^1 ' 7 Sp B % . H ' Hj ?brf |. n s If I * * PROMOTIONS IN ABBEVILLE GRADED AND HIGH SCHOOLS A list of pupils promoted to the next higher grades in the Abbeville City Schools for the Session beginning Sept. 9, 1918: ELEVENTH GRADE? Gary Banks, Maxey Johnson, George Jones, Richard Swetenburg, Weber Wilson, Herman Wisby, Mary Adams, Winona Barksdale, Ophelia Clinkscales, Margaret Cox, Grace Dawson, Sarah Drennan, Agnes Edwards, Lois Ferguson, Alphi Graves, Sydelle Graves, Helen Haigler, Mary Hill Harris, Ruby Mann, Mary Reid Moore, Sarah Mundy, Dorothy Syfan. TENTH GRADE?James Coleman* Leroy Cox, Bruuce Fant, Davis Kerr, Everett Hughes, Ralph T T n PV,??4.V,otv, TT oUn Fol/in ?jy\jll9 a. vjixcutnaiiij uumiij Louise Fant Catherine Faulkner, Victoria Howie, Elizabeth Jones JA": ' . Mary Nickles, Lydia Owens, Ethel Perry, Sophie Reames, Margaret P?WAomQr?C"lrtT oweceiiuuigy i auanc ?? voumuonj Mary Stevenson. NINTH GRADE?Paul Graves William Hill* Arthur Klugh, John Klugh, Thomas Maxwell, Hal Moore Geddings Roche, Harold Tate, Janh Vance Bowie, Cornelia Clinkscales Mildred Cochran, Margaret Dawson Elizabeth Gambrell, Carrie Haw thorn, Lena Belle Johnson, Heler Milford, Alice McKelvy* Edna Mc Kelvey* Willie McLane, Froenc< Neuffer, Kathleen Shaw, Rutl Steele, Mary White, Leo Wilson. EIGHTH GRADE?Ernest An drews, Edwin Barksdale, Willian Calvert, William Cox, William Dun can, Claude Gambrell, .Franci v'' Glenn, Billy Long, Fred Minshall Theron McLeskey, Gilbert Nabers Willie Richie, George Smith, Conni Starnes, Celia Chalmers, Mary I Dargan, Willie Eakin, Gladys ?(] wards, Ada Faulkner, Clarkie Guil lebeau, Emmie Haigler, Willie Hax rison, Lula Mann, Gertrude McMa han, Margaret McCord, Dessie Kin^ Maria Neuffer, Eva Lou Putnan Thelma Seal, Elizabeth Thomsor Clayton Shirley. ' SEVENTH GRADE?Clyde Blar chett, Royce Blum, Willie Bowi< Bu i Qfonr UICII1 ]ip Cot Bi Farme Foster Bradley, Hugh Bradley, Ren-j wick Bradley, Alvin Cunningham,! Joseph Gaston, Fred Godfrey, Floyd i Hawthorne, Edward Herndon, Ralph! I Howie, William Nickles, Franklin j Nickles, Emory Penny, Bernard j Roche, Ray Swetenburg, Herbert j Whaley, Charlie Wilson, Lunett! Blanchett, .Macie Blinchett, Caroline [ Chalmers, Alice , Cheatham, Helen j Cromer, Mary Shaw Gilliam, Helen | Hall* Howard Hill* Mary Jones, | ' Sara Leslie, Elizabeth Lyon, Annie, Mabry, Grace Milford, Lizzie Mc-i ' Lane, Debbie Owens, Bessie Shaw,; Louise Shirley, Irene Starnes, Mar1 ion Wilson. SIXTH GRADE?Ralph Bauknight, W^yman Ellis* Powell Hamby* Ernest Hughes, Bob Link, Ma' bry Mcllwain, Jack McLeskey, Frank Neuffer, Gus Smith, Law' rence Wilson, George Wood, Maryi Fant, Estelle Gaston, Frances Gil-1 J liam, Kathleen Lomax, Myrtle Mc-i Mahan, Angela Roche, Kathleen! Schroeder, Mary Swetenburg, Lucile ' Welch, Jeanie White. (2) Foster Barnwell, Bob DarL gan, Clyde Herndon, Walter Little, Robert Mundy, Raiford McMillan,' J Ellis Poliakoff, Anthony Tennant, j | Jack Thomson, Emory Williams. I Mary Carter, Bessie Cothran, Flor-j '! ence Dawson, Sarah Edwards, Mar- J Jgaret Evans, Lucia Guillebeau* JuJdith Hill, Evelyn McAllister* Mary 5 i Mundy, Bertha Raines, Frances 11 Rose, Lavonia Seal. I FIFTH GRADE. (1)? Danner , - Cann, James Cox, Perrin Dargan, i William Greene, Willis Harrison, Thomas Howie, Fletcher Johnson* s: James McComb, Happoldt Neuffer, I,[Richard Parker, Cliff Shaw, Henry j,.Simpson, Cecil Tate, Earle White*. e;Ena Cunningham, Edna Dawson, i.'Catherine Gibert', Vera Hall', MarI l-(garet Harrison, Rubie Hughes, Lal-i vinia McCuen, Rachel Minshall, Ada -I Perrin, Harriet Swope, Pauline L-; Welch. r?| (2) Tom Taylor Aiken, Willie i>i Bradley, Oliver Culbreath*, Julian i, Ellis, Willie Haigler*, Mark Haw thorne, William McCord, Marion i- Poliakoff, Paul Richie, John Steele, it Richard Tiddy*, Mary Barksdale, iHinin roiwHtllilml !i!.illlllllllwulin]|illlllIlllililll!Hlllll!l!lnlllllliniin ?Wa iponsO i >nds bu ( irsBanl Lucy Clark, Grace Eakin, Myrtle [ Edwards, Martha Mann, Augustus] Moore, Ellen Nabers, Allene Put-| nam, Mary Stallings. FOURTH GRADE, (1)?Lewis! Blount, Henry Culbreath, David Gos-! sett, James Hamlin, John Harrison, i Ben Langley, Fleet Mann, Horace j McAllister, Clarence Steele, Allen | Schroeder, Claude Shaw,. Joseph Thornton, Homer Wilson, Cora Adams, Helen Beauford, Mary Bruce, Annie Cheatham, Elizabeth Corley, Ellen Carter? Mary Ferguson, Alma Gaston, Frances Jones, Ernestine McCord, Boline Perry, Grace Smith, Kathleen Smith, Elizabeth Wilson. (2) William Andrews, Ansel Blanchett, Harry Clinkscales, James j Graves, Lonnie Link, Foster McLane, Thomas Raines, Paul Syfan*j Charlie Simmons* Walter Simmons, | Janie Banks, Thelma Bauknight, Sara Cowan, Ida Cox*, Docia Dud-: ley, Frances Ferguson, Margaret Flynn, Susie Gossett, Pat Howie, Annie May Lewis*, Irene McMahan, Margaret Penny*, Minnie Lee Perry, Eddie May Smith, Margaret Stallings, Helen Starnes, Sallie May; Turman, Bessie Williams. THIRD GRADE, (1)? Doyle i Bauknight, James Chalmers, Wil-j liam Dawson*, Frank Durham, William Goode, Harold Irvine, Clyde (Jann, Kalpn LanK, wnnara mcComb, Oscar McCord, Julius Nick-' I les*, Fraser Perrin, Adair Aiken, Josephine Barnwell, Martha Calvert, Corrie Cunningham, Marie Hicks*, Estelle Lyon, Jean Milford, Allie ! Norris, Eleanor Perry*, Jen Rose ! Pressly, Ruth Shirley, Eunice Tate.1 (2). Edward Comely, Charlie] Cox, Leon Ellis, Joe Finley, Blakely : nan, uiauae nawinorne, mcnarui i TT:i1 l\T,,*,,l,r ' , inn, rvuutri t tiuuiiauxi, xicm^ munu^, j Theopholis McLane*, John McMur. ray, Joe Rose, Claude Simmons, Francis Sutherland, Mabel Bradley. Ruby Brown, Agnes Eakin, Nell ! Flynn, Elizabeth Martin, Susan Minshall, Helen Norris, Julia Owens, j Margaret Pennal*, Mary Perrin, J Minnie Ella Swetenburg, Ethel Whaley, Sarah Wilson*. SECOND GRADE, (1)?Lamar i _ - _ . rSav iff I ;l? 'II LilUGJ vWS bfAU Clinkscales, Alvin Culbreath, John Goode, Douglass Guy, Ralph HawfVinrra Tad TrtriDC* pivorc tlfo^rxr i Mike McDowell, Myer Poliakoff*, Richard Putnam, Henry Sprouse, Jack Sutherland, Stanford Thomas, William Thomson, Alvin, Wham, Louise Beauford, Frances Hill*,i Mary Chalmers, Emily Morse, Charlotte Reese, Anne Smith, Orriej Smith, Sarah P. Smith, Sarah Thom-j son, Edna White, Bernice Wilson. (2) James Blessing, Oscar Clark, J William Fant, Virgil* Gaffney, Bas-j kin Gibert, John Graves, Carlton; Loden, Bradley Moore, Leon McCordj Robert McLane, Henry Power, J. C. [ Raines, James Putnam, Sam Shiver, Thomson, Simpson, David Simmons, iiaeanor ijurre, jjiiizaoetn i^vans, | Margaret Maxwell, Janie Belle Mc-j1 Ilwain, Virginia Starnes, Laura May! Welch, Sarah Evans. (3) Harold Bell, Willie Bessinger*, Edgar Clark, Leslie Cox*, Dale Flemming*, George Gable, Le-i roy Going, Lonnie Hammond, Roy Hammond, Clyde Norrell*, James] Reynolds, William Pprrin, Harry j Stalnaker, Frances Blum, Ednaj Clark, Alma Gable, Nora Hall, | Beatrice Hughes, Ardelle Hammond,! Lily Pruitt, Callie Simpson, Viola; Thomas. * Pupils gfven cards but musti make up deficiency before en-; tering next September. WANTS | FOR SALE? Pure Whippoorwill peas.$2.50 per bushel. Pure white peas, S3.25. S. J. LINK, j G-18-2t. i I L. NELSON, Abbeville, S. C. Wanted Wanted Junk of all kind Rags, Rubber, Bags j and Iron. 5-7-tf. FOR SALE:?Porto Rico, Nancy Hall and Triumph potato slips, ( $3.50 per thousand, five thousand ! and over $3.25. F. 0. 0. AnderI ' ?2 ^ - -- ing lyLoa s beville son. Cash with order. J. K. Manos, 5-28-lmo. Anderson, S. C. FOR SALE. Ribbon and Orange Cane Seed. Ninety Days Velvet Beans. All kinds of Peas at lowest market price 5-7-tf. P. ROSENBERG. WANTED?Salesman to handle attractive line of trunks and bags, strictly on commission, no advance. Consolidated Trunk & Bag Co., 6-18-lt. Petersburg, Va. 1785. 1918 COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON South Carolina's Oldest College. 134th Year Begins September 27. ' Entrance examinations at all the county-seats Fridaf July 12, at 9am Four-year courses lead to the B. A and B. S. degrees. A two-year premedical course is given. Military training in all courses. A free tuition scholarship is assigned to each county of the State. Spacious buildings and athletic grounds, well equipped laboratories, unexcelled library facilities. Expenses moderate. For terms and catalogue, address HARRISON RANDOLPH, President. 6-18-lw-9t. CANDIDATES FOR SENATE. We are authorized to anounce J. HOWARD MOORE, Esq., as a candidate for the State Senate from Abbeville County, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. THE PUBLIC IS LISTENING. The reasons why everyone in South Carolina is expected to sign the pledge during the War Savings campaign which is now on, were stated in a statement issueud by the War Savings committee, which reads as follows: "The person who refuses to sign the war savings pledge will go on record as refusing to stand back of t ' * * ' - I n ] ?=|e SI M n u n rH Bjfl HB ' * ' BUM our army and rtavy at a time when HB the cause of humanity is depending |Hj on the strictest efforts of every man and woman in America. Such a BM | person, regardless of his intentions, pH j will find that his loyalty will be ' questioned, because in refusing to (sign the pledge to save and to econ-HM omize he will be disobeying the^BH mandate of the President. It is un-^^| thinkable, when the welfare andHB safety of our heroic soldiers and^Hh those of our Allies are depending on^^J the support which is expected from^^K those at home, that there is one^Bflg loyal man or woman who will re-^HB fuse to sign the W. S. S. pledge. "The public will listen with scant^^B patience to the person who claim^HH that he cannot afford to sign pledge or who utters the thought-BB I less statement that, there are J many campaigns. The public I not tolerate these two attitudesHfl | There is no man or woman in Soutl^^H j Carolina who cannot invest at leas^HH i $4.17, and the great majority cai^^H | invest considerable more in Wa^^H ' Savings Stamps. Each individua^^H J will be expected to pledge the maxi^^H mum amount he or she can sav^^^J during the year. As far as cam^^H paigns are concerned, until th^^H n nrman nower whic?gB i lilUHOVl vuo v< 4 j planned and precipitated the ' dreadful war which has ever scourj^HB ; ed the earth is shattered, there caflH^H i not be too many campaigns! Unt^^^fl S we have rid the world of the cui^^HB of German lust for power, we cq^^^M I expect and must welcome campaie^^^H after campaign for the cause "And because the W. S. S. carfl^H paign is a test of loytlty we kno^^^H that every person in South CaroliiHJBv will respond?will proudly enlist the army of savers which Preside^^^fl J Wilson has called for?will sign tHB j pledge cheerfully and gladly, wi^^^H a feeling ox ueep grauiuus ' this way we can partially requ^^^^J the heroic sacrifices which our figl^^NH I ing men are making/' mjKgt { Mr. Dale Barksdale and daught^^^^J : of Abbeville, are guests today BMBBH ' the home of Mr. J. K. Durst.? IB TMffll