The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, March 08, 1918, Page SIX, Image 6

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SBH > m 3 Stores. I MAIN STREE ?| Clothing, Furnis I Clothing for Men, Boys Hats, Caps, Shi Hosiery. Shoes for Every b Spring Goods are We are well pies I we have received. Regardless of the in price, we are ' purchasing to h; hand at a much lc the present marke You will be surpris we offer. We want to show } n * VVVVWVVVVVVVVVV V CANDIDATES ANNOUNCED V uvvvvvvvvvvvv^v (All advertisements in this column cash in advance.) < _____ 1 J". ALLEN LONG is hereby announced as a candidate for Mayor in the coming Democratic primary election, subject to the rules of the party and he pledges himself to . abide its result. #I hereby announce myself' as a candidate for Mayor in the coming Democratic Primary election, subject to the rules of the party and agree to abide by the results. DR. J\ E. PRESSLY. , 1 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for Mayor in the coming Democratic Primary election, subject to the rules of the party and agree to abide by the results. J. MOORE MARS. | I Notice of Democratic Primary Election! FOR MAYOR AND SIX ALDERMEN IN THE CITY OF ABBEVILLE. Notice is hereby given that a 1 Democratic Primary Election will be held Tuesday, March 19th, 1918, for the purpose of choosing a Mayor 1 and one Alderman from Ward One; Two Aldermen from Ward Two; 1 i ?ne for full term and one for unexpired; two Aldermen from Ward Three, one for full term and one for unexpired term; one Alderman for Ward Four. As Democratic Nominees to be voted for at the election to be held on the second Tuesday in April, 1918. Pledges must be filed and fees paid to the City Clerk not later than March 14th, 1918. Managers of Election: At Shops, J. L. Clark, James Taggart, L. W. Dansby; at Cotton Mills, John T. Evans, A. H. Barnett, and J. B. Langley; at City Hall, F. W. R. TTlhio :t store things, Shoes Young 4Men and ? > irts, Neckwear, ody. arriving daily. ised with what great advances ! able by early ave a stock on >wer price than it. >ed at the values IOU. ! ( Nance, T. C. Seal and C. A. Botts. Should second primary be necessary it will be held Tuesday, March 26th, 1918. M. J. ASHLEY, Chairman Democratic Executive Committee. 2-15-2t. Feb. 22. THE CROIX DE GUERRE. American .Snldivn Dccorsted fop Bravery?Lieut. Coleman of Charleston, Among the Number. With the American Army in France, Sunday, March 3.?Premier Clemenceau, who spent today on the American front northwest of Toul, decorated two lieutenants, two sergeants, and two privates with the Croix de Guerre with the Palm for heroism which they displayed in the recent German raid in this sector. 'One of the lieutenants comes from Brooklyn and the other from Charleston, S. C., Lieut. William Coleman. Both men went out into No Man's Land in broad daylight and got a German prisoner. M. Clemenceau, accompanied by two French generals, arrived at American headquarters at the front at an early hour and immediately went to where the troops were drawn up on three sides of a square in companies. Way to Do It. The names of the men to be decorated were called, and they stepped up, the French premier pinning the decorations on them and saying a word to each. One he patted upon the shoulder and said: "That's the way to do it." The American blushed and retired to the ranKs. One of the French generals said to a lieutenant, newly decorated: "We have got the Boches down and we shall put them down deeper if we keep working as we have." Private Is Late. At the end of the ceremony a young private came runnihg along hurriedly. He spoke for a moment with his captain, fearing apparently that he was going to lose his medal. noHi osenben DEPARTME ABBEV \ * I UnrA TA narp X; | A 1U1 V-A T r (A1 V/ HARDWARE Farm Tools Carpenters Tools Blacksmith Tools Wagon Material Leather SaddleryCotton Rope Plow Tools of all kinds. Shelf Hardware If you don't think this is a Hardware Store come in and look. imrnri INDEliu . ? mm The captain directed him to pro ceed to M. Clemenceau's automobile, which he did. The premiei stepped out and slapped him upor the back, handing him his war cross One of the generals remarked laughingly: "Never mind about being late You were on time the other morning; that is enough." The soldier, in the excitement anc glory of the moment, forgot to salute, but an American general camt to his rescue, whispering: "Salute! Salute!" Can't Wear Them. None of the decorated men car wear their honors until authorized by Congress. The premier went fai forward into an observation posl overlooking No Man's Land, the German positions and the countrj in the distance, then hidden in the haze. He entered several dug-outs j under the ruins of houses broughl down since the arrival of the American troops. A few shells, botli friendly and hostile, whistled overhead while M. Clemenceau was there but none dropped near. The premiei seemed especially impressed with the sturdy, healthy appearance of the Americans, even those caked in mud, who had just returned from the front line. He spent the afternoon in inspecting the billets in many towns back of the lines and also visited a field hospital, where he talked with the men wounded in the recent raid, telling all of them they had done finely. TACKY PARTY. The Tacky Party at the Bethle hem school for the benefit of the Red Cross, was a great success. Everybody in the neighborhood was present dressed as tacky as coulcl be. Miss Maggie Hagen was voted to be the tackiest lady and Mr. Lindsay Baker the tackiest gentleman present. Appropriate prizes were awarded to them which caused much merriment. A Spelling Bee was enjoyed by al. The young people livened up on I Mercai iNT STORES ILLE, S. C. : Grocery Store GROCERIES Staple and Fancy Gro ceries? Coffee, Teas, Spices, Canned Goods Almost anything yoi can think of for th< table. Heavy Groceries, Corn, Oats, Hay anc Mixed Feed. Phone us. - one side while the old people were on the other side. Miss Effie Ul drick was the last on the winning- . i side while Mr. Bob Uldrick ran her ] . a pretty close second. Another fea- . ture of the evening was "Mutt and ] \JefF', who were present and acted , . their parts to perfection. Music ' throughout the evening was furnish- < ed by the teacher, Mis^ Ruth' McI Lane on the piano and' Messrs Ar thur Newell and Preston Uldrick on i guitars. 1 . ^ 4 Tacky refreshments of ice lemonade served in a tin-bucket and gin- ' ger cake served in diteh-pan were ( i greatly enjujeeu. ouuvcun ou-vjuj I suckers were also served. i A nice sum was realized, enough * ; to enroll the whole school in the ^ s Junior Red Cross. r 9 , ' CARD OF THANKS. I " ; We wish to thank our friends for ' , the many kindnesses shown us at ^ l the time of the death of our father 1 . and husband, and to assure them of * , our great appreciation. * Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Evans, ^ , Mrs. J. E. Gray. CARD OF THANKS. 1 xWe wish to thank oui? kind friends j and neighbors for their sympathy and material aid during the illness and death of our son, Huber. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mcllwam and family. I SACRED HEART I CATHOLIC CHURCH t The usual Monthly Services will 1 be held on Sunday, March 10th in a place of the third Sunday. u Mass 10:00 A. M. promptly. f Sunday School 11:00 A. M. v Sermon and Benediction of the y Most Blessed Sacrament at 7:30 P. a ra. Mass Monday morning at 7 A. M. a The public will be welcome to all y the services. t: T. C. Gaston was in town Wed- c neaday on business. E *' Many Departments ra )S STORE ' I jgjrt 0 m l Dry Goods Store. ? pcc TVTQ+ornale Si itile Co. DRY GOOI ) * This is a rea. 1 Staple Dry C Beautiful Dr Everything f shirts, blouse 1 We have jusl shipment of i dies, and lots worth a look. You will be v ? * ? \ ??? KIDS FOR SALE. Mr. J. R. Woodhurst is a progressive man. He is starting a goat Farm at his home on South Main street He recently purchased five Dannie Goats and he will soon have qufte a lot of young "kids" to sell, rhsy are a great amusement to the :hildren in the neighborhood. W. P. NORRELL. Mr. W. P. Norrell, who lives in KR? city, is another new subscriber. He wants to keep up with the political campaign this summer and he iad us to start sending The Press and Banner to him. Heis a man of ine judgment especially in the matter of newspapers. ENJOYS PRESS AND BANNER. Capt. R. B. Cheatham, in sending i check Ion subscription has the ^r\]]nnnnnr fn cq\t onifttt ^VKVTTiilg WW UUJ M V?HJVJ i VUUllIg ;he Press and Banner and do not like ;o miss a single copy. I was pronoted to Senior Instructor in In?antry, Officers Training School last ruesday, so guess I must get on my lignity now more than ever since ! have to come in contact with the Commanding General of the Divtson right often." REUNION OF VETERANS. Aiken, S. C., March 4th, 1918. )r. C. C. Gambrell, Mayor, Abbeville, S. C. )ear Sir: ? Since receiving your letter of he 25th I have been urged to make i j j rvr _ j j "1# ^i.L . uesaay aria *v eunesuay, 11,11 nd 8th, 1918, the days for the Reinion in your city. As the reasons or the change of dates are good I rill accede to the request and with our consent so announce it officilly as I have not as yet done so. I sincerely hope this will be as cceptable to the good people of our charmihg city as the first menioned days. I have had the pleasure of reeiving the consent of Miss Sarmh [askell of Abbeville, to act as Spon VU?J Aixuuvi itviu jp H or washable dresses, mm SB WM s, etc. ||S t received an express Waists, Skirts, Mid- KB i of other things well gj I iffiH ?s ito. i ? 'Vn^^H I '^I^H i =====";1H I J riu:?* AIE.:-I r _ J_ *._ aux anu v^iiici vsiiicuu juauy xur Division for the year 1918. Bflfl With renewed regards and obl^^H gations, I am Yours very cordially, t:ss i H TOOK VINOfl Now She is strong and Berkeley, CaL?"I was nervouflj^J irritable, no appetite, could not de^^^H and was always tired, so my bous^H^I work was a great effort. Alter maxj^B^| other medicines had failed built me up- and made me strong.. lB9l have a good appetite and sleep Every nervous, weak, ailing womflH should try it."?-Mrs. N. Edpxun^^^H aio7 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CaL HH We ask every nervous, weak* ruflHH down, ailing woman in this town ^Hj|M try this cod liver and iron tonic ^H| our guarantee to return their mon^^H| if it fails to help them. P. B. SPEED, Abbeville, S. C. 9E^H . | WANTS FOR SALE:?Several milch 3-8-21 J. Allen Smith COTTON SEED?Wanamaker proved, Cleveland Big Boll. PriH^^H $1.75 per bushel, under 5 $2.00 per bushel. W. S. Coth^^^^H or S. J. Link. FOR SALE OR RENT:?A horse farm containing 122 ac^^^^B Located at Cross Roads 4 m^E^Hj from Abbeville and 10 miles f^HHH Greenwood, known as the Wess Cromer home place. rent at a bargain or sell Write or see J. Franklin D Attorney at Law, Greenwood^^^flfl m*mi . .1