pLccal [ | flews I 1 : personals : | Master Anthony Tennant spent the week-end in Monroe with relatives. Mr. Warren Cowan of Bellevue, was a business visitor here Friday. Miss Mary Dawson of Santuc, was here shopping Friday. Dr. Sam Knox of Antreville, was here on business Friday. Mr. George Jones is spending a while in Spartanburg with relatives. Mrs. Francis Henry is spending a while with Mrs. W. E. Lesley. Mrs. Claud Kay and sister, Miss Uldrick, spent Friday in the city shopping. , Misses Lollie and Emma Scoggins of Lowndesville, spent Friday here with their brother. Mr. Frank B. Jones has returned to Columbia after spending about three weeks in the city on business. Mrs. Cliff King has returned to the city after a short visit to friends near Greenville. Miss Ruth Beeks of Columbia, was the guest of Miss Katherine Faulkner several days last week. Mr. Giles Fleming of Columbia, spen^ the latter part of the week with his sister, Mrs. W. P. Wham. - ' i Mr. Walter Mars of Mt. Carmel, % spent Friday in the city with his son T llnnvn More Jtajrvi tf iavviv u. Mr. Henry Moseley of Lowndes ille, spent Friday in the city on business. Mr. W. F. Radcliffe has returned from the Sunday School Convention which met in Greenwood. Mr. J. M. Gambrell is keeping: books for S. J. Link since Robert| Cheatham left for Fort Screven. He will be glad to see his friends. Misses Mary and Sarah Perrin and Mrs. J. M. Wilkinson went up to Greenville Friday to see the boys at Camp Sevier. Mrs. E. M. Anderson and son, William, spent a few days in Greenville last week with Mrs. Henry Simpson. Misses Sallie Sue Ramey and Ger trude Peney and Messrs. Thompkins Ramey and Sam Sherard went up to Camp Sevier Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sherard and Mrs. Dendy Miller and Mr. Grier Sherard went up to Greenville on Thursday. \ Mr. Pat Tennant, who is running on the East Coast Division of the S. A. L. spent a few days here -with his wife. Mrs. Wade Cothran and attractive daughter, Miss Margaret, Mrs. Tom Davis and Mr. Charley Calvert went up to Greenville Thursday. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs Louis Levi, will be glad to know that he is improving so that he is able to be out on the front piazza. Mr. J. H. Greene has purchased - Pnur and it. wm amone the no a uuiVR jl v%?4 ? ?. ..? 0 lot that Mr. Longshore brought home from Detroit recently. Misses Grace and Eva Link, Parry Hughes, Mrs. Fred Fergvion, Mrs. H Pearl Patterson and Mr. Dutch Link - went over to Greenwood Sunday m ~ i._ I aIiernovu iu *un xi?uun. Messrs. Albert Henry and M. B. Reese ' went over to Greenwood Thursday to get their ears. Mr. Henry drove his own new Oakland borne while Mr: Reese drove Mr. Phitoon's ear borne. \ -. - - ' Mr. T. C. Beaudrot; of Greenwood, was in the city Sunday. ( Mrs. W. J. Wilson and children spent Sunday vwith Mrs. Will Scott, near the city. Paul Hall has returned to the city from Augusta, where he has been working since Christmas. Mr. Frank Winn and his brothers R. B. and Calvin, of Prosperity, were in the city Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Barnes of Lebanon, were here Saturday afternoon for a couple of hours. / Miss Fannie Mae Stevenson sp^ntj several hours here Saturday shop-' ping. Mr. W. W. Bradley has returned from a visit to his daughter, miss Edna . Bradley, who is at Brenau College. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. Evans came over from Greenwood Sunday afternoon and spent a while pleasantly with friends Mr. Ollie Robinson of Greenville, | spent several days here with his sister, Miss Matilda, at Mr. Bill Cason's home on North Main Street. Mrs. Camille Paschal Jackson of i Columbia, was the attractive guest of Mrs. F. B. McLane Friday night and Saturda. Mrs. Fred Ferguson of Columbia, and Mrs. Pearl Patterson of Hodges are the attractive guests of Mrs. Luther Botts. Miss Lila Richey and her father, Mr. E. H. Richey, spent Sunday in Rrnrilevs. with Mr. Henrv Richey's family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sutherland and son, Thomas, of Prosperity, 1 were in the city Saturday for the 1 day. i - ] Mrs. J. D. Simpson and Miss ' Clara Simpson and Mrs. Mollie El- 1 lis of Santuc, spent the day here 1 Saturday shopping. 1 1 Mrs. Ramey and two daughters, < Misses Lena and Mildred, Miss Fannie Edmonds and George Bowie went up to Greenville to spend Sunday with friends at Camp Sevier ' Miss Mary Sharpe spent the weekend at her home in Due West. Mrs. ? - ? T.L. Annie Ma Dry ana uiue von, ?iuuu Tompkins, and Miss Lila McCaslan and Mr. Robert Greene spent Sunday with her. Miss Marie McC&slan spent the " week-end with Miss Mary Dawson at her lovely home in the Santuc neighborhood. Miss Mary Rudisail left yesterday for her home in Spartanburg, after teaching at Stony Ridge school nearj Santuc. Miss Arnie Roche, accpmpanied * " *> ? -c.. Oy Mrs. n,earns, miss u?a ivcauu, Miss Ethel Perry and Miss Hannah Roche spent Saturday afternoon in Greenwood. Mr. R. R. Price and two bright little sons, John and Nick, were here Saturday. The little fellows were having a' good time eating ice cream conen. Miss Pearson, who teaches the Cold Spring- school, was among the attractive young women in* the city Saturday. ^ I Miss Dot Evans has returned from her school in Chesterfield pountv and was in the city Saturday accompanied by her sisters, Misseiil Allie and Lina. ? i Mioses Bessie and Birch Clink-j scales left Saturday to visit friends in Virginia, from there Miss Birch will go to Chicago, where she will attend the summer season of the Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy. Mr. Bill Cason is enjoying his new car.^ He went up to Greenville Sunday to bee his brother, Mr. C. N. Cason. Misses Daisy Cason and Matilda Robinson, Thos. Cason and Lewis Seal accompanied hits.. v^vvvvvvvvvvvvvv" V v'? V SOCIAL NEWS. V 11 Uvvvvvvvvvvvvvt Miss Howard Hill celebrated her birthday Friday night by entertain- ; in# about fifteen of her young friends at an informal dance. Refreshments of strawberry ice-cream and cake were served during the evening. Miss Annie Bruce Lipscomb and Messrs. Edwin Lipscomb and John Benson Sloan were the out-of-town guests. j Miss Lillian McCantey spent the week-end with her home people in Lebanon. Mr. T. H. Botts, after a rest" of about three weeks, is back on his job en the police force. Mrs TV T. Smith is in Abbeville and will remain with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Coleman while Lieut. Smith is engaged in the pleasant pastime of killing a few Germans. -1? 1 Mr. L. W. Dick Bpent last Friday,' in the city with his nieces, Mrs. J. Allen Smith and Mrs. W. H. White. Mr. Dick had been in attendance on the Sunday School Convention in Greenwood. Mr. Robert Mabrv. .Jr.. has a 100 sition with the Rosenberg Mercantile Co., in their grocery department. He was formerly with the L. W. White Co. He will be glad to see bis; friends at his new place. Messrs. J. J. Grant and son, Rupert, and Guy and Bruce Hall of Lowndesville, passed through the city Friday on their return home from the Sunday School Convention which met in Greenwood. MR. YOUNGBLOOD. ?? - 1 Mr. J. F. Youngblood is leaving , this week for Ware Shoals, where he goes to take charge of the Ware Shoals Manufacturing Co. Dry Goods Department. His wife % will go as soon as they can get their house- ,, hold goods moved. They have been I , here only a very short time ?but ^ have made many friends who regret ? to see them leave. He was employed by the J. M. Anderson Co. DR, HAWTHORNE SICK. News was received from Due West of the critical illness of Dr. 0. P. Hawthorne which- prevents him from attending the Reunion. It is feared that he has pneumonia.? 4 TEACHER'S EXAMINATION j The following stood the Teacher's Examination at the Court House Friday. Miss Pearl Branyon of Due West. Miss Ethel Sharpe of Honea Path Miss Ruth Pratt of Due West. j Miss Ollie McClain of Donalds. Miss Minnie Lee Stone of Donalds Miss Myrtle Killingsworth of Donalds. Miss Julia Ellis of Due West. Miss Graydon Smith of Donalds. Miss Martha Mattox, Moreland, Ga. | Miss Adelle Todd of Due West j Miss Louise Todd of Due West. ; Miss Lollie Scoggins of Lowndesville. 1 TW Wmt. in. ISO XVUUJ .. ? ? , Miss Hattie* L. Stone Honea Path Miss Ruth Hughes, Donalds. j Miss Henrietta Locke, Rodman, S. C. Mr. Lee McDonald, Donalds. I Mr. W. L. Bjranyari, Smyrna S C. There were no colored people being examined. TRADE PACT WITH NORWAY. Washington, May 3.?The completion of a trade agreement with Norway by which the domestic needs of that country will be cared for without interfering with the war needs of the Allies, was announced at the war trade board late this afternoon. YORK PASTOR WANTS TILLMAN'S SENATE JOB The State this morning carried a letter from Rev. J. E. Mahaffey of York, announcing himself ?is a can- j didate for the U. S. Senate, fle is the pastor of the Methodist Church at York, serving his second year there. ' He has aboat as much cliance as an icicle on a hot August diiy.Bock Hill Record.- ' H ? r~ t i : 5? The tfuth at clothes It's fair to assume that ev( who buys clothes wants good no matter what .price you pay f< $18.00 or $40.00, you want to \ value for your money. That's r< only business-like way to look a We sell Hart Schaffnei1 & Marx Fine < at $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 and We handle these goods bee; know they represent greater vj the price we ask than any othei made. We know where to get tl stuff; we know who makes it, ; it's made and what it's made oi no deception about it. Some worth the price; but the price ii enough for good clothes. The price of Hart Schaffner ao id "fry incnvo miQ1 LiUl/iICO lO CllV/Ugll i/u uiuvu. v not too much to give big values.' why we sell them; and if you' that's why you'll buy them. ) The Rosenber The Home of Hart I fc? ! ? **^1 < ll ' * i\ ? Veterans * WE A cordial invitation % i to visit our store an values we have to c Mth exceptionally Millinery. Make our store y in the city. T Iff I JJLAni % ? V."' r. ' ' : ' ^ . I Copyright H&rt Schaffner & Marx g Mercantile Co. j Schaffner & Marx Clothes. ij '..J and Visitors | muci I j .WiYlLi l is extended to everyone I ? - - w c - I id see what wonderful ' , ' 'j >ffer on our entire stock, i 1 +irt/?/jo nn niir IXJUU is i iwu vii . |i -a our headquaters while I i - wg * ; =1 I 1 i 1 i ' " i ' i Jerson Co. PHONE 209. II] 111 i