1J1U XX X FURTHER TAXATION | . WITH MORE BONDS, I j] McAdoo Says We Do Not Know! i Where We Stand As Yet? ! i Expenses Great. j 1 I I Washington Nov. 10.?The cha-i otic conditio:-o i." world finance jj makes it necessary for the American j < people to prepare for further heavy;1 taxation and bond issues, Secretary ; McAdoo warned Tuesday. ( "We do not know exactly where we stand," McAdoo said. "We know there are hundreds of millions yet which the War Department must spend but we do not know how long the heavy burden will last. Of this ] much we are sure. There must be more liberty bonds and there must be a long season for heavy taxes. Further credits are expected to be j made to the Allies. But he said even j this is an unknown quantity. Their financial situation is not unlike Am erca's he said. For that reason the i demands they will make upon its Government for the moment cannot ( be determined. < McAdoo would not say definitely ' what must be done with the loans , already made to the Allies. At present this obligation, now nearly $8,000.000,000 is in the form of demand paper. Treasury officials have planned to convert it into bonds of the various governments with a ma-!' turity date the same as our first Lib-! Pnnria said this nec- i ' essarily must be held in abeyance however pending determination of the other nations' financial problems. Establishment of credit with ceri - tain South American nations were , hinted at as likely. Resumption of trade regulations however gradual, will make necessary the placing of loans in the hands of some of the Latin-American countries it was explained. McAdoo said treasury officials have begun consideration of amortization plans to meet the payments j of Liberty loans. The first big dis-' bursement which the treasury must' make back to the American people,! is the redemption of war savings stamps which will fall due in 1923.' Small savings invested with the Gov-j jjj JL 1 jV. J PS . : || Dia I?' A, || | ?N 11 111 ABBEVILL srnment now aggregate $290,000,-. 1)00. Another series?due in 1924?i I iias been announced and treasury j expect the new savings stamps to bring in more than the first issue. This too must be anticipated McAdoo said. Available figures at the treasury indicate that at least two more Lib-1 erty loans must be floated. McAdoo' tvould not say definitely of loans! further than that the fifth would :ome. Statement of the Condition of Lowndesville Banking Company, Located at Lowndesville, S. C. at the Close of Business Nov. 1, 1918. RESOURCES. Loans and discounst $ 97,205.00 Overdrafts 1,047.32 Bonds and Stocks Owned by the Bank 15,950.00 Furniture and Fixtures. 400.00 Banking House 1,350.00 Dther Real Estate owned 400.00 Due from \ Banks and Bankers 10,095.07 n o ma nn currency ~ Sold 40.00 Silver and Other Minor Coin " 880.01 Checks and Cash Items. 4,640.15 I Total $135,332.49 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid in $ 12,500.00 Surplus Fund 5,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 5,379.99 Individual deposits subject to chk._ 72,420.13 Savings deposits 28,476.13 rn _ i *? lime ceruu"-. cates of deposit 7,725.48 Cashiers chk. 3,830.76_.112,452.50, I Total $135,332.49 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Abbeville, ss. Before me came A. V. Barnes, Cashier of the. above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a ue condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. A. V. BARNES. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of November, 1918. W. H. BONDS, Notary Public. Correct Attest: '<*'. D. L. BARNES, W. FRANK M'GEE, B. F. MAULDIN, Directors. IBM oom in mm Tour!] 1919 MODE! [?750 Delii i, .mono I TWO-TON 1,100 Delr E, S. C. TO WIND UP S. A. T. C. | pj AT SOME FUTURE DATE sa I ar Washington, Nov. 12.?Plans for a*5 Y< abandoning the student's training camps probably will be handled in conjunction with general demobili- "I zation plans later. ! a(i It was stated at the War Depart- ec ment today that no change would be ai made for the present in the work T1 being carricd on in many colleges' jj* for the purpose of specially training; j.{ volunteers there. , tL fa NO QUESTIONNAIRES. M Washington, Nov. 12.?No more C questionnaires will be sent out by 'J the draft boards of the country it * was explained by the provost marshal's office today. , Those which have been sent out however, it was added, must be filled) ?4 ?~J fn tVio hoards! Vl UUO auu iCbUiiivu wv V..W ? ? All present draft calls have been cancelled. It is unlikely, however, under previous calls will be returned until peace has been declared or ne the situation in Germany definitely ^ cleared up. j m CURE FOR BLUES ! NEAR THE GAMPS ;i re ??? ot Community Service Takes Place K of Mother, Friends and !e Home for Soldiers. i ? Ten young officers of the Student | Army Training Corps of the UniversN: a, ty of Detroit recently applied for a; tr furnished house and a housekeeper j who would not be a servant, but, as | ^ one young officer expressed it, "the sort of woman to whom the boys can \ _ call out 'Hello, mother 1' when they! ^ come In the fro^t door." Homesickness is the malady for; which War Camp Community Service! i II ? Innnirwrohl* rrtTPfi I Buppuca iuuuuiv*??.v v? -? i "We've got your number," says thai W. 0. C. S. to the homesick boy from | camp with leisure to sptnd in any one, of the three hundred towns scattered; I over the country. While he's wonder-1 ing what on earth he'll do with him*! self when he gets there, not knowing a soul in town and with a limited per- J i centage of his "thirty per" in his pock-; ! et, along comes a friendly printed card | from the local branch of his own lodge; 1 announcing, a. reception that night ea??????????? "/r? 1 ' ' J: R 15th, ^ord Sei i ot cars ng Car j fered \ Truck vered DC nyin rw m\j I icialTy-for soldier members. By the me mail the Methodist church sends t announcement of all its meetings, I Idressed to him, with This Means ju printed at the bottom. How did ey know he was a Methodist? He had forgotten about the little i < 'ersonal Card" he made out at the i ljutant's request during his first day camp when it was only one of the ~ idless details in the round of dentists i id doctors and general confusion. tie W. 0. C. S. had not only his num- ' >r, but his name and address, his ^ >ine town, the name of the school .<,7 ???? onfl o tnnfl hlf nhrm* tha ! ^ lags Lo was fondest of doing?each ] ct written Into a iittle blank on tbfl ird especially for it, 1 (AGE TEA KEEPS : YOUR HAIR DARK i (hen Mixed with Sulphur^ It Brings Back Its Beautiful Lustre at Once. Gray fialr, however handsome, >tes advancing age. W* mil kaow e advantages of a youthful appearice. Tour hair la your charm. It j ikM or mars the face. When it j des, turns gray and looks streaked, i st a few applications of Sage Tea id Sulphur enhances Its appearance hundred-fold. Don't stay gray! Look young! ither prepare the recipe at home or it from any drug store a bottle of Tyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com>und," which Is merely the old-time cipe Improved by the addition of her ingredients. Thousands of folks commend this ready-to-use preparasn, because it darkens the hair beau- i rully, besides, no one can possibly i 11, as It darkens so naturally and | 'enly. You moisten a sponge or son } ush with it, drawing this through >e hair, taking one small strand at time.- By morning the gray hair sappears; after another application two, Its natural color is restored id It becomes thick, glossy and lusous, and you appear years younger. Wyeth'B Sage and Sulphur fCom>und Is a delightful toilet requisite, is not Intended for the cure, mltlitlon or prevention of disease. BUY- || WAR SAVINGS STAMPS CONSTANTLY | 7r *7 ?: ? IglllillilliliillllllllliMillllllllMlilllW we will ling rec< vice Si y 3L &W' If MaxW' Ma: $1,2 HOR I/' f Nov. 1918, we will render a final; iccount of my actings and doings as Executors of the Estate of R. C.j 3rownlee, deceased, in the office of ludge of Pr6i?atfe for Abbeville bounty at 10 o'clock a. m., and on ;he same day will apply for a final lischarge from our trust as such Sxecutors. All persons having demands against >aid estate will present them for jayment on or before that day, prov in and authenticated or be forever jarred. BROWNLEE & BROWNLEE, Executors. 1 ./ Tw SSE (THE WHOLE COLOSSAL SEE through the eyes of a thousai whole mighty spectacle of the V Belgium, England, Russia, Amerii on the land, in the air. See more tl or sailor can see?every great incid< years filmed from authentic sources history of the whole conflict up to da the opportunity of your life. 3r./ OPERA HOU DHHnBBHHm lllSllillBliiaillllllllltlillilBllllf open a sntly va :ation v* I ft AAffl ell Touring 1919 MODEL '5 Deliver* swell Trm ONE-TON 88 Delivei CAR < GREEN I' NOSE CLOGGED FROM } A COLD OR CATARRH i ? Apply Cn am in Nostrils To I Open Up Air Passages. Ah! What relief! Your clogged nostrils open right up, the air passages of your head are clear and. you can breathe fVrtrJ t~ "Mrv m Am liQwlrincr flnnfflino'J OJ mucous discharge, headache, dryness?no struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh is gone. Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your, > druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nostrils, let it penetrate thrpugh every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, tiring you instant relief. Ely's Cream Balm it Just what every cold and catarrh sufferer has been seeking. It'M fust splendid. " Q SmSI iRLlfl , DRAMA Of THS nan any soldier S snt during four ?a, panoramic 'L tc. Don't rniw K 1 _ SE NOV 21-22 j 31 catod I rith a || * I * ^ HI : Car . 81 -ed I [WOOD, S. C. l