The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, April 29, 1919, Page SIX, Image 6

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j ! c "Belgium!" i; when you saw tb and the untold si But it might ha> If only ou^ of g buy to your lim l * . _ Rvvii I w? d I the da; MB Kg "Yes, it takes some ??rin|. But every penir iff " hi the days to com* w< Jfca entire duty to oar ooaatr into the safest isvtstmii ]|?3 Uait ia tbo Viotory Lib * iilSj fJiJA cm 5 the thought that le e ruins of this house iffering of this family. re been your home? ratitude to the men 1 it in the Victory Lib National mmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmam m b? ?la<3 Id it in xslocomi sacrifice now, some scrimping ai r of it will oome back, with interest. Ml be glad we did it?<l*d that we did < f sad our?elve??2la<J thnt we put our moi it io the world?tflad that we bought to i arty Loam." rict*?7 Liberty Loan Coma ThU #ifl> contributed by / * re been? taped to your mind -the abject poverty l ; Jr* * * i your child?you! who protected you, erty Loan. Bank ?-a? ?a ?? I :; v liberty loan m IMM ' J A , ; AMmi# * ! - / "I couldn't get girls did. Thei "But, just as th< saved for it. \ "Like them, I'v< Victory Libert: L. W.1 FIRST GERMANS AT VERSAILLE Advance Guard of Berlin Delegatior Occupy Quarters in Two Hotels With French Police Protecting Them From Annoyance. Paris, April 25.?The first of th Germnas who are to . participate i: the Versailles congress arrived i Versailles today in two parties. Th first group, consisting of three offi cial couriers, arrived early'- in th day, and the second, headed b Herr Lersner, came later. They wer escorted to the Hotel des Resei voires. c, The Germans were met at th station by Colonel Henry of the mir istry of war commissary, and M Oudaille of the ministry of the in terior, who were detailed by th foreign office to take charge of th German representatives. A French detective of the mos obvious "plain clothes" type loung ing at the front ehtrance to tha wing of the hotel Des Reservoire and companions under the window * " * t tr in. 01 tne rooms lOOKing over versauie park were the only indications o the character of the state guests wh had displaced civilian lodgers an forced them to seek other shelter i crowded Versailles. Traffic Goes On. The detectives did not interfer with traffic in the street or in th park. Orders evidently had bee given to make the service of sui villance or protection for the Gei mans as unobstrusive and unobje< tionable as possible. Protection and th .'oidance o possible unpleasant . idents, rathe than restrictions, wiL in fact, b the purpose of such i, -Mce measure as are taken, according to a stat( ment made to the Associated Pres today by one of the French repre sentatives assigned to the mission. The Germans will not be expecte< and probably do not desire, to exten their movements into the genen quarters of Versailles, but they wi be trflowed freedom of movemer : 1 > ?? V stheM I Have out and work for my re were duties that k< i boys over thei'e sav 5 finished the job. I'\ 7 Loan?as much as I < ^hite Co. J between their two hotels. s! Nor is it expected that the Ge j mans will seek to extend their pror i.! enades far and wide through the va i par kof Royal Versailles, whi( J stretches from their hotels in one <3 Erection far beyond the great pala< ! Le Roi Soleil and in the other to tl e! Trianon and the Petit Trianon, bi n I necessary police precautions will 1 n taken to prevent annoyance by cur e, osity seekers or possible hostile pe j_ sons in that part of the park adjoii e ing the hotel, where they take the y! walks and through which they pa .! to and from the Hotel Triano I ! where the preliminary discussioi j with the associated delegates w ' take place. j "Wo Hn nnf pxnect to drive tl i nurse maids and children from the _ customary playgrounds but we w. keep any crowds from gathering ar e i particularly outsiders from Par : who might think it Sunday amus t ment to come to eVrsailles and ho< ,Jthe Germans or do something not 'j. consonance with the dignity of tl peace conference," said a French p '3 J WORLD PUT BACK ON WAR A, BREAD; U. S. NOT AFFECTE ? ! d Plan Adopted by Hoover, Supren I Food Council Chairman, Announc ed?America Has Enough Wheat to Continue to Eat J "White Bread." e el Paris. April 2 .?An increase n the miimig percentage which w ; virtually put the world back to wi . ; bread basis for the next thr< "* i fa ; months, is part of the progrti i adopted by the Supreme Food Cou; f cil under the chairmanship of He ,r bert C. Hoover. e The program also includes a coi a plete plan for securing and distribu ing food to allied, liberated, neutr is and enemy countries until the ne: | harvest. One object of the progra I ia to /Werminp fh<? nvailahlp fo( supply and so to distribute shippir d as not to put undue pressure on ar tl one market. 11 it New York, April 26.?Americai -. \ -. r. .?V -v4 ;* . ' ' : > -" > *" '^0^M JVw^V f'.'iirx ^r # ^ V^ MtSB^^^^Kmmf JH^HWfflMy iS6^^80ByHgW^py #1 oHRHKP u|W ray ^ Helped ^ .?. - 4 \ ;. . ; -', country as you ept me at home. <ed the Nation, 1 / ' ' ^ " i bought of the '. lid in the other!" \ii.j \ \ J v - . "* '_/ ? . , will continue to eat "white bread," r- restored late last year after months n- of milling on a Victory flour basis, stI despite tne return ox European :h countries to a war bread basis, anil. nounced by the Supreme Council, ;e Julius H. Barnes; president of the ie Food Administration Grain Corporait tion and Federal Wheat Director, )e said today. j_ A survey of wheat stocks, Mr. r. Barnes said, had convinced his d*? n_ partment that the American supply jr was sufficient not only to warrant 3S continued production of all wheat n> flour, but to meet the export demand as until the next harvest. ili Engraved Cards and Invitaion*? > ie The Press and Banner Co. in iU 1C| Statement of the Condition of is The Bank of Mt Carmel ot Located at Calhoun Falls, S. C.f at . : the Close of BusineM March 4, 1919. ! RESOURCES. ie Loans and Discounts $62,324.54 0. Overdrafts _ 59.08 i Currency 3,582.00 ! Gold 10.00 I Silver and other Minor Coin i 611.66 ! Checks and Cash Items? 659.84 D, . j TOTAL ?$67,247.12 T T A T3TT THPTTPQ 16 Undivided profits less cur- / |fl rent expenses and taxes paid, $ 3,741.73 i Due to banks and bankers 11,170.59 IS ! Individual deposits subject jn' to check $30,755.55 flR i Savings dep.- 552.65 Hi l"j Cashier's Chks 26.60 HM ar $31,334.80 BB Notes and Bills Redis- Bfl counted J 6,000.00 m Bills Payable, including Bfl n. certificates for money |H ^ borrowed, 15,000.00^H TOTAL -$67,247.12? Q_ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Abbeville, ss. t- Before me came H. W. LAWSON,^H al Cashier of the above named bank,^H , who, being duly sworn, says that the^H Xl above and foregoing statement is a^H m true condition of said bank, as shown^H . j by the books of said bank. R9| H. W. LAWSON. H *? Sworn to and subscribed befort^M iy me this 11th day of March, 1919. [ JOSEPH HICKS, H Notary Pablic. M Correct Attest: B. F. MAULDIN, QS J. W. MORRAH, H R. A. MORRIS, Directors. |H I