The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, January 29, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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n ? rot Fert T,ol\nr will l>o RftflTCP this change and tliat makes it neces so you can make full crops < ** # Farm products will bring go* will justify you in fertilizing high it will pay you to use sor nripoR nrp o-ftnd. Where crops JfAAVVW v%* ~ o * * and now gray lands arc needii will help the crops on red lane Potash is a medicine; it \ plants healthy and strong an strong it will grow and bios abundant crops. There is as m plant and a sickly plant as th< a sickly pig, so far as profital f ' Potash keeps your crops Jk- the only ones that pay. Ke r r '.v*v " I prices are good. Make good ci thing. ' Strike while the iron i We have the Potash and !Tish and Blood Fertilizer. Wl: Potash goods you get the besl t\ ' i * - don't make a crop with that il tilizer?for there is nothing 1 labor is scarce and high and p don't stint'the fertilizer?maki you cultivate. Fish and Bloc solution of your fanning troul and Blood and Potash goodsus. You know where to find Km ' . k .w Anderson Phos W. F.' FARM Fresh Lc mu: i M I Will arrive fr m m this This is the best lot I have eve a look over before buying. 1 We rigljt. T.P.Mc COAL P On and after January 1 liver c n a co r\ivT t wnji i vii No orders booked in ac companied by check, w when co Parties ordering coal will be expected to i DO NOT ASK Abbeville Ice, L V v > i and 1 and 'ocn .UOll ilizer 1 year unless there is a decided J ( 5sary for you to fertilize heavily " )n the land you ?et cultivated. ' ixl prices this year, prices 'that 3 4\ j liberally and while potash is ne. You want good crops while < 1 have been made without Potash lg it and one per cent of Potash L rards off diseases and keeps the id when a plant is healthy and som and fruit and you'll haVe ucli difference between a healthy ; ire is between a healthy pig and )le returns are concerned. healthy and healthy crops are ' ep the crops healthy while the *ops when crops are worth somes hot. don't you forget it, we have the ten you get Fish and Blood and t to be had in fertilizer. If you ; will not be the fault of the fersetter. And now, finally, when " '"M fn-r fnrm r?rodnr>t,s are fine U 1V1 AWX Ati |jr* VV.?.W?W ? b all you possibly can on the land >d and Potash goods may be the les this year. We have the Fish ?they are for sale?come to see us. ' : '*? ' N ' :.1 V ' 1 phate & 03 Co. ER, Secretary. >t of Fine LES om the market week r shipped. Come and give them 'lie price is right and the mules ~ ' ? - --SB * KELLAR OR CASH 1st, we will sell and de:oal for DELIVERY i i _..i _ ivance except wnen acrhich will be cashed only il is delivered, for immediate delivery settle with the driver. : FOR CREDIT. mndry & Fuel Co. MASTER'S SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Abbeville. Court of Common Pleas. ELLA B. LEE and R. P. BLAKE, partners trading and doing business under the firm name and style of Lee & Blake, Plaintiffs, against JOSEPH LOMAX, TILLMAN LOMAX, FANNY LOMAX, LAURA McBRIDE, PERRY SMITH, GUS LOMAX, LULA SPEARMAN and SILAS LOMAX, Defendants. . By authority of a Decree of Sale by the Court of Common Pleas for Abbeville County, in said State, made in the above stated case, I anil nflfor fr>r sale, at Public Outcry. at Abbeville C. H., S. C., on Salesday in February, A. D. 1918, within the legal hours of sale the following described l&nd, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Abbeville County. in the State aforesaid, containing Twenty-Six (26) Acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of Wm. Riley, Wm. Klugh, Toney Branch and line of division?being the tract of land bought by Sara Lomax, from Sara E. Ellis on the 5th day of February, 1898. TERMS OF SALE?CASH. Pur" J ?L ;ftaser to pay ior papers ana autnius. R. E. HILL, Master A .C., S. C. l-18-3t. MASTER'S SALE STATE, OF SOUTH CAROLINA, | County of Abbeville. Court of Common Pleas. ELLA B, LEE and R. P. BLAKE,! partners trading and doing business under the firm name, and style 01 juee 0I x>ia?.e, naiiiuits. i against LAURA McBRIDE, PERRY SMITH,! GUS LOMAX, FANNY LOMAX, JOE LOMAX, LULA SPEARMAN, TILMAN LOMAX, and SILAS LOMAX,' Defendants. By authority of a Decree of Sale by the Court of Common Pleas for! Abbeville County, in said State, made in the above stated ca^, I will offer for sale, at Public OtStcry,! at Abbeville C. H., S. C., on Sales-, day in Fp'oruary, A. D. 1918, with-i in the 1 -gal hours of sale the fol-1 lowing described land, to wit: Allj that tract or parcel of land situate, | lying and being in Abbeville Coun-i tv. in the State aforesaid, :ontain-j ing Twenty-Six and One-half (26%) i Acres, more or less, and bounded on| the north by lands of J. F. Riley, onj the south by lands of Max Clink-i scales, on the east by Mary Romans, on the T?est by E. E. McCord and others. i . j TERMS OF SALE?CASH. Pur-j chaser to pay for papers and stamps. | R. . E. HILL, Master A .C?> S. C. l-18-3t MASTER'S SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Abbeville. Court of Common Fleas. JAMES BOLDEN, as Administrator! of the Estate of SAM BOLDEN, j deceased, Plaintiff, against ELLA GRAVES, et al, Defendants.! By authority of a Decree of Sab by the Court of Common Pleas for Abbeville County, in said State, made in the above staged case, I will offer for sale, at Public Outcry, at Abbeville C. H., S. C., on Salesday in February, A. D. 1918, with-j in the legal hours of sale the fol-i lowing described land, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, 1 lying and being in Abbeville County, in the State aforesaid, containing Thirty-Five (35) Acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of L. M. Patterson, N. M. McMahan, | F. F. Patterson, J. B. Patterson, and others. i TERMS OF SALE?CASH. Pur-j chaser to pay for papers and stamps, j R. E. HILL, Master A .C., S. C. 1 < o Oi. I i-io-ou BOX PARTY AT SHILOH. There will be a box party at Shiloh school, four miles west of Hodges on Thursday night, Feb. 14th. EJverybody is invited to come and bring well filled baskets. Benefit of the school. In Atlanta eggs are selling for seventy-five cents a dozen. *2? ... .4 o. 9BI NEVER before, in th< have farm products And the successful: in bigger profits. Natura greater will your profit be make each acre produce it corn, truck?use ] }lantei corn ? 1 to 2 bales of c through use d: this reputa k PILAR DOI ?or many years, nost successful bigger, better flhiat will as mation and p lorn fn irrm I.V J uu> \ Slipper That's the coziest time for father. Slipper and and the Perfection Oil drafts away and add an < fort. The Perfection is g< reliable, and inexpensive operate.. Now jised in over 8,000 Fill it with Aladdin Seci burning &el. Eight hours o STANDARD 01J (New Jem Washington, D. C. D ALT I MO Norfolk, Vs. uu. H Richmond, V?. PERFEtriC I Oll^MEA^ERS *'" "~ T Mgrr^^*AV*yv^y^*AISffr'r*r(r', VVVVV VV<iVVVVVVV V PENNEY'S CREEK. V VVVVS.'wVVVVVVVVVV Penney's Creek, Jan. 25.?Anothi er light snow fell on Tuesday night, j This makes the eighth snow this-winter. We are hoping the weather will be better a::ter this. ? ? A. Mrs. O. B. Rogers spent Saturday afterncon with Mrs. R. R. Prince. Mrs. A. ,'B. Hill and Mrs.. Will Rogers spert Friday afternoon with Mrs. O. B. Rogers. Mrs. S. S. Ellenburg and Mrs. M. L. Williams spent Saturday night i and Sunday with Mrs. Nina SeaI rvinrVi+ on/1 Mr? fJpnrpe Fereruson. j of Little Mountain. Mrs. Seawright is still suffering from rheumatism. Mr. E. E. Williams and Mr. Carroll spent a short while Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. | Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Ozey Ellenburg atj tended the dancc at Mrs. Arthur Campbell's Friday night and spent I the night with Mrs. Mattie Taylor | and daughter, Miss Lila Taylor. ' Miss Lula Williams was among ! those who attended the dance at ! Mr. Campbell's Friday night and j spent the night with Miss Bertha j Bradberry. I s history of the country, brought such high prices. farmer will reap the benefit n lly, the larger your crop, the Hence, if is essential that yo s utmost. For prize crops of co ps Fertilizer. 90 to 95 bus: otton per acre, are records est ble fertilizer on Southern farms TERS FERTILI JBLES YOUR YIEI Planters Fertilizer has been the farmers, because they have-m crops. Make every acre count stonisn you. Consult our age >rices?or write us direct, TODi rs Fertilizer and Phos Manufactures larleston So Z! Aaa 1 ime |S| ; of the whole day m ||Ms pipe and a book-- m ||11? Heater to keep the >| |||1| extra touch of com- f ij|r J x)d-looking, sturdy, ? ^ ' s both to buy and to ^ ,000 homes. ft llrity 021, dean, clear- | StP f comfort from a gallon. ; \| 11 r /I rt ir n a \T V XyA v 1 Mr. Vernon Bradberry spent last 1 Thursday night with Mr. Ozey El- 1 lenburg. ,i f Mr. James Rogers and brother, ! John Frank, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr R. R. Prince. i Mrs. 0. B. Rogers and son, James s spent awhile Saturday night at Mr < W. E. Williams. < Mr M. L. Williams and daughter, j Miss Lula, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ellenbur and children spent Tuesday with < Mr. and Mrs. Ozey and S. S. Ellenburg. Mr. Oscar McCurry and family, Mr. Paul McCurry and family, have ; moved in our neighborhood. We are 1 glad to have them with us, and ] wish them success in their new home. 5 < AMERICAN FORCES NOW SIX TIMES AS LARGE AS 1 IN SPANISH AMERICAN WARM i1 There were 1,428,650 enKsted men r and 110,865 officers in the United! States Army at the opening of 1918!' more than one and a half times asM large as any force ever before mob-iJ ilized by this Nation, according to a| * statement by Secretary of War Ba- M ker. During the war with Spain the! Army of the United States at its! 1 maximum strength aggregated 272,-J ? 000 men and officers. The Army in^ I ; preference"of the Souths iade it possible to produce/ ' this year?get results" . nt for Free Advice, inforVY. It means doljphate Co. ^|l|j iuth Carolina ;he field and in training now is.prac- '2^ :ically six times as great as the max- 1 mum number under arms in th? .. 3 Spanish-American War. About 45.000 officers were com missioned from civil life in the two series of,training camps, nearlyjight times as many as the nuihber ; \f officers in the Regular Army, Sjg \pril 1, 1917. CIRCUSES PLAN ARRIVAL BY MOTORS, N(5T FREIGHT Peru, Ind., Jan. 25.?The motori sation of circuses is another possijility in connection with governnent control of railroads. Army requisitioning of draft stock looms as another serious phase ' . ^ 3f the circus businass this year. The jonn KODinson snows, wmcu ? lave spent thousands of dollars here * for circus winter quarters, is the -M irst circus to give serious consider* ^ ition to the motor plan. Other circuses, such as the Ringing Brothers, Barnum & Bailey and ;.~ ffagenback-Wallace, also have been ldvised by the government that transportation this year cannot be guaranteed. Van Hampton Burgin, an Atlanta )oy, graduated from the aviation ichool at Austin, Texas, with a 100 s jj )er cent rating. (