I Opera House Abbeville, S. C. Monday Night i Only, Dec. 10th. W. S. JONES Presents Bell's Famous Hawaiians In A Musicale Satire In Two Parts The most perfectly equipped Hawaiian organization touring America today. The Greatest Musicians Of All Times. Each one an Artist Prices 50 Cents 5 Cents War Tax. 75 Cents 8 Cents War Tax. $1.00 10 Cents War Tax. ALL SEATS RESERVED. ^ Sale Starts Thurs=; day 10 a. m. THE WILLIAMSPORT SUN SAYS:| HAWAIIANS PRESENT AN UNUSUAL PROGRAM.I Majestic Theatre Patrons Were Greatly Pleased With the Offering. "An unusual program by Hawaii-1 an musicians was presented at the Majestic theatre last evening by a! capable company. They were greeted by a large and appreciative au-1 dience and were forced to respond j to numerous encores. W. S. Jones presented Bell's Famous Hawaiians in a musical satire, in two parts, | that entirely pleased all present. This is the first time that a com-, pany of these people has visited thisj theatre and given a complete per-1 formance, and the patrons of the! theatre responded heartily. The first scene was that of Waiki-, ki beach at Honolulu, and here the| men played on their instruments! and sang songs in their native ton-i gue. Solo numbers, quartet numbers and instruments selections: marked the first part of the pro-, gram, which closed with a realistic Hula Hula dance by Princess Lei Lehua. In this part M. R. Pele, favored the audience with several numbers on the steel guitar. He was forced to answer with several encores. He was accompanied by J. Peleika. The second scene was that of aj parlor at the Alexander Young hotel | in Honolulu city. During this partj the violinist E. Russell carried away I the audience with the selections on i his instrument and his appearance j twice in this part of the program; brought him an unusual amount ofi applause. Popular music was rend-j ered by Russell after his opening i number. J. Hailama captured the audience from his first appearance on the stage, and his solo numbers were applauded until he was j forced to stop because of the | length of the program. The program: closed with "Your Country Needs! You" and "We're Going Over," by j G. Mederious and company and! the singing of the "Star-Spangled! Banner," with a woman dressed in i an American flag holding a prominent position on the stage, the audi-, ence and company standing. I th DURE IOT WAfil IF TO0 DEIIUE A L MSI COMFLESIW st days we can't help but look tobetter and feel better j grafter an Inside bath. !. : in I '? To look one's best and feel one's' ^h best is to enjoy an inside bath each,^ morning to flush from the system! the previous day's waste, sour fer-jyc mentations and poisonous toxins be-iw' fore it is obsorbed into the blood, i Just as coal, when it burns, leaves! ne behind a certain amount of incom-j*16 bustible material in the form of jm' ashes, so the food and drink taken: each day leave in the alimentary] organs a certain amount of indiges- j ^ tible material, which if not elimi-j ^ nated, form toxins and poisons; which are then sucked into the' blood through the very ducts which; are intended to suck in only nour-| ishment to sustain the body. If you want to see the glow of j healthy bloom in your cheeks, to( see your skin get clearer, and j clearer, you are told to drink every I ca morning upon arising, a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of; * limestone phosphate in it, which is I ej< a harmless means of washings the ^ waste material and toxins from the nQ stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, thus cleansing, sweetening and puri- ^ fying the entire alimentary tract, an before putting more food into the stomach. Men and women with sallow skin, . liver spots, pimples or pallid com- rg plexion, also those who wake up ; with a coated tongue, bad taste, j.J nasty breath, others who are bother- g0 ed with headaches, bilious spells, ac acid stomach or constipation should ^ begin this phosphated hot water drinking and are assured of very pronounced results in one or two weeks. ed A quarter pound of limestone phosphate costs very little at the ^ drug store but is sufficient to dem-.^ onstrate that just as soap and hotLj water cleanses, purifies and fresh- j. ens the skin on the outside, so hot | ru water and limestone phosphate act gr on the inside organs. We must al-!an ways consider that internal sanita-l tion is vastly more important than j LI outside cleanliness, because the skin pores do not absorb impurities into, the blood, while the bowel pores do. M ?Adv. URIC ACID IN MEAT CLOGS THE KIDNEYS! ! di Take a Glass of Salts if Your Back) | a Hurts or Bladder Bothers. j jg i pi If you must have meat every day ju eat it, but flush your kidneys with bc salts occasionally, says a noted au- Qr thority who tells us that meat iorms, ^ uric acid which almost paralyzes1 the kidneys in their efforts to ex- J ^ pel it from the blood. They become i m< sluggish and weaken, then you suf- j fer with a dull misery in the kidney j region, sharp pains in the back or; I sa sick headache, dizziness, your stom-i^ ach sours, tongue is coated andi^. ..+v,a it7Qs?tV>er is bad vou have | WJ1C11 VliV, w rheumatic twinges. The urine gets'Qr cloudy, full of sediment, the ch&n nels often get sore and irritated, mi obliging you to seek relief two or g three times during the night. j m; To neutralize these irritating j I acids, to cleanse the kidneys and| sn flush off the body's urinous waste get four ounces of Jad Salts fromi^ any pharmacy here; take a table- y spoonful in a glass of water before V breakfast for a few days and your V kidneys will then act fine. ThisiV famous salts is made from the acidjV of grapes and lemon juice, combined | V with lithia, and has been used for IV. ' I generations to flush and stimulated sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize ^' the caids in urine, so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder weakcl( n#?ss. W1' Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot 311 injure, and makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink.?Adv. J a ^ ac TRY "CASCARETS" FOR br LIVER AND BOWELS ta IF SICK OR BILIOUS I Bt Tonight! Clean Your Bowels andjpl .Sfnn Headache. Colds. Sour | se Stomach. | tri j ail Get a 10-cent box now. ! ini Turn the rascals out?the head-jbr ache, biliousness, indigestion, the; sick, sour stomach, and bad colds? up turn them out to-night and keep At lpaiea waste matter (luu puiovii 11*1 e bowels. Then you will fed eat. A Cascaret to-night straightens >u out by morning. They work hile you sleep. A 10-cent box ; om any drug store means a clear :ad, sweet stomach and clean, salthy liver and bowel action for onths. Children love Cascarets icause they never gripe or sicken. -Adv. 30K AT A CHILD'S TONGUE WHEN CROSS, FEVERISH AND SICK ike No Chances! Move Poisons From Liver and Bowels at Once Mothers can rest easy after giv? "California Syrup of Figs," beuse in a few hours all the cloggedi waste, sour bile and fermenting od gently moves out of the bow5, and you have a well, playful ild again. Children simply will t take the time from play to empthier bowels, and they become jhtly packed, liver gets sluggish d stomach disordered. When cross, feverish, restless, see tongue is coated, then give this licious "fruit laxative." Child? if cinri it. pan not cause jury. No difference what ails your tie one?if full of cold, or a re throat, diarrhoea, stomachhe, bad breath, remember, a geni, "inside cleansing" should allys be the first treatment given. ' ill directions for babies, children all ages and grown-ups are printon each bottle. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups, sk your druggist for a 50-cent bots of "California Syrup of Figs," en look carefully and see that it made by the "California Fig Sy-! p Company." We make no small-' size. Hand back with contempt; iy other fig syrup.?Adv. ?MONS WHITEN AND \qgT~ BEAUTIFY THE SKIN T alt* Thi# Beauty Lot'cn Cheaply ( ^ For Your Face, Ne:k, Arms ft and Hands. \' At the cost of a small jar of or- "jP nary cold cream one can prepare full quarter pint of the most won- V rful lemon skin softener and com- \ i exion beautifier, by squeezing the pwgj ice of two fresh lemons into aj f ittle containing three ounces of j chard white. Care should be / ken to strain the juice through a ^ le cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, \. en this lotion will keep fresh for j, onths. Every woman knows that /) mon juice is used to bleach and K mr?ve> 5nr>h hlemishes as freckles, ] j^\ iiowness and tan and is the ideal ]I in softener, whitener and beauti- Y/ 4 T. K Just try it! Get three ounces of IV chard white at any drug store and 'j ro lemons from the grocer and ^ ake up a quarter pint of this ^ meetly fragrant lemon lotion and ^ assage it daily into the face, neck \ ms and hands. It is marvelous to J, loothen rough, red hands.?Adv. / S vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv % v f HEAD STUFFED FROM V ^ CATARRH OR A COLD V IJ : . v I Says Cream Applied in Nos- V / trils Opens Air Passages V f Right Up. V I \ Instant reiief?no waiting. Your v Jgged nostrils open right up; the gLj r passages of your head clear and >u can breathe freely. No more A .wking, snuffling, blowing, headhe, dryness. No struggling for ^or eath at night; your cold or <:a, elect rrh disappears. \ Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream R. ilm from your druggist now. Ap- . abov y a little of this fragrant, antiptic, healing cream in your nos- elect lis. It penetrates through every I ^ r passage of the head, soothes the \ flamed or swollen mucous mem-j nr ane and relief comes instantly, j Uf It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed-j i with a cold or nasty catarrh.? Iv. em out with Cascarets. grig Millions of men and women take 8 i Cascaret now and then and never I I low the misery caused by a lazy I j rer, clogged bowels, or an upset K omach. 9 Don't put in another day of dis- | | |i ess. Let Cascarets cleanse your j omach; remove the sour, ferment- fi g food; take the excess bile fron E >ur liver and carry out all the cor- D 1 ?ii? ?J I J.M. We are offei Coat Su and S See I M J. lfl. mmmrnmmmmmmmmimmm rnmmmmamtmmmammmmmmmmmmmmm* Electricity's latest gift to / v the housewife?greatest \ ! since the electric iron * and electric vacuum i t: cleaner?the '/ b Western Electric \ j I Portable j p Sewing Machine ( No more tiresome J a treadle pushing ? no j/J h more backache?a little ]M k electric motor does the | t hard work. t j, A foot control gives any e speed desired. , o The entire machine in j ? its case can be carried | anywhere?it's no larger u * than a typewriter. i ^ Ask for a demonstra- i r tion. Ij Dec. 12th, } ? 13th, 14th f; s low day rate makes it possible y every housewife to have an e ric sewing machine. | 8 I A. Riiley will be here on the I e named dates to demonstrate rical e.ppliances. You are cory invited to come. ^ HE 111 AND I; llffl PUB! j: Anderson Company ing very low prices following lines. its, Cloaks, I ilk Dresses ai Millinery. i us before buying. Anderson Companj lAWAII'S MUSICAL WIZARDS HAD HL TO VISIT ABBEVILLE Bell's Famous Hawaiians, a large (Cor ompany of real Hawaiians repre- The comr enting the pick of the musical wiz- ern front rds of the Hawaiian Islands, which tion of t omes to the Grand Opera House necessary >n Monday night, Dec. 10th, will, keep in 10 doubt, prove to be one of the chief coir fViof will vicif fRicmipHI Cttuuic am av uuuo wic*v ***** his city this season. To a stage etting of beautiful scenery, show- ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ng the moonlit waters of Honolulu v. Jay, Diamond Head Mountain in ^ he distance, the quaint Hawaiian V V V. V 1 illages nestling around its base and he goigeous cocoanut palms andi M'ss B ropical plants and flowers, and the ta*ned a i inkling of the Ukuleles, mandolins, a deligl: anjos, harps, guitars and many m?rning ther quaint musical instruments, tochers 1 fell's Famous Hawaiians will trans- Thanksgn ort the patrons of the show to heir Pacific paradise. ^.gs ^ In presenting this organization of a numbei 11 Hawaiian players, the manager , , ' ' six o cloc ias, without a doubt, struck the comp]jme. :ey note of the public's desire, as jjn nQW hey are being greeted by packed Evelyn H louses in each city they have visitd. There has possibly never been, r never will be any class of music >r musicians that have gained and ^axco e ield the hearts of the music loving ^ leople of the world as have the Ha- Mamie D vaiians with their dreamy, fasci- Evelyn lating strains. guests du The company which comes to i^ays. A his city is the one which appeared ^our, Mr it the Panama Exposition at San ous salad Yancisco, and while there played /^er ^ o over two million people during ?es heir engagement. If one is fond Watson, if a real musical treat, beautiful ?radley> cenery, gorgeous costumes, the kink, K isit of Bell's Famous Hawaiians Brooks ai vill leave a pleasant lingering rem- mbrance of the visit of the or- At the ;anization to this city. the chicf Don't forget the date, Monday, ciplinaria: )ec. 10th. ing to tei eat with ENTERTAINED IN ELBERTON spoons ar sistants a Colonel and Mrs. Z. B. Rogers en- a few of of n Hplicrhtful dinner on table etii Ci iCilliWU c*v v? ? 1-> Saturday evening in compliment to who do r heir house guests, Miss Jess Flesser _ if Erie, Pa., and Mr. H. G. Smith, Tyirs. E f Abbeville, S. C.?Elberton So- Atlanta 1 ial News to Atlanta Journal. al days. r r ' on the % Serge j id 1 # K , ^ C! I J y ' IN'S REPLY IN SHORT TIME itinued from Page 1.) nander of the German east ; will place at the disposihe Russian commission the . . apparatus so that it may communication with its imand. "von Hoffmeister." V SOCIAL NEWS. V uvvvvvvvvvv essie Lee Cheatham entersmall number of friends at itful luncheon Saturday in honor of the visiting who were in our midst for ring and the week-end. * * * [aggie Brooks entertained of friends at dinner at k on Wednesday evening, ' ntary to Miss Mamie Devof Greenwood, and Miss !amner, of Roanoke, Va. * * day afternoon Mrs. M. R. ntertained most delightonor of her sister, Miss evlin, and her friend, Miss Hamner, who were her ring the Thanksgiving hol.t the close of the social s. Plaxco served a delicicourse. ests were: Misses Mary E. sie Lee (Jheatnam, Louise Louise Brown, Margie Ruth McLane, Mary Q. J Catherine Link, Maggie . id Mrs. G. E. Calvert. Great Lakes navai stations master at arm, who is disn of the mess hall is tryach the young "jackies" to ^ their forks instead of id knives. He has five asnd it takes them all. While them know all details of quette there are others lot. . R. Thomson went over to , ast Friday to spend sever - ?-?