I I in the I Located in A 1 from the Cou p? Falls, Four | | J houses; good 1 ill bale j 11 glowlf t6the highest bidder < m&\ I ! . ^ "' * * ? ' - I r ? i: . sale : v -... . 1 I ^ " We will positive | $300 IN CAS II So be on Hand Thu Too much cannot be said a the richest and most produc FREE D! ON THE GF I : : | Located on one of t . | Thousands of peopl fail to conn BE AT CA n , n ATirni || MJU1I LAnderson, S. C., Oi ' * l t urn Lbbeville Com nty Seat (Ab or five good r iarns and outarid a half of ( sIGSPRB at A i 4 ITS,,, ro BE COI An ly give away g* iH PRIZES i Sod I rsday.June 19 J Iron sine bout this faft^n. It's 0rga live farm we know of INNER ; cerm BOUNDS an 01 / he best roads in t le will attend this s e and buy. This F LHOUN FALLSHERN LAN rr ?i f i rnr mce witn j. j. rm r' iR CI ity, South C beville) and i esidences; ten houses. Plent :otton per acr MP.CFA Liviu J. n jjc June MDUCTED alysisof Glowing Springs Jum Carbonate 4.338 neslum Carbonate 2.782 isslum 8ulphate 0.518 um Sulphate 3.088 ium Sulphate 86.740 ntlum Sulphate ........ J 0.887 um Chloride 0.480 nonlum Nitrate 0.005 neslum Nitrate 0.089 8esquloxlde and Alumina. 0.058 la 2.246 inl/? mottAh. (mpa Illiv IIIHVWI | VI MVV ? 101,241 :tual Ammonia 0.02 bumenold Ammonia ... .0.02 / ) far as organic matter is coned this is a pure sample of water, e is too much mineral water for [ dinary drinking water. (Signed) M. B. HARDIN, Chief Chemist'. I he county, betwe< >ale, and you will arm Will Pay Fo\ -OUR AUTOS v AUtllUJ IT WELL I I Icre ion 11VV/, arolina, abc within one \ < i or fifteen y of land I e.?Known RM M<>ng: * / - - -, ;ti 19, ON THi am ALONE IS V and yet it will be so land at whatever it knowi> to come a hi health-giving water; This Splendid Fa smaller farms with buy it as a whole. 1 erms:?-Une ance One, Fou en Abbeville < miss the chanc r Itself. Be oui WILL TAKE H CO. 7u ioifie Office, A I?ADM I riiMi UNAS 1 - j >. : v . >ut eleven miles milefof Calhoun iSil . splendid tenant I 'hat will make a II i as the J j ?g to S. J. WAKEFIELD j I f Antreville, S. C. II [ON 1 A:30 , 1Ua.m r I : FARM " I lb MbS VORTH $100,000 Id along with this fine farm! will bring. People have been indred miles and haul off its i. rm has been sub-divided into' several houses, or you can Third Cash, BalTwo, Three and __ i ir Years. and Calhoun Falls. , I :e of your life if you re to Come. YOU OUT j e Sell I.nfs anrl T /its its, and Farms, My! My! 11 lSHEV1LLE, N. C. | i / j i