ESTABLISHED 1844 The Press and Banner ABBEVILLE, S. C. r A . Wm., P. GREENE, Editor. The Press and Banner Co. Published Every Tuesday and Friday Telephone No. 10. Entered as second-class mail matter at post office in Abbeville, S. C. i j. x ? Terms of Subscription: One year $1.50 Six months ' .75 Three months .50 Payable invariably in advance. ' , FRIDAY, SEPT. 13, 1918. Some rain has already fallen. Several others also ran. One of the things about a primary election is the winner. We told you we would have a wolf of an Attorney General. William P. Pollock may ^ow take time to get a hair cut. The peeples candidate may now stay at home. The poor man may now look out for his own friends. Over in Greenwood there came near being a yell without the dell. Another thing about an election is the loser. ifMajor Long looks young enough to be a registrant. One of the worst things about being sick is the medicine. Another thing about an election is the cfampaign expenses. Here's hoping that we will meet - the five thousand who voted for Rice at the State Fair. Dote Smith thinks he will be able to stand it unles3 cotton gets above ivtSy cents. rney win not can tne men Between 36 and 46 until they are ready for generals. We do not suppose that anyone will shoot a gun, at the Kerr and Edison concert. The government has the name of every man with enough money to V ^ j spend a week in the mountains. 'y If the farmers could sell the weed of the cotton there would be less weeu. I "There are a little difficulty" in some people explaining why they should not go to war. ; We registered yesterday. If the Canteen wants to send us a lunch we aie ready. The people in Pumpkin centre may now go to cotton-picking. Also Long Cane and Lebanon. 't 4. ./V J' * ? _ * ("irio ronsrm wViv wac rif?t elected Attorney General is that the sap falls in the autumn. Another, reason was the voters. -* , It is about the season for the opening of the set-back college. Col. Roche plans to introduce military training in his school. From the number of doctors now being called into the service we ex-' pect to see the casualty lists increase in length. The proposed Act of the legisla-j ture to have all offices re-filled in' 1920 in order to give the soldiers a chance, has our support. i The Columbia State and Charles( ton News and Courier may now stop long enough to shake hands with The'""Greenville News. Col. J. Howard Moore has not yet withdrawn his objection to the order which allows Mayor Mars and ColJ ;.v .v illS ' : Dave Hill to go to the war ahead of him. If any lawyer at the Abbeville Bar wishes to go to the war before he is called, we agree to look after his business free of charge during his absence. If the War Department intends to call all men without children we are of the opinion that it might also call all men who already have eleven. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALIBI. No wonder delay has marked the appearance of our physiognomy on velvet velox. Mr. F. S. Hays has had his head so full of love and romance that he could not think of things mundane and material. But he went to Iva last Wednesday night and came back with a pretty bride. So we expect to get those pictures'right quickly now. The weddinc was a auiet one and took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Simpson. Miss Selma Simpson was the lady of the occasion. Rev. Geo. W. Swope officiated at the ceremony which made her the wife of Abbejville's photographer. Mr. W. D. ! Barksdale and Mr. J. S. Saunders of the city lent their presence to the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Hays will make their home m the city. I I PFRPIN 1R TAILED. John L. Perrin, Jr., court stenographer, received his call to active service in the army Tuesday. He is to report at Fort Screven, Savannah, Ga., on the 23rd. The position Mr. Perrin will hold is that of army stenographer. He will no doubt enjoy the diversion of military life, but court authorities I here will have to sleep with one eye I open to get a hustler to take his place. Statement Of the Condition Of RrnnrK nf the Rank nf Mt. Carmel, Located at Calhoun Fall* Falls, S. C. | at the Close of Business, Aug. 31, 1918. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $37,825.62 Overdrafts 189.43 Currency 2,348.00 Gold 17.50 ! Silver and Other Minor ! Coin 347.60 Checks and Cash Items__ 316.87 TOTAL $41,045.02 LIABILITIES. Undivided Profits, less current expenses and tax' es paid ^ $ 1,517.53 Due to Banks and Bank| ers 19,045.41 Individual Depos ifc enhierf to check. 20,017.06 Savings deposits 405.76 Cashier's chk.__ 59.26 20,482,08 ? TOTAL _$41,045.02 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Abbeville, ss. I Before me came H. W. LAWSON, Cashier of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a ue condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. H. W. LAWSON, Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of Sept. 1918. JOSEPH HICKS, Notary Public. Correct Attest: B. F. AULDIN, . J. W. MORRAH, R. A. MORRIS, Directors.' TeaajaLaaaBBcaa i i n??? I | Abbeville Opei ) Monday, m . .. . - - . . - v ?.1 v iiwiaMnrw.rwx mmm\t rnmtwmmSm^+m 1 | Miiler & Risser j Sparkling, Up-tc I Versi | The Laugh Pis I PI?T4'?= TTi, 11 B VJ1CU11) J.L C5 JLl U So F THERE IS NOTHING LIKE IT GOOD" PRICES, 50, 75, $1.00, $1.50, PI NOW. \ - ? . ii.? . } I' Statement Of the Condition Of , The Peoples Savings! Bank, i Located at Abbeville, S. C., at the Close of Business, Aug. 31, 1918. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $296,902.37 Overdrafts 2,688.15 Bonds and Stocks Owned ed by the Bank 11,600.00 Furniture and Fixtures _ 1,200.00 ! Banking House 3,000.00 I Other Real Estate Owned 700.00 Due from Banks and Bankers 9,229.48 Currency 9,654.00, Gold 715.00 Silver and other Minor Coin 2,763:40! Checks and Cash Items. _ 7,701.081 TOTAL ? $346,153.48; LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid in $ 21,800.00; i Surplus Fund 21,800.00 Undivided Profits, less current expenses and . Taxes Paid 1 599.53 Individual Deposits subject to check 147,530.13 Savings Deposits 100,000.00 j Time certifiI cates of deposit 6,901.49 i Cashiers chk. 2,181.89 256,613.51 Bills payable, including v Certificates for Money "Borrowed 40,000.00 TOTAL .._.$346,153.48 STATU U* SUUltt LAKUL1INA, County of Abbeville, ss. Before me came W. F. NICKLES, Cashier of the above named bank, > who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. W| F. NICKLES, Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of Sept. 1918. ALBERT HENRY, ( Notary Public S. C. , Correct Attest: ' S. G. THOMSON, G. A. NEUFFER, C. S. JONES, Directors. /Summons. For Kelief. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 County of Abbeville. i In the Probate Court. R. B. CHEATHAM, as Administrator of the Estate of JASON L. SIMPSON, deceased. Plaintiff, against J. H. CHEATHAM, P. A. CHEATHAM, J. M. PERKINS, E. C. ,1 PERKINS, L. P. PERKINS, MRS. , J. T. RANKIN, MRS. CLAY TAYLOR, MRS. OLA NOWLIN, MRS. CLAY SMITH, MRS. BELLE CHRIESTBERG, MRS. NANCY JACKSON, MRS. LOU MERCER, i 0. P. PERKINS, and JOHN DOE, i: and RICHARD ROE being the unknown heirs at law of JASON L. SIMPSON, deceased, Defendants. I To the Defendant above named: You are Hereby Summoned and \ required to answer the complaint in this action, which is filed in the of- ! i fice of the'Probate Court, for the] ' said County, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint ! I fnkf-nwKfll' of V?1C of A V?_ I , I VH l/I A ^ OUUOV11I/&1 UV IIIO VM?VV MW i beville Court House, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will ! apply to the Court for the relief dei manded in the complaint. i Dated Sept. 10th, 1918. | Attest: Jones F. Miller, Judge of Probate for Abbeville County. ' To all of the Defendants, except 1 J. H. Cheatham and P. A. Cheatham ' ]' TAKE NOTICE: That the summons in this action of which the | above is a copy together with the I complaint herein, was filed in the fka Tnrltyo n-f Prnhaf** nf . wahv-VA wiiv u uugv VA * ' said County on the 12th day of SepI tember, 1918. D. H. HILL, Plaintiff's Attorney, j Attest: J. F. MILLER, Judge of Probate. ! 9-13-lt-w-3 wks. I ra House "5 /* I Sept. 10 oresent the New, lj ?=Date American 1 an nf S iv of the World man, and Oil! It is "unity AND NOTHING "JUST AS us War Tax. SEAT SALE ON nMHMNHHMl An Unusual be Held at tl An evening relief from delightful p OPERA HOUSE Thussday, Sept IS by two artif 1.1 i: ui IIIC 4uau MARIE TIFFANY Soprano of one of the r ll L g ine conccri GRAHAM HARR Violinist, \ tation, has 1 Theyiwill be assist "The Phom Tickets Distributed at t IV^/ Stoves GANGES Abbeville TTIAIPaoaviIIAI 1 UCpllUDtllVC! DEPART] : Abbeville, New F j Ready Now am You,11 have tc } fore you Rnd 1 values we an It I I I T = A attt , i :8 ae=as 11 rs ? BUY! WAR ! SAVINGS , STAMPS [ CONSTANTLY | I rpi &n 1 ine nosenoer I * Recital to lie Opera House of good music means relaxation and the strain of these wearing times. A trogram will be presented at Ith?8:30 P. M. tfro urk/\aa WAmiffifiAna Qi*a a miovonfaA S > iO ivputciliv/lio U1 W U ^UOl UliiW | ty of the event. They are I <1 1 *>tH the Metropolitan Opera Company, | nost promising young singers now on 8 stage. 8 IS I vho as an artist of considerable repu- I toured the country several seasons. " 19 ed by II Dgraph with a Soul.9' KB Fypp I Jbnn A -htilimtinn H m m v v A J? " w ) B^^Wj :he store of |Jra fyffitoUtM# Co,j I ?r HOME OUTFITTERS H :, South Caorlina IS ra Mwantilp Pn I tg 1V1VIVUUUAV VU? H| MENT STORES I South Carolina I \ < i HH 'all Boots I J Reasonably Priced H > go a long way be- H anything like the JH i offering |H The styles are right and our large stock offers a wide range to select from hjv .*i r IB g mercantile to. a