?F== : THE ' I i Throo 9%tf\rc M, III vv fcvr v V: February discount ? \ it filler! tl I.iilivvl CJk To reduce wi the public that ou ) ; good hard dollar s ^^ ..... . .. w We cannot co ! *j ^ v .. I ' "3 broken, we will < .vir> v' : Ladies' Boots ed at ridiculously ' Come in and 1 about one-half pr 9 1 ^ ^ V LOWNDESVILLE. S V N VVVVVV^VVVVVVVVVN Lowndesville, Feb. 5.?Mrs. D. K Cooley has returned from Greenwoot where she spent ten days at the Con nie Maxwell Orphanage with her sis ter, Miss Ella Floyd, who Is rapidlj improving and wilkbe brought hom< in a short time. Mrs. Powell, who is spending th< * winter with her granddaughter, Mrs A ll?r? Vioo Vtoon rpal inHlS. UX UCCb AUCUy UMO wvw?? ? wv. posed for several dyas. Mrs. Powel is in'her eighty-seventh year, and ii an interesting woman, who talks witt , ease and fluency of the happenings of four score years ago. The many friends of Maj. F. W. R Nance regret to hear of his critical illness. The Major lived here once and has a warm place in the heart: of our pepole. Mrs. Nance, nee Miss Ella Huckabee, was reared here and has many friends and relatives who sympathize with her in her hour ol sorrow and anxiety. Mr. S. J. Wakefield of Antreville, has bought some of the wooden buildings owned by the Oil Mill Co., and is hauling the lumber to Antreville to he used fdr building purposes Sheriff Burts and his deputy, Mr. Thornton, both of Abbeville, were business visitors here last Monday. Miss Minnie Hodge, who has charge of the little Daniel girls, lirace ana nutn, unui omer arrangements can be made, was called to Abbeville on business this week. Miss Mattie Lou Cooley has returned to Gaffney, where she will resume her school duties. Miss Lucille Bell of Antreville, was a pleasant visitor to our town last Saturday. She is a sweet little lassie and her sunny disposition with her bright, attractive .manner..:has / DI !S A Fifth Was sales this con le different p nter stock, stimulate bui ' !l \ ir sales offer an unusual .? . rr . s by trading with us. ntinue as it has been but >ffer greater reductions i ci 11 ? ana vanoes in smaii 51zei rr rtr>** ; - ' :?-o low prices. *1 * r -J:* : look at these little boot ice. rap sDHgm . made her a great favorite with al I of her friends. j Mr. Charles Ficquette, who work: ' for the C. & W. C. R. R., with head quarters in Spartanburg, has beer Spending several days with hom< folks. Messrs. J. H. Hutchison and T. C Liddell were business visitors to Ah beville last Monday. Miss Eloise Hardin has gone tc Anderson, where she will remain foi some time. The latest word from Mr. Henrj Tenant. .Tr.. who is connected wit! . the Ordnance department at Camp I Wheeler is, that while he still thinks j Uncle Sam the greatest man ever, i and devoutly worships at the shrine i of the Red, White and Blue, yet his heart yearns for the "Seven Hilled City," and every passing breeze I echoes the refrain, "Home, Sweet , Home." * } Mrs. Leighton Pruitt has returned ( to her home in Anderson after a L short visit to her parents, Mr. and ( Mrs. Jas. Hardin. r Mrs. E. W. Harper, Sr., has been quite ill for the past week, but is some better at this time. 1 Rpv .T A. flint/falter wnci railed tn 1 Wellington last Sabbath to funeral' ize the remains of Mrs. Lawton. Mr. Rembert Allen, who has been taking an architectural course at Clemson, will leave for Washington, D. C., shortly, where he will further prosecute his studies. Mrs. Henry Moseley, Mrs. Ellis Huckabee, Mrs. B. C. Kay, Mrs. W. I M. Speer and Mr. E. J. Huckabee J were business visitors to Anderson recently. Miss Cornelia Tennant has returned to her school work in Abbeville. This is her second year as teacher in the Graded School at that place, i where she has won the confidence of the trustees, the esteem of her associate teachers and the love of her pupils. Miss Tennent is a graduate .. m iPARTMEI 1* ; lBBEVILLE, SOI the winding ipany has eve urposes for w ! I siness and again show opportunity to savev where stocks are badly >. than before. i and odd lots Are offer ? ' v , ' iy 5, beautiful styles, at 1 iDcor !1>L1\U - ? 7~ I of Winthrop College, and is one of\ the many trained teachers whom J 5 Lowndesville has sent out, and of: \ - whom she is justly proud. i , ( J VVVVVVVVWVVVVVK j V ^ V COLD SPRING NEWS. V . V i V1 vvvuuvvvuvvvv , Cold Springs, Feb. 5.?Mr. and ? . Mrs. Bob King and children of Mc- 1 Cormick, spent Saturday night at r Mr.; D. E. Newell's. J i Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Corbett and J , little Marguerite dined at Mr. W. B. 5 UldricK's Sunday. t "" Mirsr.\F. E. Hagen had as her guest \ ? Sunday, "Mr. and Mrs. Moss'and baby, j Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Stroud and daugh-J s [ ter, Miss Jessie, and Mr. W. A. Ha- J i gen and family. ^ ; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kay and chil- t dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs [ Floyd Uldrick. 1 k Mr. D. E. Newell, Jr., of McCor- t [ mick, spent Saturday night with his a home people. ^ 1 Misses Daisy and Vera and Master S ; Ernest McMahan spent Saturday at j Mr. B. A. Uldrick's. t o Mrs. Press Smith of Donalds, spent g . from Friday until Sunday with her a mother, Mrs. Jane McCombs. f There are several people on the c sick list in this community this week but we hope everybody will soon be ^ well again. . _ _. . __ . Misses Amy and little Harold and ^ Francis Uldrick spent a few days ^ last week with their sisters, Mrs. C. _ C. Kay and Mrs. R. A. Hagen. V VV V V VV V \ \ X x X % x*x S . U S. . SANTUC NEWS. \ 0 ^ > E VVVVVVVWVVVVVVK E Santuc, Feb. 5.?Miss Gussie Able | of Abbeville, spent the week-end with w j Mr. J. W. Able and family. Mrs. J. S.-.Simpson .and .-children S I v V sJT STOR JTH CAROLIN ?I? up of one < ir held. It 1 1 Inch it was i ? Our Men's and Boy tie hammering and we these lines for another Our Dry Goods Sto: the 20 per cent, discoui You do not have to tricks for'you here?so tage of this opportunity spent Friday with Mrs. W. F. Kay. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Abies had as their guests Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Smith, of Donalds, and Mr. Sam Carlisle. Mr. M. B. Kay joined them n the afternoon. t .Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kay was shopping in the city Saturday. Misses Lillie and Mamie Milfordi spent the week-end with Misses Ma-! *ie and Belle Boyd. Mr. Henry Carlisle and sister, Miss Dolly, spent Sunday the guest of Mr roe Abies and family. We are glad to note all the sick in his community are reported some ; >etter at this writing. Mr. Lucius Able of Abbeville, pent Sunday with his brother, Mr. r. W. Able. Mr. W. E. Morrison was a visitor o the city Monday. , I 1 I This community was grieved on ast Sunlay when the news came' hat Mrs. F. M. Crowther had passed ( iway at the home of her daughter, j ?Irs. George Mann, near the city. J rhe had been a suffered for several j rears. She leaves a husband andj ne daughter, Mrs. Mann, and nine. Tandchildren and a host of relatives' nd friends to mourn her death. The' amily have the sympathy of this' ommunity. > MONTEREY. V Monterey, Feb. 5.?The Misses utherland had as their guests Sunay Misses Lillie and Pearl Smith, f Sharon, Messrs. Clifton Smith, [enry Simmons of Abbeville, and leid Loftis of Santuc. Mrs. W. C. Lanier spent Saturday rith Mrs. W. N. Busby. Mr. Robert Bell of Latimer, spent unday with Mr( Arvin Nance. nnBBHHBHHBI i MERC ES A Many Df the most was successf intended / V s' Suits and Overcoats < will allow 20 per cent. < week. re still looks crowded, t it throughout this store : know sligit of hand to we hope you will conti r to save. Mr. R. L. Phillips is the guest oj his sister, Mrs. J. A. Sutherland. Mil and Mrs. Charlie Gibert spnnl a few days last week with elatives in Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McClain were visitors in the city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Abies spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sutherland. M. J. A. Nance spent a few days in Abbeville with his father, Mr. F. W. R. Nance, who is very sick. We hope for him a speedy recovery. Misses Claudia McClain, Ethna Pat Relieve Your Rheumatism For 25c. NR Today?R There are three vital processes of human existence,?the digestion of food, the extraction of nourishment irom it ana uie elimination or tho waste. Let anything Interfere -with these processc:;,?lot them bo interrupted or improperly carrirvl on, and sickncsa^jjfij of somo kind follows. Poor digestion and assimila- S ^ tion mcr.r.s failuro to derive eg -A3 full nourishment from food and KB V' that in t:irn cftsn means im- w ?k poverished blood, weakness, ?anemia, etc. Poor elimination means an accumulation of waste matter which poisons the body, lowers vitality, decreases tho power of resistance to disease and lead3 to the development of many serious Ills. Rheumatism,?due to some Interference with the process of elimination, failuro to get rid of certain body poisons,?canr.ot be expected to yield to any medicine that fails to correct the condition responsible for it. Could any reasonable person expect to rid V> fmQP.If nf phpiimntlft nnln net n a McMURRAY DF A n ANTILE j ANY, Inc. 1 Departments successful ul because ran still stand a litdiscount for cash in j i jo we will continue for a short time. ? make a dollar ..do * nue to take advan, \ : terson, Messrs. J. T. and Grady Patterson spent Saturday at tfie home ; of Mr. and Ms. J. A. Sutherland, i Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Patterson were in the city Saturday on business. i Messrs. W. W. Smith and Moore, of Greenville, is here for some time. n.iNTnN i.onr.F no .* i Excommunication of Clinton Lodge No. 3, Fellowcraft degree, will be held next Monday night at7:30 o'clock in the lodge rooms. W. E. Hill, Sec. NR does it by improving \ digestion, assimilation and elimination ? the logical way. elief or No Pay rheumatic poison 13 allowed to rd? / main In the body. Think of this. It explains the success of Nature'3 Remedy (NR Tabled) in so many cases where other mc(!icir.e3 have failed. Thousands are usir.g NR Tablets every day and getIjw tin?? relief. Why pay five or ten times as much; lor uncertain [ ?thinrrs? A 25c box of Nature's B Id Remedy (NR Tablets), conJB taining enough to last twentyCm five days,?must.help you, musfl a Jw glvo you prompt relief and satJJUr isfactory benefit or cost you fflpr nothing. And Nature's Remedy is not only for tho relief of rheumatism. It Improves digestion, tones the liver, regulates kidney and bowel action, improves tho blood and cleanses the whole syrtem. You'll feel like a new perron when you've taken NR Tablets a week. You've tried tho expensive , medicines and doctors, now make the I real test. You'll get results this time. I Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) is I sold, guaranteed and recommended by ] i J\JUi ui I tUG COMPANY .;. jj^ : '' ,V' 5 { y 'J-.* #^:-VV- ^ - .!??-. V-V^H 6 V- "-3?i S** i'??-i-?.'>"^>rwi. i'i mi ?W'rr'V ^ .-r J