vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv V V V ANTREVILLE. V > > | Antreville, May 20.?The trustees, and patrons of the Antreville High. School, met several days ago and 1 " a11 I? ? elected tne ionowmg i,cat,u?a another year: Principal, Mr. Joe Anderson; Higher Intermediate Department, Miss Winton Keaton; In-1 termediate, Miss Margaret Bradley; Primary, Mrs. W. J. Bowen; Music,1 Miss Susie Stevenson. We feel sure with this corps ofr teachers we will have a successful year. The people of Antreville had the pleasure of hearing, on last Sunday, afternoon, Prof. A. M. DuPre, of. Spartanburg, who spoke on the Centenary movement. He presented it 1 -11 1A in & way in wmcn an uuum uuuv.*.stand what it truly meant. And after this good letcure all were willing to contribute to the movement. Lieut. Frank and Corp. Joe Ander-j son have returned from overseas and are at home again, much to the del^ht of all. They have done well tieir part toward making the world safe for democracy, for "where duty called, they followed on." / Mr. Frank Clinkscales, Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson and son of! ? - - * ? m I ClemBon College, Mr. ana mrs. 1. B. Anderson and family, and Miss Sara Lipscomb of Ninety-Six, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson, seeing the boys who had just returned from France. Miss Beth Anderson reutrned with Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson Sun- , day afternoon, and will spend some- , time with them. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Suber andj children, and Mr. Elmore Suber of ( Piedmont, spent Sunday with Mr. iand Mrs. C. A. Suber and family. Mrs. Will Bell returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wakefield and j. little daughter, Amanda, spent the j week-end at Latimer with Mr. and ( Mrs. Hawthorne. j ( Mrs. Robt. Mahry, and son of Abbeville, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.' r Narris Wakefield. j j Misses Genevieve Anderson and. Althea Keaton, of Lander College,; j spent the week-end with home folks.1 j (These young ladies hadn't been ; home for sometime and all were delighted to see them.) I Mrs. W.. J. Bowen and daughter, , Harriet, spent several days last weekj with the former's parents, Mr. and ; Mrs. J. R. Pennell, of Belton. , The country is an ideal place now ( when you see the wheat waving in the fields, the Irish potatoes, the | Cabbage, lettuce, beets, peas, beans, onious, corn, all growing and the ( ehiekens running around in the yard You may know that the table will be ; well spread later on, as well as now. We are very glad to know that Abbeville is putting on new life and will soon have many new buildings, which will be for the welfare of all in the county and we are willing to : do,-"Our part" toward helpin her in . any way. We are so glad we'll soon be able to ride over paved streets. Abbeville is our home town, and we will ever do our part toward numbering her with "The Best." LIVER DIDNTJ DICES Say* 65 year Old Kentucky Lady, After a Few Dosei Meadorsvlll#, Ky.?Mrs. Cynthia Higginbotham, of this town, Bays: "At my age, which Is 65, the liver does not act so well as when young. A lew years ago, my stomach was all out of fix. I was, constipated, my liver ji'J- !. irM Vm J mail i acu my uigeauuu wtui uau, auu It took so little to upset me. My appetite was gone. I was very weak,.. I decided I would give BlaekJ Drtraght a thorough' trial as I knew It was highly recommended for this " WWMb. - I Degati felt better after a few doses. My appetite Improved and I became stronger. My bowels acted naturally and the least trouble was soon righted with a few ! . ' . . V % V COLD SPRING NEWS. N V N Cold Springs, May 21.?Mr. anc Mrs. C. C. Kay and children spenl > TW? Sunday witn tne iaiter ? parem-a, mt and Mrs. T. F. Uldrick. Mrs. B. Moss and son, Thomas spent Sunday with Mrs. F. E. Hagen Messrs. Horace King and Tom Os bom spent Saturday night with Mr Dickie Ellis. Miss Addie Lathan, of Iva, S. C. spent the week-end with Miss Eunice Uldrick. Mrs. Andrew Newell spent a fe\* days this week with her mother, Mrs N. P. Milford, who is on the sick list Mr. aVid Mrs. R. A. Hagen spenl Wednesday of last week at Mr. T. F, Uldrick's. Miss Ola Winn spent a few days last week in Abbeville with Rev. and Mrs. ?1. u. pated, teachers throughout the state will have reported to State Superinr tendent Swearineng an outline of > the Thrift activities to be conducted by themselves and their classes, givp ing approximately the number of i Savings' s&cieties that will be organized in the public schools. GETS TRIP TO ATLANTA. " Henry Culbreth, the bright and 1 successful agent for the Atlanta ' Journal, has received his invitation to ' the big celebration to be held in Atlanta on the 4th of July. The trip is ' a free one to the Journal Club, the 1 Journal bearing?all expenses. A big barbecue dinner is promised land the afternoon will be given automobile ' and trolley rides around the big city. 1 Henry is expecting big sights. He says he is going to do away with his tiresome red road cart, which , would have drawn the eye teeth of the strongest lion, and ride a brand new Black Beauty Booster, which will raise the dust and bring your paper before breakfast. Subscribe to The Press and Banner. I %r I ) I - k I . We are experien have the same met 11 use the same parts anteed by us as to Don't try to do i We are getting i Touring Car, $5 Sedan, $775. The i t i ! ! j .. I ... WE INSl I TU A T 1 1HH1 1 ' We have recently pui the late Mr. Jas. Chalnru agencies in town. We v patrons and are in a poa expirations will be renei in your policies will be r We appreciate your .1 vice at all times. Represent only Reliab some of the oldest and st LIFE INSURANC QAIITUrDRI I I ETC A HI n T uvw i riunii b?rb nnu Greensboro, N. < Has over half a million dollar force in Abbeville C< NEW ENGLAND MU Boston, Mass., One of the oldest and strongesi companies In Amei Hail Insurance^ 'Written by the Home of Nei Why lose by hail, let the I losses. Plate Glass, Accident and He Automobile Liability Insurance United States Fidelity and G Fidelity and Casualty Co. We are full time insui any amount.1 We appreciate your bi Abbeville Inst J. 8. STARK, President. SB THE UNIVERS i I '* ced and know how to give sei I J- L! 1 .1.211 iL noas, macnmcry auu ?mii ui made by the Ford Motor Coi the reliability of our service t yourself. Bring it to us. i few Ford cars and can pron 25; Runabout, $500; One T se prices f. o. b. Detroit. f . r v A P " m , * . ? JRE AN1 C IMCI TE xj liiuvr rchased the Fire In srs, which combines rill be gl ad to serve i ition to give you the wed promptly and a nade gladly and proi rasiness and will gi\ le Old Line . Compa rongest in America. E. ? RUST CO., D. s insurance in >unty. F: tual, u, Sc t life insurance Sc rlca. P1 n< N York. Pi Home pay your n< ? . c< alth, Public and Sc uarantee Co. .1 j wmmmm ranee agents, can ha usiness and are alwa trance & Trui W. HMM? M1???I AL CAR I, 4 > I rvice to the owners < at are in use in the i npany. Ford ownei on Ford cars. lise fairly good deliv on Truck Chassis, $E 4 , noi. n * * ? I fTHING 'ABLE > surance Business of two of the largest i ill of Mr. Chalmers' best of service. All ny changes you wish > mptly. re you the best of ser nies, among them i i'-, 4 "? ' A i FIRE INSURANCE. * ' '-H * >me of New York, dcIity-Phoenix iderwriters of Greensboro. , . 'V luthern Stock Fire, >uthern Underwriters, V. /.'] toenix of Pari* France, :w Jersey Fire, . ilmetto Fire, srth-Western National, >mmerciaI-Union, suitable Fire, ^ tuthern Home. ' H C Hr ndle any line and in I I ' * H wrm ivlaJ fft SPWiillVlil. I JO 51HW ?W WW st Company L. PEEBLES, Manager. 1 1 ' , ?= 1 it . ' T?'.; * * * ; ?. ?% ' -fl J > j 1 ' ' \ V ' of Ford cars. We Ford Factory. We ? are doubly guarery. 150; Coupe, $650: I i?Jl