The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, September 03, 1918, Page SIX, Image 6

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DOUBLE TRAGEDY OCCURS AT LAURENS CHAIN GANG I . I EHgsr McDaniel, Guard, is Killed and the Murderer, a Negro Confid, Commits Suicide. Laurens, Aug. 30.?Shortly after fire o'clock yesterday morning Edgar McDaniel, guard of one of the county duungang forces, was shot and killed and a negro convict, Whit Seawright, ?--ji a^a v? r>;n r VU uauiy WUUI1UCU UJ via \J?.iivvv, another negro convict, who ,after committing the crime walked a few yards from the tent and shot himself. The inquest was held yesterday afternoon near Ekom, where the tragedy occurred at the camp. It appears that Mr. McDaniel went to the tent occupied by the negroes te arouse the cook and other negroes. While engaged in unlocking the chain ?ed to secure the prisoners during the night Garrett slipped out of the tent , went to Guard McDaniel's quarters and secured his pistol, rei\ ItJ Our fi These ai m I twice bei I 3 turned to the domitory and opened E fire on Mr. McDaniel, shooting him through the head. He then turned I f his fire on the convicts, when Sea-j wright attempted to floor him with aj pick handle. But Garrett directed j o his fire on Seawright with telling ef- j f feet, shooting him four times, notjii fatally, however.. The other con- j B victs saved themselves by falling to I i: the ground as if dead. Thinking11 that he had cleaned out the camp | a Garrett left the tent and soon there- a after shot himself. His body was I T/vdvt/] U*r fliA ' Affirtovt? tttVirv nrnnf Aiif 1UUI1U Uj l/llv vxuutio n Iiv TTWIIV vuw to effect the ftiurder's arrest. It is g said, that Garrett, who was a "trus- f tie" had become a little peeved at p the guard because he was not allowed e to have larger liberties. Mr. McDaniel had been connected with the chaingang for about five years. V ~ j Engraved Cards and, Invitaions? f l The Press and Banner Co. | i V * * rst display is re days wEe frkirp? np nmrc LV/1 V A IV KS\A.J \J* 1. Be sure 2. Be sure "STATE OF MRS. MARY CAROLINE GARY lotice of Settlement and Application for Final Discharge. Take notice that on the 16th-day f September, 1918, I will render a inal account of my actings and dongs as Executor of the Estate of Irs. Mary Caroline Gary, deceased, n the office of Judge of Probate for Abbeville County at 10 o'clock a. m. ind on the same day will apply for l final discharge from trust as such Executor. All persons having demands afainst said estate will present them or payment on or before that day, ?roven and authenticated or be forsver barred. EUGENE B. GARY. Executor. 666 cures Malaria, Chills and "eyer, or Bilious Fever, by killing he parasite causing the fever. Fine itrengthening tonic. ,7-16-lt. lOw Ck yr v { ready. Let rTevefy one of good qu of fair price Ours are the f one nationally r leader of its cla.< STYI RPI IJ American's only knot grade the same the nc These clothes d care of the right out preeminent We expect brisl in now, while as es, fabrics and s: ir* i rari NC We w tion ?f 01 day Sej A Mu? r&uvi/ ?^jj ?????? tj We are f of clothes v f | this Fall se< 9 us show you: should think ality. | iS. amous lines each ecognized as the 5S. S CLOTHES 0s priced clothes. Each ition over. lo not simply take quality but stand as true values. ! k buying. Come sortments of styk izes are complete, M. I JP. iCI uc 1 ) T I C E , /ill begin operajr gin on Thurs3. 5 lie Oil Mill 1 I : proud.of the kind I ve are able to offer I ison. I j&-*>'%? .-* iM Styleplus Clothes H d>oe 1 (ton H ana <pou h Rppsp I