wvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv V V V SANTA CLAUS LETTERS. vj V V vvvvvvv^vvvvvvvvv Dear Old Santa, I am a little boy 3 years old. Please bring me a wagon, horn and a rubber ball. Also all kinds of fruits, nuts, candies and fireworks. Your little friend, Brooks Cowan. Abbeville, S. C. Dec. 14. My dear Santa Claus, I want you to please bring me a doll carriage and a piano. Also all kinds of fire works. I am a little girl 8 years old. Your little friend, Annie Carrington Cowan. I ' ?.. . I Dec. 14, 1918. I ' i My dear Old Santa, Please bring me a doll carriage ( and a doll, and fruits and nuts and: all kinds of candy. I am a little girl six years old. Your little friend, ( Frances Lee Cowan. , Hester, S. C., Dec. 16. Dear Santa Claus, I I am a little boy ten years old. I 1 want you to bring me a wagon and Jl Kail QT? rl t> eon/1 mill * M MUU H kjnuu AAA111 OUU a piV/lld, and I don't want much this " i >by Bi iron Stromf 1 T r irmy to the Raise ieK nf Rnkkv Rue />U an All y*j ait mta ian blood in his veins he American as any man in brains?that's why he I lis clenched fist off von outlined his plans for mission to Berlin?and _____ lucu money aiiu pernaps ,tou needn't come back to *58 I Bobby?So Bobby kept didn't enlist in the Amveetheart's disgust), but |j BhI 10 USE, Th This is Not a War F I Christmas. I want you to bring me a tricycle and a ring like you brought me last Christmas and I lost it. Bring me lots of fruit, candy and nuts. I don'C want much fire works. Wishing you a merry, merry Xmas. Your friend, Albert Knox. Abbeville, S. C., Dec. 16. Dear Santa Claus, I am just what any body calls a good little girl. Am seven eyars old. I want you to bring me a nice big doll, doll carriage and a kitchen cabinet, also I would like a nice pair of gloves, fruits and candies of all kinds. I want you to be sure and go to see my little niece, Inez White, for this is her first Christmas. My orotners, Aivin and Jtienry says don't I forget them, just anything will do to bring. Your friend, Margaret Culbreth. Abbeville, S. C., Dec. 16. Dear Santa; We are three little girls writing to warn you of some trouble you are like to get in. Do please come to see us before you go to James Hanlah's, for he is going to set a "steal ;rar?" or . a "rabbit cum" to ratrh 4 rou. I Patsy, want a Victrola, I, Peggy, vant a Ford and I, Betty want o vatch bracelet. And don't forget all if our little friends. Your little friends, Patsy, Peggy and Betty. % jsch's f i t e 11 >r unroiaec :r by a nose and aise ( -American German-Ame * ' A Rousing Phot of the Day Whei Marched int I' ' Scene from y * THE KAISER'S Fl ursday ant 'icture But a Thrilling Si Adults, 55c. Mt. Carmel, S. C., Dec. 14. Dear Santa, I am a little girl 10 years of age. I go to school every day and I am in the fourth grade and I have a fine teacher and don't forget her, and all of my play mates. Bring them some thing nice, and please bring me a box of paints, box of candy, a dog collar, a mask, some cigars for papa, a funny book to read, a good pencil to write with and don't forget papa and mama. Also some roman candles, fireworks, all kinds of nuts, fruit, candy apples too, don't forget the little pans that Miss Ruth Nance put up "or me, and don't forget Uncle Wil Me and aunt Lola. I have been trying to be good so you would come to see me, Santa. I will close for this Christmas. Your little friend, George Bassett. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Abbeville. Probate Court. Citation for Letters of Administration. By J. F. MILLER, Esq., Judge of 1 Probate: WHEREAS, Miss Corrie Hamlin 1 hath made suit to me, to grant her Letters of Administration of the Es- 1 tate and effects of Mrs. Mary F.11 rikw 1 His Big S what* rln vmi fVm v v ^ \/Vi Vlili r's 1 jrican. Bobby hated the * * r. v o-Prophecy fm n Yonlo III LA UXV/ A U11AO IS o Berlin II d Friday, D tory of the Great War. i Hamlin, late of Abbeville County,' deceased. I These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindrd and creditors of the said Mrs. Mary F. Hamlin, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Abbeville Court House, on Tuesday, the 17th day of December, 1918, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if i any they have, why the said Admin-1 istration should not be granted. I Given under my hand and seal of' the Court, this 7th day of Dec. in the year of our Lord one thousand! nine hundred and eighteen, and in the 143rd year of American Inde-1 pendence. Published on the 13th day of Dec.1 1918, in The Press and Banner, and on the Court House door for the time required by law. % J. F. MILLER, | Judge of Probate. 12-13. ? BOX PARTY. | u There will be a Box Party Thurs-j ^ day night, Dec. 26, at Bethia, for a the benefit of repairs on the church. The public is cordially invited. * c aria or Colds. i 666 cures Headaclies, Biliousness, c Loss' of Appetite, foul breath, or :hat tired aching feeling due to Ma? j d Boi cheme...... ik he did? n* rims Kaiser more bitterly tha uiyfli i npr ?i Scene from THE KAISEi MMHaMMwaMMBaaanaflnnBaBiHaflBa ECEMBER Special Music! Special Matinee i =x=?c======^^ Everyone Should Drink Hot Water in the Morning Wash away all the stomach, liver, and bowel poisons before breakfast To feel your best day In and day out, to feel clean Inside; no sour bile to ioat your tongue and sicken your breath or aull your head; no constipation, bilious attacks, sick headache, ;olds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stomach, you must bathe on the Inside like rou bathe outside. This is vastly more important, because the skin pores do lot absorb Impurities Into the blood, while the bowel pores do, says a wellmr\ wn nVnrali^nn ?W "** |/-V To keep these poisons and toxins well flushed from the stomach, liver, ddneys and bowels, drink before break'ast each day, a glass of hot water vith a teaspoonful of limestone phos)hate in it. This will cleanse, purify ,ud freshen the entire alimentary tract, )efore putting more food into the itomach. 3 Get a quarter pound of limestone )hosphate from your pharmacist. It s Inexpensive and almost tasteless, ixcept a sourish twinge which Is not mpleasant. Drink phosphated hot rater every morning to rid your sya> em of these vile poisons and toxins; Iso to prevent their ^ formation. To feel like young folks feel; like 'ou felt before your blood, nerves and nuscles became saturated with an accumulation of body poisons, begin this reatment and above all, keep It up! is soap and hot water act on the skin, leansing, sweetening and purifying, so [mestone phosphate and hot water boore breakfast, act on the stomach, iver, kidneys and bowels, led \ 9KI r Yourself Hoarse When HH You See h" in any man. B m f.lW >v .4? * I $? J | rs FINISH'^ 11 : 26-27 IB I