The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, December 04, 1917, Page THREE, Image 3

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> V V V V V V V V V V V V V : w nil > 4 I ABI : We J HC ; Abbevillef An Association of the p r perty of its policy holdei / and Wind Storms at one ' than at pr f Speedy and fair adjustm f ' Of the TWO AND A HAL] f dollar goes to the . f' The Federal Land Ban It is a Member of the 1 * \ f The Following are a f f\ Letter From Abbeville Baitkc f ' f Oct. 15th, 1917. f To Whom it May Conccm: ^ This introduces to favorable cc sideration the Abbeville-Grec wood - Mutual Association. T1 f company has been doing busine - in this county, Abbeville, for twf ty-five years, has always paid th< * losses promptly and has saved t f insured considerable money in rat of insurance. They have kept f account with this bank and t f same has been satisfactory to i As managed by Messrs. J. R. Bia and J. Frazier Lyon they are c f ing a good work for the Counties , which they have operated and i * i? i ? xaKe pleasure in uuixuiieiiuiiig ti? ^ as first-lass insurance company. v f carry considerable 'insurance wi them myself. Respectfully, ' National Bank of Abbeville, f (Signed) J. Allen Smith, Pr< f From a Gray Court Farmer. r f Gray Court, S. C., Aug. 4,1916. f This is to certify that my ba' I ir? 4"V? r\ A Vvl^ATTlll lCl/ClltlJ' 1113U1CU 111 tllU Xlkfu^viij f Greenwood Muttial Insurance A f sociation, was seriously damag< by windstorm, and the same dj f the Association was notifiecj of t] . f accident, it satisfoctorily adjusti the damages. I heartily commei f the Company for its prompt ai f businesslike methods. (Signed) W. M. Stone. f lo those who desire safe t f home i f J. R. E f " National Bank Bui f f i -V ;-3 Ill Mf ie_nu 5EVIL I^ZZZZZI^^^^ZZZZ k TP A Q< t l/goiiv 1 V Ui )ME I] Greenwood "" o eople, for the people, anc s, both in city and count =half less cost than stock esent. Property not insi ents of all losses of propi foui F MILLION DOLARS OF I loser of property, which mean ks of the Government accept National Association of Muti ew of the many testimonials ,r\ Letter Fror m-j Mr. J. R. Blake, 5 11s iSS Abbeville-Greenwc *?" wood, S. C. jir he Dear Sir: ;es ^ Your Associatio] is. is now licensed to ke ^0_ rens and Edgefield in The record whic -1** quarter of a centu th insurance at al ? pany should recon ?s> citizens in the seve T don Vmf V\al i Qirn in respect to phys future your Associ surance still furth( rn e~ This Departmen .S- / ed supervision over tl ly |ie it has done in the j ed id ld (Signed) protection for their property, i interprises, We would say ins For fur\ ILAKI il/linrr Llltlllg) ^ > > > > > A >>>^^^ ' ' - - ' > ' r ' . \ . . V . . ./. /' V.. - "4^ V-i. . - ' . uuiill mn =0F=== LE C av That The NSTIT Mutual Insi 1 by the people, for Twe ry, against damage by F : companies, and has nev ired against Wind storm erty are made at assesse 'ths clause attached. NSURANCE now carried, 1 s the up-building of your coui its policies as Collateral for lal Insurance Companies, in regard to the Association: ' A n Commissioner McMas \ Columbia, S. C., April 14th, 19 Secretary-Treasurer, )od Mutual Insurance Association, ( n Having complied with the laws or this do business in Abbeville, Greenwood, I Counties. h your Association has made for the \ / ry in paying all claims against it an< bout two-thirds of the cost in the stock imend it to the kindly consideration o iral counties in which it is licensed, that with the careful selection or risks ical, moral and financial hazards, ii ation should be able to reduce the cost ir. t will continue to exercise the most ct le affairs of your company in the futu )ast. Yours truly, F. H. McMASTER, Insurance Commission i it the minimum cost of insw ure in the Abbeville-Greenu) 'her information, call upon l, uern i * , ~ui- -.; ,:i : ' : -.:: J.. Fm I Vffi 0UN1 Old Reliable unoi : ft race Assc nty=Five years has beer 'ire and Lightning, Cy rer been in a more pre s is only partially prote< d valuation when insuri > i' ? . ... the money paid out is kept j lty. money loaned. ;r \. Letter From iter . m . To Whom'it J We are glad 1fi , half of a valu the Abbeville Association. ' been doing bui Jreen- adjoining corn some twenty-fi derstanding is all losses prorc considerable b we have foum State > prompt in" n From our kno ods of the Asj we cheerfullyfavorable cons rtflsrh n Hi Airline nrmn f ? ??? ? ""J * O , . . insurance on t] * &1V~ a policy with t com Re (Signed) J. 1 tlie National Loan of Greenw Oct. 8, 1917. 5 Dotl). ? % a the From Dr of in- T t_ I am a cnai Greenwood 1 and it gives n ireful that I have sui losses and the re as adinsted them. sessments muc line Companies ommend this wishing to insi R Br (Signed) Ware Shoals, 'ance, and Would co-opera ood Mutual Association. ;ral Ai Greet >\>>>>>>>>>> \wmwkM' m i m ^i...,... ? *.' ?* ?? . . V ,W >?< ,:;. T , --,;| s" . %^eMM : ?; *'- ' :!. ma f L1 -yV iciation . if V* >?V '? , 'V?? ."/.j V i insuring the pro- , ^ 1 T J ' '1 -im vA clones, 1 ornadoes f ?*??. sperous condition r : p | :ted ' ed, with no three- ' ^ 7 W ' ' q|| at home and every ' ^ < . .r?- , \ >^! \ /i . 5?3/tt ' " ^ v*"~ ^ 7 Vv|| Greenwood Banker tfay Concern: * I to say a word in be- f. ed customer of ours, yrf -Greenwood Mutual - ' ; -C This Association has f siness in this and the f -1 ity of Abbeville for ve years, and our un- 1 / that they have paid f iptly. They have done usiness with us and d them reliable and f leeting obligations. f wledge of the meth- ;'-'rvV-'3 sociation in the past, * recommend it to the f < ideration of those in ities desiring reliable f heir property. I have f he company myself. , . , ispectfully, T. Medlock, Pres. f i & Exchange Bank ood. '" . f". f . f. W. T. Jones. f *ter member of the '"7 Mutual Association r, le pleasure to state ' * , stained two or more ' ' s company promptly f I have found the as- J. h lower than the old **"' it and therefore rec- f ' Company to those f ire their property. espectfully, W. T. Jones, M. D / 7,.,*? S. C., Oct. 10, 1917. ?????? Cilli'lj te in building up /7t f. *ent | lwood, S. C. f. ivNOV