The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, November 12, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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FOURTH LIBERTY I LOAN SUBSCRIBERS I J&L v" -' '.l ..'t .'V. I County Goes "Over the Top" With Good | Margin. | BANKS RENDERED VALUED ASSISTANCE Hard Work of Committees, Solidtor* and Others Liberally Rewarded?Citizens Respond to Call. I The following is a list of the sub-J * scribere to the Fourth Liberty Loan' as furnished us By the banks of the city: PEOPLES BANK $50.00?Clarence A. Botts, Jr., ' . J. R. Hanna, J. W. Botts, W. B. McAlwane, H. 0. Stephenson, J. L. Southerland, W. C. Southerland, J. L. Williams, Annie L. Mulliken, Mark Link, Paul Link, Mrs.J. F. Miller, Mrs. J. H. Munday, G. W. Milford, Miss Lena McAlwane, H. H. Morrah, m t> ** r M MVlfAnsip Miss JJJL U. V?, A>A. Mary Martin, W. H. Nickles, C. B. Nance,, Miss Francis Owens, Julia M. f>wens, pebie W. Owens, Jas. A. j Owens, Lydia C. Owens, John Oliver, Mrs. J. E. Pressley, D. B. Poore, T. S. Palmer, S. E. Price, John Pelote, W.atf.f. Price, E. H. Richey, Mrs. S. F. Reid, Mrs. Annie W. Reid, Mrs. Q. W. Sims, S. D. Smith, W. R. Sprouse, J. P. Sanders, Miss Elizabeth Sharpe, Geo. A. Todd, J. B. Timms, David A. Wardlaw, Joe Wing, R. B. Winn, Geo. J White, Jr.; C. L. Williams, C. B. Walker, Lewis Wilson, Mrs. R. T. Wilson, W. R. Wilson, Mrs. S. E. Henry, Mrs. it. ai. mu, ?i. a. nuugc, W. L. Hemphill, W. B. Hill, B. L. Haddon, J. A. Hagen, Mrs. M. H. Hill, Mrs. S. B. Knox, W. T. King, Mrs. J. D. Kerr, J. D. Kerr, Jr.; D. A. R., Alex LWell, J. L. Lewis, Misses Lillie and Bessie Link, Mrs. L. E. Love, W. E. Leslie, Mrs. P. J. Leach, Jean Gi' bert, G. F. Graves, Fred Gaines, A. Fisher, S. T. Eaken, Warren Eaken, E. C. Etheredge, W. J. Crawford, W. A. Crawford, Miss Carrie Cochran, Mrs. Ludie K. Cox* J. L. Campbell, N. B. Caldwell, W. T. Cason, Mrs. W. A. Chadwell, V. Bradbery, A." Brown J Miss Mamie Baskins, E. 0. Botts, E.! T. Blanchett, Lucile Bell, Mrs. H. L.| Allen, Willie Able, John Frazier, W.! B. Uldick, F. W. Uldrick, P. J. Leach, | J. L. McGill, W. M. Woodharst, Clif-j ton Sprouse, W. B. Cann, Arthur Campbell, Mrs. M. A. Winn, T. N. Hannah, A. D. Robinson, T. F. Ul-J 'drick, Mrs. I. M. Wardlaw, Albert H.1 Leslie, J. F. Palmer, Mrs. R. C. Wade.j $100.00?Mrs. B. F. Jones, S. 0. Botts, L. G. Botts, J. F. Hill, C. M. Cochran, S. A. Cochran, W. T. Cun-| ningham, B. A. Uldick, F. M. Uldrick, j J. A. McAlwane, Jr.; F. L. Fergu-: , son, G. A. Ferguson, J. L. Black, Pink Brownlee, Mrs. Fannie Bradley,' Louis Blont, Mrs. J. F.' Cason, MrsJ J. F. Clinkscales, Miss Alberta Clink-; scales, Marshall Clinkscales, Sara! .CJinkacalfis, JfSdward Clinkscale.o, J. T. "Clinkscales, T. H. Price, Miss Har very Cochran, Foster Cromer, Rev. (i. Corbett, Bessie Lee Cheatham, Mrs. P. A Cheatham, C. B. Cowan, T. - J. Dcnrthart, J- F. Edmunds, E. F. Harris, J. D. Fleming, 6. J1. Graves, C. F. Graves, Mrs. J. B. Gilmer, J. F. Gray, F. S. Hays, Mrs- J. L. Hill, G. T.v Hodge, W. O. Hannah,, J. E. Jones, J. E. Kellar, Mrs. E. Kay, C.j J. Kay, E. H. Longshore, Eugene Mc'Carter, J. Martin, R. L. McCanty, ^Ugene Nance, W. E. Owen, "Mrs. W. E. Owen, W. E. Peoples, Rev. M. R. Plaxico, Mrs. Plaxico, Mrs. t xf Puffman. A. M. Power. Husrh Reid, Wince Robinson, Miss Annie Radcliff, Hal Taggart, J. W. Tribble, Andrew Stone, J. Y. Truman, R. A. Ware, J. R. Willson, H. Weston, Mrs.: J. T. Smokes, J. J. McKee, S. J. Willson, R. C. Willson, S. E. Prece, W. L. McAlwane, D. E. Pressley, Mrs. W. P. Wham, Mary Adams, Maude Adams, Joseph Able, J. A. Woodhurst, E. M. Bailey, R. C. Wilkes, W. E. Haddon, W. F. McCord. $150.00?C. W. Crawford, J. W. McAlwane, W. J. Duncan, J. T. Clinkscales, J. D. Ashley, G. A. McCanty, R. M. Hill, R. B. Compton, J. D. McGaw, G. W. Calvert. / $200.00?J. T. Stokes, A. L. Gilliam, J. W. McKee, W. P. Wham, J. A. Ashley, E. V. Ashley, W. D. Bell, Mrs. W. D. Bell, Mrs. R. E. Cox, H. W. Gordon, J. L. Hill, J. L. Johnson, W. W. Kay, R. 0. Hunter, E. A. Wil-j iams, Miss Clara Wham, C. B. Wosmansky, J. P. Wilson, Mrs. E. H. Nickles, G. A. McAlwane, Alph Lyon,! W. F. Radcilffe, J. D. Nickles. $250.00?S. G. Thompson, Jr.; H. L. Allen, L. B. Bradley, R. T. Simpson, W. H. Sharpe, W. F. Nickles. $300.00?W. E. Leslie, Jr.; J. P. Bowen, R. 0. Hunter, W. W. L. Kellar, Roy C. Gilmer. $400.00?T. H. Price, Jas. Cha1mers, Rachaell H. Minshall. $500.00?A. B. Ferguson, T. C. Southerland, L. A. Rijphey, R. H. j Stephenson, J. A. Stephenson, T. A. Puttman, R. C. Philson, L. T. Hill, J. J. Link, W. E. Leslie, C. H. McMurray, J. D. McGaw, W. T. McGill, J. S. Martin, H. W. Cochran ,J. Cheatham, J. W. Bradley. $700.00?P. O. Price. $750.00?McMurray Drug Co., 0. S. Cochran, C. E. Williamson. $1,000.00?J. F. Clinkscales, W E Dawson, Farmers Warehouse, Judge F. B. Gary, Mrs. C. M. Jones, J. A. Kelley, R. A. Keaton, G. A. Neuffer, D. E. Newell, Mrs. B. E. Stokes, T. P. Thompson, J. M. Wham, J. A. King, Mrs. J. R. Nickles, A. J. Ferguson, M. T. Coleman, Dr. J. R. Nickj les, Est. of Hugh Wilson, Erwin Cleskey, W. K. fcins, u. l,. nynn. $1,200.00?G. E. Calvert. $2,000.00?J. D. Kerr, Sr.; Philson & Henry, P. A. Cheatham, L. A. ! Jackson, F. M. Crowther, Albert | Henry, H. M. Hill. $10,000.00?J. S. Stark, Peoples Bank. FARMERS BANK $50.00?Mrs. Mattie W. Hill, C. H. Burkett, Mrs. W. G. Stephen?, Mrs. W. T. Stephens, W. F. Benton W. R. Hilton, C. T. King, J. L. Roch*, F. L. Reese, D. A. Rogers, L. A Stephens, Mrs. J. A. Woohdurst, V. D. C., Mrs. J. Howard Moore, Mrp. J. R. Power, Mrs. J. C. King, Mrp. W. D. Simpson, W. A. Rowell, Geo Dusenberry, Mrs. A. S. Thomas, A 1S. Thomas, Stanford Thomas, Mr?. ! W. A. Calvert, Mrs. Jas. Chalmers ' Mrs. J. L. Miller, Mrs. L. C. Parker, 1 Miss Hannah Cochran, Mrs. H. B. ' Cannon, Miss Julia Pennel, Miss ' Tanie Belle Pennell, Mrs. W. A. Har1 ris, J. I. Moore, Mrs. Robt. S. Link, ! T. D. Mundy, Mrs. P. A. Crowther, D. L. Haddon, S. S. Ellenburg, Epps Cunningham, T. H. Watson, Pearle Hagen, T. L. Cann, Mrs. M. T. Coleman, P. W. Washington, Jas. A. Finley, Ed. Washington, Miss Mae Welborn, J. B. Hampton, F. A. Carwile, Mrs. J. A. Ramey, A. T. Hall, H. B. Wilson, V. D. Thomas, D. F. Andrews, Hal Taggart, J. S. Banks, John H. Robinson, W. C. Sutherland, J. F. Smith, S. H. Barnes, J. McTyiere Daniels, Claude K. Wilson, G. W. Milford, E. M. Milford, F. P. Milford, N. P. Milford, Mrs. H. S. Martin, W. S. Martin, Miss Helen , Gambrell by Miss Helen Edwards, Murphy Johnson, Lena Belle John son, Mrs. J. L. Johnson, Alpheus Johnson, Fletcher Johnson, Frances Johnson, C. E. Yoder, Miss Allie Mae "ower, J. R. Link, S. S. Link, Robert Burno, S. A. Timms, Miss Mary C. DuPre, Miss Mary Roche, Miss Edythe Steele, T. H. Botts, F. B. ' McLane, M. B. Cann, G. A. Harrison, H. W. Pratt, J. B. Gibert, Sarah E. Evans, Elbert Gary, Joe McNeil, Miss Mary D. Kennedy, Henry Young, Jr., Mrs. W. H. Long, J. B. T .angley, G. E. Putman, Robt. D. Wilson, Mrs. Maggie T. Sherard, Sam W. Sherard, Miss Lulia Power. $100.00.?Miss Mary G. Devlin, Lucien M. Lomax, Mrs. Mary M.i; Lomax, Kathleen E. Lomax, Robert J H. Greene, J. P. Cureton, Jr., W. J.j: Eason, J, L. Miller, Jas. L. Wads-; worth, Mrs. D. T. Smith, Jr., J. W. Martin, R. R. Price, Miss Helen Edwards, S. L. Ramey, P. A. Crowther, W. A. Harris, J. A. Ramey, C. M. McKenzie, R. L. Dargan, J. D. Murdock, C. G. Green, Joe A. Wilson, C., E. Hix, J. E. Palmer, P. S. Bosdell,' Sam Miller, H. J. Power, D. E.j Pressley, M. G. Sherard, S. I. Ramey, Eliza Lindsay, M. L. Tolbert, J. T. : Erwin, W. T. Sanders, T. E. Gordon, j J. L. Burrell, J. L. Perrin, Mrs. W. ! C. Sherard, J. H. Seale, Charlie ( 1 Calvert, Mrs. Lamar Clinkscales, R. i | K. McKenzie, W. H. Wilson, Charles | j : Janides, W. C. Haddon. j $200.00.?J. R. Wilson, J. H. DuPre, Jr., R. Kirkwood, J. F. Thurs-! | ton, J. C. Thomson, J. S. Cochran, ! W. W. Westfield, Mrs. Annie C. {Harris, G. E. Mann, Miss Maggie ; Brooks, Mrs. Nellie Evans, F. S. Hill, ' W. J. Evans, R. G. Hagan, W. E. Johnson, Misses Mae and Eugenia ,: "obertson, D. R. Riser, E. C. Horton, i J. R. Power, Mrs. Lula Murdock. $300.00.?Miss Edna Sherrar, Miss M. A. Gann, T. H. Carwile, W. fi W. Bradley, J. M. Miller, W. C. f Sherard, Miss Helen Pratt, R. N. c Tiddy. b $400.00.?T. M. Miller, J. H. Du- n Pre. ' t $500.00.?Clinton Lodge, J. How- a ard Moore, Louis Levi, H. L. Brooks, tl J. M* Nickles, H. A. Benton, G. W. Carroll, S. M. Beaty, Civic Club Hospital Fund, A. B. Morse, Mrs. H. GaiTison. $800.00.?T. G. Perrin. ir? r? m nf.M?. jyuu.uu.?ivirs. oeaaie x. n iisuu, L. P. Sondley. $1,000.00.?L. A. Ramey, W. H.j Stephenson, R. R. Tolbert, Mrs. W. L. Bowman, D. W. Thomas, E. J. Adams, W. J. Latimer, Jas. A. and W. E. Hill, Mrs. S. Emma Haddon, Mrs. V. D. Lee, W. A. Calvert. $1.200.00.?J. T. Robertson, J. E. Lomax. ? $1,500.00.?I. A. Kellar. $2,000.00.-?L. C. Haskell. $2,500.00.?P. H. McCaslan, A. M. Erwin. - $3,200.00.?C. B. Thomas. $3,000.00.?Parker and Reese, Haddon & Wilson. $4,000.00.?E. R. Thompson,? j $1,000.00 through Equitable Life | Insurance Co. $5,000.00.?W. P. Greene, F. E. Harrison, Dr. P. B. Speed. $20,000.00.?Farmers Bank. MERCY MUNITIONS NEEDEDJNJRENCHES Lieut Conlngsby Dawson, Fighting Author, Makes Stirring : Appeal for Y. W. C, A. Lieut Coningsbj Dawson, who wrote "Carry On," says of the war work which the T. W. C. A. is doing: "You at home cannot fight with yoqr lives, but you can fight with your mercy. The Y. W. 0. A, Is offering you Just this chance. It garrisons the women's support trenches, which lie behind the men's. It asks you to supply them with munltlonf of mercer that they Ka nano/^ An frt ? Wn naar^ such supplies badly. Give generously that we may the sooner defeat the Hun." What Lieut Dawson says of the Y. W. 0. A he might hare said of all the natfona] organzatlona which are coming together for the biggest financial campaign that organisations have ever . headed. All the 9170,600,000 to be raised by the seven great national or- a ganlzatlons the week of November 11 ? will be used to garrison and supply | the support trenches behind the lines. I They are the Y. M. 0. A, the Y. W. 8 0. A- the National Catholic War Coun- ? cU,. Jewish Welfare Board, American | Library Association, War Camps Com- | munity Service and Salvation Army. ? American girls in various uniforms gj mingle strangely with picturesque m Brittany costumes In France. The | American Y. W. C. A has a hostess 1 house In Brittany where the Signal j Corps women live and a hut where m the nurses spend their free time. Doth jj uium centem nrv unvu wiui uinuy ox .s the comforts and conveniences of fl bom* "At a tea glren at the nurses' hut g one Saturday afternoon," writes Miss j Mabel Warner, of Sallna, Kansas, Y. jj W. 0. A. worker there, "there was an 1 odd fathering-?ons admiral, a bishop, ?g a Presbyterian minister, a Roman s Catholic priest, a doctor, an ensign, ?f ooa drillan and myselt" First Victory Boy's Work. | "Bay, I'm wise to you, all right,* 3 Western Union messenger boy whls- ? pared to one of the directors of the jl united War Work Campaign to the |[ Maw York headquarters. The dlrac M tor's deek had only Just been morad m In and the work of the Wg ditre bad a hardly begun. || "I'm onto your stunt," the b?y went p on as he swung a grimy flat over the j| desk; "you're goln' to give us fellowi |g that ain't old eoougn to go to war s^gi chance to earn an' give to back up ' j fighter an' help win the war. Listen; 1 I'm In on this." s The crumpled $8 bill be dropped cm ?1 the deak made him the first of **a mh- 1 lion boys behind a million fighters" 1 who are to be lined up as Victory Boji | during the week of the drive. There will be a division of Victory if Girls, too. and every boy and everj ?? girl enrolled will have to earn even i dollar he or she gives to the wax wort | fund. ?J f,\ I i I I I I I =TN % BUY- I i 111 A D TV MTV SAYINGS I STAMPS | CONSTANTLY ! In ' y i PRICES. Eggs are selling in Abbeville at ve cents each, and are not plentiu! at that price. Pork is fifty ents a pound at the markets and reakfast bacon is so high that one light as well serve a dollar bill orj wo along with the potatoes. Evenj hungry man cannot enjoy fruit at tie present price. BUYWAR SAVINGS STAMPS nniiCTiiiTiv UUHtfl HHIfcl N0T1 / will sel THURSDAY ri all my Per, r* r ' - , House and Lc ture, Blacks TERI D. DARRAUGH | The P rest | That I | FineEngra Also. Come In Let Us Show You Now 1 S3 . s = THE PEACE CELEBRATION # When news came Thursday that the armistice had been signed by the Germans, the town showed its delight in the ringing of the bella, the blowing of the whistles and an impromptu automobile parade. At night the people of the city gathered on the square and amid the waving or the flags the Doxology was sung by the community singers. Rev. H. W. Pratt led in an earnest prayer after which a torch light procession was formed around the square. The Band from the cotton mill was on hand and enlivened the scene with some gay music. There was general rejoicing and the fact that it was several days ahead of time did not affect the spirit of the participants. ce of: l to the highest i mv k a , 11VI. JLcFj ai sonal Property c< >t, Household and 1 smith and Machinist MS OF SALE: C M. WRIG S STA., SOUTH i and Banner Company, They ArePrepared toF Harcourt &\[Company': of Louisville, Kentucky ved Business andSocieti % Engraved Cards of All I A i r>??iup SIL lXCUdUllUUl^l 111,1*0 / j CREAM FOR CATARRH J OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To Get Quick Relief . from Heffl-ColtlR. It's Splendid! i1 In one minute your clogged nostril? will open, the air passages of your head *-ill clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at sight, your cold or catarrh will be gone. - .i Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healihg cream in your nostrils. It pen?, etrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. - It's just fine. Don't stay stuffea-up with a cold or nasty catarrh?Belief comes so quickly. Engraved Cards and Invitations at The Press and Banner. ?-?? ^ SALE I IM??? bidder on 11 atlj, ii uuuin m insisting of i H kitchen Furni- 9 t Tools, Etc. r I ASH I HT I [CAROLINA I Announce 89 urnish ?H s HH yStationery wB