F==& Xocal flews : personals : > ^ Rer. James P. Pressly, of Due est, is doing ministerial work for ?onth at Camp Jackson. Miss Sophia Reames spent Saturly night and Sunday in Greenood with friends. Miss Mary Hill Harris has return1 after an extended visit to Columa. Mr. Billy Shelly, who has been siting Mrs. Hipp, returned to his >me in Monroe Friday. Miss Annie Roche returned Sunly from a visit with friends in Atnt?. Mr*. A. J. Deas of Augusta, is *--- 1 M, T FT Max LSlUllg XI CI kJL \j mvi y *. ? - ell. Miss Lilly Clark has returned a pleasant visit to relatives in ugusta. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Stevens are i Chattanooga, Tenn., visiting_relaves. / . Mr. P. J. Leach and son, Marshall, * visiting relatives in Chattanoo i, Tenn, Mias Margie Bradley has gone to ntreville to open her school for ie short term. She leaves our >ung folks disconsolate. V' < i i 'Seaman Lowrie Wilson, erstwhile Bcient clerk in Parker & Reese's, as in the city Saturday. He spent te week-end with his relatives. Mr. feed Gaines"1 f^WSbevnie, Mnt several days of last week' in te city with relatives.?Clinton hroniole. Mrs. J. C. Ellis leaves today for harleston, where she Will make an ctended visit with her niece, Mrs. f. G. Harper. ev. and Mrs. W. D. Hood left xor >n, Ga., Saturday. They will 1 a time on the coast before reng. *8. Geo. Shirley and Miss ClayShirley returned Friday from awood ;where they had been ng Mrs. C. Henderson, Bister r?v L JEBiD* UUUl^j. Dr. W. D. Simpson received a card rom Private T. A. Putnam Saturay, saying that he i? getitng along ne in the service. Private Putnam sed to work in the drug sotre. Mr. S. A. McCuen, Mrs. McCuen, avinia and Buddie McCuen leave ?day for Hendereonville afrid fthe ountains. They will go to Pelzer id leave there by automobile. Messrs. Ernest Ward law, Frank Tardlaw, Hunter Link and Frank ell, who are in Training Detachent at. the University, spent the eek-end with home people. W. E. Daniels^ Jr., a young solier from Camp Wadsworth, was I our streets Saturday. He likes >ldier life and is ready for the ont Miss Helen Guild is in the city ?e guest of Mrs. Will White. Miss uild has been, in the country for le past six weeks on a typhoid case ad is glad of a rest. Miss Mary Martin went down to olumbia Thursday for a day or ro after a successful demonstraon of the many fancy things made f cottage cheese. Mr. A. B. Cochran came over om Monroe, Ga., Saturday and >ent until Monday with his brother, [r. Jas. S. Cochran, and other relavm. Mrs. Cochran and children reined home with him. I ' I* Mr. W. H. White is home from the northern markets. He says that in addition to buying goods a man 1 can have a mighty good time in a town like New York. It was hot but there is no "drouth." i1 Private James Cothran gladdened ? the hearts of our young ladies by ? blowing in from Camp Saturday t ! and staying his twenty-four hours * leave. He makes a handsome sol-' P dier. j t ! c Col. W. D. Wilson has just finish-'t ed painting up his handsome home Y on South Main street. He has charger ?d the color to a pure white and it^c I has brightened up everything in b . lhat end of town. ! U Mr. and Mrs. Parker Brown and n Mrs. Mary Brown of Liberty, came j a , down Saturday and visited until J Sunday at the home of Mrs. W. L. jn ! McCord, on Secession Avenue. Miss r j Essie Lee McCord went home with b | them to spend a week. | C I' Mrs. H. H. Hill returned Friday c from Baltimore, where she enjoyed li two weeks as the guest of Mrs.j Elizabeth Milburn . Baltimore's ! quaint combination of old fashioned a hospitality and modern progressive- s ness pleased her greatly. p Mrs. H. I. Horton of Columiba, is c in the city visiting her daughter, t ' Mrs. R. C. Philson. Mr. Philson will h return from the northern marketss t Wednesday, and Miss Elizabeth Hor- f on, Mrs. rmisons sister, is expectea o to come on a visit the same day. t f p Privates James C. Hemphill and I Eugene B. Gary, Jr., spent Sunday u in the city with home people. These'0 young men are in the University ( Training school and have just been a issued their uniforms and they look military enough to strike terror to t the soul of the big von Hindenburgs. t T ii CHANGE OF RESIDENCE. f Mr. E. C. Little, Mrs. Little, Miss c Lois, and Master Walter, leave to- v day for Whitmire. ' | * Mr. Little, who has resided in the * city for a number of years and S whose son, Caspar, is now in France,'^ has accented a nosition in Whit mire, which is much better than the' one he held here. The many friends 1] | are sorry to see this family leave P | the vicinity, but are glad that pro-J a motion has favored Mr. Little so I generously. - " v F ? ? \ OFF FOR HENDERSONVILLE. 8 a Mrs. J. S. Stark and Miss Fannie 1 Stark left on the train yesterday | ? morning for Hendersonville and the ^ mountains. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Norcros8 of Miami, Fla., who have been visiting them, also departed/ for Hendersonville, but in a high powered automobile. \ BIRTH. t ? - ? Born?At Abbeville, August 19, s 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifton * Sprouse, a daughter, Mary Louise, j" h?: HIGH COST OF LIVING. i 1 Owing to the advanced prices on( all commodities and "The High Cost I of Living", we will be compelled to advance our prices on some of our ; charges. The following prices will s go into effect on and aftej: the 20th ? of August. I e CITY:? |t Day calls, $2.00. Night calls, $3.00. j a Chloroform, $5.00. j r Obstetorical cases normal, $16.00. ^ Obstetrical cases abnormal, $20.00 a COUNTRY:? ,I Day calls, outside of incorporate I limits, $3.00 up to 5 miles. Day t calls, 5 miles or over, $1.00 for first c mile .60c. a mile, all over that one s way. ."Jight calls, $1.60 extra on t day charges. . t Obstetrical call normal, $16.00. | Obstetrical call abnormal, $20.00 t All Obstetrical cases over 5 miles i 26c. extra a mile one way. I s Out of town triD $15.00 a dav i and all expenses. d Expert testimony, $25.00 Cash. J. E. PRE^SLY, M. D. 1 J. R. POWER, M. D. c L T. HILL, M D. t G. A. NEUFFER, M. D. J. C. HILL, M. D Adv. 8-20. S ORR'S REUNION. enthusiastic Gathering at Honea Path Last Wednesday and Thursday of Old Veterans. The reunion of Orr's Regiment leld at Honea Path last Wednesday md Thursday was a most pleasant iffair. The good people of that own opened wide their homes and nade the old soldiers welcome. They rave them the best of everything hey had and the time was a season if pleasure to the old soldiers, while he people of the town profited from taving so many soldiers in their nidst and in 'listening to the reounting of their exploits in the rave days of old. The exercises were held in the lonea Path opera house which was lade as pleasant as possible by the ddition of many electric fans. The address of welcome was lade by Mayor G. E. Moore and the esponse by Col. J. C. Stribling on ehalf of Orr's Regiment and Col. Campbell on behalf of the visiting 'eterans. Col. Campbell wore a onfederate uniform and . is still a * tandsome soldier. On behalf of the ladies Mrs. W. L Harper welcomed the veterans md Mrs. Rogers was invited to repond. Dr. J. S. Moffatt made the princi-i -JJ __j ? 1 44. >ai auureas anu as uouai it v*oo xuii if the fire of patriotism, telling he old soldier that his bravery and tis conduct were responsible for he fine, clean young soldiers going orth from the south today. The loctor was listened to with deep atenion and was given sincere aplause. In the election of officers, it was manimbus that the old officers hold ver, so this gives the association, Jol. W. T. Magill as president for nother year. Honea Path was so pleased with he veterans that she invited them o hold all their reunions there. An nvitation was extended from Abeville and one by Col. Stribling or Pendleton, who offered so many harming attractions that Abbeville withdrew her invitation and the e orty-sixth reunion will be held at 'endleton. This is near Sandy Iprings," where the regiment was lusteretl into service, and many of he old men wanted to go back. There were sixty-nine veterans 11 attendance and among the many ileasures provided for them was a octal reunion oh the school ground larks, automobile ride and a picture iarty at their theatre. Open house vas kept in one of the store rooms tnd the Red Cross girls served punch md entertained throughout the retnion. The reunion was a success in evsry way and the veterans were deighted with their entertainment. Mr. C. A. Botts, Mr. T. C. Seal ind Mr. Ellis were present from Abbeville. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hilton and heir two children, left the city in in automobile Monday for Henderonville. They will enjoy themselves n the mountains. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. County of Abbeville. >robate Court?Citation for Letters of Administration. Jy J. F. MILLER, Esq., Judge of Probate: Whereas, R. L. Acker hath made uit to me, to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate and iffects of E. W. Acker, late of Abbeville County, deceased. These are therefore, to cite and dmonish all and singular the kinded and creditors of the said E. W. Acker, deceased, that they be and ippear before me, in the Court of 'robate, to be held at Abbeville C. I. on Saturday the 31st day of August, 1918, after publication hereif, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to how cause if any they have, why he said Administration should not ?e granted. Given under my hand and seal of he Court, this 17th day of August, n the year of our Lord one thouand nine hundred and eighteen and n the 143rd year of American Inlependence. Published on the 20th day of Aug. 918, in the Press and Banner and >n the Court House door for the ime required by law. J. F. MILLER, Judge of Probate. l-20-3t. Ii i (1 Ii = = :s i| I lijf 11/ Men! Kee II 11 ! I) What is More j II These Hot Day 17 "L II I i^eep r I = E II II II || if l! If Vow Wear Keet> K Won't Have to Loot J I KEEP K if ii If |f II II J. M. Andei ^=s, ,,z=zr==zz== ;f * > ! I '" :li 111 Farlv Fall I I U * 1 [ i Our Store is Rapidli I With New Fall and You are Cordially h spect our Stock?Th || j | ations will Not only [] Please*You. si i i : II Haddon and !; iaizizianirar^^ iHiiMiiiiiiinHiiHtHHriiiiuiiiiMiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiniimiiittiitfiuiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiriiiMiimuimHiiKiiuiiiuiiMMiinimnmiiinji r | j H si II :p Kool' t Important s Than to Lool ! I || 1 II i 2 KJVJl vivmco 1 KJU. i( i! i For a Place to i i! II ;ool II r I son to. J [I I f\ 1 I !i (jooas 11| / Filling Up | 11 Winter Goods. ; !j wited to In- j ] ese New Cre- j 1 QinrhriQP hilt I ll KJ vc* y* wvj | |j jj i iit*i ii i! Wilson | i J ||