FRIDAY, A.FKIL1 IX, x?i?. ft =K 'Local I fkW8 : personals : J Mrs. R. C. Wilkes spent yesterday in Greenwood. i< Mr. W. J. Blake of Calhoun Falls,! was in the city yesterday. Mack Reid is; spending several days at Chester. ' ? 1 ' Mr. C. L. Sauls has gone to Nor- 1 folk on business. 1 Mr. W. E. Hill spent several days, of this week at Greenville. Mrs. E. R. Miller, of Hodges, was in the city Wednesday shopping. ? i: Lieut. W. D. Wilkinson went down to Columbia this week on business. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Horton went,1 down to Calhoun Falls Wednesday.!' I < i . - L v. Frank McNeil, is at home on a! short furlough from Camp Jackson. ; i Mrs. Arnett Ellis, of the Bethlehem section, was in town Wednesday 1 shopping. Misses Gertrude Calvert and Maryf1 Mann spent Thursday at Greenwood ! shopping. i Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Reese, of I j IAJbbeville, spent Tuesday in the city. IIIUCA-W V Ili liOl. I** * _ Mrs. E. I. Bristow is in Spartan-1 burg on a visit to her granddaughter,! |lra. H. A. Hutto. V Mr. Joel S. Morse, o? Abbeville, was a business visitor in the city on Tuesday.?Index-Journal. Miss Sallie Sue Ramey and Mrs. Tompkins Ramey/ were in the city 1 on Wednesday shopping. Messrs. C. L. Sauls and Andrew. M. Hill, were among the Abbeville j visitors registered at the Oregon last night.?Index-Journal. ? Sergeant Charley Lyon, of Greenville, a member of the Thirtieth, is in the city visiting relatives andj * ' J inenas. * Mr. W. M. Hinson, of Laurens, is ' in the city visiting his son, Mr. C. W. Hinson of the Press and Banner. Ifr. Hinson is a Laurens merchant. Hubert Cox has commenced the p study of the law in the office of Wm. P. Greene, of the locaP'bar. Mr. Cox will attend a law school during the winter, but he desires to put in as much Wbrk as possible during the cummer. He is one of the men j nf tTio THir+iof}! whioTi KrnlrA tVi* ^.indenburg line; ri ? ? ?i - ? ^ ? g THE JEWISH RELIEF. ~ M and . James S". r Qochran have been working in the, ?tere8t>f :HJre>.Jewish .Relief cam-) paign. They have met with,success! in canvassing the city, and hope to; be able to turn in the full amount i asked of this county. There is ev-J ery reason why we should do so, j chiefly though because our Jewish j citizens have been the foremost contributors to all the calls for help from Christian organizations.. We should not be less generous, nor less broad. minded, nor less given to charity than they have been. If we are not we are sure :lie county will j do a good part. MEETING DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEI . The County Democratic Executive % ' Committee is called to meet at the office of the County Chairman in the Abbeville Realty Company Building, on Wednesday, April 16th, for the purpose of ordering a primary to name a successor to the late James Chalmers as County Treasurer. WM. P. GREENE, ?-ll-2t. County Chairman. TAKES THEM TO CIRCUS. Donald Harris is one of the kin 3st of the old men about the cil He always has his mind on tl young boys about town. His arduo work in the Press d#! Banner mak him like a day of outing now ai again, an dif there is anythii which appeals to him it is a circu He likes it most because he may i ways take a few small boys wi him. Tuesday the thought stru< him that it would be fine to go ov< to Greenwood to attend the circu The fact is that it Jiad been strikii him ever since he read the first a vertisement about it, and it ju r twist the tiger's tail, or do anj thing else which came handy to he) along. In fact they went over 1 make the circus a success. All the boys could tell more aboi it at school next day than they coul tell about their lessons in^ a wee! but old man Harris was the same i ever at his work; he just toiled onand talked on and on. ESTATE OF R. E. HILL, Decease* Notice of Settlement'and Applici tion for Final Discharge. Take Notice th^t dn the 8th da of May, 191.9, I will render a finj account of. my accounts and doii as Executrix. of the Estate of R. I Sill, deceased, in the office of Judg of Probate for Abbeville Count; at 10 o'clock a. m., and on the sanr iay will apply for a final discharg from mytrust as such Executrix. All persons having demansd i rainst said estate will nresent. thpo for payment on or before that da; proven and authenticated or t forever barred. MARY T. HILL, 4-ll-3t. "Executrix. V * Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of Abbeville. Court of Common Pleas. A. B. HAMLIN, Jr. Plaintiff, .ragainst W. p. HAMLIN, and others, D fendants. . , By authority of a Decree of Sa by the Court of Common Pleas fi Abbeville County, in. said Stat made in the above stated case, % will offer for sale, at Public Outer at Abbeville C. H., S. C.-, on Sale A Tv t Ai a At uajr in May, si. U., 17JL9, WlUllIl II legal hours of sale the following d scribed land, to wit: All that tra or parcel of land situate, lying ai being in the City of Abbeville, Abbeville County, JntheJ^^e jfor stnc?, ^containing"Three- and One-ha (3 1-2) Acres, more or Jess, ai bounded aia thlfc of Abbeville, lands of E. , E. W liams, lands of <5. N/Nickk&,r: ai lands of W. F. Perrin, and havii situated thereon a two-story dwellii house. Aslo, all that piece, or parcel land, situate, lying and being Abbeville County in State aforesa containing Nine and Four-tent (9 4-10) acres, more or less, ai oeing bounded by lands of Estate A. K. Watson, Miss Clatworthy ai Cambridge public road; this tract land being subject however, to claim of Mrs. Pat Baker for rer and profits during her life time. Also, all that tract or parcel land, situate, lying and being Abbeville County, in the State afoj said, containing ThreS (3) Acr< more or less, and being bounded lands now or formerly owned by M Mary F. Watson, A. T. Brown, ai the nine and four-tenths (9 4-1 acre tract herein above described. TERMS OF SALE?CASH. Pi chasers to pay pay for stamps a; papers. THOS. P. THOMSON, 4-ll-3t. Master A. C., S. ( f -? / ? d- Start Them Right ;y. he Give your baby Chicks us es CONKEYS BUTTERMILK id ig| STARTING FOOD I IS. d- . for the first ten days and avoid all bowel troubles. ;k I Just.received a shipment in er I g 50c. $1.00 and $2.00 Bags/ d- Conkeys Buttermilk st wj Starting Food 5e ,g ' The McMurray Drug Co ( cJ WANTS!y ' '"I )r FOR SALE:?Livingston and Red jS! Rock Tomato Plants. Phone No. :ei 123. 4-11-lt.C. ,rj '?,FOR SALE:?200 Dozen Eggs, 35c. a?! dozen, F. 0. B. Troy, S. C. ir-l T> \ TATUITPT S C. ' , | . X* xi. JL A vj> ) M. [p 4-11-lt. Pd. ;o ^ ; ' . FOR SALE:?I still have several lt: good mules for sale.. Come and [d see them. T. G. WHITE. k' 4-4-tf. " . IS ;' ? > - -i WANTED:?At Eureka Hotel, nice fat hens, 25c. per pound, and it fresh country eggs at 33 1-3 cts. per dozen. , 4-11-ltjC ; FOR SALE:?400 bushels Heavy ^ Sound Slip Shucked Corn, 74 to -/ bushel. Price, $2.05. T. A. TALf BERT, Troy, S. C. v 4-ll-2t. Pd. It, re FOR SALE:?Tomato Plants, Liv[e ingstori Globe (extra early varie-e ty) at 10 cents per dozen. -,i MRS. A, ROGERS,. a. 4-11-lt. Pd. Phone No. 1. m ' 'l'mfi 1 ft" 7, FOR SALE:?Two Mares, one has >e been worked one year, one worked two years and will bring mule colt in May. Price $50 and .$100.00. T. A .TALBERT, Troy, S. 4-ll-2t.-Pd. i : I MILLIONS HARDY FROST PROOF I CABBAGE PLANTS?from sel| ected seed, any variety, now until "I ^May. $2 per 1,000; 10,000, $1.50. Porto Rico Sweet Potato plants, e_j $2.35 per '1,000. Send us your orders. ENTERPRISE TRUCK i_i FARM, Georgetown, S. C. 3-11 I or;?' e>! HIDES?The high prices we pay for hides and the good weight will eny*\ able all our old hide customers lS'j around Abbeville to box and ship ie green cow and horse hides by exe" press direct to us at Athens, Ga., ct over the Seaboard. Write name on ^ post card for tagsand quotations. m Green hides 17c. per lb. Mule and J8.50 each. Mr. n. rf I BRUCE FANT, now at Athens jdi ^crf.i / n J i "1? I J - *'c 7 ' ^ 1II in' ?j BBBBBgiBBfflg i ttt| Today?Frida 0 I of! DOROTHY PHIL a ... its in the superb attracti o'j "The Talk of the 1 in J r&" i. , also t1 V rey MUTT and JE nd 0) 11c. -iA . ?d SPECIAL NOT II \ ' / with Athens Hide Co., wholesale dealers. 2-21-2mo. Pd. ' TOR SALE:?Porto Rico and Nancy Hall Potato Plants, 1000 $2.50; 5,000 $2.25; 10,0000 $2.00 for 1,000 at our beds. Shipment any time up to June 15th. BROCK PLANT CO. 3-28-lst June. Honea Path, S. C. FOR SALE:?The Home Place of th ' late Geo. White, Jr., on uppt T?f _ fii i_ n j i - J iviain otreet. uooa nouse, gooc j Ijarh and 30 acres land. Apply to 3^21-tf. T. G. WHITE, j FOR SALE:?Vacant lot on Maga-j zine Street, opposite Richard ?ond-j ley, between Flynn'-j and McDonf aid's. This lot is a Beauty. 100 by 250 feet. Price $1000.00. 1-24-tf. S. H. ROSENBERG, j COTTON FARMERS:?If you want Wannamaker's Improved Cleveland Big Boll seed to plant, write or phone W.S. COTHRAN. or S.J. LINK. Prices furnished on application. ^ 3-21-tf. McCal /* M. TEN M FOR < ARE YO IMC(JA1 We Have a S Month of Apri The Regular" Pru * This 1 J.M. i 'Phone 209 . 8 : .i'i. v. j'i".: yn.'il/ mi I ; . vi e/??r-? Ill Ith^stofw aaaaaaaaa^^ y h Tomorrow? LIPS [i T0,M . 2 in ?\ [\ "Fame and ^ ? ? A P?nn*rv Welter town it 31 Hearts and ujj A Paramou S Sennett 17c. K 41c. - ICE?Beginning MOND^ Will Be?Children, 0 FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE acres in McCormick county, miles from Abbeville. This can be divided into three t: MAKE . . 4 Money in a savings accoi tress." You not only have tl I habit of thrift which aid y< ' ahead. When you are your clined to look^ahead d few There's where you make rect/it at once, you'll regrel Make a start now in tfce stay saved. $1 will start y STANDARD BU LOAN ASSOCM / OTTO BF 1 Club ONTHS V DNLY 1 hi U A SUBSC1 ,LS MAC pedal Offer F il, 10 Months ; ce is $1 for Ten A Offer Saves Y ANDERS* m i i piriririririnnnrinr 7UUDUUUUUUUU - Saturday ffi I Fortune." K n Story of Warm 31. Cold Lead. jfi mt? Mack ? Comedy jP j EfaBfBfiHKfiKfifgff AY APRIL 14th. Oi 10c. - - Adults, 2 i -310 of about 10# acres. ' Will sell nH * 12 or part $15.00 per acres for the farm whole tract or $17.60 if divided. racts S. H. ROSENBERG. 1-24-tf. % 5 . i A START mt'is a big brother in times of dishe money but you have acquired the ^ >u to meet the emergency and go ^ lg and full of energy you are not inyears. . a greajt mistake and if you don't cor- .v k it later in life. i STANDARD, where your savings OU. " ' v-.: * ; . ILDING and lTION{ Authorized Capital One Half MiUton J STOW, Secretary. { ^ ' -+z' : .. - ?i > Offer v >. ; . , /. . ' 5 " ' Good For One Month 5! Only * W.N ^p RIBER T? 1AZINE . . ' ? " nr the ?\ ?i" (WC i * 32ZIZZZZZZ3ZZIIZZZ2ZZZZ2IZ2ZZ^^IZIIIZZ >? ou 31c ) 3N CO. Abbeville, S. ,,(L<. - L:?iViiefsb.l.*:i *4l:'?w>i !*:; , iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiMiriiiuiittMiinriiiiiiiniiuiiiiwrnHMrTnliiriiniuiMlllliniRMinilllllllUtlilUUUlIMI] ' > .' > V J ardrardjiirdjnjznijimin^ ' Monday MARY GARDEN be Most Talked About Woman in i ie World, Makes Her Screen Debut in > A Goldwyn Picture j "THAIS" also \ Keystone Comedy. 10c. - 20c. i HHHHlSafiHHHRfil nr Admission Prices 50c. \