Xocal II 1ttCW8 I : personals : [ I ; ' Miss Eliza Lindsay spent Tuesday < in Clinton. i T.iiiian Rirliev is spending aj ITXiOO ? ^ _ few days in Atlanta. Mr.-W. C. Lanier was in the city ' Wednesday from Monterey. Mr. and- Mrs. Sloan Ellis of Due ( West, were in the city Wednesday. I Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lanier of Monterey, were in the city Wednesday. , C. W. Hinson, of the Press and Banner, spent Wednesday in Clinton on business connected with the paper. ( t" *. ' . ' Misses Hattie and Hannah Roche, i of Columbia, spent Sunday in the . city with home folks. Mrs. E. C. Keys of Anderson, spent the week-end with her parents, < Mr. and Mrs. Ben Greene. Mr. H. 0. Watson, of Mt. Carmel, was a business visitor to the city on Tuesday. N Messrs. M. L. Alewine and M. P. i Alewine, of Antreville, were in the city Thursday on business. Mr. E. H. Longshore has returned to the city after spending several days in Newberry visiting his sister. Spencer Purdy of Verdery, is now with the L. W. White Company, being in the Grocery Department. Mrs. E. C. Horton is in Williams ton spending a few days with her \ mother, Mrs. Crymes. J I Mr. Charlie Shrine of Route 5,' i was in the city Wednesday on business and paid a visit to the Press and Banner office. Mrs. J. F. Edmonds and Miss Martha Edmonds returned yesterday from Chester, having visited Mrs. D. B. Eetes. Private E. G. Mabry has landed J asd is at present at Camp Upton,! and is expecting to be mustered out! mm. Lieutenant Arthur Manning Klugh of Wofford, -vrill come home today to qpend until Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Syfan. Lieut, and Mrs. J. Bonar White hare returned to Atlanta after spendseveral days in the city with Natives. ifefb / $ 1 $? Lieut Wallace Harris, who has spending several days in the ercy visiting his nl other, has had his furlough extended for a few days lMge*. Mr. James F. Clinkscales, of Monterey, was in the city on Thursday. Wa tni hn?tr on fVi ? in the morning. Fred Minshall has beeh sick for the past several days with tonsilitis and young Claude Gambrell has been delivering The Index-Journal to an impatient public. Mrs. Weed, who has been visiting "frs. Frank B. Gary, left Wednesday for a short visit to Florence. She left the children in Abbeville and will visit here again before returnimg home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gibert and Mr. W. D. Morrah were in the city cm Thursday. Mrs. Gibert was shopping, while the men of the party were shaking hands with their friends Mrs. W. E. Dirk of Oswp.co. Sum. , : ter County, is in the city for a visit to her neices, Mrs. J. Allen Smith Jr. and Mrs. W. H. White. She has visited in Abbeville before and our people are glad to hove her come again. Mrs. F. W. R. Nance left Wednesday for Lowndesville, where she will spend some time with relatives. ci Sergt. J. H. Shelley, who has been in stationed at Camp Jackson, spent E< Monday here with his sister, Mrs. C. th B. Hipp. He has been discharged M from the service and was on his way al to his home in Monroe, N. C. he cl Mr. and Mrs. Jim Finley, who have te been living at the Ware Shoals, have so returned to Abbeville. They have pc purchased from Mr. H. M. Mundy his ki cottage on Hammond Hill and will to begin house-keeping there at once, es ; w: A GREENWOOD VISITOR. J in Mr. J. P. Gordon, of Gaines, in Greenwood County, is on a visit to j his son, Mr. J. B. Gordon, of this' sity. Mr. Gordon is related to the Gordon family of this county. His father was Abram Gordon, a brother ^ of the late J. P. Gordon, of the ., # * si Donalds section, who died sometime ago. Abram Gordon was a Confederate Soldier and died during the ^ war. r Mr. Gordon tells us that his fathcc er-in-law and mother-in-law, Mr. J. C P. Burnett and his wife, Martha, are cc still living at the ages of 88 and 87. Mr. Burnett served through the War . IS! Between the States as a Confederate soldier. He is now an invalid. They w live at Gaines, in Greenwood County, , th also. * cr - ? - - st taking a trip. Dr. and Mrs. Neuffer left Tuesday for Richmond, where they will attend the meeting of the Seaboard Sur- ^ geons, after which they will go on to . New York. While in the city Dr. j( Neuffer will visit hospitals and find ^ q out more about the treatment of flu cj in the big city. cj EATING FOR THE ORPHANS. ? The tenth grade at the High School j w sold sandwiches and candy one day, al last week and made something over J ^ six dollars which will go towards then ^ support of their French orphan. | se ; - ft tli cl cc He Mixed the * : hi IIT ?_ D.L* . vv omen s caoies i61 for "Fun" b Babies, fun and gun* go into the making of this man's happiness. And let's bi not forget the school ma'm m and the bad man. D JESSE L. LASKY tc presents C( DUSTIN FARNUM H IN "The Virginian" A PARAMOUNT PICTURE V ci Fiom the play by Kirke La al Shelle founded on the book by ~ Owen Wister. * . f< Scenario and direction by q, Cecil B. De Mille di ReriTed, ?o that you who have mined teeing this sensationally successful stageand screen master- ni ai piece of a fiw year* ago, tl may see it now. hi ei - ti OPERO HOUSE ; TUESDAY - " bi ALSO u 3rd EPISODE OF fi "THE LURE OF THE CIRCUS" With p EDDIT POLO i ' C 11c. - - - 17c. 0 a; a: NEW TEACHER ELECTED. At a meeting of the trustees of the ty schools held yesterday afternoon i the office of the Chairman, Miss dna Cox was elected as a teacher in te first grade for the 1919-20 term, iss Cox taught in the school for >out two weeks while she was at >me on account of her school being osed, and the patrons and Superinndent, as well as the trustees, were i pleased with her work that this >sition was offered to her without lowledge on her part that she was be considered. Everyone interted in the school hopes that she ill accept the position. The trustees decided at this meetg to close the schools this year on ine 6th. THE RIVER?A STORY. We are starting today a serial ory which will be carried excluvely in The Press and Banner. We - - ive secured this story wmcn ay;ars usually in book form for the ;nefit of our readers. They may iad a book which otherwise would >st a dollar and a half without a irit of charge. The chapters will ime out from week to week, so that will take only a little time each sue to keep up with the story. Do not miss the first chapters hich are in this issue, but start with ie beginning, and keep up with the laracters who will appear as the ory is told. SHERIFF BURTS BUSY. Sheriff Burts is on the go most ol ie time now. On Tuesday he went i Due West, where he arrested Ollie >nes on a warrant issued in Dayton, hio, in which the defendant is larged with failure to support a lild of his. Ollie is one of the neroes who went up North last yeai > make big money. As soon as the ar was over the big money stopped ~d Ollie, looking at his bread, found lat if it was to have butter on it he id better get back to Due West and ;e Mr. Seiden Kennedy. do ne came >r in two bills in the House Wedie idea of coming back, and Ollie larges that she is trying to use the )urts to make him live "up North" hen he don't want to do so. He is employed counsel and will resist forts to take him back. ILLS OFFERED TO KILL DAYLIGHT SAVING LAW Washington, Feb. 19.?Repeal oi ie daylight saving law is provided it his wife, it seems, does not like esday afternoon by Representatives oolittle, of Kansas City, and King f Illinois. The bills were referred ? the House interstate commerce >mmittee. OUSE PASSES REPORT ON POSTOFFICE BILL Washington, Feb. 19.?The House Wednesday afternoon adopted th< inference report on the postoffice ppropriation bill after voting dowr -268 to 70?a motion to recommit xe report because of its provisioi >r an appropriation of $200,000,' 00 for the construction of post roadi uring the next three years. CHURCH SOCIAL. This is the week of missionary rayer in the Presbyterian church nd Tuesday after the meeting a1 le church the ladies repaired to th? ome of Miss Maggie Brooks anc ijoyed a social "hour. During the me cake and hot chocolate wert jrved and the mingling together oi ie ladies was thoroughly enjoyed. UUIIINU LAINU. Mr. E. H. Hughes has bought the attom land in Fort Pickens belongig to George White, Jr., and wil ork it this year. Mr. Hughes has een employed at the Seaboard Shop! ntil recently, but will go back tc inning this spring. ILLUSTRATED LECTURES. The first of the series of illustrated ictures to be given by Rev. H. W ratt for the benefit of the D. A. R.'f ill be next Monday night in thf ourt House. "Thiss Country oi urs" is the subject of this lecture nd promises to be both instructive nd entertaining. NOTED WOMAN Will-Be Seen at the OPERA HOUSE Abbeville, S. C. TO-NIGHT j NAN-NATTA. i the girl who has astonished thousands, will perform and show her wonderful power by actually tell!j ing you what you are thinking of. She will describe missing relatives, 1 tell where they are and give full I name. Any questions you wish to lj ask her in regard to your soldier | boys, business, money matters, . I love affairs, marriage, etc. If in trouble don't fail to consult her, i she has helped thousands and will do the same for you. Admission: ( Children, - - 20c. A J .li^ OA Aauns, - - - JUI. j 'i ? Goodr Goods ?? ? 1 fc i ' ' ":;i . * ' i I i 'I ' B i J > I The Mel i ,i f TH E BEST OF GOOD "SIMPLEX PRO TOD FRIDA GRIFF( and His Big Mysi ASK MADAM N In addition to this big a presenting the big Un Attractic Smashing 1 with Herbert Ra The Hero of "Come also A MUTT & JEFF SATURD INFIDEI The Big Fox Special wit] also "A SUNSHINE" In Additio GRIFFC And His Mystei jch Ru > > ' ' ' Look at it this way: You < very often, but when you neec . great emergency or time of gr ' to have in the house the best And we assure you emphatica] Most Econo -i i n tne Long i\i Goodrich Rubber Goods ai True, they cost a little more 1 goods, but considering the serv rich products give you, they t nomical in the long run. A Complete Lii We have just received a neof Hot Water Bottles, Fever STrvinrroa anrl nnrJ TTlopr s *-v x """ ?*" ? ~?? ~ Hurray Dr i??? T? BSBM? PICTURES! I JECTION" 9 AY I DNO I tery Show If AN-NATTA I .ttraction we are m liversal Special S >n H rhrough I wlinson I j Through,, . I ' A nTAAM ffl V^AIV I AY I JTY | h an All Star Cast || COMEDY B n to |@ 3N0 I ry Show. k HBHK! ibber I I / Ion't buy rubber gpods I them, it's usually in a eat sickness?so it pays that money can buy? lly that this is the line. mical in in.... re reasonably priced, than ordinary rubber ice and long wear Goodire really the most ecotie in Stock w shipment consisting Ice Caps, Fountain, yringes. ng Co. BB^KRBBSnBDD