ESTABLISHED 1844 The Press and Banr ABBEVILLE, S. C. Vm. P. GREENE, Editor. > ? 1 ' ' " I The Press and Banner ( L Published Every Tuesday and Fri Telephone No. 10. Entered as second-class mail i fcer at post office in Abbeville, S Terms of Subscription: Otw> vear" : $! Six months ?* Three months Payable invariably in advance. FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1918. OLD NEWSPAPERS. * There is nothing so pleasing old friendB and, no means of br ing them to mind like old newi pen. Last Sunday Bight Col J rick Roche brought us three -nefwmabeEL' Hte, Press and Ban of July*22nd, 1872, W. A. Lee Hugh Wilson, Editors,another ii oi Oct; J9th, 1872, and an issue The; Medium of April jMfch, 1872. Tfce papers ate -most mteretf and jecali to Remind of our anci mmm '--9fcr -;Oolc ttiipfciimiaicn Jtnwt .whtit tt onm Uu*e 4?fi. 3e was *r*ci-?iao l a? adwtfeegMat from W'^Mi r| Andrew Penney, for 4 ?olonel has heard the th mg account of t&e chase after male, and ndw the + advertise? the troth ot Mr. J tHrtr'Mtp&re.'-: -;} . /" ' Th?-jpa*ers adre of the eWfaahi ed eight column sheets and . of MI home prist. The 'xtfrert j^^^ments are of jingle and double ^^ibnn and have the small typ? j play. v Ibere aire' many fami names among the. advertisers. J Knox is taBing^?f the 'fine quali of a long line of wines and liqu< 4 It gives one a terrible thirst to r of a'n the things he had to say, -! & Parker are advertising Ted clo ' ?eed-and Bluestone, while W] Brothers we telling 9f the g qifafities of Pure Red Oats. jWfo election notices are sig by J. Hollinshead, Sam'l Jones, i George Nichols. * ' J.D. Chalmers is advertis mouldings and w*ll papers, ] Donald and Haddon are telling t they sell at small profit for cash,. W< fWlfcf arid Mlllw & Robert i ?% .? 1 1. _1 cen 01 ary gooas gaiore to pi???>e ladies. \ . . , The papers are full of the poli of the 'day and Greeley and Gr are telling what ought to be d with the Ku Klux in the South. ' Chester Reporter gives the n that .Judge Mackay is going to / sign, (he was not a school teac ; .^jpther) and enter the race for Legislature. - There is a good account of 'Republican meeting held in A1 ville at which speeches were m by R. B. Elliott, negro member 'congress from this district, and v ' L. Cardoza, Sceretary of State. t procession was headed by the A1 Colored Band and the mee was- attended by "several hunc , persons, principally blacks," a " representation of our townsmen, pecially of our young men," an ''large proportion of the female suasion "among the negroes." B^ ;A. Fair is advertising the A t iflary Bible Society with the am sermon preached by Dr. Martin, the annual address by Gen. McG an. The school exhibition at Carmel gets a whole column the communication is signed by L. C.7 which means Mr. J. L. Co - a man who has written many in eating articles for both the pa] in Abbeville. In the market reports furnjs weekly by Barnwell & Co., m varying prices are given. Chicl are from fifteen to twenty-five C( each, eggs fifteen cents a- do: flour fifteen dollars per barrel, , anges eighty cents to $1.00 a do: tea two dollars and fifty cent$ ? pound, whifkey is a dollar a : ; Yi# ^ "U er CHIEF JUSTICE El / Resolutions/Adopted Appreciation of A ? Dedicatory I Jo. ; day Some time ago, we published the a address of Chief Justice Eugene B. a ^ Gary delivered at the laying of the Corner Stone,of th'e .New Saluda c, * Courthouse. This address is publish- . ed in the 108th South Carolina Reports. Along with it is the follow- jj ing note and resolutions adopted by L.00 the members of the Saluda Bar: .50 "The following resolutions of the f< Saluda Bar were (transmitted to the) , Reporter, and he being entirely in accord with the spirit of these reso- g lutions, the address of Chief Justice p =r Eugene B. Gary referred to, is pub- a: lished with the hope that it may be | read by every lawyer in South Caro- w as Una." : : - -< Reporter. w ** Saluda, S. C., Oct. 10, 1918. A Pat- wniRPRAf!: ThA address delivered > ol(* by our Honored Chief Justice Eu- al 1161 gene B# <5ary, at the dedicatory ex- b( an(* ercfees .of the s^epr courthouse at C lsue, Saluda-, & Cu, on the fourth Monday ->< in ^September, 1918, in open; Court, f< in Ike Gcartt of CbsatetnA Sessions for na anr county, ?ess - " f! ' r'ieit cut off his two big toes and ai Bie?! . 1., : > . '"ftj hung them nbto dry. V, ' n^'?' Iuumx ' ? 1btio4i flt Jno fliui HI gvj Joe began to ciy," di ^ This was the beginning of v "A oj , Critical Essay" signed Bonie, which ip 1 took a whack at the fall of; Eve and Li f Julius Caesar. (M Dr. Wenck, of Ninety Six, gives di an interesting paper on memories' \ti Me" of Germany. lei *, Miss Mary Baldwin is sfending out St a catalogue which lists among her. ^r, pupils, Misses Rebecca . Cothranjw Janie E: Perrin and Janie J. Perry, 0( t'es of Abbeville. j ti Brs': There are many other interesting se ea(j * - > j bits of news and names which have Si ei been familiaf for years and the pa-: yi ver ' . | pers have furnished us an hour or! i two of pleasant reading. ! ai ??d j $18,160,000,000 15 V. S, j F ned ' WAR COST FOR YEAR; and ' Xf\ Cost the American People About: p ling $18,160,000,000 to Run its Gov- < Mc- eminent ftnd Make Loans to Alhat lies u Year Ending Tuesday, fas. December 31, ; ..... - | son 7 i---? the Washiflgton, Jan. i.?It cost the( American people about $18,160/000,- :s tics 000 to run its government and make| al ant loans to the allies in the year ending! one Tuesday, according to computations-ai rhe from- treasury reports. ' in ews December expenditures, about two' tfc re- billion dollars, the record of the na- gi :her| tion's history, sent aggregate war rt the costs to date to approximately $24,-; 500,000,000. j li: Of the $18,160,000,000 paid out oi 1? uii?_ i 1 117JLO, prvUftUiy tvvu uunvu uvauij a(je 1 went for the army and the general w 0?. military establishment, about two'c< [ p j billion dollars for the navy, a bil- I ipjjg1 lion "for the shipbuilding program, a ei 5be.i billion for other civil government; ting needs, and $4,150,000,000 as loans a; lred'to the-, allies. \ r< fair! Although hostilities ceased nearly; es.jtwo months ago, the government's V d a outlay each day is mounting because e' per_'of the liquidation of war contracts, j and treasury officials said indications g tux-!are the demand on the government tl iual * month of the new year d and be even more than for this ti [ow- month. , id MtJ With estimates of expenses in the an(j! last few days, not yet actually com-'v "j. | piled, officials believe December ex- , e vin, j penses will run to $2,100,000,000,'t< .ter-l r nearly $200,000,000 more than e ' 1 - ' i mi.:. _ . persi iast nioiiin s nign ?ma includes nearly $430,000,000 estimat-;tl ihed -d for allied loans, and $1,670,000- s; any j 000 estimated for the governmnt's n :ens' actual expenditures. t< gnts' Public Pays a Third. tl ''' line nqtil nnltr n ZCIlf ' A 11411# tlic puunc |/W1U yt*?j i or- about one-third of war expenses, in- e: ' I zen, eluding foreign loans, in taxes, in j v per cash, and two-thirds as loans to bej q rttle repaid in another generation, is in-j h ' ?jj? ' . ' \ ... . JGENE B. GARY. By Saluda Bar In iddress Made at Exercises. nd statesmanlike' breath and vision; nd, WHEREAS, This address has been ommended by all who have exam->ed it, among whom, are some of le leading lawyers of South Carona and of America; and, WHEREAS, The author of thi3 ddress delivered at our request, has >r twenty-five ?ears been an honori and useful member of our Su reme (Jourt and tne volumes 01 tne; outh Carolina Reports, from the orty-second down to the present re his best monument; be it RESOLVED, That the address hich sets so high, a standard, ought > be preserved along With his other orks, and the Saluda County Barj ssociation hereby request that our tate Reporter, D. C. Ray, incorporte this address in the forthcoming) aund volume of the-State Supreme ourt Reports, iji order that it may ? fittingly preservedfor the proission. Thtt resolution is unaniwMy *4*pte4ky the Saluda Counv.v: '--'-f r n ife mff and biiscellaneous revenuef a- > ounjted to $i,687y00*,OOQ, of which ^49^32,000 cara* from iccome *dieicce? jproftts taxes aloae; *4,618,000 fro? otfrer federal tolie|171,0O0,OOGfram customs atiec/on imports, and'the faalante, about $ , 88,000,000 has orate to tine treasury from the fourth, rberty Loan. in addition, $18,802,>0,000 worth -of certificates mt 'ihibtednese -have beensold and strbsewntly lately redeemed from Libty Loan receipts. War Savings iamps and certificates have fought )5S,000,-000 into the t&asury, . hich, with the exception month ' nount to about $60,000,000. fcENCH PRESIDENT TO VISIT UNITED STATES resident Poincare Will Visit This Country Some Time This Year? Insists That Allies Are in Com plete Harmony On Peace Term?. Paris, Jan. 1.?President Poincare planning to visit the United States Eter the peACe conference. . He revealed this yesterday daring i interview with the United Press i which he forecastd that France, le United States, and the Allie3 in jneral, will enter the conference al;ady agreed on the basis for peace. No dates and no details have been xed for Poincaire's visit but June r July have been tentatively sugssted to him. "Naturally" he said ith a smile, "as president of the I juntry where the peace will be held will be unable to leave before that ids." Reports of material differences tnohg the Allies, he declared?then ^iterated ,are German fabrications. I do not foresee the slightest troule in arriving zt complete accord, ven to the details," he said. "We are already in harmony on eneral lines. The details will be seted as soon as the delegates get own to work. It will take some: me of course, as there is a tremenous amount of detail. Poincaire early directed the con-j ersation to President Wilson's pres-j nee in France, in an evident desire > show his appreciation of the Amrican executive's visit. "We are particularly happy over le visit of President Wilson," he lid. You witnessed the reception ccorded him. This was due equally 3 the French people's admiration for i a A *m nwi/tnM n rt 1 A n m /] 4- n 4-1^ n r? .lis ii.iiici lL-ciii aiiu lu oxiv;ii apreciation of the great role the Amrican people played in the war. We ash him joy in his new citizenship, uite as though this were his own ome. He is bound to play a capi tal role in the conference- Mucl good has been accomplished by hi: coming. We appreciate his collabo ration, which has been the creates: help. "Many problems remain to b< solved, not only for Western Europe but for the Near East, Africa an: elsewhere. All necessarily will com< tp at the conference where wc hop< at least to have the assistance o: your President in settlement of th< principles before his departure." Poincaire smiled and then added "There is so much to do he may yel ave to remain some .time among us. The President gieeted the corres londent at the door of his study ir the Elysee and indicated chairs ai 12 side of his desk, a beautiful ex ample of the Louis period. Only one other person was present?a stifl captain of the French army. In response to a suggestion thai he French are modest to the poinl of reticence he replied: ESTATE OF LAMAR CUNKSCALES, DECEASED Notice of Settlement and Application for Final Discharge. Take notice that on the 31st da; of January, 1919, 1 will render a fftwd account of < my actings said do iiitk to- Ad&iirtiAhftoife ;of the 'Estate o?'Lamaft itfcfescaftes, deceased, fn tin office ^Judge o< for Abbes4H? Colinty at 10. o'clock - 4.:. A., atad JgayiiFfe apply for :! All peWotts having * demands againataaid estate -witi tftwttit'theih for'jaytomit'bk o* before that day, prortfn artd authenticated or be -for " ' cfimsscAiass * ^a^g^igsr M,:;',v- ; \' Yfrr i nones op 0Miiipg% jjv ' ' r, -i'.-i ,: y, " < l? The annual Meeting of the stock holders of the National Bank of Ab beviSe, S. C.V will be held 4n tire Bank Balding ?t twelve o'clock, noon, Jan may 14th, 1919. rU > J. ^iEN SWpTft i President * ' * j' 'in in'I . . '-v . ' :v; :T' :. * ?.* j . ?. . \ .. . A PM W FID .V -I^M ' < K I mvvvl t ,1 > ? " ' - r '* - ABBEVILLE a Thursday JANUA EveryI The L I All the FiddL are Expected can Make Mi I MANY F Some of the I Present. Th knock the "bl ADMISSION an Free==Fiddlers ai B \ V 1 ANNUAL MEETING. The Ailnual Meeting of the , Abt beville-Greenwood Mutual Insurance Association will be held at Abbeville, 2 12 o'clock, January 7th, 1919. , J. R. Blake, Secretary. 1 1 ESTATE OF PATRICK LEE. 2 Notice of Settlement and Application i for Final Discharge. Tak< Notice that on the 6th day of : January, 1919,. I will render a final t account of my accounts and doings ' as administratrix' of the estate of Pat rick Lee, deceased, in -the office of t Judge of Probate of Abbeville Count ty at 10 o'clock a. m., and on the same day will apply for a final disi charge from my trust as such adminF istra'rix. All persons having, demands a t gainst said estate wfll- present them ; for payment on or before that day, proven , and authenticated, or be forever barred.. .... r.. ' CARRIE MO ONE Y Administratrix ! ,1 rrV|-yr,r-*"i':r--r' __ STOCKHOLDERS1' MEfeTTNG. r c The atockholdetrf '^AfcWw^e lee Laundry and will hold their annual, meet^^ t&eoffice ot Wm. P. ajaapim ; Snd, 1912, at e *UoflkM*Vl^r^vtnrliVrik: PROFESSIONAL p Umlertalters A Embalmer* . . ! Oat-ofr-towa Calls" Given Spe-. ?W A^enfc^.^,. $* CAROLINA., I :/ -m"-' 11 ; 1 : 1 ,'i" 1 " . , ,ji-. ;.'-jyi . .. 1DL E V*/V f?i. > " .6/f *,\ WENT "COUNTY COi y :=:. Friday :=: RY 16-170 body Invited?Esf .1adies arid Chile ers, Banjo and ( to be There. E isic on anything : i PRIZES WILL E Best Fiddlers in th ey want to get ues" from your s dren Less, According ti ad Other Musicians T o / i. I Littleton cSp *fl[ LITTLETON,II which carried an advertisenht ifflG ' this paper during the summerarit^^^^ffi largest fall opening in severa^EHnsH The institution is spendingH|^Hj^9 thousand dollars on improvflBffiSjBK including the completion and of the new Science Building.HH^^H Pupils may enter now or HBffHB , time and pay from date of enHBflKlSB 12-31-2t. jsgHnflgg i , In ' JMffl 1 miiiiiiii mil ffifflitMKww bb HHSiBI Bort|t(a to pay, her a homo to !*? in.H * ? v' . - BE whmrtby in tk? Toall fl of T?ur .yMH? moa?t; tbat firtaiT ^ B p .. , J R. L. DARGAN, A