VVVVVVVVVVVVVS VV V s V LOWNDESVILLE V V s VVVVVVVVWVVVtS Lowndesville, March 5.?The outstanding debt on the new $7,000 Methodist church has been liquidated in full. The congregation is to be congratulated upon the comple tion of their handsome, brick edifice, which is not only an ornament to the town, but is a monument to the loyalty and progressiveness of the Methodist people. Arangements are being made to hold the dedicatory services on the second Sabbath in April, the 13th. Bishop Darlington, who presides over the diocese of both Carolinas, will conduct the exercises j on this occasion and it is expected a! large audience will be present. ! Dr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Latimer ofj Charleston, will reach town this week on a visit to his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Kirkpatrick. - Dr. Latimer belongs to the U. S. N. with the rank of Captain, and has been acting physician and surgeon for the naval unit stationed at Charleston for the past! year. Several months ago he was married to &is6 Todd, Supt. of Roper | HosjiitaL On account of pressure of( duties this is-his first furlough since his marriage. Little Kittie Kay Speer celebrated her fifth birthday by having several * There's nothing the ma if she's tun A volt in tim "C* LECTRICITY is th car?big or little, insufficient current hasbeen the cause of whate had with your car. Tune it up right with Battery?it'll save botf car's. Come in and re; year-and-a-half tiptop lighting. CITY G "fr** EVER] Definitely gurutetd igaii Imown cause of ninety per > Pure Ice Manufactured Undei SOFT DRINKS i Sof CIGARETTES * TOBACCOS n CANDIES ' FRUITS \l/_ ff c CIGARS the mc licit yc Abbeville Cs VULCA HAVE your tires are ruined, j time often doubles th no risk. All work g J. W. MARTIN, of her little friends to spend the afternoon with her. Much to the delight of every one, this sweet little girl has entirely recovered from her severe burns. Miss Ellen Lawrence has been on a short visit to her father, Dr. J. H. Lawrence, who is stationed at Camp Greene. Miss Annie Mae Hutchison spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. L. P. Pettigrew, at Barnes. Mrs. Ella Nance, who has been visiting friends and relatives, has returned to her home at Abbeville. Mr. Rembert Allen has gone to Washington, D. C., where he will enter a university and further pursue his architectural studies. Mrs. Maude Simmons Floyd and her little daughter, of Greenville are, * "RT on a visit co ner motner, iurs. iut-i Gregor, near town. Miss Ruby Ficquette has returned! from Leesville, where she taught the past winter. Mrs. Fanny Speer, with Miss Frances and Jack, spent several days in Anderson last week. , Rev. H. G. White of the Baptist church, will preach at First Creek next Sabbath at 11 o'clock. Mr. White is a hard student, a deep thinker and expounds the Scriptures with force and power. Mrs. D. K. Cooley has returned from Greenwood and reports Miss Ella Floyd as slowly improving. Miss| Annie Liddell has gone to Greenwood to remain with Miss Floyd un & MMMMMMMHMMMNMMH v 1 9 * tter with the old car? ed up right < e saves nine e nerve supply of every Come to think of it, -directly or indirectly? jver troubles you have an Eveready Storage 1 your nerves and the ad the guarantee of a starting, ignition, and i ARAGE \ " ' i cADY ir; nit ruinou* sulphation, the cent of all battery trouble. f. Cream? Sanitary Conditions t Drinks and nfections are prepared to serve you in ist courteous manner and so>ur patronage. indy Kitchen NIZING repaired before they \ casing repaired in le mileage. You take -uaranteed. at City Garage. COMING!! www www WW THE WW WW WW VWV FIFTH WW WW WW VWV WAR WW VWV WW VWV LOAN WW WW VWV VWV WW VWV VWV . WW WW www WW w ! PREPARE til she has sufficiently recovered to be removed home. Miss Louise Bell spent the weekend at Greenwood with Miss Florence Humphreys, a daughter of Rev. R. W. Humphreys, who was pastor of the' Methodist church here several years' ago. Mrs. R. L. Smith is quite sick, suf-1 fering from malaria. During her illness Mrs. W. M. Speer is taking care of the commercial travelers at her home. Miss Annie Hutchison spent several days last week with her brother, Mr. M. B. Hutchison. \ Messrs. W. Hj. .Eiiiis, d. u. nutnabee, W. E. Daniei, W. M. Speer and Dr. Kirkpatrick were business visitors to Abbeville this week. Mr. J. F. Rogers of Penneys Creek, was a visitor here during the past week. Mr. E. W. Harper has been hauling his cotton to Abbeville to put it on the market. There being very little demand for cotton here, the prices at Abbeville are (much better. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv V. SANTUC NEWS. V vuuvvvuvvwvv Santuc, March 4.?Mr. W. H Sharpe spent last Thursday with his neice, Mrs. A. M. Milford. Miss Mary Kay spent from Friday until Sunday with Miss Maggie Cochran and Mrs. T. 0. Price of the Cold Springs section. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Culbreth spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Culbreth. Mr. James Haddon and mother, and little Ermie spent Monday af-l noon with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nicklesj of Central. Mr. Roy Kay spent Sunday with Messrs Henry and Leeper Cochran, j Misses Margaret and Sara Abies spent Friday night the guest of Misses Marie and Belle Boyd. Messrs. M. B. and Clarence Kay spent Monday night at Antreville with Mr. C. G. Kay, Mrs. Tom Abies left Monday morning for Elberton, Ga., to visit Mrs. Tuppy Boyd. Mrs. Boyd went to Georgia to visit her daughter, Mrs. K. I. Bryant, and while there she contracted influenza and has been LIFT OFF CORNS! Annlv few drons then lift sore.' I rrv ? c? m touchy corns off with fingers Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little Freezone on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurtirtg, then you lift it right out. Yes, magic! A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a few cents at any drug store,' but is sufficient to remove every hardj corn, soft corn, or corn between the j toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. Freezone is the sensational discovery of a Cincinnati genius. It is wonderful.?Adv. j unable to return home. Her friends t hope she will soon recover and re- t turn to Santuc. 1 Misses Annie and Louise Kay vis- i ited little Frances Kay Sunday after- a noon. 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Culbreth and t little daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Culbreth. Miss Lila Morrison spent Monday afternoon with Miss Mary Kay. Her friends will be glad to know that she has recovered from an attack of the flu. Mr. W. E. Morrison is visiting the Messrs. Munday near Hodges this J week. i Washington, March 4.?Failure of I congress before final adjournment I When Y< I A wa f7i mc A j W"'I / will you h paid for a ? whatever your head The ST ing, pays can't star I STANDARD Bl Otto Bristow, Se< = '?Miimminme own- B ths. You 1 OW. I \ ASS0C7I0N Abbeville, S. C. fENT >ened an s Pnrmftrlv its in the . I 5 Glad to ^.ny Way. 1 Co. I .bbeville, S. C. 1 1 , m a