TED TO HELP COERCE BOLSHEViKI London, Oct. 15.?In conn?ctio:i I with the report from Germany that England had invited Germany to co ' operate in the coercion of soviet 1 Russia, the correspondent of the Associated Press learns that a corri1 munication of this nature was made to Germany by the peace conferencc. ' Look-out Girls! k k Davis Kerr has been made a s-.jr k geant at B. M. I. and is rnakinc: it'nc I - ' k other fellows step up lively those k days. He has nothing on Father - Kerr, who has for many years been k i? Corpulent. k * i Attends Supreme Court. I i Chief Justice Eugene B. Gary left k this week to preside at the Octobei ,; term of the Supreme Court. i GOMPERS' ILLNESS !j ' LATEST BLOW TO INDUSTRIAL MEET: Washington, Oct. 15.?These are j critical moments in American history,!1 and nervous exhaustion has now tak- ( i en its second victim?Samuel Gomp- ? ers, the foiemost spokesman of labor. President Wilson lies ill at the White House. Capital and labor needed his 1 inspiration to bring about agreement.! | Now the head of the labor movement' is suddenly subtracted from the con-( jference, Rudderless and still without: a strong enough feeling of compul-! sion to take the initiative in vital: questions, the industrial peace conference moves on partly on hope,j | partly on a blind confidence that j j more discussion will bring something j concrete, but mostly because of fear j of what the public would say if the 1 conference died collapse. j Every important conference has its ups and downs. Xhe trouble with the industrial peace conference really is not an altogether too steadfast' clinging to respective viewpoints, but! a feeling of ignorance concerning the j j extent to which concessions can or ] will be made. The big steel strike < was in the background of the minds ] of the delegates when they got here. ? Labor is disappointed that its simple request for a committee to in- j c vestigate the strike situation was i refused. It seemed for a while as \ < if labor would lose all confidence! in the conference because ot that't refusal. But something tangible hasj t been offered which must keep labor |< in attendance at the conference as1 heretofore. That something is a defi-i? nite promise to get to work imme-j diately upon a set of principles, in-) eluding a court of conciliation, to; j which the steel strike, the coal strike | and other industrial difficulties may 1 be brought for adjudication. ' I ,r SECRETARY WILSON IS MEDIATOR IN COAL STRIKE CONTROVERSY11 |i Washington, Oct. 15.?Secretary ji of Labor Wilson announced tonight jj that he had assumed jurisdiction un-|] der the law as a mediator in the con- j ] troversy between the coal miners and ] operators of the central competitive ? fields, which has resulted in a call by the United Mine Workers of j America for a strike on November l.ji Secretary Wilson said that both i John L. Lewis, acting president of i the United Mine Workers, and Thomas F. Brewster, president of the Coal < Operators' association, had accepted his invitation to confer with him and that the conference would be .held here Friday. i ABBEVILLE TO PLAY 1 CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL p ?The Abbeville football team will J' . play the Clinton High School eleven ] j thi 5 afternoon at the Ball Ground at |4 J o'cloc1.:. The local team under the|] , i coaching: of Neil Swetenbure has! 'I " ~ I, !developed into an excellent f<?am an^ J l'n; news from Clinton is that that tca:;i is abeve the nver?.gv High 1 S hcol team. f ! j BELIEVE JOE TURNER , HAS SEEN CAUGHT I Greenville, S. C., Oct. 15.?In! formation was received here at po. lice headquarters here today of the arrest at Salisbury, N. C., of a negro ! answering the description of and be . lieved to be Joe Turner, the negro 1 , gambler wanted here for killing two 1 Greenville policemen October 5, following a raid by the officers on a ' gambling game. ' 1 I FORMAL RATIFICATION IN 1 PARIS TO BE DELAYED1 ! J . T Pars, Oct. 15.?The formal ratifi- s cation of the peace treaty with Germany, making that instrument effective, will not take place this week, as had been expected, it was an1 nounced tonight by the American i ; delegation to the peace conference, j( ? There has been indefinite postpone- 1 ment of this step, it was stated. * i PRESIDENT WILSON HAS < GOOD NIGHT AND STILL IS IMPROVING i Washington, Oct. 15.?President SVilson had a good night's rest, and(l :ontinues to show improvement, ae>pite a slight headache, said a bulle- 1 ;in today by his physicians. The ^ I julletins, issued at 11:55 a. m., fol-^ ows: , ' "The president had a good night's ] rest, enjoyed his breakfast , and, 1 iside from a slight headache, contin- < les to make improvement. The condi-p ;ion which caused the restlessness i )f Monday night, and about which j Or. Fowler was consulted, gave no.' ;rouble during the night." No serious consequences are ex-|. jected from the gland swelling which 1 las caused President Wilson much.' restlessness in the last thirty-six : lours, according to officials at the SVhite House this morning. : The ailment, it is believed, will not < nterfere with the general progress >f recovery. 1 Five physicians are now in attendance on the president. Dr. H. A. < bowler, of Washington, was called in :onnection with the gland swelling : ate yesterday. The president is re- I .ponding to Dr. Fooler's treatment. j The cabinet will continue to meet ] ;ach Tuesday during the president's j < llness and to plan to carry on the >perations of the government. At the meeting yesterday, Secreary of Labor Wilson was assigned ;he task of averting the threatened :oal strike. 1 MEETING OF PARENT- i TEACHER ASSOCIATION 1 TO BE HELD TUESDAY ;j IJ The first regular meeting of the | ocal Parent-Teacher association will1 >e held in the High School building,' ruesday afternoon, October 21, at j1 i :30 o'clock. Quite an interesting program has) jeen prepared for the meeting and| ncludes some special exercises by^ representatives of the three lower j grades, a paper on "Obedience" byj( Miss Mary Burton, one on, "Whatf Mothers can do for Education," byj Miss Gantt, and a vocal solo by Mrs. F. D. Fulp. i Those who have not yet joined the association should do so at this meeting, for the nature of the next program depends upon the number of members who join the association. CASE AGAINST CITY WON BY DEFENDANT: The suit of Mrs. Mary Blackstone in the Court of Common Pleas against the City for $2,999.99 for personal injuries sustained when she fell in a hole at the side of the footAn Q Aiifli Moi'n cf p /1a_ (7<?bu va uvuui jjiaiu onctt nao uc~ ] :ided Thursday for the defendant, rhis is the second time this case has lome to trial, the first trial resulting in a hung jury. The case of Barnes vs. Campbell was decided for defendant. ^ The case of James Haddon, Administrator for Maria Giles, colored, vs. Southern Railyway Company, j was decided for the defendant. There will be no court here next inek. COTTON MARKET BRISK IN ABBEVILLE WEDNESDAY j About 550 bales of cotton w2 :e j ;old on the Abbeville cotton market: Wednesday, most of which brought. i more than 35 cents per pound. The market Thursday was also good. Mr. Alvin Williams Very III. The many friends of Mr. Alvin j Williams will learn with regret that lis condition is still very serious. Mr. Williams has been sick for several! ] weeks with t.vnlirviH -fovor Hia li+flo I ion died Wednesday morning. ' Painful Injury. Mr. Harve Cochran was in town^ Wednesday wearing a black patch )ver one eye. He is suffering an ^J ibscess on his eye, brought on by, i particle ot grit in his eye. j' CLEMENCEAU WINS FIGJiT IN CHAMBER Paris, Oct. 15.?The Clemenceau ministry was sustained in the chamber of deputies this afternoon by a yote of 324 to 132. The premier thus victoriously emerged from the bitterest and best organized assault ' which the ministry has ever faced. The chamber adopted the cabinet's policy on the chronological order of the elections, placing the legislative elections first, on November 16, and the national and municipal elections in that order. For the first time Aristide Briand, ' the former premier, acme out openly 1 in leading the opposition forces, but 1 M. Clemenceau's majority was the 1 largest he had ever "received when 1 the question of confidence was pre- ' sented. > Preparations had^been going on for ' months for this test of strength, the 1 opposition awaiting the ratification of the peace treaty to make a definite 1 onslaught on the ministry. ? Premier Clemenceau had a bitter oratorical duel with M. Briand. The result of the vote makes it positive ' that M. Clemenceau's platform will ' ?o before the people, his opponents' 1 avowed intention of forcing a postponement of the mandate of the , chamber having failed. In his speech M. Clemenceau never was in better form. 1 FARMER BADLY SCALDED. < McCormick, Oct. 14.?Joe M. Tal- (1 iert, a farmer, living about six "-pules ' from McCormick, was seriously burned here yesterday when, as man- ] iger of the Planters' Gin Company, ] tie undertook to tighten or adjust the . ..1 . . i diow pipe on tne Doner wmcn Dursc, | throwing a large volume of steam and j scalding water directly on him. He," was immediately given medical at-1 tention and the exact extent of his |' injuries could not be ascertained, butj he was burned or scalded all over and his suffering was intense. .The ( Planters' Gin Company is a new concern just organized a few months ago and has been running aboun one week. i OFFICERS ELECTED FOR ABBEVILLE CHAPTER OF AMERICAN RED CROSS The annual meeting for the elec uon 01 omcers 01 tne Abbeville bounty Chapter, Red Cross, was held Wednesday afternoon and the following were elected: Dr. G. A. Neuffer, /hairman; H. G. Clark, vice-chairman; Mrs. C. C. Gambrell, secretary and treasurer. The officers elected will meet today and appoint the chairmen of the standing committees. ' I At Bedside of Mother. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Perrin are here from Meridian, Miss., to be at the bedside of Mr. Perrin's mother, Mrs. Mary Perrin, who is still seriously ill. Mrs. Perrin's friends will regret to learn that she shows no signs of improving. A Captain. Arthur Manning Klugh, who is at Wofford Fitting School, has recently] been promoted to Captain of hisj Company. Abbeville friends know he j bears his honors w>th great dignity p and grace. i , Abbeville at Brenau. ' I Misses Ruth Howie and Edna i Bradley have had honors conferred on them at Brenau. Under the new honor system now in vogue at the college they have been made monitors of their respective dormitories. \ ????? . Gone North. ( 1 Mr. L. C. ParVer loffr ? ? 4VAV TT tuncoua^ afternoon for Baltimore and New York, where he goes to buy goods. Being an advertiser in the Press and i Banner he has to go after goods be-;l tween seasons. 11 / DIRECT BUYING IN ' FIELDS IS URGED * Growers Move to Estimate Middleman?Plan Warmly Cheered By British Spinners?Planters Would Have Spinners Agents Come Direct to Grower to Buy Cotton. > New Orleans, Oct. 15.?British cotton spinners were urged today to send representatives to the fields of the South, buy cotton from the farmer direct, bale the staple as they see fit, eliminating all middlemen and reducing the cost of the raw material to the spinner, at the same time increasing the price paid to the pro- / [facer. This DroDOsal. alone the lines of the systems used by the British tobacco manufacturing interests in Kentucky, was jnade at a meeting late . V i today of a special committee of world cotton conference delegates, composed of ten foreign spinners, ten American spinners and twenty American cotton growers. It was the first time in fifty years, it was stated, that American cotton producers and British spinners had net in formal conference. ? Declare Success Assured. The meeting, which brought both ;ndi? of the cotton industry together, assured the success of the confer* ;nce, leaders stated tonight. 1 Speakers agreed that no arbitrary price could be fixed for any given period for cotton, owing mainly to the tremendous fluctuations in the anounts of cotton picked in relation io the amount - planted in different pears. Conditions of weather and of insect a - , v acpicLanuue uiaue is ampossiDie, it was stated, to set an advance price an the staple, as the growing costs cannot be estimated until the crop has been garnered and ginned. It was agreed by speakers, however, that profits were being made by middlemen who had no direct interest in the growing, spinning or manufacturing branches of the industry, the consumer having higher prices to pay for the finished article than would be , necessary under strict regulation of the industry. Norwood Gravdon Die#. , A telephone message from Columbia late Thursday afternoon to Mrs. J. L. McMillan, brought the news of the death o? Norwood Graydon, son rtf W M fjravrlnn fnrmpr nrominent citizen of Abbeville. Particulars of his death were not available at time of going to press. It is only known that he has been ill and that Wednesday an operation was contemplated. Death of Baby. I The two-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Williams died at he residence Wednesday morning, The fan 1 L.1J TTT _ J J erai was neia weanesaay aiternoun at the home of Mr. E. E. Williams, the Rev. Louis J. Bristow conducting the services, assisted by the Rev. H. D. Corbett. Interment was made in Melrose cemetery. Honor Pupils. The following names were unintentionally omitted from the Honor Roll of the City Schools for the oast month and should be publisftid: Third Grade: Mary Chalmers and Sarah Smith; Fourth grade: Martha Calvert and Estelle Lyon. Id Interest of Red Croat. C. S. Mason, campaign manager of ;he Red Cross, will be here Saturday md will speak in the interest of the :ampaign for funds to be held in 'tfovemher. Allan King, Charlotte, was here rhursday to attend the funeral of hia lephew, the young son of Mr. and VIrs. Alvin Williams, who died Wedlesday morning.